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现代警务是与现代经济社会和法律制度相适应的一种新型警务,而信息系统是当今警察机构的核心电路系统,通常能决定问题的定义和过程的评估。社区警务的变革,以及类似电脑统计学等警务新方法包含了复杂信息技术的发展。在社区警务运动进行之前,信息技术被广泛运用于高科技行业,与警务部门的日常运作相分离。信息技术已经在扮演着一个更新,更重要的角色。  相似文献   

《电脑与信息技术》是由中国电子学会、湖南省电子研究所主办,湖南省电子研究承办的技术类刊物,是中国学术期刊综合评价数据库统计源期刊,已被中国期刊全文数据库、中国核心期刊遴选数据库、中文科技期刊数据库收录。本刊的宗旨是传播电脑知识,交流电脑技术,促进信息发展,推动信息产业,特点是原理应用俱备,内容深浅相宜,普及提高兼顾,注重技术广度。本刊覆盖面广,信息量大,报道及时,面向广大科研工程技术人员、高等院校师生等。  相似文献   

《电脑与信息技术》是由中国电子学会、湖南省电子研究所主办,湖南省电子研究所承办的技术类刊物,是中国学术期刊综合评价数据库统计源期刊,已被中国期刊全文数据库、中国核心期刊遴选数据库、中文科技期刊数据库收录。本刊的宗旨是传播电脑知识,交流电脑技术,促进信息发展,推动信息产业,特点是原理应用俱备,内容深浅相宜,普及提高兼顾,注重技术广度。本刊覆盖面广,信息量大,报道及时,面向广大科研工程技术人员、高等院校师生等。  相似文献   

信息技术与信息技术课程教学的整合为信息技术与其他课程教学整合提供技术支持。本文从论述信息技术与信息技术课程教学整合的地位入手,分析了当前信息技术与信息技术课程教学的整合的问题之所在,并尝试着提出了解决问题的办法。  相似文献   

文章回顾了美国信息技术发展的历程,清楚地表明了技术发明、个人创造力与市场需求在技术发展和国家政策演变中的重要作用。  相似文献   

秦瑞 《网友世界》2014,(18):150-150
提高课堂教学有效性,在新课程改革的背景下,通过运用恰当的教学策略,促进学生基础性、发展性和创造性的提升;有效的促进学生真实的成长和进步。  相似文献   

王万勇 《福建电脑》2008,24(9):195-195
对中专生信息技术融入计算机教育需要立足于教育发展模式,存在问题,抓好整合教育力量,实施针对教育.培养学生主动学习以切实提高实效性。  相似文献   

本文探讨了计算机网络在公安系统中的应用,同时以"阳光警务查询监督系统"为例进行了比较详细的论述,在此基础之上提出了警务查询系统构建的基本方案.  相似文献   

谈到自己心目中的信息技术课堂,北大附中广州实验学校高中一年级的吴艳莹同学这样说:  相似文献   

在新千年里,为了配合国家教育部在中小学进行信息技术教育的精神,本刊将“信息技术课”从“电脑与制作”专栏分离出来,通过介绍电脑操作入门、电脑组装、电脑控制、多媒体技术和电脑上网等知识,推动全社会特别是青少年对信息技术的了解。一、普及青少年信息技术教育是一项具有深远意义的教育改革人类跨入21世纪之后,初见端倪的知识经济不仅预示着人类经济社会生活将发生新的巨大变化,更预示着信息社会已经来临。信息的获取、分析、处理、发布、应用能力  相似文献   

近几年的数字科技发展的非常快,计算机更是走进行千家万户,人们的生活越来越离不开它,计算机信息为适合社会的不断发展,技术的发展也成为当前科技的发展重心,而且由于社会的需求,也为计算机技术发展提供了一个广大的空间.在此文中,主要对计算机信息向哪个方向发展,以及其在现实中的应用做了系统的研究和分析.  相似文献   

A critical issue facing senior executives is how to improve the return on their information technology (IT) investments. The results of numerous studies are inconclusive as they have failed to show conclusively that IT investments produce expected payoffs. The purpose of this paper is to offer an explanation for the perceived lack of IT payoff and show how managers can improve the return on their IT investments. We argue that IT can provide significant benefits, but in many cases these benefits are not captured by the firm that made the investment. Instead, a large portion of the benefits are reaped by a variety of participants or stakeholders. The implications of this for managers is that they need to view IT payoff as a portfolio of benefits across many stakeholders. They must also understand and manage the distribution of the benefits within the portfolio to assure that benefits are transferred to the bottom line. The paper offers a framework for analyzing the nature and distribution of IT benefits among various stakeholder groups and concludes with a set of guidelines for measuring and managing these benefits.  相似文献   

