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Computability theoretic learning theory (machine inductive inference) typically involves learning programs for languages or functions from a stream of complete data about them and, importantly, allows mind changes as to conjectured programs. This theory takes into account algorithmicity but typically does not take into account feasibility of computational resources. This paper provides some example results and problems for three ways this theory can be constrained by computational feasibility. Considered are: the learner has memory limitations, the learned programs are desired to be optimal, and there are feasibility constraints on learning each output program as well as other constraints to minimize postponement tricks. Work supported in part by NSF Grant Number CCR-0208616 at UD.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new inductive inference algorithm for a class of logic programs, calledlinear monadic logic programs. It has several unique features not found in Shapiro’s Model Inference System. It has been proved that a set of trees isrational if and only if it is computed by a linear monadic logic program, and that the rational set of trees is recognized by a tree automaton. Based on these facts, we can reduce the problem of inductive inference of linear monadic logic programs to the problem of inductive inference of tree automata. Further several efficient inference algorithms for finite automata have been developed. We extend them to an inference algorithm for tree automata and use it to get an efficient inductive inference algorithm for linear monadic logic programs. The correctness, time complexity and several comparisons of our algorithm with Model Inference System are shown.  相似文献   

Gold introduced the notion of learning in the limit where a class S is learnable iff there is a recursive machine M which reads the course of values of a function f and converges to a program for f whenever f is in S. An important measure for the speed of convergence in this model is the quantity of mind changes before the onset of convergence. The oldest model is to consider a constant bound on the number of mind changes M makes on any input function; such a bound is referred here as type 1. Later this was generalized to a bound of type 2 where a counter ranges over constructive ordinals and is counted down at every mind change. Although ordinal bounds permit the inference of richer concept classes than constant bounds, they still are a severe restriction. Therefore the present work introduces two more general approaches to bounding mind changes. These are based on counting by going down in a linearly ordered set (type 3) and on counting by going down in a partially ordered set (type 4). In both cases the set must not contain infinite descending recursive sequences. These four types of mind changes yield a hierarchy and there are identifiable classes that cannot be learned with the most general mind change bound of type 4. It is shown that existence of type 2 bound is equivalent to the existence of a learning algorithm which converges on every (also nonrecursive) input function and the existence of type 4 is shown to be equivalent to the existence of a learning algorithm which converges on every recursive function. A partial characterization of type 3 yields a result of independent interest in recursion theory. The interplay between mind change complexity and choice of hypothesis space is investigated. It is established that for certain concept classes, a more expressive hypothesis space can sometimes reduce mind change complexity of learning these classes. The notion of mind change bound for behaviourally correct learning is indirectly addressed by employing the above four types to restrict the number of predictive errors of commission in finite error next value learning (NV′′)—a model equivalent to behaviourally correct learning. Again, natural characterizations for type 2 and type 4 bounds are derived. Their naturalness is further illustrated by characterizing them in terms of branches of uniformly recursive families of binary trees.  相似文献   

A class of computable functions ismaximaliff it can be incrementally learned by some inductive inference machine (IIM), but no infinitely larger class of computable functions can be so learned. Rolf Wiehagen posed the question whether there exist such maximal classes. This question and many interesting variants are answered herein in the negative. Viewed positively, each IIM can be infinitely improved upon! Also discussed are the problems of algorithmically finding the improvements proved to exist.  相似文献   

Sublearning, a model for learning of subconcepts of a concept, is presented. Sublearning a class of total recursive functions informally means to learn all functions from that class together with all of their subfunctions. While in language learning it is known to be impossible to learn any infinite language together with all of its sublanguages, the situation changes for sublearning of functions. Several types of sublearning are defined and compared to each other as well as to other learning types. For example, in some cases, sublearning coincides with robust learning. Furthermore, whereas in usual function learning there are classes that cannot be learned consistently, all sublearnable classes of some natural types can be learned consistently. Moreover, the power of sublearning is characterized in several terms, thereby establishing a close connection to measurable classes and variants of this notion. As a consequence, there are rich classes which do not need any self-referential coding for sublearning them.  相似文献   

