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Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during the test phase of recognition memory tests for words and pictures of objects. ERPs elicited by recognized items contained a temporo-parietally distributed positive shift (the parietal old/new effect), which was strongly left lateralized regardless of stimulus type. This finding suggests that the lateral distribution of the parietal old/new effect is unrelated to the lateralization of the memory functions supported by the medial temporal lobe memory system. The ERPs to pictures, but not to words, also demonstrated frontally distributed old/new effects, which shifted over time from a left- to a right-sided maximum. These effects may reflect the richer informational content associated with episodic memory for pictures.  相似文献   

为了提高抑郁症识别的准确率,将功能核磁共振成像的任务态数据和静息态数据相结合,建立基于数据驱动的模型以提取识别特征.在没有任何先验知识的条件下,采用独立成分分析法提取任务态数据和静息态数据的独立成分;然后,利用相关遍历分析法获取功能信号集,利用频谱分析法识别并获取功能信号成分;最后,将功能信号成分作为贝叶斯分类器的特征输入,完成分类.结果表明,利用该方法提取出的功能信号成分能很好地将抑郁症患者和健康者区分开,整体识别准确率达到77.27%,抑郁症患者识别准确率达到83.33%,健康者识别准确率达到70.00%.实验结果证明了这一方法的有效性及优越性.  相似文献   

The authors tested whether individually tailored health communications receive more attention from the reader than nontailored health communications in a randomized, controlled trial among student volunteers (N = 24). They used objective measures of attention allocation during the message exposure. In a between-subjects design, participants had to read tailored or nontailored nutrition education messages and at the same time had to pay attention to specific odd auditory stimuli in a sequence of frequent auditory stimuli (odd ball paradigm). The amount of attention allocation was measured by recording event-related potentials (ERPs; i.e., N100 and P300 ERPs) and reaction times. For the tailored as opposed to the nontailored group, results revealed larger amplitudes for the N100 effect, smaller amplitudes for the P300 effect, and slower reaction times. Resource allocation theory and these results suggest that those in the tailored group allocated more attention resources to the nutrition message than those in the nontailored group. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study, the processes associated with retrieving object forms and object locations from working memory were examined with the use of simultaneously recorded event-related potential (ERP) activity. Subjects memorized object forms and their spatial locations and made either object-based or location-based recognition judgments. In Experiment 1, recognition performance was higher for object locations than for object forms. Old responses evoked more positive-going ERP activity between 0.3 and 1.8 sec poststimulus than did new responses. The topographic distribution of these old/new effects in the P300 time interval was task specific, with object-based recognition judgments being associated with anteriorly focused effects and location-based judgments with posteriorly focused effects. Late old/new effects were dominant at right frontal recordings. Using an interference paradigm, it was shown in Experiment 2 that visual representations were used to rehearse both object forms and object locations in working memory. The results of Experiment 3 indicated that the observed differential topographic distributions of the old/new effects in the P300 time interval are unlikely to reflect differences between easy and difficult recognition judgments. More specific effects were obtained for a subgroup of subjects for which the processing characteristics during location-based judgments presumably were similar to those in Experiment 1. These data, together with those from Experiment 1, indicate that different brain areas are engaged in retrieving object forms and object locations from working memory. Further analyses support the view that retrieval of object forms relies on conceptual semantic representation, whereas retrieving object locations is based on structural representations of spatial information. The effects in the later time intervals may play a functional role in post-retrieval processing, such as recollecting information from the study episode or other processes operating on the products of the retrieval process, and presumably are mediated by right frontal cortical areas. The results support the view of functionally dissociable object and spatial visual working memory systems.  相似文献   

Performance management is a branch of behavioral science that, in part, addresses the reasons workers return to bad or dangerous work habits despite training to the contrary. This chapter details the use of performance management techniques in health and safety training programs. An extensive table describes 44 studies that have incorporated performance management safety interventions.  相似文献   

