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为正确应用《食物成分表》进行食物成分查询和营养配餐提供参考,将《中国食物成分表2002》与1991版《食物成分表》(全国代表值)进行了对照和比较。结果表明,两版《食物成分表》在食物分类方法、食物编码方式、食物各种营养成分数据等方面都存在着一定的差异。  相似文献   

目的:设计一种食物营养成分数据表达结构,为开发面向健康管理的膳食营养计算方法奠定基础。方法:参考国家卫生计生委发布的《食物成分数据表达规范》,以及当前常见的食物营养成分计算流程,基于关系型数据库对营养计算中涉及到的数据进行组织,详细定义了食物营养成分的数据对象和数据对象之间的关系。结果:对5类数据对象进行了计算机可读的描述,具体包括成品菜、基本食材、食材分类、烹饪方式、营养元素,并且建立了数据之间的关系。结论:该数据表达结构具有较好的计算机可读性、计算机算法可操作性以及可扩展型,有助于数据的共享、传播与利用,支持食物营养成分计算相关应用。  相似文献   

现在很多厨师都在研究美食养生的课题,一种把西方烹饪理念与中国养生理念结合的烹饪方法正在悄然兴起.这就是分子美食。分子美食学包括的议题有:人们特定的味觉和味觉感受器官以及普遍的食物喜好和厌恶是如何形成的?食物的烹饪方法如何影响食物成分的味道和口感?  相似文献   

家庭收入水平对我国城乡居民食物消费的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:分析不同家庭收入水平对我国城乡居民食物消费的影响。方法:利用"2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查"中的连续3d 24h回顾法的食物数据、"称重法"记录的家庭油脂消费量数据和家庭人均年收入数据,应用SAS软件进行统计分析。结果:我国城乡居民谷类和薯类食物消费量随收入增加呈下降趋势,蔬菜、水果、豆类及其制品和动物性食物的摄入量均随收入增加呈逐渐上升趋势。结论:家庭收入水平是影响我国城乡居民食物消费状况的重要因素。  相似文献   

近年来,食物损失与浪费是学者研究的热点问题。随着经济发展和社会结构转型,中国食物的可持续消费受到了人们不合理消费的制约。本文基于大量有关食物损失和浪费的国内外文献,对中国的食物损失与浪费进行了概述。结果发现:在过去几年中,国内关于食物损失和浪费的文献越来越多;大多数研究都是从食物损失与浪费的影响因素和测量方法角度出发,实证研究比较少,例如数据不连续、研究地域和食品供应链覆盖范围狭窄。大多数现有研究是针对少数经济发达城市进行的,其中一半以上基于二手数据进行讨论,这表明现有国内食物损失与浪费数据库存在很大的不确定性。  相似文献   

李红彪 《饮食科学》2008,(10):32-32
吃什么食物帮助控制我们的体重,的确是一件富有挑战的事情。难以抗拒的诱人的食物总是不断干扰我们的体重控制计划。在过去.医学专业人员往往是在教育人们如何认识食物的成分,现在,我们需要具备的技巧是帮助人们选择适合的食品,并改善食品与我们真正需求之间的关系。对于超重人群和中年人而言这点尤为重要。  相似文献   

食物油炸过程中挥发性成分研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
油炸食品的特有风味与食物油炸过程中产生的挥发性成分有关。由于具有较强的挥发性和复杂性,这类物质的鉴定需要有效的气体收集方式和检测分析手段。本文介绍了挥发性成分的常用收集方法、检测技术和安全性分析等,论述了煎炸油直接加热、食物油炸模拟过程和实际食物油炸过程挥发性成分生成情况的研究进展,旨在为食物油炸安全性的提高、煎炸油脂使用期限的评价、油炸食品品质和安全性的改善提供新的研究思路。  相似文献   

郭军  何梅  杨月欣 《食品科学》2005,26(8):42-51
从日本食物成分表中选出134种食物条目,并对其能量用5种不同的食物能量换算系统进行了重新计算,对各系统能量值的差异用均数、数据图形、绝对和相对差异等多种参数或方法进行了细致的统计学比较。结果表明,采用不同食物能量换算系统的食物成分表或数据库(FCT或FCD)在总能量以及在某些类食物的能量值存在较大的差异,尤其在含有极高膳食纤维的食物上差异很大;食物特异能量系统(MEspecific)和改进的代谢能为基础的能量系数系统(MEmod)对食物能量的估算结果一致性最好;中国采用的能量系数可能过低地评价了食物可代谢能量值,尤其过低评价了富含膳食纤维(DF)食物的能量值。  相似文献   

张同  赵婷  惠伯棣 《食品科学》2010,31(17):487-492
类胡萝卜素是细胞中一类对人类健康有益的次生代谢产物,广泛分布于食物中。现代分析技术的发展,尤其是高压液相色谱(HPLC)技术的发展,使人们对类胡萝卜素在食物中的分布情况有了较全面的了解。目前,人们需要从众多的检测数据中发现规律性的结果。同时,需要解决的主要问题是如何处理有时相互矛盾的数据。为此,本文收集食物中主要类胡萝卜素分布的检测数据,并试图总结出一些规律性的结论。本文还分析了同一食物形成不同检测数据的主要原因——环境和遗传因素的影响,并提出合理使用这些数据的观点。对于今后的工作,本文也提出一些建议,包括:进一步探索类胡萝卜素与健康的关系、提高食物中类胡萝卜素的利用率和发现新资源及正确分析HPLC 对类胡萝卜素的检测数据。  相似文献   