Gold?s original paper on inductive inference introduced a notion of an optimal learner. Intuitively, a learner identifies a class of objects optimally iff there is no other learner that: requires as little of each presentation of each object in the class in order to identify that object, and, for some presentation of some object in the class, requires less of that presentation in order to identify that object. Beick considered this notion in the context of function learning, and gave an intuitive characterization of an optimal function learner. Jantke and Beick subsequently characterized the classes of functions that are algorithmically, optimally identifiable.Herein, Gold?s notion is considered in the context of language learning. It is shown that a characterization of optimal language learners analogous to Beick?s does not hold. It is also shown that the classes of languages that are algorithmically, optimally identifiable cannot be characterized in a manner analogous to that of Jantke and Beick.Other interesting results concerning optimal language learning include the following. It is shown that strong non-U-shapedness, a property involved in Beick?s characterization of optimal function learners, does not restrict algorithmic language learning power. It is also shown that, for an arbitrary optimal learner F of a class of languages L, F optimally identifies a subclass K of L iff F is class-preserving with respect to K.  相似文献   

The approach of ordinal mind change complexity, introduced by Freivalds and Smith, uses (notations for) constructive ordinals to bound the number of mind changes made by a learning machine. This approach provides a measure of the extent to which a learning machine has to keep revising its estimate of the number of mind changes it will make before converging to a correct hypothesis for languages in the class being learned. Recently, this notion, which also yields a measure for the difficulty of learning a class of languages, has been used to analyze the learnability of rich concept classes.

The present paper further investigates the utility of ordinal mind change complexity. It is shown that for identification from both positive and negative data and n 1, the ordinal mind change complexity of the class of languages formed by unions of up to n + 1 pattern languages is only ω ×0 notn(n) (where notn(n) is a notation for n, ω is a notation for the least limit ordinal and ×0 represents ordinal multiplication). This result nicely extends an observation of Lange and Zeugmann that pattern languages can be identified from both positive and negative data with 0 mind changes.

Existence of an ordinal mind change bound for a class of learnable languages can be seen as an indication of its learning “tractability”. Conditions are investigated under which a class has an ordinal mind change bound for identification from positive data. It is shown that an indexed family of languages has an ordinal mind change bound if it has finite elasticity and can be identified by a conservative machine. It is also shown that the requirement of conservative identification can be sacrificed for the purely topological requirement ofM-finite thickness. Interaction between identification by monotonic strategies and existence of ordinal mind change bound is also investigated.  相似文献   

The traditional model of inductive inference is enhanced to allow learning machines to procrastinate about how many trials they will need to complete an inference or about how accurate their solution will be. Hierarchies of classes of learnable phenomena (represented by sets of recursive functions) isomorphic to the structure of the constructive ordinals are revealed. The existence of such hierarchies indicates a potential advantage of procrastination as a learning technique. Tradeoffs between the two types of procrastination are shown not to exist in general. One of the new classes of sets of inferrible functions introduced in this paper turns out to have the somewhat unusual property of being closed under finite unions. A new technique, based on a hardest to lear set (relative to a class), is used.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a dense temporal logic programming (DTLP) framework based on infinite binary trees calledomega trees. We then look at an important subset of omega trees calledordinal treesthat represent only meaningful dense time models. Ordinal trees have the properties ofstabilityandrecurrence, which allow them to be represented finitely. The finite representations calledordinal structurescan be used as temporal data structures and its nodes can be labelled with formulae, giving us the basis for modeling temporally located information. In this paper, we label ordinal structure nodes with Prolog clauses to gettemporal horn clausesthat represent temporal facts, rules and queries. Temporal resolution tries to prove temporal queries from a set of temporal facts and rules using a process calledaligningwhich provides the counterpart of the conventional unification algorithm. Aligning restructures ordinal trees to facilitate the transfer of temporal information between them. We present theoretical results to show that aligning is computable, and that the procedures for aligning and resolution are correct.  相似文献   

