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This paper addresses the third-generation benchmark problem on structural control, and focuses on the control of a full-scale, nonlinear, seismically excited, 20-story building. A semiactive design is developed in which magnetorheological (MR) dampers are applied to reduce the structural responses of the benchmark building. Control input determination is based on a clipped-optimal control algorithm which employs absolute acceleration feedback. A phenomenological model of an MR damper, based on a Bouc–Wen element, is employed in the analysis. The semiactive system using the MR damper is compared to the performance of an active system and an ideal semiactive system, which are based on the same nominal controller as is used in the MR damper control algorithm. The results demonstrate that the MR damper is effective, and achieves similar performance to the active and ideal semiactive system, while requiring very little power.  相似文献   

Strong earthquakes can result in large longitudinal displacements in multiple-frame bridges. This could lead to excessive displacements/openings at the intermediate joints. Bridges with small seat widths are vulnerable to the unseating of their superstructure. Seismic steel restrainers are currently used to limit the joint openings in bridges. However, past earthquakes have shown that restrainer cables have limitations in regards to preventing unseating in bridges. Other devices have been proposed to limit joint displacements, including metallic dampers, viscoelastic dampers, and shape memory alloys (SMAs), which are known for their ability to recover their original shape after being deformed. A sensitivity study and a case study are conducted using computer simulations to compare the effectiveness of SMA retrofit devices with other devices. The results show that the effectiveness of the devices is a function of the characteristics of the bridge frames and the ground motion characteristics. In all cases, the steel restrainer cables were the least effective in limiting joint displacements. The SMA devices have the additional benefit of significantly limiting the residual joint displacement in bridges.  相似文献   

Viscoelastic dampers are being used in structures to mitigate dynamic effects. The models of varying complexities from simple maxwell element to differential models with fractional and complex order derivatives have been used to represent their frequency-dependent force deformation characteristics. More complex models are able to capture the frequency dependence of the material properties better, but are difficult to use in analyses. However, the classical models consisting of assemblies of Kelvin and/or Maxwell elements with an adequate number of parameters can be formed to capture the frequency dependence as accurately as the more sophisticated fractional derivative models can do. The main advantage in adopting these classical models is a simpler and smaller system of equations, which can be conveniently analyzed for nonlinear and linear systems. In this study, the two classical mechanical models consisting of Kelvin chains and Maxwell ladder are used. It is shown that these mechanical models are as effective as the fractional derivative model in capturing the effect of the frequency dependence of the material properties in response calculations and are more convenient to use in dynamic response analyses.  相似文献   

Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are known for their superelastic properties, which have been exploited in numerous applications in the biomedical, aerospace, and commercial fields. More recently, these materials have been evaluated for applications in the area of earthquake engineering. One key question that arises when using these materials is the appropriate constitutive material model to use to capture the highly nonlinear behavior of SMAs. This paper explores the effect of using different SMA constitutive models on the resulting response of systems using SMAs. A sensitivity analysis is conducted by using three SMA models with various levels of complexity. The models are implemented in a single-degree-of-freedom system and subjected to three groups of earthquake records with various characteristics. Considering a more accurate trend in modeling incomplete cycles in SMAs has little impact on the structural response. The strength degradation and residual deformation seem to be of more importance than the sublooping behavior. The response is more sensitive to the cyclic effects in the case of records with long durations or large intensities.  相似文献   

The energy transfer process of using a tuned mass damper (TMD) in improving the ability of inelastic structures to dissipate earthquake input energy is investigated. Inelastic structural behavior is modeled by using the force analogy method, which is the backbone of analytically characterizing the plastic energy dissipation in the structure. Numerical simulations are performed to study the energy responses of structures with and without TMD installed. The effectiveness of TMD in reducing energy responses is also studied by using plastic energy spectra for various structural yielding levels. Results show that the use of TMD enhances the ability of the structures to store larger amounts of energy inside the TMD that will be released at a later time in the form of damping energy when the response is not at a critical state, thereby increasing the damping energy dissipation while reducing the plastic energy dissipation. This reduction of plastic energy dissipation relates directly to the reduction of damage in the structure, and TMD is therefore concluded to be quite effective in protecting structures from suffering major damage during an earthquake. However, storing energy in the TMD is restricted if the structure becomes plastic at a small displacement level. In this case, the effectiveness of TMD diminishes, and the structural response becomes practically the same as those without TMD installed.  相似文献   

