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MIT电气工程和计算机科学系本科课程体系评介   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
MIT电气工程和计算机科学系在其工学院的8个系中是规模和影响最大的一个系,参考该系的课程设置状况,对深化我国高校的教学改革有着重要的意义。本文通过了解该系2002-2003学年最新的系级本科课程体系,从中得到了若干启示。  相似文献   

Recently, many attempts have been pursued to devise an engineering curriculum that will allow students to successfully enter the engineering fields. Mechatronics is a unifying theme that permeates and comprehends modern engineering. One weakness of the computer, electrical, and mechanical engineering curricula is the failure to achieve sufficient background, knowledge, depth, and breadth in integrative multidisciplinary areas to solve complex engineering problems. To overcome this weakness, the integration and developments are sought through mechatronics. The mechatronic curriculum can be viewed as the vehicle by which students are introduced to subject matter, multidisciplinary areas, and disciplines, e.g., electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering fields of study. Mechatronics is a part of the modern integrated (confluent) curriculum due to interaction, interpretation, relevance, and systematization. Efficient and effective means to assess the current trends in modern engineering with assessments analysis and outcome prediction must be devised through the mechatronic paradigm. The multidisciplinary mechatronic courses, combined with the variety of active student learning processes and synergetic teaching styles, will produce a level of overall student accomplishments that is greater than any achievements which can be produced by refining the conventional electrical and mechanical curricula. The multidisciplinary mechatronic paradigm serves very important purposes because it brings new depth to electrical, mechanical, and computer areas, advances students knowledge and background, provides students with the basic problem-solving skills that need to cope with advanced electromechanical systems controlled by microprocessors or digital signal processors (DSPs), covers state-of-the-art hardware, and applies modern software environments. Through the mechatronic curriculum, important program objectives and goals can be achieved and assessed. The integration of mechatronic courses into the engineering curriculum is reported in this article.  相似文献   

数字信号处理技术已经广泛用于科学研究与工程技术领域,在《数字信号处理》课程教学中引入面向工程实践的教学理念,对培养学生的工程实践意识、提高解决工程系统中复杂问题能力非常重要。本文针对建设《数字信号处理》课程建设存在的实际问题,从授课内容、课程实验、课后作业、考核方法、教学团队等多方面,系统地阐述“面向工程实践理念”的《数字信号处理》课程建设原则、建设方法、建设成果,以及对培养学生能力的促进作用,并给出课程建设在教学实践中取得的教学效果。本文提出的《数字信号处理》课程建设方法,对其它理工科课程建设也有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

"电能质量控制"课程涉及电力系统、电力电子、自动控制和计算机等技术的综合应用,关系到电力行业乃至国民经济的总体效益,为了适应现代科技发展对电气工程及其自动化专业高素质人才的需求,开设"电能质量控制"课程具有重要意义。本文介绍了该课程设置特点、结构和内容、考核方法以及课程设置条件等,提出以研究性教学模式和开放性综合实践环节为核心手段,培养学生创新能力,有效提高课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

数字电子技术是电子信息类的专业技术基础课程,一方面近些年可编程技术的发展及应用,改变了数字系统的设计理念、设计方法,传统的基于原理图和中小规模集成电路的设计方法已被FPGA所取代,HDL已经成为数字设计技术主流;另一方面在当前“新工科”理念下,要培养具有工程实践能力的人才,但传统工科教育的课程架构却难以满足这一要求。课程内容必须跟上时代发展,要服务社会,那么课程与教学内容的改革是无法回避的,本文以传统数字电子技术为基础,结合实际案例,从点、线、面、体四个层次设计实验项目,让学生快速入手并掌握FPGA的设计。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, increasingly powerful technologies have made it easier to compress, distribute, and store multimedia content. The merger of computing and communications has created a ubiquitous infrastructure that brings digital multimedia closer to the users and opens up tremendous educational and commercial opportunities in multimedia content creation, delivery, rendering, and archiving for millions of users worldwide. Multimedia has become a basic skill demanded by an increasing number of potential jobs for electrical engineering/computer science graduates. In this article, the authors intend to share their experiences and new ways of thinking about curriculum development. It is beneficial for colleagues in the multimedia signal processing areas for use in developing or revising the curriculum to fit the needs and resources of their own programs.  相似文献   