We present a linguistic construct to define concurrency control for the objects of an object database. This construct, calledconcurrent behavior, allows to define a concurrency control specification for each object type in the database; in a sense, it can be seen as a type extension. The concurrent behavior is composed by two parts: the first one, calledcommutativity specification, is a set of conditional rules, by which the programmer specifies when two methods do not conflict each other. The second part, the constraint specification, is a set of guarded regular expressions, calledconstraints, by which the programmer defines the allowed sequences of method calls. At each time during an actual execution, a subset of constraints may be active so limiting the external behavior of the object. A constraint becomesactive when its guard is verified, where a guard is composed of the occurrence of some method callm along with the verification of a boolean expression on the object state and the actual parameters ofm. A constraint dies when a string of the language corresponding to the regular expression has been recognized. While the commutativity specification is devoted to specify the way in which the external behavior of an object is influenced by the existence of concurrent transactions in the system, the constraint specification defines the behavior of the object, independently from the transactions. Since the two parts of the concurrent behavior are syntactically distinct and, moreover, each of them consists of a set of independent rules, modularity in specifying the objects is enhanced, with respect to a unique specification. We outline an implementation of the construct, which is based on a look-ahead policy: at each method execution, we foresee the admissible successive behaviors of the object, instead of checking the admission of each request at the time it is actually made.  相似文献   

Hypotheses constructed by inductive logic programming (ILP) systems are finite sets of definite clauses. Top-down ILP systems usually adopt the following greedy clause-at-a-time strategy to construct such a hypothesis: start with the empty set of clauses and repeatedly add the clause that most improves the quality of the set. This paper formulates and analyses an alternative method for constructing hypotheses. The method, calledcautious induction, consists of a first stage, which finds a finite set of candidate clauses, and a second stage, which selects a finite subset of these clauses to form a hypothesis. By using a less greedy method in the second stage, cautious induction can find hypotheses of higher quality than can be found with a clause-at-a-time algorithm. We have implemented a top-down, cautious ILP system called CILS. This paper presents CILS and compares it to Progol, a top-down clause-at-a-time ILP system. The sizes of the search spaces confronted by the two systems are analysed and an experiment examines their performance on a series of mutagenesis learning problems. Simon Anthony, BEng.: Simon, perhaps better known as “Mr. Cautious” in Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) circles, completed a BEng in Information Engineering at the University of York in 1995. He remained at York as a research student in the Intelligent Systems Group. Concentrating on ILP, his research interests are Cautious Induction and developing number handling techniques using Constraint Logic Programming. Alan M. Frisch, Ph.D.: He is the Reader in Intelligent Systems at the University of York (UK), and he heads the Intelligent Systems Group in the Department of Computer Science. He was awarded a Ph. D. in Computer Science from the University of Rochester (USA) in 1986 and has held faculty positions at the University of Sussex (UK) and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA). For over 15 years Dr. Frisch has been conducting research on a wide range of topics in the area of automated reasoning, including knowledge retrieval, probabilistic inference, constraint solving, parsing as deduction, inductive logic programming and the integration of constraint solvers into automated deduction systems.  相似文献   

Aconstraint system includes a set of variables and a set of relations among these variables, calledconstraints. The solution of a constraint system is an assignment of values to variables so that all, or many, of the relations are made true. A simple and efficient method for constraint resolution has been proposed in the work of B.N. Freeman-Benson, J. Maloney, and A. Borning. We show how their method is related to the classical problem of graph matching, and from this connection we derive new resolution algorithms.  相似文献   

Different formal learning models address different aspects of human learning. Below we compare Gold-style learning—modelling learning as a limiting process in which the learner may change its mind arbitrarily often before converging to a correct hypothesis—to learning via queries—modelling learning as a one-shot process in which the learner is required to identify the target concept with just one hypothesis. In the Gold-style model considered below, the information presented to the learner consists of positive examples for the target concept, whereas in query learning, the learner may pose a certain kind of queries about the target concept, which will be answered correctly by an oracle (called teacher). Although these two approaches seem rather unrelated at first glance, we provide characterisations of different models of Gold-style learning (learning in the limit, conservative inference, and behaviourally correct learning) in terms of query learning. Thus we describe the circumstances which are necessary to replace limit learners by equally powerful one-shot learners. Our results are valid in the general context of learning indexable classes of recursive languages. This analysis leads to an important observation, namely that there is a natural query learning type hierarchically in-between Gold-style learning in the limit and behaviourally correct learning. Astonishingly, this query learning type can then again be characterised in terms of Gold-style inference.  相似文献   