The ability to use multiple tuned mass dampers (TMDs) in improving inelastic structural performance to dissipate the earthquake input energy is investigated. Inelastic structural behavior is modeled using the force analogy method, which is the backbone of analytically characterizing the plastic energy dissipation in the structure. Both tuning period and placement of the multiple TMDs are studied to give the best structural performance in terms of plastic energy dissipation. Numerical simulations are performed to study the energy responses of structures with and without TMD installed, and the effectiveness of TMDs in the reduction of energy responses is also studied by using tuned mass spectra. Results show that the installation of TMDs gives the structure additional capability of dissipating a large amount of damping energy and at the same time reducing the amount of plastic energy demand and therefore reducing damage in the structure. More important, TMDs have the ability to draw the plastic energy dissipation at the lower stories and release it to the upper stories. This is particularly beneficial for structures that would otherwise suffer more damage at the lower stories than the upper stories. However, the reduction in plastic energy dissipation is quite sensitive to the earthquake vibration characteristics, and TMDs should not be used for structures with weak upper stories.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the control effect for a 20-story benchmark building and apply passive and semiactive control devices to the building. First, we take viscous damping walls as a passive control device which consists of two outer plates and one inner plate, facing each other with a small gap filled with viscous fluid. The damping force is related to the interstory velocity, temperature, and the shearing area. Next, we take a variable oil damper as a semiactive control device which can produce the control forces by little electrical power. We propose a damper model in which the damping coefficient changes according to the response of the damper and control forces calculated by the controller based on a linear quadratic Gaussian control theory. It is demonstrated from the results of some simulations that both passive device and semiactive device can effectively reduce the response of the structure in various earthquake motions.  相似文献   

The ability to create lightweight mirrors that can maintain surface accuracy is a major technical challenge for future space telescopes. Processing-induced errors and surface errors due to temperature excursions and gravity sag (zero gravity in space) make it impossible to correct the surface of thin mirror face-sheets by conventional point actuators. The challenges are compounded by the requirements for mirrors to have adequate stiffness for pointing accuracy. An experimental and analytical study was conducted to explore the feasibility of correcting the shape of lightweight (≈1 kg/m2) mirrors using a “Nitinol” (nickel-titanium) shape memory alloy (SMA). Shape memory alloys are increasingly used as smart devices in aerospace applications. Their primary advantage over other smart materials (i.e., piezo-ceramics and piezo-polymers) is in their ability to undergo large strains and displacements and thus enable the development of smart mechanisms. Active shape correction is the only means of mitigating heat and zero-gravity-induced distortions in space-based optical imaging systems. The repeatability and reliability of a possible actuation system based on properties of the SMA wires were studied by testing the stress-strain and stress recovery behavior under controlled conditions. Embedded SMA wires were then used to actuate a composite beam, and the movement induced by actuation was monitored with the Moiré interferometry method.  相似文献   