介绍了重庆大学电气工程学院电工学课程组探索计算机辅助教学(CAI)模式的研究与实践,并具体提出了本课程CAI课件模块化结构的内容与实现手法,体现了在高等工程教育“电工学”课程中打破传统教学模式、探索现代化教学方法和教学手段的新思想和新观念。  相似文献   

Digital circuits are rapidly replacing analog circuits in many areas of electrical engineering. The undergraduate curriculum in electrical engineering has reflected these changes by including more course work in the digital area. The availability of low cost integrated circuit logic elements and minicomputers has made it possible to provide a digital system laboratory program that allows the student to undertake the design of realistic digital systems. This paper discusses the organization of such a laboratory program and the facilities needed to carry out this program.  相似文献   

自动化技术指的是在计算机技术过程之中加入人工智能,使计算机运行能够智慧化,这一技术的控制影响着电气工程系统的整体运转,后者则是电气工程领域里重要性至上的组成成分,自动化是社会发展以及科学技术进步的表现,在社会的迅速发展之下,众多领域都完成了这一质的飞跃,而对于电气工程来讲,这一转变直接促进了它自身的成熟与发展,这一技术也是本文的主旨,文章将逐步讨论自动化技术的相关理论、其技术的具体分析、其实际应用的剖析,努力保证其设备的质量.  相似文献   

在课件制作中体现CAI与传统教学方式的优势互补   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过比较CAI与传统教学方式的优势,并结合CAI课件的制作实践,介绍了CAI课件的制作经验。  相似文献   

This paper tackles the impact that Mechatronics and Smart Structures disciplines have on the engineering education in the new millennium. Mechatronics is an emerging engineering area that will likely alter the fundamental nature of engineering education in the disciplines of electrical and mechanical engineering. It can provide an academic model for developing multi-disciplinary programs within the engineering college departmental structure that is historically based on the traditional engineering disciplines. Mechatronics integrates the classical fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information technology to establish basic principles for a contemporary engineering design methodology. A mechatronics concentration area in the engineering curriculum would support the synergistic integration of precision mechanical engineering, electronics control, and systems thinking into the design of intelligent products and processes. Smart Structures, a. k. a. Adaptive Structures, a. k. a. Adaptronics, is an emerging engineering field with multiple defining paradigms. One definition is based upon a technology paradigm: “the integration of actuators, sensors, and controls with a material or structural component”. Multi-functional elements form a complete regulator circuit resulting in a novel structure displaying reduced complexity, low weight, high functional density, as well as economic efficiency. Another definition is based upon a science paradigm in an attempt to capture the essence of biologically inspired materials by addressing the goal as creating material systems with intelligence and life-like features integrated in the microstructure of the material system to reduce mass and energy and produce adaptive functionality. Their basic characteristics of efficiency, functionality, precision, self-repair, and durability continue to fascinate designers of engineering structures today.  相似文献   

本文介绍了美国研究型大学顶峰体验课程的开设背景和课程目标,以美国密歇根州立大学计算机科学与工程系和电气与计算机工程系的两门顶峰体验课程为例,探讨了顶峰体验课程的教学方法及其特点,阐述了顶峰体验课程对我国高校课程改革与教学创新的启示和意义。  相似文献   

Digital Scene Simulation is Digital Productions' philosophy for creating visual excellence in computer-generated imagery and simulation. The approach it advocates requires the use of powerful hardware, sophisticated software, and top creative talent. With a CRAY supercomputer at the heart of its computer network and its own proprietary image rendering and simulation software, Digital Productions is revolutionizing state-of-the-art computer graphics. At the forefront of computer graphics technology, Digital Productions is redefining traditional methods of visual communications and creating new forms of self-expression, instruction, and entertainment.  相似文献   