信息技术的发展,使人们的学习和交流打破了过去的时空界限,为人类能力的提高和发挥作用带来了新的空间。通过信息技术与数学学科的整合,让数学更贴近生活,突破教学重点难点,提高了学生的发散性思维能力,让我们看到信息技术在教学中的重要性。  相似文献   

随着信息化社会的到来,信息技术与各学科教学的整合已经成为21世纪基础教育改革的新视点。英语学科也毫不例外,只有对本学科不断地注入活水,它才有发展前途,才有存在的必要。未来社会是以信息科学为先导的信息社会。  相似文献   

信息技术是现代化学校素质教育中不可缺少的重要手段,它不仅与众多课程教学在很多方面具有共性,更具有鲜明的特性。它为学生创设了独有的、开阔的学习和活动环境,又为学生提供了充分的观察、思维、实践的机会,对于学生的探究能力、创新能力和实践能力的提高具有其他手段无可替代的作用。如何在实践中将其利用好,使之对我们的教育教学工作起到更大的辅助作用,的确值得我们思考。  相似文献   

The need for a link between information technology (IT) use and organizational strategy has been identified and discussed for a number of years. The thrust of this work argues that the motives for investment in IT should derive from firm objectives and, more particularly, from the strategic plan which the organization wishes to pursue. This paper argues that, often, mere lip service is paid to the strategic nature of IT. Further, strategy justification has become a tool for securing investment in IT by circumventing established organizational policy on investments. Many IT investments labelled ‘strategic’ appear to be operational in nature. This paper discusses the nature and evaluation of strategy and relates it to the literature on IT as a strategic tool. The extent to which the relationship between IT and strategy has altered over recent years is subsequently investigated. The implementation process is investigated and evidence of IT investment activities and the returns available to investing organizations are reviewed. The paper argues that there are a number of alternative views on the IT-strategy relationship, some of which are organizationally detrimental.  相似文献   

The US healthcare industry is poised on the verge of a massive expansion of its information technology infrastructure. Healthcare information technology (IT) is permeating numerous areas of healthcare delivery and fundamentally changing the nature of many healthcare jobs. When a comparable expansion in HIT use occurred in the office environment in the 1980s, little attention was paid to ergonomic design principles for computer work and the consequence was an increase in work-related musculoskeletal disorders throughout the 1990s. There are already signs of similar problems among certain groups of healthcare professionals. Consequently, it is vital that when the implementation of HIT is undertaken attention is paid to computer ergonomics programs. This review presents evidence that current patterns of HIT use may pose increased risks of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. It summarizes some of the main ergonomic design principles enshrined in standards that mitigate such problems. It points to the future expansion of ergonomics programs beyond the traditional workplace and into the realms of telecommuting. Results from this review can be used to optimize the implementation of future HIT initiatives in ways that will benefit user performance while minimizing their injury risks.

Relevance to industry

This review describes the rapid proliferation of HIT applications and the importance of ergonomic considerations in mitigating injury risks and optimizing the implementation of HIT systems.  相似文献   

The aim of the present field study is to expand the understanding of how characteristics of recruiters relate to their adoption of new selection technology. In two studies, among 198 recruiters, we used the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), together with two measures of personality (i.e., openness to experience and neuroticism), two information technology specific individual differences (i.e., personal innovativeness in information technology and computer self-efficacy), and reactions to and actual usage of new technology. Both studies showed that all recruiter characteristics (except openness to experience) relate to perceptions of usefulness and ease of use, and that these perceptions relate to intentions to use new selection technologies. Study 2 showed that recruiter characteristics predict perceptions of usefulness and ease of use over and above established predictors of the TAM. Perceptions of usefulness and ease of use were better predictors of intentions to use new technology than perceptions of face validity, predictive validity, and fairness. Thus, when it comes to the adoption of new selection technology, recruiter characteristics, and perceptions of usefulness and ease of use play an important role.  相似文献   

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