形状记忆效应是基于马氏体相变及其逆转变,相变时母相与马氏体相之间存在严格的晶体学取向关系。根据唯象理论,相变织构是可以预估的。同样地对于相变应变也存在取向关系,通过多晶材料的织构分析也可以预估。铜基形状记忆合金沿<100>方向呈最大的相变延伸,通过适当的热机械处理可以获得沿同轧向成45°方向的最大强度的<100>织构取向分量,因而有最佳的记忆效应。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview and problem definition of a benchmark problem for the response control of wind-excited tall buildings. The building considered is a 76-story 306 m concrete office tower proposed for the city of Melbourne, Australia. The building is slender with a height to width ratio of 7.3; hence, it is wind sensitive. Wind tunnel tests for such a 76-story building model have been conducted at the University of Sydney and the results of across-wind data are used in the present benchmark problem. Either active, semiactive, or passive control systems can be installed in the building to reduce the wind response, although only an active control sample problem has been worked out to illustrate the control design. In the case of active control systems, either an active tuned mass damper or an active mass driver can be installed on the top floor. In the case of passive or semiactive systems, such as viscous dampers, viscoelastic dampers, electrorheological, or magnetorheological dampers, etc., control devices can be installed in selected story units. Control constraints and evaluation criteria are presented for the design problem. A simulation program based on the linear quadratic Gaussian technique has been developed and made available for the comparison of the performance of various control strategies.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an implementation of modal control for seismically excited structures using magnetorheological (MR) dampers. Many control algorithms such as clipped-optimal control, decentralized bang-bang control, and the control algorithms based on Lyapunov stability theory have been adopted for semiactive systems including MR dampers. In spite of good features, some algorithms have drawbacks such as poor performance or difficulties in designing the weighting matrix of the controller. However, modal control reshapes the motion of a structure by merely controlling a few selected vibration modes. Hence a modal control scheme is more convenient to design the controller than other control algorithms. Although modal control has been investigated for several decades, its potential for semiactive control, especially for the MR damper, has not been exploited. Thus, in order to study the effectiveness for a MR damper system, a modal control scheme is implemented to seismically excited structures. A Kalman filter is included in a control scheme to estimate modal states from measurements by sensors. Three cases of the structural measurement are considered by a Kalman filter to verify the effect of each measurement; displacement, velocity, and acceleration, respectively. Moreover, a low-pass filter is applied to eliminate the spillover problem. In a numerical example, a six-story building model with the MR dampers on the bottom two floors is used to verify the proposed modal control scheme. The El Centro earthquake is used to excite the system, and the reduction in the drifts, accelerations, and relative displacements throughout the structure is examined. The performance of the proposed modal control scheme is compared with that of other control algorithms previously studied. The numerical results indicate that the motion of the structure is effectively suppressed by merely controlling a few lowest modes, although resulting responses varied greatly depending on the choice of measurements available and weightings.  相似文献   

Model Predictive Control of Wind-Excited Building: Benchmark Study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a “third generation” benchmark problem that focuses on the control of wind excited response of a tall building, using the Model Predictive Control (MPC) scheme, is presented. A 76 story, 306 m tall concrete office tower proposed for the city of Melbourne, Australia, is being used to demonstrate the effectiveness of MPC. The MPC scheme is based on an explicit use of a prediction model of the system response to obtain the control actions by minimizing an objective function. Optimization objectives in MPC include minimization of the difference between the predicted and desired response trajectories, and the control effort subjected to prescribed constraints. By incorporating input/output hard constraints, the MPC scheme provides an optimal control force that satisfies the prescribed constraints.  相似文献   

A decentralized control method with improved robustness and design flexibility is proposed for reducing vibrations of seismically excited building structures. In a previous study, a control scheme was developed for multistory building models using nonlinear, decentralized control theory. This control method has now been improved in this study in that less information about material properties and geometrical parameters of the building is needed and the selection of control design parameters is more flexible. The nonlinear behavior of the proposed control system is studied and its stability property is proven mathematically. To evaluate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method, three illustrative structural models, i.e., an eight-story elastic shear beam model, a two-story nonlinear elastic shear beam model, and a 20-story elastic benchmark model are studied. The 1940 El Centro and the 1995 Kobe earthquakes are used in these examples. The performance of the current control design, as applied to these examples, has shown to be more effective in reducing structural responses and improving robustness.  相似文献   

通过扭转法和电阻测量法对Cu-Zn合金的形状记忆效应进行了实验研究。发现在Ms点以上,不存在热弹性马氏体的情况下,由应力诱发马氏体可以引起形状记忆效应。另外,在Ms点以下有热弹性马氏体的情况下,根据实验结果可以证明,应力诱发马氏体在形状记忆效应中仍然起主要作用。  相似文献   