This report describes the distribution and localization of thrombomodulin (TM) in the rat eye by light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. In addition to the endothelium of the entire vasculature, TM was found on the non-vascular structures lining the cavities of the posterior and anterior chambers and the limbus. TM was localized on the basal, lateral, and apical plasma membranes of the inner and outer ciliary epithelium, and the posterior iris epithelium in which there was no polarized expression of TM. In the anterior chamber, TM was localized on the luminal surface of the corneal endothelium, but was negative on the anterior border layer of the iris, which is composed of a discontinuous layer of fibroblasts and collagen fibers. Thus, TM was present at sites of cell-to-cell contact. TM was also present on the endothelia of the trabecular meshwork and the Schlemm's canal in the limbus. TM was localized not only on the luminal plasma membrane, but also on the cytoplasmic giant vacuoles in the endothelial cells of the Schlemm's canal. These findings extend the importance of anticoagulant mechanisms to the systems of secretion, circulation, and drainage of the aqueous humor.  相似文献   

Optical imaging of intrinsic signals detects neural activation patterns by taking video images of the local activity-related changes in the light intensity reflected from neural tissue (intrinsic signals). At red light (605 nm), these signals are caused mainly by local variations of the tissue absorption following deoxygenation of blood. We characterize the image generation process during optical imaging by Monte Carlo simulations of light propagation through a homogeneous model tissue equipped with a local absorber. Conventional video imaging and scanning laser imaging are compared. We find that, compared with video imaging, scanning laser techniques drastically increase both the contrast and the lateral resolution of optical recordings. Also, the maximum depth up to which the signals can be detected is increased by roughly a factor of 2 when scanning laser optical imaging is used. Further, the radial profile of the diffuse-reflectance pattern for each pixel is subject to changes that correlate with the depth of the absorber within the tissue. We suggest a detection geometry for the online measurement of these radial profiles that can be realized by modifying a standard scanning laser ophthalmoscope.  相似文献   

We have used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to characterize neural responses associated with emotional learning. Employing a classical conditioning paradigm in which faces were conditioned by pairing with an aversive tone (US), we compared responses evoked by conditioned (CS+) and nonconditioned (CS-) stimuli. Pairing 50% of the CS+ with the US enabled us to constrain our analysis to responses evoked by a CS+ not followed by a US. Differential evoked responses, related to conditioning, were found in the anterior cingulate and the anterior insula, regions with known involvement in emotional processing. Differential responses of the amygdalae were best characterized by a time by stimulus interaction indicating a rapid adaptation of CS+-specific responses in this region.  相似文献   

The effects of age on behavioural performance and event-related potentials recorded during a working memory task using digits presented either acoustically or visually, were studied in 37 healthy subjects with an age range from 19 to 71 years. With increasing age, psychological tests showed a progressive decline in visuo-spatial performance and both auditory and visual reaction times (RT) increased. There were multiple and varying effects of age on both early and late ERP components. For both auditory and visual responses, increasing age was associated with an increased amplitude of early positive waves (auditory P100 and visual P145) and, in the oldest subjects, significant delays of the major late positive waves. Other changes were modality-specific with a progressive shift of amplitude maxima in the early negative waves of the visual ERPs (from an N190 peak maximal at Pz in the young, to an N270 peak maximal at Cz in the older subjects) and an altered amplitude distribution of late potentials (after the P250 wave) in the auditory responses. The age at which ERP changes occurred varied-significant latency prolongations and increases in the amplitude of the major frontal positive waves occurred only in the oldest subjects, whereas a redistribution of late auditory ERPs also occurred in the intermediate age group. There was no interaction between age and increasing memory load, suggesting that there is no specific effect of age on memory scanning in this age range for these levels of task difficulty. Thus, although performance in working memory was apparently unaffected by age, as judged by behavioural parameters (apart from slowing of the reaction times), ERPs revealed significant changes in both early and late electrical brain processes associated with working memory as age increases. These changes which were not symptomatically manifest and only revealed by sensitive tests, may represent subtle dysfunction of working memory (or associated processes) which does not prevent the successful completion of our task, compensatory mechanisms (which are essential to successfully complete the task), or a combination of both age-induced dysfunction and compensatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

