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Yukun Song Xiu Zang Tariq Kamal Jingran Bi Shuang Cong Beiwei Zhu 《Drying Technology》2018,36(1):72-83
To detect the water dynamics in abalone during drying is essential for the textural quality improvement, however, sufficiently rapid and nondestructive methods of abalone moisture monitoring are currently lacking. In this study, water changes in abalone during drying and rehydration processes were assessed using low field nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging. A close correlation was observed between ATotal and the total moisture content, and a prediction model with high correlation (R2?=?0.935) was established. Furthermore, good correlations (R2?>?0.950) between hardness, chewiness, rehydration ratio, and T22 relaxation of dried abalone were observed during the rehydration process. 相似文献
Conversion among different moisture-binding types of single Hebei wheat kernels during isothermal drying processing at 60?°C was studied by low field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR), and moisture migration was studied by MRI. Water inside wheat kernels exists in four types: chemically combined water (T21), strong bound water (T22), loosely bound water (T23), and free water (T24). A new method to obtain the contents of different moisture-binding types is forwarded according to the transverse relaxation time distribution curve of dried wheat kernels. Moisture conversion inside wheat kernels during drying occurs mainly through the following mechanisms: high-temperature drives T24 to diffuse to lower moisture areas and transform into other moisture-binding types, and moisture-gradient drives T22 to transform into T24. The drying process can be divided into two stages. Moisture migrates from endosperm to epidermis during drying. As the drying rate of the wheat kernel significantly decreases, the drying conditions and parameters need to be adjusted to improve the drying rate while ensuring the quality of wheat kernels. 相似文献
Use of low-field-NMR and MRI to characterize water mobility and distribution in pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) during drying process 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Shasha Cheng Tan Zhang Li Yao Xiaohui Wang Yukun Song Huihui Wang 《Drying Technology》2018,36(5):630-636
Low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were used to monitor the water mobility and distribution of Pacific oyster during drying process. The results show the mobilities of bulk, immobilized, and free water were reduced, and the immobilized water was removed dramatically. T2-weighted images displayed the water decrease from the external surface to inner center of oyster during drying. In addition, excellent correlations between the total moisture content and T22 and A22 were observed with coefficients 0.9777 and 0.9832, respectively. Principal component analysis showed the drying degree of oyster could be monitored based on raw relaxation data. Thus, the result revealed that LF-NMR and MRI have great potential in assessing water mobility and distribution in oyster during drying process. 相似文献
To investigate the water mobility during a drying process, noodles were prepared with different gluten contents (10.0%, 12.5%, 15.0%, 17.5%, 20.0%, 22.5%, or 25.0%) and moisture contents (30%, 32%, or 34%), and dried on a food moisture analysis technology platform. Three types of water were deduced from relaxation signals measured by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) spectroscopy. Peak time T22 increased with gluten and moisture content but decreased with drying time from 4–6 to 1.0–1.7?ms after 1.5?h. Gluten content mainly affected the drying rate (DR) in the middle drying period, whereas initial moisture content had an influence in the middle drying period and final drying period. 相似文献
LF-NMR online detection of water dynamics in apple cubes during microwave vacuum drying 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
ABSTRACTIn this study, changes in various states of water in apple cubes were assessed using low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) during microwave vacuum drying. Apple cubes were dried at different microwave power levels (100, 150, and 200?W). Indicators including moisture content and water activity were measured. The Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) sequence was used to measure transverse relaxation times (T2). The results showed that three water fractions with different T2 relaxation times (around 11, 126, and 1335 ms) were detected in fresh apples, which corresponded to different cell compartments. The transverse relaxation time of bulk water (T23) and the signal per mass of the bulk water (A23/g) decreased significantly with increasing drying time at different microwave power levels. The signal per mass of the total water (ATotal/g) had significant correlation with the total moisture content (R2?=?0.9919). Furthermore, good correlation (R2?=?0.9799) between water activity and NMR parameters based on partial least square regression model were observed. This research revealed that LF-NMR spectroscopy, a nondestructive technique, can detect the changes of water in different populations in the matrix. 相似文献
