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驾驶适性检测的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以交通安全为目的,用心理、生理学理论分析了影响驾驶适性的关键因素,根据理论和实际要求的最贴切的选择原则,结合测试仪器和驾驶员行车时心率的测试方法,选出检测驾驶员行车时心生理反应的测试仪器.通过对驾驶员行车时心生理变化的测试,并把测得的结果进行波谱分析和通过心率信号向功率谱特性的转换,定量地论证了驾驶员心率随着道路线形变化而变化的规律.所以驾驶适性检测的研究不仅为减少交通事故的发生提供了科学依据,也为现行的<公路路线设计规范>提出了"人性化设计"的修改建议.  相似文献   

公路视觉环境是指驾驶员在行车中所看到的一切外部环境,包括道路本身的线形及设施、周围的山川、建筑、其他车辆等。本文主要探讨线形、绿化等方面的视觉环境及其对驾驶安全的影响分析。  相似文献   

公路交通安全研究是一个涉及多因素的动态系统工程,大量交通事故表明,整个交通系统中公路属于基础设施,是交通安全的一项重要因素。良好的道路几何线形,平整坚固的路面结构,清晰易懂的交通标志,合理有效的防护措施等都能为驾驶员提供安全可靠的行车条件。因此本文主要对公路设计中要点问题进行分析。  相似文献   

随着公路建设步伐的加快,我县山区农村公路建设也正以前所未有的快速发展。这为山区人民脱贫致富,早日进入小康生活水平提供了良好的基础条件。但是,山区公路易遭受水毁,每年雨季期,山水汇集直冲路基,轻则影响公路通行,重则中断交通,直接危机公路行车安全,并且给当地交通部门造成重大经济损失。我区地处黄土高原中西北部地区,山岭重丘纵坡较大,地形破碎,沟壑纵横,弯多又急,受地形、地势所限,沿溪线是山区公路路线走向的最好选择。加之交通量的日益增加,道路等级初步改善和提高,以线形为主涵洞为辅已是公路建设的必然趋势。农村公路大部分地处山岭重丘区,随着村村通沥青水泥路及六盘山片区区域发展的实施,尽管设置必要的防护措施,公路及桥涵的水毁还是不断地发生。一到汛期公路常会出现水毁情况,对交通和行车行人安全都有不同程度的影响。本文就主要分析山区农村公路水毁的原因以及防治措施。  相似文献   

公路线形是车辆的直接载体,一旦确定,无论优劣,都很难改变,山区高速公路尤其如此。影响线形指标的因素错综复杂,不同地段的影响因素也经常变化,往往不是所有因素都能同时达到要求,或者说很难让整个项目或较长路段均能达到标准规定的条件。目前,一些设计较注重对照执行标准规范的条文,对项目的分段差异和实际情况综合考虑不够,在线形指标的掌握上缺乏灵活性,导致线形设计"合法而不合理",造成公路大填、大挖,不仅增加工程造价,而且严重影响沿线景观和生态环境,甚至有的形成事故黑点。本文从线形设计方法、平面线形设计、纵面线形设计、平纵线形组合设计和线形与环境的协调五个方面,就如何改进山区高速公路线形设计进行了分析研究。  相似文献   

山区公路测量存在高差大、地形复杂多变、通视条件不好、雨雾天气多等条件,在山区公路施测中,传统的水准测量、三角高程测量方法操作不便而且无法保证精度。而GPS—RTK测量技术能够实时提供任意测点的三维坐标:作业区域内站点之间无需通视:且不受天气条件的影响,可全天候作业:点位的精度可实时显示:每次放样过程一致,测放的点位精度大致相同,不存在累积误差,可保证测量精度的均匀性。可充分满足山区公路测量的基本要求。  相似文献   

本文概述了山区公路的特点,分析了在山区公路设计中环境保护、线形设计、边坡治理和景观设计等需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

通过对公路基本曲线线形的重要要素及公路基本线形各曲线段(直线、第一缓和曲线、圆曲线、第二缓和曲线、直线)的几何数学关系进行详细计算分析,解决了直线、缓和曲线段、圆曲线上任意点坐标计算问题。以CASIO fx-4800P为平台,开发推导编制出适用于公路线形中各曲线段任意桩号对应桩号处的中桩坐标、左边桩或右边桩坐标、距中桩任意距离的左桩或右桩任一横向点坐标的应用程序软件,为旖工放样很困难的大头回头曲线、桥梁、隧道等测量工作提供一个理想的软硬件联合应用操作平台。结合硬件全站仪的使用,列举了很多具有实际应用价值的算例加以分析说明。为工程技术人员设计、施工测量放线提供方便。  相似文献   

