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我国电信运营企业竞争策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着电信行业改革的深入及我国加入WTO,我国电信行业必将面临更为激烈的竞争局面。本文从我国电信运营企业整体竞争力的现状出发,比较了中外电信运营企业的竞争力差距,分析了我国电信运营企业所采用的价格竞争、品牌竞争、服务质量竞争等传统竞争策略的优劣,提出“竞合”策略是目前中国电信运营企业提高竞争优势的途径。  相似文献   

原鹏  任明凤  郑彦 《通讯世界》2002,8(6):68-69
随着电信市场的逐步开放,电信运营商将面临更加激烈的竞争。目前,电信正处于一个大转型的时期,电信运营商必须从以生产为主的运营方式转变为以客户服务为主的运营方式,竞争焦点将从以价格竞争为主发展为以价值竞争为主,所以一定要树立以客户为中心的理念,强调以客户为中心的完善服务。如何识别最有价值的客户,并为其提供个性化的电信服务将是中国电信业竞争的焦点。只有转变思路才能在竞争中处于不败之地。客户关系管理CRM(Customer RelationshipManagement)是一种倡导企业以客户为中心的管理思想和方法。有三个层次的含义:* …  相似文献   

随着技术的发展、市场的成熟、应用的快速增长乃至用户粘度效应的逐步显现,电信产业的价值链正在发生深刻的裂变,业务与网络开始分离,博弈主体日益增多,国内电信业的竞争己开始由网络技术、价格竞争,逐渐演变为渠道和终端方面的竞争。虚拟运营业务己成为电信运营商打造新核心竞争力关注的焦点。虚拟运营商的出现,改变了电信市场格局,使主流运营商面临更大的冲击,竞争局面更加复杂。  相似文献   

李智鹏 《电子科技》2002,(21):36-37
随着我国加入WTO和电信业改革重组基本完成,电信市场已经进入一个全新的竞争时代。一方面,市场的运营主体数量增加,多元化竞争格局正在形成,竞争日趋激烈另一方面,服务对电信企业集约型发展具有的驱动作用已经为人们所认识,各大运营商纷纷打出服务牌,要以服务水平的提升增强竞争力,在市场中立于不败之地,服务竞争必将取代价格竞争制胜未来。  相似文献   

2002年是我国电信行业发生深刻变化的一年,随着我国电信体制改革大刀阔斧地进行,电信市场逐步放开,电信运营企业“5 1”竞争格局的形成,互联互通逐渐成为了电信监管中的重点和难点。  相似文献   

电信市场的价格竞争不再被视为法宝,品牌竞争和服务竞争才是电信市场竞争的最终目标,国内电信市场的品牌竞争和服务竞争已经开始,可是还存在着一些弊端。介绍了品牌的内涵和多品牌策略对品牌内涵的影响,重点阐述了电信市场竞争中企业品牌承诺的实现。就品牌竞争和服务竞争加以分析,特别是对品牌内涵的塑造进行探讨。  相似文献   

吕艳青 《通信世界》2003,(23):34-34
一、前言。随着我国电信运营企业的分拆和电信竞争大格局的初步形成.电信市场竞争日趋激烈,各大电信运营商意识到自身的生存和发展危机,更加重视自身的建设和对客户的争夺,这对电信网络的业务能力和服务能力提出了新的要求。电信运营企业一方面需要准确认知和挖掘现有经营状况和市场前景、能够针对市场变化做出快速反应和正确决策,另一方面由于各种业务的开展都与客户服务密切相关,电信企业要在竞争激烈的电信市场上占据有利地位,必须在服务意识、服务内容、服务方式上以客户价值和消费心理为导向,真正体现创造需求、引导消费理念,提供高品质、个性化、多元化的服务。  相似文献   

CRM提升电信业竞争力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在竞争激烈的电信运营环境中,越来越多的电信企业开始通过实施客户关系管理来赢得更多的客户并且提高客户的忠诚度。电信市场竞争风云变幻,用户对电信服务的需求快速增长,电信运营商正迅速地把重点从网络建设转换到业务经营,经营理念正在从以产品为中心转变为以客户为中心。在竞争激烈的电信运营环境中,越来越多的电信企业开始通过实施客户关系管理(CRM)来赢得更多的客户并且提高客户的忠诚度,这对挖掘客户潜在价值以及在降低销售和管理成本等方面具有重要意义。随着我国加入WTO,国内外形势都对公众电信运营企业的服务内容、服务方式、服…  相似文献   

耿方萍  陈健  朱祥华 《电信科学》2002,18(10):31-35
随着电信行业竞争的加剧,电信网络运营支撑系统对提高电信企业的网络运营能力,增加企业竞争力显得越来越重要,本文在充分分析现有网络运营现状的基础上,提出了对电信网络运营支撑系统(NOSS)的一些建议和解决方案。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网的快速发展和4G技术的逐步推进,信息产业价值逐步向应用、服务领域转移,电信运营企业的传统优势受到一定冲击。激烈的跨界竞争不仅要求电信运营企业积极开发满足客户需求的多样化、差异化的产品,也对电信运营企业人员的能力和素质提出了更高的要求。文章以H电信公司为例,结合电信运营企业人力资源管理的特征和问题,梳理人力资源规划体系和常用的咨询工具模型,为电信运营企业人力资源规划咨询工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于流量经营的电信运营商智能管道构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘克飞 《电信科学》2012,28(8):145-149
电信运营商重组后,市场竞争日益激烈,价格战层出不穷,电信行业价值持续走低,电信运营商从话务经营向流量经营转型应运而生.本文指出流量经营已是运营商竞争博弈和价值提升的关键,以智能管道促进流量经营发展势在必行.最后,文章提出从加强基础传输设施建设,锻造面向客户需求的流量分析与运营能力,创新商业模式等方面来探讨基于流量经营的电信运营商智能管道的构建.  相似文献   

