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近年来对于非政府组织的研究已经成为了一个重要的研究话题,由于非政府组织逐渐兴起,对其比较突出的问题进行综合的研究很有必要,非政府公共部门作为社会公共部门的一部分,参与公共政策过程,可以弥补现有体制的局限,推动政府正确制定和实施公共政策,促进多元化社会的可持续发展.它的政治参与在社会多个方面都有其积极意义,但我国的非政府公共部门在参与公共政策的过程中还存在学多的问题,对此国内一些学者进行了综合概括,以及对问题的解决方案提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

公民参与作为公共政策的基石,在公共政策制定过程中起着不可获取的重要作用。公民的有序参与有助于提高公共政策的认知度和公信力,但我国公民参与制定过程中还存在着很多问题,如渠道不广泛、信息不透明性等。如何解决这些困境,给当前公共政策制定过程中的公民参与提出了严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

公民参与公共政策制定是社会主义民主的必然要求,也是公共政策体现和维护人民群众公共利益的重要途径。公民参与可以提高公共政策的科学性和民主性。目前,中国在公民参与公共政策制定的实践中取得了一定的成绩,但还存在着一些问题,如:公民参与公共政策的意识淡薄,参与能力较低,参与渠道不畅通等。这就需要不断完善政府的服务职能,培育公民文化,提高公民参与公共政策的能力,拓宽公民参与渠道。随着社会主义市场经济和政治民主的迅速发展,公共政策已经成为政府调控现代市场经济和进行社会管理不可或缺的重要手段之一。公民参与对于公共政策的科学化和民主化等都具有重要的意义。但是,当前我国公民参与公共政策的过程还存在着一些困境和挑战。因此,必须不断提高公民参与公共政策的能力和水平,优化公共政策的过程和效能。  相似文献   

香港颁布国民教育科政策之后在社会引起了不同反响,最后在香港国民的一致压力下被迫放弃。本文将从政策工具的角度对该政策进行分析,分析香港国民教育科政策实施遇到困境的原因,以探讨如何运用有效的政策工具来制定科学的公共政策。  相似文献   

随着我国社会迅速转型发展的,中国的各级、各类非政府组织(NGO)迅速组建和成长,他们在承担并发挥越来越多的职能的同时,我们也看到了他们成长、成熟过程中的瓶颈和困境。几乎是同步起步发展的志愿服务,正是许多非政府组织赖以生存的人力资源,据不完全统计,几乎每一家非政府组织都会通过使用志愿者来开展自身的服务,而志愿者以及通过志愿者提供的服务也正在逐渐成为各非政府组织的核心竞争力。目前,非政府组织内部存在志愿人员流动性大、专业性优秀人才缺乏、成员归属感欠缺等问题;与此同时,中国的NGO正进入飞速发展时期,但我国的非政府组织依然还面临资金短缺、制度缺失、社会认同度低、项目设计能力弱等诸多发展困境。由于我国NGO专业化管理和运作的能力相对较弱,往往无法兼顾组织的发展和人力资源的管理。  相似文献   

如何制定和完善公共政策,建立政府与公民的良好互动机制是政府和所有公民应该关心和思考的问题。完善相关政策制定程序,建立完善的公民参政体系,采取切实有效的改进措施,做好政府公共政策的制定和决策已成为和谐社会背景下公民参与公共政策的必然要求,分析当前社会背景下我国公民参与公共政策的现状和存在的问题及原因,提高公民的政治参与热情、完善中国特色社会主义民主政治体制尤为重要。  相似文献   

近年来,微博的兴起成为了公民通过互联网参与公共政策过程的新方式,这为公共政策的制定、决策和执行带来了显著的积极影响,弥补了传统方式的不足;但是同时微博的弊端也会让公民参与公共政策过程产生消极影响。因此,应该采取一些有效措施让公民利用微博更科学有效地参与公共政策过程。  相似文献   