CHB-1型双通道超声波行车避碰仪安装在行车上,用于监视行车行进方向上的障碍物。特别适用于在同一轨道上安装多台行车的场合。行车驾驶员可根据仪器上的距离数字显示和声光报警指示,随时了解行车行进过程中与相邻行车之间的距离间隔。在设定的监视距离(预警距离)内,除了给出距离读数之外,尚有单音断续声响指示和绿灯断续闪光指示,以提醒行车驾驶员注意安全。在设定的制动距离(报警距离)内,声指示信号变换为双音断续声响指示,光指示信号变换为红灯和绿灯同时断续闪光指示。在此同时,仪器尚可按需要输出一个制动信号,提供一个交流220伏电源…  相似文献   

文章结合笔者的设计实践,分析了影响公路行车速度的各个因素,并结合公路线形设计提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

目的为分析对驾驶人警觉特性影响显著的驾驶人因素,利用驾驶模拟系统,以驾驶人为研究主体,选择驾驶人特征为影响因素,选取城市道路为测试场景,设计了驾驶模拟测试实验。方法通过采集驾驶人在测试场景下面对风险情况时的制动反应时间数据分析驾驶人特征对警觉特性的影响。结果所设计的仿真实验与测试结果良好,不同性别驾驶人警觉水平存在一定差异;驾驶人年龄、驾龄与里程等特征对驾驶人警觉特性影响不明显。结论研究结果可用于道路交通事故的原因分析。  相似文献   

The reported experiment investigated in an advanced driving simulator whether drivers' alertness can be maintained in drowsiness-inducing conditions by a special game-like system, a 'gamebox'. Drowsiness was assessed by self-rating and eye-closures. Mental effort was assessed by a subjective workload rating scale and by a physiological measure (the 0.1 Hz component of heart rate). Driving quality and safety were assessed by steering movements, time-to-line crossings, and by the occurrence of safety-related driving errors--solid line crossings, driving off-road incidents and accidents. When driving with the gamebox, drivers reported a lower degree of drowsiness and fewer instances of sleep episodes as compared to a control condition. Driving with the device resulted in fewer incidents and accidents, and these occurred later in the session. The quality of vehicle control deteriorated progressively over the course of the session, but less so in the gamebox condition. Hence, the results corroborate the notion that mental activity counteracts drowsiness in prolonged driving.  相似文献   

Horizontal curves have been recognized as a significant safety issue for many years, a more important factor than road width or sight distance. The research literature suggests that driver errors associated with horizontal curves result from three inter-related problems: failures of driver attention, misperceptions of speed and curvature, and poor lane positioning. To examine the roles of attentional, perceptual, and lane placement factors in driver behaviour at curves, two groups of curve treatments were identified for testing with a driving simulator. The first group of treatments consisted of four combinations of warning signs designed to alert drivers to the presence of curves and produce a reduction in curve approach speeds. The second group was comprised of several types of road markings designed to affect drivers' speed and lane position as they drove through curves. The results indicated that advance warning signs by themselves were not as effective at reducing speeds as when they were used in conjunction with chevron sight boards and/or repeater arrows. Of the road marking treatments only rumble strips produced any appreciable reductions in speed. A herringbones road marking was found to produce significant improvements in drivers' lane positions, effectively flattening the drivers' paths through the curves. A treatment combining the herringbones treatment with chevron and repeater arrow signs produced both a reliable reduction in speed as well as improved lane positions. The results are interpreted as evidence that treatments that highlight perceptual cues are the most effective means of moderating drivers' curve speeds.  相似文献   

卡车驾驶员的深度知觉研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用深度知觉测试仪,对248 名男性卡车驾驶员在视觉对象低速和高速运动条件下的深度知觉准确性进行了测量。结果表明:安全组与事故组卡车驾驶员的深度知觉准确性,在视觉对象低速运动条件下差异不显著,高速运动条件下则差异显著;年龄对卡车驾驶员深度知觉准确性无显著影响;工龄对卡车驾驶员深度知觉准确性有显著影响,30 年与30 年以上工龄组卡车驾驶员的深度知觉准确性较差  相似文献   

我国职业驾驶员心理、生理素质状况调查分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
采用驾驶适宜性检测设备对我国14个省(市)职业驾驶员的心理、生理素质进行了随机抽样检测,同时对其年龄、文化程度及事故情况等作了调查。经数据处理分析,探明了当前我国职业驾驶员的素质分布状况及存在的问题。  相似文献   