Effect of hot-air oven dehydration process on water dynamics and microstructure of apple (Fuji) cultivar slices assessed by LF-NMR and MRI 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
AbstractNon-destructive analysis of water dynamics during drying is of importance for quality control of food products. In this study, different water dynamics and migration in Fuji apple slices dried at various hot-air oven temperatures, i.e. 50, 60, 70, and 80?°C and air velocity at 0.2 m/s were monitored using low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Multi-exponential fitting of the transverse relaxation T2 parameter demonstrated four distinct water peaks in all samples corresponding to strongly bound, lightly bound, entrapped/immobilized, and free water as follows: T21 in the range of 0.01–1?ms, T22 in the range of 1–10?ms, T23 in the range of 10–100?ms, and T24 in the range of 100–1000?ms, respectively. The water content was measured and analyzed by the traditional technique using the oven drying method. The overall results were highly significant, depicting that the transverse relaxation times T24, signal per mass of the free water A24, and water content significantly decreased (p< 0.05), while the color (L*, a*, b*) and shear force (SF) curves increased with extended drying. Furthermore, good correlations were observed between the LF-NMR parameters and color, water content, and SF in differently processed samples during the dehydration process. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and MRI provided the structural changes and spatial water distributions during the drying process. LF-NMR exhibited great potential in evaluating the various water dynamics and quality of Fuji cultivar apples during the drying process.Abbreviations: AA: ascorbic acid; ANOVA: analysis of variance; CPMG: Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill; DW: distilled water; F: Fuji; LF-NMR: low-field nuclear magnetic resonance; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; SE: spin-echo; SEM: scanning electron microscopy; SF: shear force; SIRT: simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique; TE: echo time; TR: repetition time. 相似文献
干燥过程中PVC树脂水含量的控制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了影响PVC树脂干燥的主要因素,分析了旋风干燥床出口温度(T1)标准偏差、工序能力指数及作直方图来推算收集数据的各种特征值,如果T1的设定值与实际值发生偏移,要采取相应措施,以免影响PVC树脂质量。 相似文献
Water status and distribution in shiitake mushroom and the effects of drying on water dynamics assessed by LF-NMR and MRI 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
AbstractWater status and distribution in shiitake mushroom and the effects of drying temperature on water migration were investigated by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique. Three water components assigned to bound, immobilized water and free water were observed in fresh shiitake mushroom by LF-NMR, and higher moisture content was found in the lamella and outer layer of stalk by MRI. During drying, the transverse relaxation time and peak area of immobilized and free water in pileus significantly decreased. Higher drying temperature could promote the changes in water mobility and population. MRI results revealed the water evaporated from external surface of shiitake mushroom, then the water in inner region migrated to the surface during the drying. The drying properties, color and shrinkage of shiitake mushroom were also measured. The strong correlation between moisture content and total peak area of water with a coefficient of 0.9792 revealed the potential of LF-NMR as a rapid and nondestructive method to monitor drying degree of shiitake mushroom. 相似文献
Moisture content is unevenly distributed and hard to measure when agricultural products are dried using microwave drying. A low-field nuclear magnetic resonance/imaging (NMR/MRI) and microwave vacuum drying (MVD) combination equipment was developed. The residual moisture content, distribution, and state of water (free, immobilized, and bound) in fresh corn kernels during MVD were quickly measured in real time. NMR results indicated that the amplitude of free and immobilized water decreased very rapidly at the early stage of MVD, while the amplitude of bound water experienced a similar rapid decrease at the last stage. MRI results indicated that the moisture content was always distributed unevenly during MVD, especially at the early stage. The moisture distribution tended to become uniform when drying progressed and the bound water became dominant. The residual moisture content of corn kernels and integral (total) amplitude of NMR were found to fit well with a linear model (R2?>?0.991, P?0.01), which can be applied to predict the residual moisture content with error less than 0.01?g moisture/g solid during MVD. This work shows that an NMR/MRI smart detection system is capable of measuring and quantifying residual moisture content, moisture distribution, and state of water in foods online and in real time during drying. 相似文献
