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社区是社会治理的基石,构筑共建共治共享的社会治理模式是新时代对社区规划的顶层设计指引,也是国外社区规划的魅力所在。国内的社区规划长期聚焦于对物质空间的刻画,但随着政府和公众对居住环境品质关注度的提升,社区规划正逐步转型,但转型程度尚有待探索。以广州市早期及新建成的保障房社区为例,从居住环境品质的角度对规划实施成效及公众参与的影响程度进行比较评价。结果显示,保障房社区规划的制度设计与技术标准均有提升,规划编制与实施也更多地吸纳公众的意见。为社区规划的转型与社区共同缔造提供参考。  相似文献   

新加坡大规模公共住房在城市中的空间组织和分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
发展公共住房除满足特定居民必要的居所需求外,更需要考虑如何实现公共住房在城市空间中的合理安排和满足特定居民合理居住空间的需求,这既是对城市决策者和规划部门的考验,也对完善城市公共住房机制提出了要求.作为城市国家,新加坡自1960年代中期开始开展的公共住房和新镇建设已持续了40余年,它在城市中以何种空间形态来组织、分布以及形成是考察的重点,并力图从不同视角和层面展开分析,借助地理信息系统工具提供多样化的表达.最终得出结论,各方面因素的综合作用决定了新加坡公共住房既大范围实现了国民基本住房保障,也让绝大部分居民能找到适合的空间位置.  相似文献   

Urban fringe area is the most important space for city development. It includes several complicated elements, such as population, space, and management organization. On the basis of local population attributes in the city fringe area combined with people’s movement characteristics in time and space, this article reclassifies basic public service facilities and discusses the relationship between facility layout and housing, employment, and commuter transportation. Through a questionnaire survey in Qiaobei District of the urban fringe area in Nanjing and on the basis of comparative analysis, we discuss the impact factor on the choice of housing, urban services, and the tolerance of commuting time. Our findings indicate mutual promoting and restricting connections among living, employment, and services. Workers’ living situation determines their daily behavior, such as dining, shopping, and entertainment. Furthermore, different income levels have a great influence on residents’ choices with regard to places to live and develop their careers  相似文献   

容积率与面积标准的双重制约下,深圳公共租赁住房套型设计较为单一。深圳作为移民城市,公共租赁住房申请人更为年轻,家庭结构多元。探析公共租赁住房在使用中普遍存在的问题及居民需求,可为其设计提供有益参考。通过调查问卷、入户调研及访谈的方式,对典型公共租赁住房套型进行调查,并对同一面积标准下不同家庭结构使用情况进行对比分析。深圳公共租赁住房居住者家庭结构多样,户均使用人数超过设计配租人数的现象普遍存在。当前套型设计存在不同功能空间面积配比及尺寸设计不合理现象,套型灵活性较差。深圳公共租赁住房配租面积应与实际居住人数、家庭结构进行适配。套型布局、面积分配及空间尺寸需要仔细推敲,同时增加灵活性,以应对多样化需求。  相似文献   

Like many other countries, Australia is grappling with the issues around the future of large public housing estates. This paper explores questions about physical image construction in six estates undergoing regeneration. Whilst improved housing amenity and image of the areas are crucial components of estate regeneration, it is argued that these aspects will not automatically benefit existing socio-economically disadvantaged residents. In the current political context, three key questions are raised: (1) In whose images the estates are being recreated, housing authorities, private property developers or residents?; (2) Whether the physical images are being imposed or democratised and used for the purposes of community development?; and (3) What the overall consequences and housing policy implications are likely to be? It is argued that the entry of market capital and the buying and selling of place through physical image reconstruction, to attract more affluent residents to the estates, is likely to add to rather than ameliorate the inequality of current public housing residents.  相似文献   

New trends in urban growth in Accra have put many poor households at a detriment, and there is a growing fragility that threatens the economic and social balance of residence in public estates resulting in many transforming their residence to cope and as a new form of urban resilience. This study examines housing transformation and livelihood outcomes in one of Ghana's largest low cost government estates, constructed in 1975 in Accra. The authors collected field data using questionnaires, interviews, observations and field pictures. The study revealed that housing transformation in public estates are a strategy to address shortfalls' associated with the physical design, structure and construction paucities, especially in living space, lifestyle and size, and for addressing pecuniary and livelihood challenges through home-based enterprises. Household needs and household assets were the significant factors affecting transformations. This study is important for policy making in developing countries because it provides a basis for policy implementation for urban and regional planners. Housing and building policies must be swotted to reflect the effort of local performance in housing supply and livelihoods. Housing design and construction must also be realistic to the current needs, lifestyle and resource availability of low-income households instead of relying on passé colonial regulations which are inappropriate for current living conditions.  相似文献   