Despite significant work over many years, using either one of the micromechanics based or phenomenological approaches, there are still prospects of much improvement to be made in constitutive modeling of shape memory alloys (SMAs). This is especially true if we sufficiently target the general scope in the modeling, i.e., including such important attributes as (1) multiaxiality; (2) possible asymmetry in tension and compression; (3) accounting for pseudoelasticity and pseudoplasticity; (4) rate dependence; and (5) effects of shape memory training under cyclic loading. The desire for comprehensive modeling of SMA materials provides the primary motivation for the inelastic model described here. Its theoretical formulation employs two main ingredients: (1) multiplicity of hardening mechanisms and (2) the partition of the energy storage/dissipation that is so vital in capturing the extremes of pseudoelasticity and pseudoplasticity in SMAs. For the purpose of validation and assessment part of the model capabilities, we report the results of a large number of simulations that were inspired by recent experimental test results under both monotonic and cyclic as well as uniaxial and multiaxial stress conditions.  相似文献   

Benchmark Control Problems for Seismically Excited Nonlinear Buildings   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents the problem definition and guidelines of a set of benchmark control problems for seismically excited nonlinear buildings. Focusing on three typical steel structures, 3-, 9-, and 20-story buildings designed for the SAC project for the Los Angeles, California region, the goal of this study is to provide a clear basis to evaluate the efficacy of various structural control strategies. A nonlinear evaluation model has been developed that portrays the salient features of the structural system. Evaluation criteria and control constraints are presented for the design problems. The task of each participant in this benchmark study is to define (including sensors and control algorithms), evaluate, and report on their proposed control strategies. These strategies may be either passive, active, semiactive, or a combination thereof. The benchmark control problems will then facilitate direct comparison of the relative merits of the various control strategies. To illustrate some of the design challenges, a sample control strategy employing active control with a linear quadratic Gaussian control algorithm is applied to the 20-story building.  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic method for identifying the optimal damper distribution to control the seismic response of a 20-story benchmark building. A genetic algorithm with integer representation was used to determine the damper locations. Both H2- and H∞-norms of the linear system transfer function were utilized as the objective functions. Moreover, frequency weighting was incorporated into the objective functions so that the genetic algorithm emphasized minimization of the response in the second mode of vibration instead of the dominant first mode. The results from numerical simulations of the nonlinear benchmark building show that, depending on the objective function used, the optimal damper locations can vary significantly. However, most of dampers tend to be concentrated in the lowermost and uppermost stories. In general, the damper configurations evaluated herein performed well in terms of reducing the seismic response of the benchmark building in comparison to the uncontrolled building.  相似文献   

本文探讨了CuZnAl合金相变过程中内耗的变化规律、产生机制以及加热速度对内耗的影响。结果表明:CuZnAl合金高内耗的产生是由其特有的相变机制引起的,并和加热速度有关。  相似文献   

A new control algorithm is proposed in this paper to control the responses of a seismically excited, nonlinear 20-story building with piezoelectric friction dampers. The passive friction damping mechanism is used for low-amplitude vibration while the active counterpart takes over for high-amplitude vibration. Both the stick and sliding phases of dampers are taken into account. To effectively mitigate the peak story drift and floor acceleration of the 20-story building, multiple dampers are placed on the 20-story building based on a sequential procedure developed for optimal performance of the dampers. Extensive simulations indicate that the proposed semiactive dampers can effectively reduce the seismic responses of the uncontrolled building with substantially less external power than its associated active dampers, for instance, 67% less under the 1940 El Centro earthquake when the passive friction force is equal to 10% of the damper capacity.  相似文献   

综述了NiTi形状记忆合金在有关超弹性性能方面的基础研究、应用研究、力学行为、磨损性能以及数学建模等问题。  相似文献   

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