不少食物虽然味道鲜美,但其中所含的成分对身体是有毒害作用的。如何去除食物中的有毒物质,吃得更合理、更健康呢,我们不妨“以食降食”。  相似文献   

Researchers at the South African Medical Research Council used the Bangkok Declaration, Thailand, 2009, as a guideline for their food composition activities. The vision is to build a comprehensive food composition database for the country. Activities are directed at increasing the number of food items with country-specific nutrient information; encouraging research organisations, universities and the food industry to become involved in nutrient data generation and the generation of yield factors for South African dishes. The introduction of the South African Food Data System (SAFOODS) website and a symposium were major food composition activities. Educating users on the correct application of food composition data is an important endeavour. The national South African Food Data Advisory Group (SAFDAG) formed in 2008, advises and supports food composition activities at SAFOODS. In conclusion, with the support of SAFDAG, SAFOODS activities are aimed at compiling a country-specific food composition database and promoting its scientific use.  相似文献   

Food composition tables have become important tools to estimate and monitor the nutritional composition of foods next to chemical analysis. However, as analytical methods, calculation methods and obtained results differ significantly within various sources of food composition information. Because calculation methods and obtained results differ significantly within various sources of food composition information, it is indeed a challenge to build, harmonise and compile a food composition database from scattered resources and hard copy tables. This situation has been challenged and addressed in Spain with the support of EuroFIR and governmental bodies (Spanish Food Safety and Nutrition Authority, AESAN), and the Spanish Food Composition Database Network (RedBDECA) has been set up. The proposed aims of the initiative are: to identify and evaluate the main sources of food composition data in Spain; to promote communication within national groups and with EuroFIR; to design and develop a web page for the dissemination of its activities; and to create a consortium to ensure the sustainability of the Spanish Food Composition Database.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the history and evolution of the Latin American network on food composition, “LATINFOODS”, and provides information about its main outcomes regarding food composition data in Latin America.  相似文献   

Nutrient content can vary as much between different varieties of the same foods, as they do among different foods. Knowledge of varietal differences can therefore mean the difference between nutrient adequacy and inadequacy. The FAO/INFOODS food composition database for biodiversity has been developed with analytical data for foods described at the level of variety, cultivar and breed, and for underutilized and wild foods. It contains 6411 food entries and values for 451 components together with the bibliographic references and other information. The database is in MS Excel format and can be downloaded free-of-charge from the INFOODS website http://www.fao.org/infoods/biodiversity/index_en.stm. It is intended to annually publish new editions, making these data available for national and regional food composition databases. This database could be used to raise the awareness, promote and investigate food biodiversity and help to better estimate nutrient intakes.  相似文献   

Food composition databases provide important data that can be used in a variety of ways to improve the nutritional quality of food and the health of the populations. The multicultural nature of European populations, together with increased travel and the globalisation of the food supply, has led to an increase in the consumption of ethnic foods by both mainstream and ethnic populations. However, the information that is available on the composition of ethnic foods is currently incomplete and fragmentary which both prevents effective health and disease interventions and limits the provision of dietary advice and information. One of the aims of the ethnic foods work package within the European Commission’s FP6 Network of Excellence EuroFIR is the provision of new and reliable data on the nutritional composition of ethnic foods from seven EU Member States and Israel for inclusion in national food composition databases. To achieve this goal, specific standards and mechanisms were developed to sample and analyse foods to harmonise procedures. Given the anticipated usage of the data it was essential that they were representative of the foods consumed in the country or region and that proper sampling procedures of the foods were employed. The most important nutrients were prioritised and analysed by selected accredited laboratories. The analytical methods selected were appropriate to fulfil the requirements of the resulting data. Quality assurance measures (ISO 17025, CRMs, IQC) were in place and the data accurately reflected the composition of chosen foods. This paper describes the procedures for producing validated new data for inclusion in forthcoming publications.  相似文献   

One of the aims of the EuroFIR project is to establish a quality framework for national food composition databases. This paper discusses quality requirements of the data compilation process. Following the analytical production of food composition data, the compilation process is the next most important step in production of food composition data. The internationally recognised and recommended systematic approach to the identification, evaluation and control of significant hazards, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP), was used as a starting point. All steps in the compilation process are listed and presented as a generic EuroFIR flowchart describing the overall food data compilation process and identifying hazards and critical control points. The flowchart and standard operating procedures, documenting how to assure hazards at critical control points, are considered mandatory elements of the EuroFIR quality framework.  相似文献   

Dietary fibre: Challenges in production and use of food composition data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dietary fibre is a heterogeneous group of components for which several definitions and analytical methods were developed over the past decades, causing confusion among users and producers of dietary fibre data in food composition databases. An overview is given of current definitions and analytical methods. Some of the issues related to maintaining dietary fibre values in food composition databases are discussed.  相似文献   

One of the aims of this work was to evaluate the impact of introducing products that are in agreement with the Choices criteria in the usual diet of the Brazilian population. However, due to the insufficient information on key compounds related to non-transmissible chronic diseases (NTCD) in the national food composition database, the nutritional information of food labels was collected. A food composition database of industrialized products was created (1720 products) and their data were evaluated according to the Choices criteria. The replacement of typical products by products that are in accordance to the Choices criteria may cause a decrease in the intake of saturated (52%) and trans fatty acids (92%), energy (14%) and sodium (47%), as well as an increase in the intake of DF (87%); improving the diet nutritional profile. This procedure can be used as important part in a strategy for decreasing the risk for NTCD.  相似文献   

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