The mixing of dehydrated zeolites with product particles leads to drying of the product, owing to the decrease in relative humidity of the environment and increase the temperature of the mixture, due to the release of adsorption heat. The analysis of the conventional one-stage contact drying process showed a significant mismatching in the water states of the product and the zeolite during drying. A two-stage drying process is proposed for harmonization of the water state of both product and sorbent. The significant advantage of the two-stage drying over one-stage regarding the degree of drying of the product, the utilization of the zeolite adsorption capacity and the duration of the process were experimentally confirmed. 相似文献
Shuo Wei Bin-Qiang Tian Hong-Fang Jia Hong-Ying Zhang Fan He 《Drying Technology》2018,36(12):1515-1522
The water distribution and state in tobacco leaves with stalks and without stalks during curing were measured by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance and imaging. Results showed that, moisture content of the stalk and midrib was higher than that of the lamina. Only immobilized and free water were found in the midrib of fresh tobacco leaves, whereas the bound water was found in the lamina and stalk. In addition, the mobility of each water state in the stalk and midrib was stronger than that in the lamina. Water migrated from the stalk to the lamina via the midrib during curing, which resulted in a higher proportion of free water in the lamina and a lower drying efficiency of tobacco leaves with stalks than those of nonstalks. 相似文献
Low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) has been increasingly popular as analytical tools for evaluating the dynamics of water mobility and distribution. In this study, dynamics of moisture mobility and constitution of surf clam during constant drying process and intermittent drying process were evaluated by LF-NMR, while the differences of physical and chemical indexes were measured. Intermittent drying improved the product quality of clam, such as moisture content, shear force, color indices, sugar content, peroxide value, thiobarbituric acid value, and the bulk water ratio, which were closely related with moisture distribution and microstructure. The moisture constitution of constant drying process and intermittent drying process were distinctly different. Tempering process reduced drying time and resulted in lower moisture content in dried surf clam. In the meanwhile, the boundary between A21 and A22 was acquired by LF-NMR, revealed that bound water and immobilized water transformed from each other. During tempering process, the myofibril stretched out, verifying that moisture approached a relatively homogeneous. In addition, R2 value reached 0.9897 and 0.9926 for calibration and validation, respectively, displaying good linear correlations between the T21 parameters and moisture content. This study interpreted the dynamics of water mobility and distribution on the proton level to explain the reason that tempering processes to improve physicochemical indexes of surf clam. 相似文献
采用5种复合调理剂改善污泥脱水性能,制得深度脱水泥饼。通过检测N2气氛下,不同干化温度(100℃、200℃),停留时间(30 min、60 min)时,不同调理脱水污泥含水率的变化情况,以及含硫气体的种类和释放量,探讨不同调理剂对干化过程中含硫气体释放特性的影响。结果表明,提高温度、延长时间都可以有效降低污泥的含水率;原污泥干化过程释放的主要含硫气体为H2S和SO2,其总量占含硫气体的82.4%;FeCl3+CaO和H2SO4+FeSO4+H2O2+CaO复合调理剂调理脱水泥饼在干化过程中SO2释放量占原污泥释放量的40.3%和40.6%,H2S则基本没有释放;H2SO4+FeSO4+H2O2+CaO调理脱水污泥在100℃和200℃干化过程中的总硫释放量分别占原污泥总释放量的75.0%和45.6%,该复合调理剂在有效提高污泥脱水性能的基础上,能最大限度地抑制含硫气体的释放。 相似文献
AbstractThe dielectric properties of thermosonically treated Agaricus bisporus slices during microwave vacuum drying were determined, by using a network analyzer and an open-ended coaxial-line probe at microwave frequency (915 and 2450?MHz). The permittivity at 25?°C was also correlated to the water state determined by low field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) analysis. Results showed that the dielectric constant ε' and loss factor ε″ of A. bisporus slices were affected significantly by the composition of water state in the sample. Thermosonic pretreatment enhanced the influence of semi-bound water (M22) and bound water (M21) on the permittivities in sample slices during microwave vacuum drying (MVD). The dependency of permittivities on the moisture content and temperature at 915 and 2450?MHz for thermosonically treated A. bisporus samples could be described by third-degree polynomial models, with R2 higher than 0.998. Infrared thermal imaging analysis confirmed that thermosonic pretreatment is a potential technology to promote the uniformity of A. bisporus slices during the MVD process. 相似文献
