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This paper presents a new individual based optimization algorithm, which is inspired from asexual reproduction known as a remarkable biological phenomenon, called as asexual reproduction optimization (ARO). ARO can be essentially considered as an evolutionary based algorithm that mathematically models the budding mechanism of asexual reproduction. In ARO, a parent produces a bud through a reproduction operator; thereafter the parent and its bud compete to survive according to a performance index obtained from the underlying objective function of the optimization problem; this leads to the fitter individual. ARO adaptive search ability along with its strength and weakness points are fully described in the paper. Furthermore, the ARO convergence to the global optimum is mathematically analyzed. To approve the effectiveness of the ARO performance, it is tested with several benchmark functions frequently used in the area of optimization. Finally, the ARO performance is statistically compared with that of an improved genetic algorithm (GA). Results of simulation illustrate that ARO remarkably outperforms GA.  相似文献   

Li  Shengpu  Sun  Yize 《Neural computing & applications》2020,32(22):16783-16794

This paper introduces a new evolutionary computing method inspired by the seed transmission process of garden balsam. Garden balsam, a beautiful and attractive flower, randomly ejects the seeds within a certain range by virtue of mechanical force originating from cracking of mature seed pods, which is different from natural expansion of most species of plants. The seeds scattered to suitable growth area will have greater reproductive capacity in the next generation, followed by iteration until the most suitable point for growth in a particular space is eventually found. This phenomenon can more intuitively show the process of searching the problem solution space in the optimization problem. The garden balsam optimization algorithm proposed in this paper incorporates two different types of search processes and has a mechanism to maintain population diversity. Through the optimization experiment on 24 constrained optimization problems, the results obtained by using this algorithm are compared with those of some known meta-heuristic search algorithms. The statistical analysis of the experimental results has been implemented by Friedman rank test and Holm–Sidak test. The comparison results verify the effectiveness of the algorithm.


During the past decade, solving constrained optimization problems with swarm algorithms has received considerable attention among researchers and practitioners. In this paper, a novel swarm algorithm called the Social Spider Optimization (SSO-C) is proposed for solving constrained optimization tasks. The SSO-C algorithm is based on the simulation of cooperative behavior of social-spiders. In the proposed algorithm, individuals emulate a group of spiders which interact to each other based on the biological laws of the cooperative colony. The algorithm considers two different search agents (spiders): males and females. Depending on gender, each individual is conducted by a set of different evolutionary operators which mimic different cooperative behaviors that are typically found in the colony. For constraint handling, the proposed algorithm incorporates the combination of two different paradigms in order to direct the search towards feasible regions of the search space. In particular, it has been added: (1) a penalty function which introduces a tendency term into the original objective function to penalize constraint violations in order to solve a constrained problem as an unconstrained one; (2) a feasibility criterion to bias the generation of new individuals toward feasible regions increasing also their probability of getting better solutions. In order to illustrate the proficiency and robustness of the proposed approach, it is compared to other well-known evolutionary methods. Simulation and comparisons based on several well-studied benchmarks functions and real-world engineering problems demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency and stability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Due to the law of reflection, a concave reflecting surface/mirror causes the incident light rays to converge and a convex surface/mirror causes the light rays to reflect away so that they all appear to be diverging. These converging and diverging behaviors cause that the curved mirrors show different image types depending on the distance between the object and the mirror. We model such optical phenomena metaphorically into the searching process of numerical optimization by a new algorithm called optics inspired optimization (OIO). OIO treats the surface of the numerical function to be optimized as a reflecting surface in which each peak is assumed to reflect as a convex mirror and each valley to reflect as a concave one. Each individual is assumed to be an artificial object (or light point) that its artificially glittered ray is reflected back by the function surface, given that the surface is convex or concave, and the artificial image is formed (a candidate solution is generated within the search domain) based on the mirror equations adopted from physics of optics. Besides OIO, we introduce different variants of it, called ROIO (Rotation based OIO), and COIO (Convex combination based OIO) algorithms and conduct an extensive computational effort to find out the merit of the new algorithms. Our comparisons on benchmark test functions and a real world engineering design application (i.e., optimization of a centrifuge pump) demonstrate that the new algorithms are efficient and compete better than or similar to most of state of the art optimization algorithms with the advantage of accepting few input parameters.  相似文献   

Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) are one kind of bacteria with magnetic particles called magnetosomes in their bodies. These particles often connect together like a chain. The MTB move toward the ideal living conditions under the interaction between magnetic field produced by the magnetic particles chain and that of the earth. In the paper, a new magnetic bacteria algorithm based on power spectrum (PSMBA) for optimization is proposed. The candidate solutions are decided by power spectrum in the algorithm. It mainly includes four steps: power spectrum calculation, bacteria swimming, bacteria rotation and bacteria replacement. The effect of swimming schemes and parameter settings on the performance of PSMBA is studied. And it is compared with GA, PSO and its variants and some other optimization algorithms on 25 benchmark functions including CEC2005. The simulation results show that PSMBA has better performance on most of the problems than most of the compared algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new multiagent metaheuristic based in an artificial society that uses a dynamic creative system to compose music, called “Method of musical composition” or MMC. To show the performance of our proposed MMC algorithm, 13 benchmark continuous optimization problems and the related results are compared with harmony search, improved harmony search, global-best harmony search and self-adaptative harmony search. The experimental results demonstrate that MMC improves the results obtained by the other metaheuristics in a set of multi-modal functions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we intend to propose a new heuristic optimization method, called animal migration optimization algorithm. This algorithm is inspired by the animal migration behavior, which is a ubiquitous phenomenon that can be found in all major animal groups, such as birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and crustaceans. In our algorithm, there are mainly two processes. In the first process, the algorithm simulates how the groups of animals move from the current position to the new position. During this process, each individual should obey three main rules. In the latter process, the algorithm simulates how some animals leave the group and some join the group during the migration. In order to verify the performance of our approach, 23 benchmark functions are employed. The proposed method has been compared with other well-known heuristic search methods. Experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm performs better than or at least comparable with state-of-the-art approaches from literature when considering the quality of the solution obtained.  相似文献   


This research introduces a new probabilistic and meta-heuristic optimization approach inspired by the Corona virus pandemic. Corona is an infection that originates from an unknown animal virus, which is of three known types and COVID-19 has been rapidly spreading since late 2019. Based on the SIR model, the virus can easily transmit from one person to several, causing an epidemic over time. Considering the characteristics and behavior of this virus, the current paper presents an optimization algorithm called Corona virus optimization (CVO) which is feasible, effective, and applicable. A set of benchmark functions evaluates the performance of this algorithm for discrete and continuous problems by comparing the results with those of other well-known optimization algorithms. The CVO algorithm aims to find suitable solutions to application problems by solving several continuous mathematical functions as well as three continuous and discrete applications. Experimental results denote that the proposed optimization method has a credible, reasonable, and acceptable performance.


The cuckoo search algorithm (CS) is a simple and effective global optimization algorithm. It has been successfully applied to solve a wide range of real-world optimization problems. In this paper, inspired by the particle swarm optimization (PSO), the proposed algorithm uses the best individuals among the entire population to enhance the convergence rate of the standard cuckoo search algorithm. While the PSO directly uses the global best solution of the population to determine new positions for the particles at the each iteration, agents of the CS do not directly use this information but the global best solution in the CS is stored at the each iteration. The global best solutions are used to add into the Information flow between the nest helps increase global and local search abilities of the new approach. Therefore, in the first component, the neighborhood information is added into the new population to enhance the diversity of the algorithm. In the second component, two new search strategies are used to balance the exploitation and exploration of the algorithm through a random probability rule. In other aspect, our algorithm has a very simple structure and thus is easy to implement. To verify the performance of PSCS, 30 benchmark functions chosen from literature are employed. The results show that the proposed PSCS algorithm clearly outperforms the basic CS and PSO algorithm. Compared with some evolution algorithms (CLPSO, CMA-ES, GL-25, DE, OXDE, ABC, GOABC, FA, FPA, CoDE, BA, BSA, BDS and SDS) from literature, experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm performs better than, or at least comparable to state-of-the-art approaches from literature when considering the quality of the solution obtained. In the last part, experiments have been conducted on two real-world optimization problems including the spread spectrum radar poly-phase code design problem and the chaotic system. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is very effective.  相似文献   

Swarm intelligence is a research field that models the collective behavior in swarms of insects or animals. Several algorithms arising from such models have been proposed to solve a wide range of complex optimization problems. In this paper, a novel swarm algorithm called the Social Spider Optimization (SSO) is proposed for solving optimization tasks. The SSO algorithm is based on the simulation of cooperative behavior of social-spiders. In the proposed algorithm, individuals emulate a group of spiders which interact to each other based on the biological laws of the cooperative colony. The algorithm considers two different search agents (spiders): males and females. Depending on gender, each individual is conducted by a set of different evolutionary operators which mimic different cooperative behaviors that are typically found in the colony. In order to illustrate the proficiency and robustness of the proposed approach, it is compared to other well-known evolutionary methods. The comparison examines several standard benchmark functions that are commonly considered within the literature of evolutionary algorithms. The outcome shows a high performance of the proposed method for searching a global optimum with several benchmark functions.  相似文献   

An optimization algorithm inspired by social creativity systems   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The need for efficient and effective optimization problem solving methods arouses nowadays the design and development of new heuristic algorithms. This paper present ideas that leads to a novel multiagent metaheuristic technique based on creative social systems suported on music composition concepts. This technique, called “Musical Composition Method” (MMC), which was proposed in Mora-Gutiérrez et?al. (Artif Intell Rev 2012) as well as a variant, are presented in this study. The performance of MMC is evaluated and analyzed over forty instances drawn from twenty-two benchmark global optimization problems. The solutions obtained by the MMC algorithm were compared with those of various versions of particle swarm optimizer and harmony search on the same problem set. The experimental results demonstrate that MMC significantly improves the global performances of the other tested metaheuristics on this set of multimodal functions.  相似文献   

