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移动互联网在线视频播放优化研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文针对无线网络特性,研究分析手机视频的特点及影响手机在线视频播放质量的关键参数,提出一套提高移动互联网在线视频播放质量的优化方案.  相似文献   

This article reports an experimental study that investigated the effects of narrative structure and number of salient decision points in a role-playing game (RPG). Previous research has proposed various theories and frameworks and posited that a branching structure with increased complexity (i.e., more salient decision points) will improve player’s enjoyment. However, no empirical study has been conducted to validate these statements. This research attempts to fill in this gap. Two hypotheses were developed based on prior research. In a controlled experiment, participants were asked to view prerecorded game play sessions based on which participant experiences were assessed. The experiment suggests that both narrative structure and number of salient decision points impact on game play experience of RPGs.  相似文献   

用户流失预测在很多领域得到关注,目前主流的用户流失预测方法是使用分类法。网络游戏领域发展迅猛,但用户特征选取、特征处理和流失预测的相关研究较少。本文以一款网页网络游戏的用户记录为数据,对用户游戏行为进行分析对比,发现流失用户在游戏投入、博彩热情、玩家互动方面与正常用户存在显著差异;同时发现网络游戏数据存在样本分布不平衡、候选特征库庞大和干扰差异多等难点。在此分析基础上,本文探讨了网游用户的关键特征提取的关注方向,以及归一化和对齐化在特征处理中的关键作用。实验表明,本文提取的特征具有很好的区分度。  相似文献   

杜恩宽  冯建华  赵嫣 《计算机工程》2007,33(15):246-248
RTS这类游戏世界结构复杂、表现难度大、性能要求高。为了降低开发难度、提高开发效率,该文采用Flash作为图形引擎,在此基础上通过OOP编程技术和OOD动画设计的结合,进行软件的设计和研究开发。基于Flash的游戏实现策略,构建了一个RTS游戏原型。研究表明,Flash作为图形引擎应用于大型游戏开发是可行的。  相似文献   

网络游戏作为一种新兴的娱乐社交方式,现已拥有着庞大的用户群体,且不断增加,因此对网络游戏数据流进行识别有十分重要的意义.利用BP神经网络优秀的非线性拟合能力,结合遗传算法全局搜索的优点,优化BP神经网络的初始权值和阈值,建立遗传算法优化的BP神经网络模型,并提出利用多维度输入信息对网络游戏数据流进行识别.通过实验仿真,...  相似文献   

周而重  黄佳进  徐欣欣 《计算机科学》2015,42(10):232-234, 261
基于位置的地点推荐服务日益强调用户的个性化需求。对此,可通过社交网站上用户与其好友之间、用户与签到地点以及地点与地点之间的关联,来从用户的网络签到行为中总结出用户的出行特点,从而提出一种基于用户网络签到行为的个性化地点推荐方法。该方法通过融合用户对地点的个人偏好程度、地点自身属性对用户的影响程度以及用户好友对地点的推荐程度,来筛选出候选地点中满足用户个性化需求的地点。实验结果验证了该方法在一定场景下的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

本文分析了在线播放技术中要解决的主要问题,包括音源的选择、获取方法.MP3解压缩原理及其实现方法等,并根据解压缩原理,比较了现在流行的用DSP硬件解压的设计方案后.设计出了相应的基于ARM处理器的软件解压技术方案,实现了一个网络在线播放器。  相似文献   

利用嵌入式系统设计的优越性,在Linux系统平台上使用Linux丰富的开源软件和工具集,构建了嵌入式网络广告机系统,满足网络广告机的各项功能应用要求,成功地实现了网络广告机的视频、图片和文字等媒体信息的良好发布,验证了Linux嵌入式平台下广告机系统设计的灵活性、简易性和高效性.  相似文献   

介绍了新一代智能手机软件开发平台Android系统结构,针对目前Android平台中流媒体技术发展并不完善的现状,通过对移动多媒体播放技术和缓存技术的研究和分析,设计了一款音乐播放软件,并在手机客户端模拟器中得到实现,这款软件不仅可以下载网站上的音乐到本地,更主要的是它支持音乐的边下载边播放的功能,最终满足了客户端用户...  相似文献   

李岩  邓胜春  林剑 《计算机工程》2019,45(8):287-295
利用社交网络用户的静态行为特征识别水军用户,无法检测水军用户的动态行为且难以应用于在线检测的环境。为此,构造社交网络用户的动态行为特征,分析正常用户和水军用户间的差异,以半监督模型为基础,结合动静行为特征构建在线检测模型,通过静态行为特征聚类及动态行为特征过滤筛选,使半监督模型利用最有价值的未标记用户数据进行增量学习,从而检测水军用户。实验结果表明,该模型的F1值高达93.33%,平均训练时间约为2 min,能够有效检测社交网络上的水军用户。  相似文献   

