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如何降低不锈钢中的磷改善其质量是冶金工作者一直关心的问题,本文综述了近十多年来对不锈钢氧化脱磷的研究成果,表明BaO渣系是不锈钢脱磷的最有效渣系之一,CaO渣系由于其价格便宜,资源丰富,可作为不锈钢锐磷的最一般渣系,利用氧化钡和氧化钙混合渣系有很好的发展前景,碱金属氧化物渣系对不锈钢的脱磷还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

借助于基本热力学数据,运用热力学的方法,计算和分析了用高碱度控制氧位的渣对含铬铁水进行氧化脱磷时,实现“去磷保铬”的热力学条件,为实现不锈钢精炼过程的脱磷提供理论基础。  相似文献   

赵俊学  傅杰 《钢铁研究》2002,30(5):13-15,62
利用耦合反应动力学模型模拟了不锈钢的氧化脱磷过程,与试验结果的对比表明该模型对描述不锈钢脱磷过程是适用的。  相似文献   

不锈钢弱氧化脱磷实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了CaO—BaO—CaF_2熔剂的配比和氧化剂添加量等对18—8([%C]_0=0.30~0.35)熔体脱磷的影响以及熔剂中配入适量Cr_2O_3的作用。实验结果表明,当熔剂量为70kg/t时可获得39%~53%的脱磷率,并有较好的保铬作用。还分析了不锈钢弱氧化脱磷的热力学条件。  相似文献   

不锈钢弱氧化脱磷工业试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章奉山 《炼钢》1996,12(3):31-35
介绍在电弧炉中应用CaO-BaCO3-CaF2熔剂在18-8不锈钢初炼钢液(%C)=1.34(%Cr)=18.02)进行脱磷试验情况,试验结果表明,当熔剂量在60kg/t钢时,可获得33%的脱磷率,并有较好的保铬作用,分析了不锈钢弱氧化脱磷的热力学条件及工艺因素。  相似文献   

BaO-CaO渣系不锈钢氧化脱磷试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵俊学  傅杰  王平 《特殊钢》2002,23(4):20-22
研究了在大气下BaO-CaO渣系对不钢脱磷工艺的可行性,结果表明钢液碳含量1.5%,温度1500 ℃时不锈钢的脱磷率可达20%。  相似文献   

不锈钢精炼中的脱磷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着不锈钢产量的不断增加,在生产中使用返回料的数量也与日俱增,因此在不锈钢生产中脱磷问题就成为一个迫切需要解决的问题。而不锈钢精炼中的脱磷是一个十分困难而又复杂的课题,国内外均在探索既减少铬的损失,又能有效地进行脱磷的方法。本文就所收集到的资料,阐述了不锈钢脱磷的基本原理,氧化脱磷和还原脱磷的各种熔剂,以及使用这些熔剂的试验研究结果。  相似文献   

Parma  V.  刘树振 《武钢技术》1989,(2):25-29
钢中的磷会严重恶化钢的机械性能。当钢中同时存在其它元素时,例如铬、碳等,磷的害处就更加突出。钢中的磷主要来源于炼钢原材料如生钊:、{变钢、氧化剂或冷甲刊、石灰、焦炭及铁合余等。生铁中带进的磷占了徒大的比重,  相似文献   

通过热力学分析方法,结合相关热力学数据,从去磷保铬保碳的角度,对铬铁合金氧化脱磷的反应过程进行了分析计算。计算结果表明,BaO基高碱性渣更适合于铬铁合金的氧化脱磷,另外,加入适量的Cr2O3,可以更好的控制体系中的氧势值,提高初始碳含量、降低初始温度,有利于铬铁合金氧化脱磷,从而为铬铁合金的冶炼提供理论依据。  相似文献   

叶斌  游锦洲  丁伟中 《铁合金》2001,32(1):1-4,8
通过各种脱磷剂对Cr(≈10%)-Fe-Csat-P(≈0.1%)中铬铁水进行氧化脱磷实验,测定了金属中[P]随时间变化及实验渣系的脱磷率。结果表明,脱磷剂中钙系、钡系及CaO-BaO混合渣系的脱磷能力依次增加,助熔剂的作用按大小顺序为BaCl  相似文献   

在热力学计算的基础上,利用10kg感应炉模拟电弧炉进行了不锈钢脱磷试验,讨论了不锈钢脱磷的工艺要点,建议温度为1600℃的水平时,脱磷碳含量应大于1.55%.  相似文献   

混合稀土金属在不锈钢还原脱磷中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从理论上分析了稀土对钢液还原脱磷的可能性,并在5kg真空感应电炉内用La-Ce-Pr-Nd混合稀土金属对1Cr18Ni9Ti不锈钢进行了还原脱磷试验。研究表明,在较高的真空度6.6×10-3Pa及精炼温度1500℃~1550℃下,稀土具有较强的脱氧、脱硫及脱磷能力。加入0.32%的稀土,脱磷率可达到44%,钢液的含磷量可降至0.010%左右。  相似文献   