We develop a new optimization algorithm that combines the genetic algorithm and a recently proposed global optimization algorithm called the nested partitions method. The resulting hybrid algorithm retains the global perspective of the nested partitions method and the local search capabilities of the genetic algorithm. We also present a detailed application of the new algorithm to a NP-hard product design problem and it is found empirically to outperform a pure genetic algorithm implementation, particularly for large problems.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new global optimization metaheuristic called Galactic Swarm Optimization (GSO) inspired by the motion of stars, galaxies and superclusters of galaxies under the influence of gravity. GSO employs multiple cycles of exploration and exploitation phases to strike an optimal trade-off between exploration of new solutions and exploitation of existing solutions. In the explorative phase different subpopulations independently explore the search space and in the exploitative phase the best solutions of different subpopulations are considered as a superswarm and moved towards the best solutions found by the superswarm. In this paper subpopulations as well as the superswarm are updated using the PSO algorithm. However, the GSO approach is quite general and any population based optimization algorithm can be used instead of the PSO algorithm. Statistical test results indicate that the GSO algorithm proposed in this paper significantly outperforms 4 state-of-the-art PSO algorithms and 4 multiswarm PSO algorithms on an overwhelming majority of 15 benchmark optimization problems over 50 independent trials and up to 50 dimensions. Extensive simulation results show that the GSO algorithm proposed in this paper converges faster to a significantly more accurate solution on a wide variety of high dimensional and multimodal benchmark optimization problems.  相似文献   

Inspired by the invasive tumor growth mechanism, this paper proposes a new meta-heuristic algorithm. A population of tumor cells can be divided into three subpopulations as proliferative cells, quiescent cells, and dying cells according to the nutrient concentration they get. Different cells have different behaviors and interactions among them for competition. In the tumor growing process, an invasive cell is born around a proliferative cell for the higher nutrient concentration and a necrotic cell occurs around a dying cell for the lower nutrient concentration, which presents the balance between life and death. To evaluate the performance of the intrusive tumor growth optimization algorithm (ITGO), we compared it to the many well-known heuristic algorithms by the Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test with Bonferroni–Holm correction method and the Friedman’s test. At the end, it is applied to solve the data clustering problem, which is a NP-hard problem. The experimental results show that the proposed ITGO algorithm outperforms other traditional heuristic algorithms for several benchmark datasets.  相似文献   

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization - The design of a microvascular flow network embedded in an actively-cooled polymeric material is presented. A multi-objective Genetic Algorithm (GA)...  相似文献   

The CV (Chan–Vese) model is a piecewise constant approximation of the Mumford and Shah model. It assumes that the original image can be segmented into two regions such that each region can be represented as constant grayscale value. In fact, the objective functional of the CV model actually finds a segmentation of the image such that the within-class variance is minimized. This is equivalent to the Otsu image thresholding algorithm which also aims to minimize the within-class variance. Similarly to the Otsu image thresholding algorithm, cross entropy is another widely used image thresholding algorithm and it finds a segmentation such that the cross entropy of the segmented image and the original image is minimized. Inspired from the cross entropy, a new active contour image segmentation algorithm is proposed. The region term in the new objective functional is the integral of the logarithm of the ratio between the grayscale of the original image and the mean value computed from the segmented image weighted by the grayscale of the original image. The new objective functional can be solved by the level set evolution method. A distance regularized term is added to the level set evolution equation so the level set need not be reinitialized periodically. A fast global minimization algorithm of the objective functional is also proposed which incorporates the edge term originated from the geodesic active contour model. Experimental results show that, the algorithm proposed can segment images more accurately than the CV model and the implementation speed of the fast global minimization algorithm is fast.  相似文献   

In this paper,we report a novel optimization algorithm,lion pride optimizer(LPO),which is inspired by lion pride behavior.The framework is mainly based on lion prides’ evolution process and group living theory.In a lion pride,brutal competition of individuals happens among male lions both within and among prides;on the other hand,each member plays an important role in the persistence of a lion pride.Based on this framework,concepts from lion prides behavior,e.g.,the strongest males occupy nearly all mating resources,and if a new cohort of males is able to take over a pride,they will seek to kill young cubs sired by their predecessors,are employed metaphorically to design optimum searching strategies for solving continuous optimization problems.From the studies of the algorithm property,it is found that the LPO algorithm is not sensitive to most parameters,which shows the robustness of the algorithm and the parameters are not problemdependent.Central tendency of the algorithm is not found.It is found that the pride update strategy and brutal competition of individuals are two main factors that contribute to the performance of LPO.According to the test results on 23 famous benchmark functions,the LPO algorithm has better performance than the other seven state-of-the-art algorithms on both unimodal and multimodal benchmark functions;in the test of high-dimensional multimodal problems,LPO outperforms the other five algorithms on all benchmark functions.  相似文献   

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