A finite function f is a mapping of {0, 1}n into {0, 1}m{#}, where “#” is a symbol to be thought of as “undefined.” A family of finite functions is said to be one-way (in a circuit complexity sense) if it can be computed with polynomial-size circuits, but every family of inverses of these functions cannot. In this paper we show that, provided functions that are not one-to-one are allowed, one-way functions exist if and only if the satisfiability problem SAT does not have polynomial-size circuits. A family of functions fi(x) can be checked if some family of polynomial-size circuits with inputs x and y can determine if fi(x) = y. A family of functions fi(x) can be evaluated if some family of polynomial-size circuits with input x can compute fi(x). Can all families of total functions that can be checked also be evaluated? We show that this is true if and only if the nonuniform versions of the complexity classes P and UP co-UP are equal. A family of functions fi is one-way for constant depth circuits if fi can be computed with unbounded famin circuits of polynomial size and constant depth, but every family of inverses fi−1 cannot. We give two provably one-way functions (in fact permutaions) for constant-depth circuits. The second example has the stronger property that no bit of its inverse can be computed in polynomial size and constant depth.  相似文献   

A natural ωpLω+1 hierarchy of successively more general criteria of success for inductive inference machines is described based on the size of sets of anomalies in programs synthesized by such machines. These criteria are compared to others in the literature. Some of our results are interpreted as tradeoff results or as showing the inherent relative-computational complexity of certain processes and others are interpreted from a positivistic, mechanistic philosophical stance as theorems in philosophy of science. The techniques of recursive function theory are employed including ordinary and infinitary recursion theorems.  相似文献   

There are two main solving schemas for constraint satisfaction and optimization problems: i) search, whose basic step is branching over the values of a variables, and ii) dynamic programming, whose basic step is variable elimination. Variable elimination is time and space exponential in a graph parameter called induced width, which renders the approach infeasible for many problem classes. However, by restricting variable elimination so that only low arity constraints are processed and recorded, it can be effectively combined with search, because the elimination of variables may reduce drastically the search tree size.In this paper we introduce BE-BB(k), a hybrid general algorithm that combines search and variable elimination. The parameter k controls the tradeoff between the two strategies. The algorithm is space exponential in k. Regarding time, we show that its complexity is bounded by k and a structural parameter from the constraint graph. We provide experimental evidence that the hybrid algorithm can outperform state-of-the-art algorithms in constraint satisfaction, Max-CSP and Weighted CSP. Especially in optimization tasks, the advantage of our approach over plain search can be overwhelming.  相似文献   

Efficient Algorithms for Interface Timing Verification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents algorithms for computing separations between events that are constrained to obey prespecified relationships in their relative time of occurrence. The algorithms are useful for interface timing verification, where event separations are checked against timing requirements. The first algorithm computes separations when only linear and max constraints exist. The algorithm must converge to correct maximum separation values in a finite number of steps, or report an inconsistence of the constraints, irrespective of the existence of infinite constraint bounds or infinite event separations. It is conjectured to run in time, where V is the number of events, and E is the number of relationships between them. The other algorithms extend the first, and compute event separations in the NP-complete version of the problem where min constraints exist. Experiments demonstrate the algorithms are efficient in practice.  相似文献   

Rotation symmetric Boolean functions have been extensively studied for about 15 years because of their applications in cryptography and coding theory. Until recently little was known about the basic question of when two such functions are affine equivalent. The simplest case of quadratic rotation symmetric functions which are generated by cyclic permutations of the variables in a single monomial was only settled in 2009. For the much more complicated case of cubic rotation symmetric functions generated by a single monomial, the affine equivalence classes under permutations which preserve rotation symmetry were determined in 2011. It was conjectured then that the cubic equivalence classes are the same if all nonsingular affine transformations, not just permutations, are allowed. This conjecture is probably difficult, but here we take a step towards it by proving that the cubic affine equivalence classes found in 2011 are the same if all permutations, not just those preserving rotation symmetry, are allowed. The needed new idea uses the theory of circulant matrices.  相似文献   

Gold (1967) discovered a fundamental enumeration technique, the socalled identification-by-enumeration, a simple but powerful class of algorithms for learning from examples (inductive inference). We introduce a variety of more sophisticated (and more powerful) enumeration techniques and characterize their power. We conclude with the thesis that enumeration techniques are even universal in that each solvable learning problem in inductive inference can be solved by an adequate enumeration technique. This thesis is technically motivated and discussed.  相似文献   

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