In the scale of ironmaking and steelmaking, the dephosphorization can be divided into four classes. The first level which is known very well by metallurgists is the dephosphorization for carbon steels and low alloy steels. The second level is that included in the pretreatment process of hot metal. It differs from the first level as it must consider how to treat the selective oxidation of [P] and [C]. Furthermore, The contradictory of dephosphorization and desulphurization has to be harmonized. The third level is that for high alloy steels and the fourth is that for ferroalloys. In these cases, two technical ways either oxidizing dephosphorization or reducing dephosphorization can be selected. Whether which one is chosen, the key problem is to lower down phosphorous content efficiently meanwhile to keep the concentration of Cr and/or Mn almost lossless.   The cheapest raw materials for the production of high alloy steel are the returning scrap of that steel. Raising the proportion of the returning scraps in the total amount of raw materials is a very important measure to decrease the production cost. In order to avoid an obvious oxidation of Cr, Mn and so on during that melting process it is impossible to adopt the oxidational dephosphorization procedures which is generally carried out in the production of low alloy steel. In this case, after returning several times the phosphorous content in the scraps is accumulated. And then it gradually approaches to the level specified in the standard of the steel. Finally, it will become a waste. It was estimated that the market demand on high alloy steels as stainless steels would rapidly grow. So the scraps containing low phosphorous is urgently needed in a great deal.   On the other hand, the standards of some high alloy steels, which are designated for extremely severe environment only, allow a very low phosphorous content. For example, it is claimed that W[P]<0.015 %—0.020 % if the stainless steel products will contact with urea or nitric acid. If the resistance to corrosive fatigue and welding crack is highlighted the phosphorous content should be decreased to less than (100—50)×10-4 %. And Koros P J et al estimated that dephosphorous to 14×10-4 % will be wanted[1].   So far no technology for dephosphorization of stainless steels can be widely adopted in industrial scale. This will be one of the major research projects in the coming century. This paper devotes to a discussion on the strategy of oxidational dephosphorization and the improvement of the reductional dephosphorization.  相似文献   

不锈钢分公司不锈钢生产机组热负荷试车成功,不仅标志着不锈钢工程的全面建成,也进一步提高了分公司的产品档次和技术含量.文章就不锈钢分公司在不锈钢质量一贯制的指导下,对试生产实绩进行了分析,并对产品质量作了简单总结.  相似文献   

A time‐dependent thermochemical model has been developed for the electric arc furnace (EAF) process for stainless steel production. Time dependency is implemented by a stepwise input of energy and matter into an equilibrium reactor. The equilibrium calculations are performed using data from FACT‐databases and implemented using the programming library ChemApp. The material input for the model was generated by reconciliation of industrial data and the energy input is approximated from the industrial data and scaled through an efficiency factor. The model is used to calculate the evolution of temperature and composition of gas, slag and metal phases with time. Agreement of the end composition in the metal phase with industrial data is good. In the slag phase, however, Cr, Fe, Mn and Si are oxidized significantly less than expected due to excess formation of CO‐gas. The dynamics of the slag composition are examined in more detail. Here a fair agreement is reached for the main slag components. However, for Cr, Fe and Mn the model cannot predict the dynamics, which seem to be strongly kinetically controlled. The results of the equilibrium model can thus provide some insight into the kinetics of the process.  相似文献   

在MoSi2炉和MgO坩埚内进行了含钡合金处理316L不锈钢液的实验研究.实验选用的含钡合金为SiCaBa、SiAlBaCa和SiCaBaMg,并与SiCa和AlCa合金的处理结果进行了对比.实验中发现,使用含钡合金处理钢液时,钡在处理初期就参与了脱氧反应,生成含钡的复合氧-硫化物夹杂,更易于上浮排除,全氧含量能够快速降低至较低的水平;在钙合金中添加钡、镁等元素后,合金的脱硫能力提高;SiCaBa合金的还原脱磷效果最佳,用SiAlBaCa合金处理钢液时未出现回磷现象.  相似文献   

铁素体不锈钢的开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了铁素体不锈钢的主要缺陷以及为克服这些不足所进行的研究,根据这些研究和冶炼工艺的进步,确定了超纯铁素体不锈钢发展的必然性.  相似文献   

439铁素体不锈钢的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
439是在430不锈钢基础上降低C+N含量,添加Nb、Ti等稳定化元素发展起来的新型不锈钢材料,已逐步代替304不锈钢应用于电梯面板等行业。为开发满足用户使用要求的439不锈钢,试验室研究了成分、热处理制度对439不锈钢性能的影响,结果表明:Ti、Nb稳定化元素的添加对改善439不锈钢综合性能比较有利、热轧439退火再冷轧可明显改进深冲性能。生产试制结果表明,宝钢生产的439冷轧产品完全能满足用户对材料的性能要求。  相似文献   

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