This article analyses on why China Mobile and China Unicom have chosen price war rather than tacit collusion these years. On the basis of the analysis on factors that influence tacit collusion, and combined with the facts of wireless communication market, the author suggests that the market asymmetries, cost asymmetries, and product differentiation are the basic factors, which trigger price competition between the Chinese wireless operators. By constructing a game model based on Chum rate, this article discusses how these factors cause a fight between the operators and how vigorous the price competition will be. At last, the author suggests that to keep vigor in this industry, continuous structural adjustment is essential. Besides, the number portability policies may cause tacit collusion.  相似文献   

This article analyses on why China Mobile and China Unicom have chosen price war rather than tacit collusion these years. On the basis of the analysis on factors that influence tacit collusion, and combined with the facts of wireless communication market, the author suggests that the market asymmetries, cost asymmetries, and product differentiation are the basic factors, which trigger price competition between the Chinese wireless operators. By constructing a game model based on Churn rate, this article discusses how these factors cause a fight between the operators and how vigorous the price competition will be. At last, the author suggests that to keep vigor in this industry, continuous structural adjustment is essential. Besides, the number portability policies may cause tacit collusion.  相似文献   

张珂  吕廷杰 《世界电信》2002,15(12):45-48,53
企业之间竞争加剧,价格战时常发生,从将博弈的角度来分析,通过建立模型,最后可以得出唯一的纯策略纳什均衡解,即降价,当然,在竞争初期,通过价格战,竞争双方大大增加了用户从而提高市场占有率,但同时降低了ARPU,在注重利润的资本市场中,长期下去只会造成两败俱伤,然而,可以通过政府和市场相结合,对企业竞争行为进行规范,从而约束价格战。  相似文献   

中国电信发展移动业务的策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着通信技术的飞速发展和通信领域竞争的加剧,为了迎接新的机遇与挑战,中国电信必须不断寻找和开拓新的电信业务增长点。开展移动业务无疑能极大地刺激中国电信业务的飞速增长,提高中国电信的整体竞争能力。本文分析了中国电信进入移动业务市场的三个不同切入点,并就移动通信的组网规划和经营策略进行了一些初步的探讨。  相似文献   

徐木土 《世界电信》1999,12(11):46-48
1998年,我国的电信管理体制进行了全面的改革,实现了政企分开、邮电分营。信息产业部本着破除垄断、保护竞争、促进发展的原则,提出了建立我国竞争性电信市场架构的初步设想,在各个电信业务领域实行公平、有序、充分的竞争。同时,信息产业部将作为政府部门,加强对电信和信息服务业务市场的行政监管。  相似文献   

Tandon  V. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1998,35(10):43-48
On January 1st 1998, by decision of the European Union's 15 member states, all of their telecommunications markets were to have been opened to full competition. In practice, it will take longer in many of the countries, sometimes quite a bit longer. The objective was to create a deregulated and harmonized single market in telecommunications. The former phone monopolies lost most of their exclusive rights and new operators were given the right to compete within a pro-competitive framework. In time, the 15 countries in the European Union (EU) will become a single, unified telecommunications market. By year-end, 13 will be open to competition (Portugal and Greece have received extensions to 1 January 2000 and 1 January 2001, respectively). The new regime will pit existing telecommunications players (such as the former telephone monopolies, cable TV operators, managed network service providers, foreign telecom operators, and major Internet service providers) against new players, including rail and power companies and entrants backed by industrial interests. All are fighting for a share of a European telecommunications market estimated at US $105-$110 billion  相似文献   

夏俊 《世界电信》2005,18(2):3-7,18
通过分析电信部门对竞争性市场结果的可能偏离,提出了一系列旨在矫正反竞争行为负面效果的制度安排,并在结尾部分探讨了政策制定者未来面临的问题和挑战。着重指出:除了技术方面.未来电信竞争政策面临的另一个挑战是在投资领域.各国都需要在国家经济安全与电信政策的投资中立之间作出权衡,这在发展中国家显得尤为重要。从长期看,即使市场化能够发展到颠峰程度也不应使电信竞争政策支持完全投资中立的价值现,只要技术变革未达到有效消除该行业要素流动的经济障碍,公共部门对市场准入的管理就不应消失。  相似文献   

The Japanese telecommunications market has experienced drastic changes since the privatization of NTT and the introduction of competition in 1985. Rate reduction in long distance services has been remarkable, and NTT's revenue share in the long distance market has declined sharply. The growth in mobile services and Internet services are epoch-making, and POTS is showing signs of decline. Behind the scenes is the progress of deregulation in remedying the distortion in the market structure. The establishment of new interconnection rules and the reorganization of NTT into one long distance company and two regional companies are the most important outcomes. With this deregulation the Japanese telecommunications industry is expected to develop from managed competition to full competition. However, new challenges for telecommunications regulation are emerging with the progress of competition and new multimedia services. One of them is the universal service. Cooperation among regulators, operators, users, and scholars is required to accommodate the change  相似文献   

The development of telecommunications in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reviews the achievements and history of telecommunications development in China, and analyzes the development of the telecommunications services market in China. The analysis is mainly focused on total turnover of telecommunications services, the development of telecommunications services, and competition in the market. Finally, it analyzes issues on policies and regulations for telecommunications, and gives development targets for the future  相似文献   

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