在我国,公民参与公共政策的制定已经成为不可抗拒的历史洪流。这有助于公共政策的民主化、合法化和理性化,并且可以更好的体现公民权利。公民参与必须具有自愿性、有效性,但我国公共政策制定程序中还存在着一定的任意性、非透明性。所以,当前我们要明确公民参与公共政策的法律法规,建设公共政策的有效机制,增强公民意识,培育公民精神,增进政府与公民之间的互动与合作。本文通过分析公民参与公共政策制定中存在的问题,强调了公民参的重要性,提出了实现公民参与的途径和方法。  相似文献   

分析了非政府组织在社会功能和规划管理中的角色、地位和作用,探讨如何通过非政府组织正确引导公民、社区更加有效地参与城市规划的决策和管理.在台北和深圳"社区规划师制度"操作经验的基础上,提出推行社区规划师制度的措施和建议,以推动规划民主决策和公众参与的深层次发展.  相似文献   

高等教育与社会发展有过久远的两相疏离,其对社会发展的参与并非不证自明的自洽逻辑,民族国家经由现代转型并将高等教育纳入公共政策框架体系内进行综合考量,是高等教育有效参与社会发展的必要前提。由于民族国家的现代转型进程及公共政策推行有各不相同的历史及现实背景,通过民族国家推动高等教育扩张以期广泛参与社会发展的政策实效,需要进行理性甄别与全面审视。  相似文献   

徐晓燕  叶鹏 《城市规划》2017,(11):56-64
周期性经济变化与城市发展策略密切相关,这是由市场经济资本再生产的过程决定的。欧美国家的城市复兴实践活动亦证明了这种内在规律。论文分析了转型期中国城市发展方式的特征性转变,解读了城市设计体系中"空间规划"和"公共政策"两个维度的关系。提出我国的城市设计应围绕技术理性、经济理性与社会理性3个方面,充分发挥调控经济效率和社会公平的作用。城市设计是一个通过空间的变化影响各种社会关系的有力工具,通过引导投资去向、调动民间资本的经济策略,以及建构决策组织机构、保障公众参与的社会规制,城市设计学科有可能在转型期城市变革中起到关键作用。  相似文献   

Community participation in construction during rural infrastructure projects in developing countries is encouraged by many non-governmental organizations. The health and safety aspects of this type of development model have not previously been adequately researched, however. The aim is to identify the socio-cultural factors that motivate community members to participate in construction activities which they perceive as hazardous during a case study of a water and sanitation project in rural Ghana. This is a step towards understanding how health and safety can be more effectively managed during community development projects. A qualitative approach has been taken, using interview, observation and reflection. It was found that the communal culture of the local context resulted in community members feeling pressurized to participate in hazardous construction activities. Local customary laws further compelled individuals as they were concerned they could be fined or arrested should they not fulfil their communal obligations. Further work is required to determine the boundaries within which findings apply but it is likely that there are implications for others managing community construction projects both in Ghana and further afield.  相似文献   

建立以社区为核心的规划公众参与体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王登嵘 《规划师》2006,22(5):68-72
公众参与能力的有限性及参与目标的差异性要求建立以社区为核心的规划公众参与体系.根据公众的特点,因地、因时地采取不同的参与方式、参与机制和组织形式,引导和组织公众参与城市规划.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of housing, it hasgenerally received very low priority in India'spublic policy and investment program, which haschanged frequently since independence in 1947. Although the government has embarked on avariety of innovative housing programs andpolicies, especially for the lower-incomesegments of the population in urban areas, thecoverage of these programs and schemes ismarginal as compared to the overall housingrequirements of the urban population. Aconcerted effort by the public and privatesectors has not been able to keep pace with thegrowing demand for urban housing, especiallythat market segment accessible to the urbanpoor. The most visible manifestations of stateand market failure are the numerousunauthorized housing settlements scattered inand around the large cities of India. Thispaper reviews the role of the state, the marketand non-governmental organizations (NGOs) inthe provision of housing for low-income groups.It is found that formal housing agencies inboth the public and the private sector areneither building fast enough to meet demand norcheaply enough to reach the poor. As aconsequence, an informal sector has emerged inalmost all cities in India.  相似文献   