Young drivers are significantly over-represented among those injured or killed in road traffic accidents. Young adults' greater tendency to engage in risky driving behaviours has been implicated in their high crash involvement rate. While considerable research has examined the driving patterns of young adults and situational factors associated with their involvement in crashes, less is known about the characteristics or circumstances in young drivers' earlier lives that may have contributed to their current driving behaviour. This issue was explored using data from the Australian Temperament Project (ATP), a large longitudinal community-based study, which commenced in 1983 with 2443 families and has followed children's psychosocial development from infancy to early adulthood. During the most recent survey wave when participants were aged 19-20 years, information was collected from young adults about their driving experiences and behaviour. A series of analyses indicated that it was possible to distinguish a group of young adults who engaged in high risky driving behaviour (high group) from a group who engaged in low levels of risky driving behaviour (low group) from mid childhood. Young drivers with a tendency towards risky driving differed from others on aspects of temperament style, behaviour problems, social competence, school adjustment and interpersonal relationships. The implications of these findings for initiatives to reduce risky driving behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   

Entropy (ENT) is a newly developed measure of the complexity of heart rate variability (HRV). The aim of this study was to characterize the complexity of HRV in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and to find a possible clinical utility. Healthy subjects and patients with ESRD undergoing hemodialysis (HD) were recruited. The HD population consisted of patients with and without diabetes mellitus (DM). An electrocardiogram was recorded before HD, and blood pressure was measured during HD. The coefficients of variation of R-R intervals, high- and low-frequency components, and ratio of the low- to high-frequency components were measured as variables of HRV. The ENT was used to describe the complexity of HRV. Forty-six healthy subjects and 27 HD patients participated in this study. The ENT negatively correlated with the duration of DM (p = 0.001), systolic blood pressure (p = 0.003), and mean blood pressure (p = 0.004) before a HD session. ENT in HD patients was lower than that in healthy subjects (p < 0.01). ENT in HD patients with DM was lower than that in HD patients without DM (p < 0.01). The change in systolic blood pressure (DeltaSBP) during a HD session showed high correlations to ENT and ultrafiltration rate (UFR) of the dialyzer. The following equation was obtained: DeltaSBP = 2.25 x ENT - 2.28 x UFR - 21.27 (R2 = 0.805; p < 0.0001). ENT decreased with uremic and diabetic status. ENT also represents a possible prediction of hypotension during a HD session.  相似文献   

Because the driver's gap-acceptance maneuver is a complex and risky driving behavior, it is a highly concerned topic for traffic safety and operation. Previous studies have mainly focused on the driver's gap acceptance decision itself but did not pay attention to the maneuver process and driving behaviors. Using a driving simulator experiment for left-turn gap acceptance at a stop-controlled intersection, this study evaluated the effects of major traffic speed and driver age and gender on gap acceptance behaviors. The experiment results illustrate relationships among drivers' left-turn gap decision, driver's acceleration rate, steering action, and the influence of the gap-acceptance maneuver on the vehicles in the major traffic stream. The experiment results identified an association between high crash risk and high traffic speed at stop-controlled intersections. The older drivers, especially older female drivers, displayed a conservative driving attitude as a compensation for reduced driving ability, but also showed to be the most vulnerable group for the relatively complex driving maneuvers.  相似文献   

Research into self-evaluation of driving abilities has shown that drivers in North America and Europe consider that their driving abilities to be superior to those of the average driver. This survey (N = 454), carried out using a questionnaire, has confirmed this phenomenon in France where about 60% of the subjects rated themselves superior to other drivers in general. If this result is interpreted as a bias towards superior conformity of self, the study appears to show a bias with regard to conformity to driving regulations (assessed in terms of the frequency of driving offences committed). This interpretation would thus confirm the hypothesis that all subjects, whether they consider themselves superior or not to other drivers in general, believe they commit fewer offences than other drivers in general. The consequences of such a bias for the effectiveness of road safety campaigns and for drivers' risk-taking are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that seat-belt legislation may result in drivers' feeling overprotected and their consequent riskier driving may lead to more injuries to other road users (the risk homeostasis or compensation theory). We have examined data in Britain before and after legislation made seat-belt use compulsory for front-seat occupants of specified vehicles. The relative numbers of injuries to cyclists and pedestrians in collisions with vehicles requiring and not requiring seat-belt use were compared, using a loglinear analysis taking into account possible confounding variables. It was not possible directly to incorporate vehicle distance travelled for the two categories of vehicle. However, a simple adjustment for differential vehicle use accounted for most of an apparent effect. The revised odds ratio (for mandated seat-belt use vehicles versus nonmandated, post- versus prelegislation) was 1.04 for cyclists and 1.06 for pedestrians, showing minimal, if any, evidence for the theory.  相似文献   

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