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结合河北省邢汾高速公路深路堑边坡工程实际,建立了基于GSM网络的边坡地质灾害远程监控系统。监测项目主要包括边坡岩体深部位移和降雨量,监测系统确定了位移值和位移速率预警值,并根据外界条件变化和监测结果实时调整监测频率,编制了现场监控预警系统的技术方案。  相似文献   

在远程实时监测系统前期研究开发基础上,以平庄露天矿边坡为现场应用研究对象,开展了滑坡监测及预报的现场试验研究.对露天矿山边坡在采动条件下,由稳定到不稳定直至滑动的全过程,进行远程实时监测.至2007年1月14日产生滑坡.在获得宝贵的大型现场试验数据基础上,对比分析了边坡的滑动破坏特征、位移和远程监测曲线,揭示了远程监测曲线斜率增大预示边坡稳定系数降低,曲线斜率突增处是预报特征点.试验表明,该方法实际应用于滑坡灾害监测预报是有效的,与传统的位移监测方法相比,不仅实现了远程无线监测,而且在预报时间上显著提前.  相似文献   

Micro-seismic phenomena,occurring when rock masses are subjected to forces and failures,allow the determination of their unstable states and failure zones by analyzing micro-seismic signals.We first pr...  相似文献   

针对滑坡区地质、地形情况复杂的特点,建立由D级GPS基准点构成的监测网,分阶段逐次加密监测点。为保证点位精度,设立严格的技术要求,并利用滑坡表观现象、定性定量指标、累计位移数学模型结合专家知识等建立滑坡预警预报机制,针对滑坡变形的情况分别采用堆载、啧锚挂网、预应力锚索三种综合应急治理措施,减小了滑坡下滑速率,保证了滑坡的稳定性,为综合治理提供了较好的施工条件。  相似文献   

为了保证桥梁健康监测系统的有效性和及时性,给桥梁管理者提供维修及加固的依据,以南昌市新八一大桥为工程背景,在有限元数值模拟结合传感器监测数据的基础上,建立了多指标并行预警的结构预警体系,阐述了预警指标、预警阈值和预警流程,并重点对索力、关键部位应力和挠度、疲劳车辆荷载、固有频率变化率等预警指标进行了计算分析。应用结果表明,在当前荷载作用下新八一大桥的各项预警指标的结果都正常,满足使用要求。  相似文献   

GPS在滑坡外观变形监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
GPS技术具有全天候、自动化、选点灵活、可同时测定点的三维位置与速率等优点,因而为滑坡监测提供了一种新的有效的数据采集手段。主要介绍了GPS用于滑坡变形监测的方法,并通过三峡库区卡子湾滑坡体的变形监测介绍了GPS滑坡监测的整个过程,包括监测网的技术设计、外业观测、数据处理、变形分析等内容。监测结果表明,采用GPS静态定位技术达到mm级的精度,完全可以满足高精度滑坡监测的要求。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于网络技术的煤矿安全监控系统,给出了系统实现的原理和结构组成,提出了系统软、硬件的设计思想和工作原理,重点分析了数据采集器、分站、通信接口、监控终端的实现方法及其监控计算机系统软件设计原理,阐述了系统实现的功能和工作过程,开发了灾变预警预报动态化、可视化、决策可靠性高的基于网络化的煤矿安全监控系统.实践表明:该系统性能稳定、可靠性高、易于操作、维护量小,具有广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

Large-scale deformation can not be detected by traditional D-InSAR technique because of the limit of its detectable deformation gradient, we propose a method that combines SAR data with point cloud data obtained by 3D laser scanning to improve the gradient of deformation detection. The proposed method takes advantage of high-density of 3D laser scanning point cloud data and its high precision of point positioning after 3D modeling. The specific process can be described as follows: first, large-scale deformation points in the interferogram are masked out based on interferometric coherence; second, the interferogram with holes is unwrapped to obtain a deformation map with holes, and last, the holes in the deformation map are filled with point cloud data using inverse distance weighting algorithm, which will achieve seamless connection of monitoring region. We took the embankment dam above working face of a certain mining area in Shandong province as an example to study large-scale deformation in mining area using the proposed method. The results show that the maximum absolute error is 64 mm, relative error of maximum subsidence value is 4.95%, and they are consistent with leveling data of ground observation stations, which confirms the feasibility of this method. The method we presented provides new ways and means for achieving large-scale deformation monitoring by D-InSAR in mining area.  相似文献   