Computer engineering is concerned with the organization, design, and utilization of digital processing systems. These may be general purpose computers or more specialized digital systems that are concerned with communications, control, information processing, etc. The rapidly expanding application areas for digital processing techniques require increasing numbers of properly trained engineers, and it is the responsibility of electrical engineering education to provide the necessary educational opportunities. A means for doing this is an undergraduate computer engineering option within electrical engineering. The curriculum for such an educational program would be both hardware and software oriented, as described.  相似文献   

姜王杰 《电子测试》2020,(4):123-124
随着我国经济的迅速发展,科学技术也得到了有效的提升,在科技领域中电气自动化属于一种新型的高新技术,其在经济和科技进步的背景中,同样得到了良好的发展,并且该技术在电气工程中的应用发挥出了重要作用,不仅提高了电气工程的自动化程度,而且为电气工程的发展提供了动力,得到了业内认识的一致好。在实际应用中该技术能够解放电气工程中大量的劳动力,同时对工作效率的提升有着积极作用。因此,电气工程中合理的使用电气自动化技术,已经成为电气工程为了发展的必然趋势,为了能够使其得到更广泛的应用。本文围绕电气工程中电气自动化的应用进行探讨,以此为电气工程的健康发展奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

姜王杰 《电子测试》2020,(3):120-121,115
随着我国经济的迅速发展,科学技术也得到了有效的提升,在科技领域中电气自动化属于一种新型的高新技术,其在经济和科技进步的背景中,同样得到了良好的发展,并且该技术在电气工程中的应用发挥出了重要作用,不仅提高了电气工程的自动化程度,而且为电气工程的发展提供了动力,得到了业内认识的一致好。在实际应用中该技术能够解放电气工程中大量的劳动力,同时对工作效率的提升有着积极作用。因此,电气工程中合理的使用电气自动化技术,已经成为电气工程为了发展的必然趋势,为了能够使其得到更广泛的应用。本文围绕电气工程中电气自动化的应用进行探讨,以此为电气工程的健康发展奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

“数字电子技术”是电气工程和计算机学科必修的基础课程,随着众多高等院校双语教学活动的开展,全英文版国外教材开始受到关注.本文从教学内容、体系安排、理论阐述特色及与工程实践的联系等诸多方面重点对两本国内外教材进行了比较研究.总体而言,相较于国内众多的教材,国外教材对问题的论述更加细致,与工程实践和实际应用的联系更为紧密,可作为教学、学生自学和参考的工具.  相似文献   

随着我国社会建设进程的深入,人们的物质生活有了很大的改善。电气工程自动化系统是我国现代科学的重要产物。伴着信息技术的普遍应用,电气工程的自动化系统正在逐步向着智能化技术应用的方向迈进。电气自动化应用的范围非常的广泛,小到一个开关的设计,大到航空航天的设计,都会出现电气工程的影子。此外,人们日常生活中的采暖及重工业机械的应用,都离不开电气工程及自动化的智能化技术应用。通过电气工程及其自动化的智能化技术应用探究,了解智能化技术在应用中的优势,希望能对电气工程的改进提供帮助。  相似文献   

高职理工类专业计算机课程整合的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯国良 《信息技术》2011,(9):184-187
通过对高职理工类非计算机专业计算机课程开设现状的分析和研究,提出了"2+1+X"的计算机课程整合方案,并针对整合课程计算机技术应用基础提出了实施方法,对相关专业学生的计算机应用能力的培养具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Digital signal processing has developed into a key technology for a wide range of applications in electrical and information engineering. Nonlinearity appears to be a recurrent theme in the analysis and processing of signals, independent of their origin from natural, technical or economic processes. The control and exploitation of these nonlinearities is the key task for engineers working in the emerging discipline of “Nonlinear Signal Processing”.  相似文献   

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