Within most democracies there is an assumption that greater public participation and engagement in policy processes results in more effective policy measures. These assumed benefits include better framed and more robust policies and a more informed, articulate and engaged citizenry. Similar assumptions exist also in planning for climate adaptation where more public participation and engagement are seen as vital components of any adaptation strategy and policy development process. This article explores these assumptions and considers whether there is any evidence that the success of planning for unavoidable climate change is related to the extent of public participation. Using an evaluation framework based on three aspects of participation we critically review a set of climate adaptation policy instruments developed within each of the three levels of government in Australia but with a specific focus on the region of South East Queensland.  相似文献   

中国城市规划公共政策展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
冯健  刘玉 《城市规划》2008,(4):33-41
城市规划作为一项公共政策,或城市规划具有公共政策属性的论断已得到越来越多中国学者或城市政府的认可。本文从公共政策学的视角,对城市规划公共政策的内涵、构成体系、运行机制,社会学议题及公众参与和城市规划公共政策的关系等问题进行初步探讨,对中国城市规划公共政策的未来发展方向进行展望,并对其政策措施进行系统总结。  相似文献   

“广州大学城”的前身“小谷围岛”曾有着丰富的物质和非物质文化遗产,是典型的岭南传统村落。现今,大学城仅余4条保留村,传统村落风貌大不及从前。“文化遗产漫步系统”是近年一种很好的保存和展示文化遗产的方法,笔者尝试运用此种方法,借鉴香港屏山文物径的经验,以北亭村作为试验,召集民间学术组织、社工、村民和大学生,以公众参与的方式,在广州大学城传统村落中共同策划、建设“文化遗产漫步系统”,并组织导赏,以此向大学生和本地村民普及历史文化保护思想、唤起公众对文化遗产保护的关注与重视。  相似文献   

Building greenway policies within a participatory democracy framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Institutional arrangements which promote collaborative policy outcomes are critical to greenway protection within a participatory democracy framework. An example of greenway protection at the local level where coordinated land use policy efforts are under way is investigated to demonstrate how various kinds of existing cooperative arrangements between communities and governments may facilitate greenway protection. Personal interviews are conducted with three groups of greenway policy participants in the Tug Hill region of upstate New York. The objectives of this study are to (1) identify and describe available opportunities for collaboration, and (2) describe the implications of these opportunities in terms of their contribution to the development of greenway policies in a participatory democracy context. The case study findings show that opportunities for cooperative discourse are described by all three groups as specific roles played by individuals, or as objects, occasions, processes, or organizations which encourage talk about public issues among citizens and people representing different organizations. A large portion of the opportunities described by study participants are organizations which function as communication linkages, and to a lesser extent, roles assumed by individuals in the community or society. Opportunities for discussion of public issues tend to be described by the three groups in terms of two organizational attributes: authority level and degree of formality. Cooperative discourse occurs between study participants and five different levels of authority: federal, state, local, private, and citizen. Although each group can identify formal-impersonal linkages with most other levels of authority, a portion of the study participants prefer to rely on informal-personal linkages when discussing public issues with local governments and landowners. Linkages described by study participants encourage either simple or complex forms of public deliberation, with the former being more common. Simple forms are superficial communicative exchanges about public issues between citizens and private or public organizations. More complex forms are closely aligned with theoretical definitions of participatory democracy, where policy participants come to a shared understanding during the course of policy deliberation. The potential for building greenway policies in a participatory democracy context by focusing on local authority levels and informal-personal linkages among relevant organizations is discussed.  相似文献   

中国城市管理中的公众参与   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
现代化的城市管理模式提倡公众参与城市管理,强调不仅仅是让公众了解决策的结果而是应该让他们参与城市管理决策、实施、监督的全过程。在我国公众参与城市管理已成为必然的要求,一些城市率先做出了有益的尝试并取得了一定的进展。但总的说来我国的城市管理的“公众参与”还属于较低层次的参与,表现为公众参与管理的普遍性不足、制度缺失、效果不佳等方面。为确保公众参与城市管理,实现真正意义上的公众参与,必须增强公众参与城市管理意识、健全公众参与管理制度、促进城市管理的社区参与。  相似文献   

从工程移民安置的基本政策、移民安置依据的法规、移民安置规划、公众参与、移民的组织机构及责任五个方面将我国工程移民政策与世界银行移民政策进行对比分析。探讨了上海有关动迁安置政策可以完善的方面。  相似文献   

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