The mining area deformation monitoring theory and method using precise point positioning (PPP) ambiguity resolution (AR) were studied, and an ambiguity fixing model with satellite and receiver combination phase delay (CPD) was proposed for zero-differenced PPP ambiguity fixing and its corresponding formula derivation was given. The data processing results for 1 h at six IGS stations in China show that 93% of ambiguities can be fixed within 10 min and all ambiguities can be fixed within 15 min. After ambiguity fixing, the positioning accuracy is improved by more than 85% in the E and N directions, with absolute positioning accuracy reaching millimeter level, and it was improved by 70% in the U direction, reaching centimeter level; the proposed zero-differenced ambiguity fixing model can effectively improve the convergence rate and positioning accuracy in PPP. Data monitoring continuously conducted for half a year at four CORS stations of Shanxi China Coal Pingshuo Group validated the feasibility of using PPP in mining area deformation monitoring.  相似文献   

利用矿井瓦斯浓度异常预警系统作为研究平台,结合当前矿井安全监控系统运行状况,对井下瓦斯采集数据进行深层次挖掘,并进行二次开发和利用,最终达到对瓦斯浓度异常增幅过程实时监控和提前预警的目的,对瓦斯超限预防、地质预测预报、安全监控误报预防等具有较大的意义。此项研究通过对采掘工作面的瓦斯涌出的微小变化进行预警,特别是采掘工作面临近煤层或岩巷掘进面接近构造带时,可以及时发现煤层和构造,不仅能有效预防瓦斯超限,而且对于防突工作具有重要价值和意义。  相似文献   

Application of a microseismic monitoring system in deep mining   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A microseismic monitoring system was used in the Donggua Shan underground copper mine, and its application was introduced. The spacial distribution of the seismic event was monitored effectively during mining with this system. The distribution of the seismic intensity in different time periods and in the different mining districts was obtained via the clustering analysis of the monitored results, and the different intensity concentration districts of seismicity were compartmentalized. The various characteristics and waveforms of different vibrations in the underground mine were revealed with the help of the micro-seismic monitoring system. It was proved that the construction and application of the micro-seismic monitoring system in the mine not only realized the continuous monitoring of seismicity in the deep mine, but also settled an this system.  相似文献   

The article simply describes the difficulties of the Mould and Die project control, and then put forward the thoughts of developing the Monitoring and Early Warning System for the Mould and Die manufacturing. Afterwards, the main three constructing principles and the goals of the system are explained carefully. Based on those, the theory and the classifications of the Monitoring and Early Warning are expounded. With the assistance of the use case diagram of UML (the United Modeling Language), the main functions of the system are analyzed; and with the activity diagram of the UML, the work flows of the monitoring and early warning are expressed clearly. Finally, the classes and the architectures of the system are designed by making use of the class diagram of UML.  相似文献   

山洪灾害为全球重大自然灾害之一,本世纪全球因山洪灾害造成的经济损失已高达每年460多亿美元。我国山洪灾害防治区面积约占陆地面积的40%,山洪灾害造成的人员死亡约占洪涝灾害死亡人数的70%。近年来,我国全面开展山洪灾害防治项目建设,目前已基本建成了专群结合的山洪灾害防治体系,山洪灾害监测预警技术水平明显提升。山区暴雨山洪灾害实例表明,重大人员伤亡与重大财产损失的山洪灾害事件往往源于洪水和泥沙的共同作用,然而,以往在进行山洪灾害防治时,大多仅关注“洪水”的作用,忽视了“洪水和泥沙”共同作用将显著增大山洪灾害的致灾风险乃至出现“小洪水大灾害”。为了进一步提高山洪灾害防控能力和完善山洪灾害防御体系,亟需深入研究暴雨山洪水沙灾害预报预警关键技术。“山区暴雨山洪水沙灾害预报预警关键技术研究与示范”项目,以洪水和泥沙共同作用为切入点,凝练了四个需攻克的关键科学技术问题:1)山区暴雨作用下流域产流产沙异变机制、水沙过程与沟床剧变耦合致灾机制;2)山区暴雨山洪水沙灾害早期识别与致灾要素一体化智能监测技术;3)山区暴雨山洪水沙运动过程模拟与快速预报技术;4)基于山洪水沙灾害动力过程的灾害风险动态评估与预警防控技术。围绕关键科学技术问题的内涵,提出五个需开展的重点研究内容:1)山区暴雨产流产沙过程与水沙耦合致灾机制研究;2)山区暴雨山洪水沙灾害早期识别与智能监测技术;3)山区暴雨山洪水沙运动过程模拟与快速预报技术;4)山区暴雨山洪水沙灾害风险动态评估与预警技术;5)山区暴雨山洪水沙灾害预报预警防控平台构建与示范。研究成果将揭示山区暴雨产流产沙过程与水沙耦合致灾机制,提出山区暴雨山洪水沙灾害早期识别方法、山区暴雨山洪水沙灾害智能监测技术体系、山洪水沙运动过程模拟与快速预报技术、山洪水沙灾害风险动态评估与预警技术等,构建集早期识别、风险评估及综合防控一体化的暴雨山洪水沙灾害预报预警防控平台,提升我国暴雨山洪灾害监测预警与防控的实时性、精准度和智能化水平。  相似文献   