在我国城镇化转向注重质量发展背景下,传统公服设施配置思路已难以适应居民多元化需求,尤其在用地紧张的老城区,公服设施需求与供给的矛盾十分突出。以广州越秀老城区为例,基于公服设施POI数据和步行轨迹大数据解析老城区现有公服设施存在问题,同时结合对越秀区梅花街道86位居民的访谈调研,以不同人群活动特征为出发点,通过测度设施布局与人群活动轨迹特征,提出有别于新区的老城公服设施优化策略。研究表明:现有相关设施配置标准更多是解决“有”与“无”的问题,而忽视设施实际设施使用效果;老城区设施规划应区别新区集中式设施服务中心,结合不同人群生活需求和出行特征,以点状分散、路径串联的模式优化设施布局,可以一定程度上改变老城区发展困境。  相似文献   

公共设施的适宜性布局是城乡居民享受基本的公共服务权利的基础,随着人民生活水平的不断提高,与公众生活质量息息相关的基本公共服务设施也越来越受到各界关注,合理规划基本公共服务设施建设的相关研究成为焦点。同时,由于经济发展水平与生产生活方式的不同,公共服务均等化推进差异较大,尤其是作为欠发达地区的内蒙古草原聚落,其离散型地域特征加剧了公共服务设施供给的难度。研究选择典型区域(内蒙古正镶白旗)草原聚落,以点带面对空间形态及住民生活状况进行调研分析,探讨草原聚落公共设施布局体系结构与公共服务设施适宜性布局方法,对可装配轻体系统的应用做相应的研究和讨论,提出适应性较强的公共服务空间建构模式。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new integrated modeling framework that contributes to the evaluation of public facility distribution for spatial equity in urban development. The framework consists of two integrated models—accessibility and mobility—that, based on the gravity model, are integrated as a framework for measuring the relative spatial equities of urban public facilities. They are presented as geographic information system (GIS) and spatial analysis models. The models consider individual traffic behavioral abilities and simulate regional differences in the spatial equities of urban parks. The results show unequal regional spatial development that affects mismatches between urban park services. The accumulated travel time costs associated with different resident traffic mobility and urban park location types affect the access opportunities of residents. This integrated model could be a useful reference to help urban planners analyze, investigate, and adjust the distribution of public facilities in a more equitable manner.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the physical environment and residents' perception and use of the environment settings on the social cohesiveness of disadvantaged communities in South Korea. Multiple regression and qualitative analysis were applied based on the data collected in four public rental housing estates in Seoul accommodating the lowest income households. This paper argues that social cohesiveness could be operationalised in shared norms and trust, attachment to housing estate and social networking. It was found that the characteristics of social cohesiveness were different across the same type of public rental housing estates, and that this variance was partly due to the different conditions of the physical environment. It was also found that a more positive perception of the physical environment and the more frequent use of facilities generally enhanced community cohesiveness. Desirable land use mix and housing types around the housing estates, preferable community facilities, housing block design and more effective refurbishment programmes within the estates were recommended.  相似文献   

保障房居民主要是中低收入阶层,对公共交通依赖度极高,故公交的便利通达性尤为关键。文章以厦门市保障房社区为例,采用文献查阅、现场踏勘和深度访谈的方法,识别居民为完成公交出行"最后一公里"耗费的"末梢时间"(反映公交便利性或可达性)的组成部分和影响因素,并估算"末梢时间",分析它对公交通达性的影响。研究发现:①"末梢时间"由步行到站时间和候车时间组成,影响"末梢时间"的因素包括门禁效应、机动车道阻隔和公交频次等;②保障房居民公交出行"末梢时间"平均超过13分钟;③"末梢时间"极大地降低了公交通达性;④保障房社区的公交可达性远低于普通商品房。最后文章提出完善"最后一公里"慢行交通体系,加强与公交站点的连结;合理管控优化门禁设施,开放小区内部道路;缩小小区尺度,提高道路密度;完善城市服务设施,对接"15分钟社区生活圈"等空间改进策略。  相似文献   

High housing prices in Greater Kuala Lumpur have made it difficult for potential first-time homebuyers to own a house. As a result, affordable housing schemes were introduced recently to assist potential homeowners. The Malaysian government has launched many kinds of public low-cost housing schemes; however, many housing projects resulting from these schemes have turned into slums that do not provide a wholesome environment for families. To avoid building more slums and to provide more benefits for young buyers, the goal of this paper is to determine the correct housing attributes required for first-time homebuyers in the urban area. Three hundred questionnaires were distributed to young Malaysians in Greater Kuala Lumpur (KL), and 265 questionnaires were returned. The responses to the questionnaire revealed that accessibility and neighborhood environment play a role in the decision to own. It can also be observed that ecologically friendly homes that embrace sustainability are important considerations for prospective homebuyers.  相似文献   