从项目建设全过程角度探讨分析投资绩效内部审计、评估的有效途径。  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones differ in their ability to stabilize nonnative polypeptides and to mediate protein folding, defining 'holding' and 'folding' systems. Here we show that the mammalian cytosolic and nuclear chaperone Hsc70 can act as both, as a 'holding' and a 'folding' system, depending on the chaperone cofactors which associate with Hsc70. In conjunction with the cofactor Hsp40, Hsc70 stabilizes heat-denatured firefly luciferase. The stabilizing activity turns into a folding activity in the additional presence of the Hsc70-interacting protein Hip. In contrast, the cofactor BAG-1 abrogates the 'holding' function of the Hsc70/Hsp40 system and blocks the action of Hip on Hsc70. Our study sheds light on the molecular mechanisms that determine the functional specificity of Hsc70 in the mammalian cell.  相似文献   

采用鳞片铸锭、氢爆加气流磨制粉、脉冲场振动取向加橡皮模等静压成型等改进的技术在工业生产线上成功制造了N52高性能烧结NdFeB磁体.用X射线衍射仪、光学金相显微镜、透射电镜和扫描电镜研究了磁体的结构;用磁强自动记录仪测量了磁体的退磁曲线.实验结果表明,Nd29.0Pr0.5Ga0.2Fe69.1Nb0.2B1.0磁体室温磁性能达到Br=1.457T,Hci=1097kÅm-1,(BH)max=409kJ·m-3,且磁体的均匀性和一致性较好.  相似文献   

Error-monitoring abnormalities may underlie positive symptoms of schizophrenia. Response-synchronized event-related potentials during picture-word matching yielded error- and correct-response-related negativity (ERN, CRN) and positivity (Pe, Pc) and preresponse lateralized readiness potentials (LRP) from 18 schizophrenic patients and 18 controls. Both groups responded faster to matches than nonmatches, although patients were generally slower and made more errors to nonmatches. Compared with controls, patients, particularly with paranoid subtype, had smaller ERNs and larger CRNs, which were indistinguishable. LRPs showed evidence of more response conflict before errors than before correct responses in controls but not patients. Despite ERN/CRN abnormalities, post-error slowing and Pe were normal in patients, suggesting a dissociation of ERN and error awareness. Anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortical dysfunction in schizophrenia are implicated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A divided visual field (DVF) procedure was used to investigate the scalp distribution of the event-related potential (ERP) repetition effect. ERPs were recorded from 27 scalp sites whilst subjects (n = 20) discriminated between words and non-words presented to either the left (LVF) or the right (RVF) visual field. A proportion of the words were repeated on the trial immediately following their first presentation. In two within-field repetition conditions the two encounters with a word occurred in the same visual field (LVF or RVF). In two across-field repetition conditions, the two encounters with a word occurred in different visual fields. For both words and non-words, task performance was better for RVF presentations than for LVF presentations. In each repetition condition there was a positive-going shift in the ERP elicited by repeated words compared to that elicited by words on their first presentation. This ERP repetition effect was equivalent in magnitude and lateralised to the right hemisphere to an equivalent degree in all four repetition conditions. It is suggested that the ERP effects largely reflect the processing of visual form thought to occur predominately in the right hemisphere.  相似文献   