阐述了采用"悬浮干燥过程优化控制技术"改造SPVC干燥装置的情况。运行数据表明,该技术提高了旋风干燥塔塔温控制精度、悬浮树脂成品的优级品率及挥发物指标。 相似文献
AbstractThe aim of this study was to improve the drying uniformity and quality of Pleurotus eryngii by using the combination of microwave drying and hot-air flow rolling drying. The moisture content, drying uniformity, and water migration of P. eryngii during microwave hot-air flow rolling drying (MARD) were analyzed in detail. The temperature distribution images were obtained via infrared thermal imaging techniques and the relationship between relaxation time and signal amplitude were obtained via low-field nuclear magnetic resonance analysis and imaging (LF-NMR/MRI). The curves of signal amplitude with moisture content changes were fitted by a linear model with good linearity correlation. It was found that the hot-air and rolling bed could improve the drying uniformity of microwave drying. And the free water was found to transform into immobilized water and bound water during the drying process. Only a small amount of water was left in the dried P. eryngii in the final stage. The results could provide supportive information for improving the uniformity and quality of the drying processes of the edible fungi. 相似文献
Tree transpiration can cause a rapid decrease in the moisture of tree trunk after felling. In this study, the physiological drying of poplar logs was examined as a result of transpiration. Experiments were conducted on poplar trees with and without canopies and where the water supply from the roots was blocked. The effect of transpiration on the drying process and the relationships between transpiration, water loss, and air conditions were investigated. Statistical analysis of the data showed that the moisture content (MC) decreased significantly as a result of physiological drying at a rate of 5.65% MC/day within 3 days, 3.85% MC/day within 5 days, and 2.30 MC/day within 9 days. The transpiration rate of the trees was positively correlated with the moisture loss. Leaf transpiration of control trees and those where access to water was blocked was strongly and similarly affected by air conditions, although the water-blocked treatment resulted in a significantly lower transpiration rate. The transpiration rate and stomatal conductance increased as relative humidity increased and as vapor pressure deficit decreased. When transpiration-mediated water loss occurred, the temperature difference between the air and leaf surface was approximately 1–3°C. The results indicate that transpiration is the main driving force that reduces water during physiological drying, and the main factors that influence this process are the air conditions. 相似文献
Chitosan fibers were wet spun from a 6% by weight chitosan in 3% by volume acetic acid solution. The fibers were collected as a 20 filament yarn intended for use as a chaff substrate. The yarn had to be sufficiently dry following spinning to allow for winding and subsequent separation of the filaments. Drying of the yarn was attempted using various techniques including direct and radiant heat, forced air, and chemical drying agents. Product yarns were analyzed for ease of separation of the filaments, as well as comparison of mechanical properties. Individual fibers were evaluated on the basis of moisture content, surface morphology and fiber diameter. Results indicate that the particular drying method or agent used has a considerable impact upon all of the characteristics listed above. A methanol dry bath was found to provide optimum drying of the chitosan yarn, producing filaments with low moisture content that separated easily from one another. Methanol drying yielded chitosan fibers with smaller diameter, superior surface smoothness and superior mechanical properties to fibers dried using forced air, heat, or other tested drying agents such as acetone and isopropanol. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 69: 1435–1444, 1998 相似文献
探讨物料工业干燥动态特性的新方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对小质量物料干燥动态过程恒速率干燥阶段和降速率干燥阶段,提出了用偏差活化能的方法来避免寻找该两个干燥阶段临界湿分点的困难,并从物理化学的概念推导出了理论动态数学模型,建立了物料干燥动态特性实验台,以实验数据验证模拟结果,效果较好。研究结果表明,利用物料干燥过程偏差活化能的变化特性来研究物料的工业干燥动态特性和干燥机理是可行的。 相似文献
介绍了电石法聚氯乙烯生产装置中,浓硫酸在氯气干燥中系统中的作用.分析影响氯中水含量的因素.在保证生产正常运行的前提下,分析了氯气干燥中降低氯中水含量的措施.指出通过合理的设备选型,加强工艺控制,最终可以将氯中含水质量分数控制在0.02%以下,达到节能降耗的目的. 相似文献