上海住宅市场化开发的机制分析及反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上海1990年代住宅市场化开发是政府(及其下属部门)、住宅的开发者(开发商和投资商)以及住宅的使用者(城市居民为主)共同表现的舞台。他们为了追求各自的特定利益,而在推动住宅的市场化开发进程中扮演着不同角色,继而影响了城市住宅空间的格局。房地产商在政府放任的市场化导向下,主宰了住宅空间格局的变化而城市居民在有限的选择下被动地接受着这一空间的变化。  相似文献   

街道和社区是居民日常生活的基本单元和社会治理的重要平台,街道和社区级公共服务设施是城市基本公共服务的重要载体。本文从“服务补缺”和“治理协同”的视角,揭示当前基层公共服务设施规划、建设、管理中的短板与问题,探索基层社会治理单元与基层公共服务单元相耦合的公共服务设施规划路径和实施政策机制,提出通过建设街道和社区综合服务中心,构建“20分钟街道公共服务圈”和“10分钟社区生活服务圈”,弥补基层公共服务设施建设的短板,优化城市基空间组织结构,促进城市规划与社会治理的结合。  相似文献   

The liberalization of the Chilean economy since 1974 has generated important modifications on its urban development policies. However, little attention has been paid to estimate how urban amenities are capitalized in housing prices under this new scenario. In this paper, we explore this relationship through a hedonic pricing model and 27 urban amenities for the Chilean main urban agglomeration, the Metropolitan Region of Santiago (MR). We recognize that the capitalization of urban amenities into housing prices is spatially heterogeneous, therefore we study this relationship by using the geographically weighted regression (GWR). The main results suggest that urban amenities play an important role in determining housing prices with a significant spatial heterogeneity, where notably differences between public and private local services are found. Particularly, private services such as schools, shopping centers, healthcare centers or restaurants have positive capitalizations on housing prices. In contrast, public schools, public hospitals and public kindergartens have negative valuations in housing prices, suggesting that living closer to these services reduces housing values. Our results provide policy makers with valuable elements when designing urban policies in terms of the importance of heterogeneous valuations of urban amenities across neighborhoods, how to allocate resources more efficiently to foster the quality of life on new urban residents and the need of considering the economic segregation triggered by heterogeneous preferences to amenities across space.  相似文献   

王金刚 《山西建筑》2011,37(16):254-255
针对当前层出不穷的居民社区火灾,阐述了改善和加强城市居民小区消防安全的必要性,分析了当前居民小区消防安全管理工作存在的问题,并结合城市居民小区消防现状,提出了相应的消防安全防范措施,以期提高居民小区预防和抵御火灾的能力。  相似文献   

从传统居住区规划到社区生活圈规划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于一凡 《城市规划》2019,43(5):17-22
社区生活圈规划的提出是我国城市发展进入转型时期的客观要求。从认识层面加深对社区生活圈的理解,是推进相关规划实践的重要前提。研究提出,社区生活圈是日常活动的空间范畴,社区生活圈的规划应面向生活空间而非抽象的功能地块。社区生活圈是配套服务的共享单元,社区生活圈的规划需要兼顾公共服务设施的可及性和可达性。社区生活圈也是邻里感知的社区领域,社区生活圈的规划在改善硬件服务水平的同时,也应关注营造和谐包容的社区感。社区生活圈的提出是城市规划工作适应时代发展的重要举措,也标志着新时代城市规划理念和方法的重要转型。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Equity in the delivery of urban services traditionally has been evaluated by considering the quantities of the service provided to residents of different neighborhoods within the city. For services provided at specific locations, such as branch libraries, such an approach fails to incorporate the importance of travel to the facilities and the value placed on accessibility to them. This study examines service provision by 21 branch libraries in Indianapolis using input and output measures. The study evaluates the quantities of library services provided as well as the accessibility of neighborhood residents to them. The findings show clear tradeoffs between quantity and accessibility with different packages of benefits to residents in different parts of the city.  相似文献   

申明锐 《城市规划》2011,35(11):81-87
二元性的制度体系是制约中国城镇化持续、健康发展的根本原因,尤其是当前的住房制度更是成为制约农民身份转变、定居城市、同等享受城市公共服务的关键障碍。住房市场化改革以后,城市福利住房体制解体、基本住房保障体系严重缺失,城乡住房的合法流通、交易渠道更是被完全阻断,由此极大地提高了农民进入和定居城市的经济、社会成本。二元的住房制度体系是继劳动品、劳动力之后又一次对资本与空间的剥夺,其本质上压缩了城镇化的经济成本,但也造成了社会成本的逐渐积累、不断加重——基于住房为扭结点的制度约束越来越突出,阻碍了中国城镇化的顺畅进行。基于此,通过对当前国内一些地方实践的反思与剖析,提出有关城乡一体住房制度设计的相关设想。  相似文献   

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