The flow of neural signals within the cerebral cortex must be subject to multiple controls as behaviour unfolds in time. In a visual discrimination task that includes a delay period, the transmission of sensory signals to circuitry that mediates memory, decision-making and motor-planning must be governed closely by 'filtering' or 'gating' mechanisms so that extraneous events occurring before, during or after presentation of the critical visual stimulus have little or no effect on the subject's behavioural responses. Here we study one such mechanism physiologically by applying electrical microstimulation to columns of directionally selective neurons in the middle temporal visual area at varying times during single trials of a direction-discrimination task. The behavioural effects of microstimulation varied strikingly according to the timing of delivery within the trial, indicating that signals produced by microstimulation may be subject to active 'gating'. Our results show several important features of this gating process: first, signal flow is modulated upwards on onset of the visual stimulus and downwards, typically with a slower time course, after stimulus offset; second, gating efficacy can be modified by behavioural training; and third, gating is implemented primarily downstream of the middle temporal visual area.  相似文献   

Auditory event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded to tones of different frequencies and locations in a dichotic selective attention task in which Ss responded to occasional deviant tones of a prespecified location and frequency. Attention effects were isolated as negative difference (Nd) waves by subtracting ERPs to tones with no attended features from ERPs to the same tones when they shared target frequency, location, or both cues. The N1/P90 (latency 80–200 msec), originating in a tonotopically organized generator, was enhanced for all tones in the attended ear. Nd waves, beginning at 80 msec and lasting up to 700 ms, were seen to tones with either attended feature. Nd waves to frequency and location features had different scalp distributions consistent with generation in different cortical fields. Conjunction-specific Nds began 30–50 msec after Nds to individual features. The relative timing suggests that feature conjunction began before the analysis of individual features was complete. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Syntactic ambiguities requiring additional processing usually elicit positive going waveforms with onset latencies between 300 and 600 ms in the event-related potential (ERP). It is still unclear to what extent these components can be viewed either (a) as language specific in nature or (b) as members of the domain-unspecific P300 family of components. The present study investigates this question by means of probability manipulations applied to German sentences with subject-object ambiguities. Non-preferred object-subject (OS) word order requires structural revisions whereas the initially preferred subject-object (SO) word order does not. In the present experiment, the proportions of OS and SO structures were varied across experimental blocks (i.e., .25/.75 vs. .75/.25). The data of 20 participants reveal that ERP components were predominantly influenced when the subjects were explicitly informed about the actual proportions before each single block. In this case an early frontal positive component at about 400 ms and a subsequent posterior positivity were elicited by rare sentence structures irrespective of word order, suggesting that sentence processing was under strategic control. Conversely, participants that were not informed about sentence proportions showed larger positivities to the unpreferred OS sentences. Probability manipulations did not affect this pattern significantly. The data suggest that positivities evoked by syntactic ambiguities respond differently to probability manipulations than the P300 component.  相似文献   

The desynchronization of Alpha band components during a self-paced movement of the thumb was studied in 7 subjects. The EEG was recorded from 23 electrodes located on the frontocentral, central, and parietocentral regions, referred to the right masto?de, 4 s before and 2 s after movement onset. The data were then transformed to obtain 11 source derivations. The temporal evolution of the power of the signal within the Alpha band, every 250 ms, associated to the non parametric statistic test of Wilcoxon, authentifies the event-related desynchronization (ERD). The spatiotemporal analysis of ERD underlines on the central regions, two principal locations of ERD: one controlateral to the movement, starting more than 1 s before the movement; the other, ipsilateral, shorter, during the movement. However, no significance desynchronization was underlined on the vertex. The ANOVA used to analyse these results confirms the principal location of ERD on the central region, and seems to indicate a right lateralisation during the right or the left movement.  相似文献   

We perform a comparative study on the results obtained through three stapedectomy techniques. The hearing gain was evaluated in 107 ears with total footplate removal, Shea prosthesis and connective tissue graft, in 81 ears with particular footplate removal, the same prosthesis, and no tissue graft, and in 66 ears with stapedectomy. The differences between the three groups in the air-bone gap closure or postoperative complications were not statistically significant. We conclude that results depend more on the surgeon than on the technique.  相似文献   

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