受水沙耦合致灾作用,暴雨山洪灾害一般表现为山洪洪水灾害、山洪水沙灾害及山洪泥石流灾害3种模式,不同灾害模式的成灾特点、灾害规模、致灾指标及阈值常存在显著差异.传统暴雨山洪灾害防治预警技术的研究思路主要以"雨量–径流–成灾水位"雨水情分析为主,缺乏"雨–水–沙"变化系统研究,未充分考虑洪水泥沙耦合作用下山洪灾害易发区的成...  相似文献   

无人机遥感技术在地质灾害调查中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于无人机的特点、性能,阐述了无人机在地质灾害调查中的作业步骤.以宁夏回族自治区彭阳县古城镇为研究区,证明了无人机在地质灾害调查中的可行性和优越性.通过介绍无人机在地质灾害调查中的应用特点、意义和关键技术,展望了无人机在地质灾害调查中的应用前景.  相似文献   

基于WebGIS的施工监测信息管理系统应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了规避重大工程施工安全风险,实现信息化施工,以地铁施工监测信息为依据,建立了基于WebGIS的施工监测信息管理与安全预警系统,为施工监测的信息处理提出了一整套系统管理的解决方案.阐述分析了该系统的设计及其主要功能的实现方法.系统应用于广州地铁五号线土建施工第三方监测信息化管理,实现了监测-作业-管理三方信息的互联互动,为地铁施工监测信息及工程安全预警的可视化管理提供了技术保障.  相似文献   

Exploitation technology of pressure relief coalbed methane in vertical surface wells is a new method for exploration of gas and coalbed methane exploitation in mining areas with high concentrations of gas, where tectonic coal developed. Studies on vertical surface well technology in the Huainan Coal Mining area play a role in demonstration in the use of clean, new energy re-sources, preventing and reducing coal mine gas accidents and protecting the environment. Based on the practice of gas drainage engineering of pressure relief coalbed methane in vertical surface wells and combined with relative geological and exploration en-gineering theories, the design principles of design and structure of wells of pressure relief coaibed methane in vertical surface wells are studied. The effects of extraction and their causes are discussed and the impact of geological conditions on gas production of the vertical surface wells are analyzed. The results indicate that in mining areas with high concentrations of gas, where tectonic coal developed, a success rate of pressure relief coalbed methane in surface vertical well is high and single well production usually great. But deformation due to coal exploitation could damage boreholes and cause breaks in the connection between aquifers and bore-holes, which could induce a decrease, even a complete halt in gas production of a single well. The design of well site location and wellbore configuration are the key for technology. The development of the geological conditions for coalbed methane have a sig-nificant effect on gas production of coalbed methane wells.  相似文献   

大连董家沟煤矿地下存在多处采空区,因建设治理需要,采用地震波CT技术对其进行采空区分布状况探测。通过探测,结合收集的其他资料,共圈定董家沟煤矿研究区域内地下34处异常区域,经钻孔验证准确率高达87.5%,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

为了能够直观地展示排土场分布和形态的特点以及将监测设备布置、监测数据与排土场分布有效结合在一起,将遥感数据融入到排土场监测平台中,形成了基于遥感的排土场监测系统平台.为了解决了多幅影像融合时的变形与亮度问题,利用仿射变法的方法将大区域的遥感数据进行配准、融合成一张影像,并通过矿山的坐标系对融合好的影像进行纠正,保证了影像数据与监测布置的坐标系一致;为了解决遥感数据量大引起的无法在网络上快速浏览的问题,重点研究了图像分割的瓦片技术,将大影像分割为256×256的小影像瓦片,基于分割的瓦片数据,利用哈希格网的改进椭球四叉树的方法来建立快速的索引,使得影像浏览、查询的时间大为缩短,进一步利用遥感影像数据与监测设备布置的坐标系一致,将监测设备布置与排土场分布有机地结合在一起,从而可通过监测平台直接查看排土场分布与监测设备的分布,并通过监测设备查询各类型的日常监测数据曲线.遥感影像安全监测平台通过在云南磷化集团的应用,验证理论研究的意义和实际工程应用的价值.  相似文献   

数据挖掘技术在松花江水质预测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为更好地实现松花江水质预测,对水质的科学管理起到指导作用,应用人工神经网络技术(ANN,ArtificalNeuralNetworts),利用松花江四方台监测站某连续3年水质数据,建立水质预测模型,实现对松花江主要污染指标CODmn的预测.为保证预测模型具有较高的预测精度,将数据按月分期,应用聚类分析法对数据进行处理,...  相似文献   

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