Cheating is rampant in current gameplay on the Internet. However, it isn't as well understood as we might expect. The authors summarize the various known methods of cheating and define a taxonomy of online game cheating with respect to the underlying vulnerability, consequence, and cheating principal. This taxonomy provides a systematic introduction to the characteristics of cheats in online games and how they can arise. Although cheating in online games is largely due to various security failures, the four traditional aspects of security—confidentiality, integrity, availability, and authenticity—are insufficient to explain it. Instead, fairness becomes a vital additional aspect, and its enforcement provides a convincing perspective for understanding security techniques' role in developing and operating online games.  相似文献   

As online social networking permeates all aspects of personal and professional lives, users of social networking sites (SNSs) are more motivated than ever to manage their online identities to project a favorable impression of themselves to online audiences. This research builds on the boundary management perspective to gain a better understanding of online identity management practices by examining the relationship between characteristics of the online social network, including cognitive homogeneity and social tie variety and the use of identity management practices such as segmentation and self-enhancement. The proposed research model is tested using survey data. The findings suggest cognitive homogeneity is positively related to the use of both identity management practices, segmentation and self-enhancement, whereas social tie variety is positively related to segmentation, but not self-enhancement practices. We conclude with implications of the study results for research and practice, as well as a discussion of directions for future research.  相似文献   

使用K-means的聚类方法,从用户上下线规律的角度,对P2P网络中的用户进行了聚类分析,发现系统中存在稳定的节点类,以及在线规律呈现日周期规律但是与其他类节点可以互补的节点类,我们提出,合理有效地利用这些用户节点可以提高一些P2P系统的性能以及可靠性.  相似文献   

在线知识社区中,问题的回答可以看作多个回答者用户(领域专家)之间的协作行为.协作行为在知识社区中通常是大规模地发生,协作行为预测对在线社交中领域专家的推荐有重要意义.基于在线知识社区中回答者用户之间的协作行为,构建以领域专家为节点,以他们之间的协作回答关系为边的协作网络.由于协作行为网络的构建与社交关系网络的构建上结构...  相似文献   

随着硬盘播出技术和功能的日臻完善,硬盘播出系统已经在国内各级电视台开始普及.与传统播出系统相比,硬盘播出系统更为灵活、高效;播出控制系统全部实现自动化、网络化、流程化的特点,但值得注意的是数字播出系统的网络安全问题变得尤为重要,本文对构成网络的威胁及相应的预防安全措施做一阐述.  相似文献   

Uncertainty has previously been identified as an important ingredient of engaging games. Design in games can create different levels of uncertainty in players that they can recognize and describe as being either attributable to external forces, such as chance or hidden information, or internal to their own understanding of what to do in relation to their own goals. While it appears that uncertainty can contribute both positive and negative play experiences, there is little work in trying to operationalize and measure this concept as a component of player experience. Reported in this article is an analysis of data from over 700 players using modern bi-factor analysis techniques resulting in a five factor psychometric scale which captures the broad feelings of players about uncertainty in games. Three of these specific factors appear to point toward a single generic factor of uncertainty that is internal to the players, one captures experiences relating to external uncertainty, with the final factor relating to player’s experience of exploring the game to resolve uncertainty. In order to further validate the scale, we conducted an experiment with a commercial puzzle game manipulating the duration of play with predicted outcomes on the different specific factors of the scale. Overall the scale shows promise with good statistical reliability and construct validity of the separate factors and so will be a useful tool for further investigating player experiences in digital games.  相似文献   

一种基于DirectShow的MPEG2流式网络播放器   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郑晶晶  高胜法 《计算机应用》2003,23(10):138-139,142
文中介绍了一种基于DirectShow技术的MPEG2流式网络播放器,主要着重于几项关键技术:双缓冲队列技术、DirectShow源过滤器的设计和过滤器图的构建。  相似文献   

基于EPOLL机制的LINUX网络游戏服务器实现方法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
文章论述了在Linux平台上一种高效的I/O方法—epoll,针对网络游戏中大量并发客户请求问题,提出采用epoll机制建立高效网络游戏服务器思想,较好地解决了网络游戏服务器中的大量用户并发接入问题。同时在服务器整体设计的基础上,给出了在Linux环境下基于epoll机制的网络游戏服务器实现方法。  相似文献   

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