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Moray N 《Ergonomics》2000,43(7):858-868
The beginning of a new century is an appropriate moment to consider the role of ergonomics in relation to the problems facing society. To help solve these serious global problems, ergonomics needs to be open to new disciplines, particularly those in the social sciences. Also, it may be difficult to generalize research on human-centred sociotechnical design without taking into account national characteristics, economics and political constraints. Currently there is more interest than ever in what ergonomics has to offer, but to deliver its promise requires a much broader approach than is usual. By adopting such new approaches one may help solve both the problems of the overdeveloped postindustrial societies and those of the societies of the Third World, where a new approach to work and economics may provide an improved chance for development given the recent changes in global economic policy. 相似文献
Abstract The world will face major ecological and social problems in the coming century, including population pressure, pollution, water shortage, urbanization, etc. To solve these problems requires changing human behaviour. What is the role of ergonomics? Can we design constraints that are perceived as freedom? Can there be a metaphysics of ergonomics in which we can find ethical values for design which transcend cultural bases? 相似文献
以天津历史和传统文化为情感依托,通过对旅游者心理活动和行为动机分析,探究历史、民俗、民间故事、传统手工艺中的情感化元素。总结情感化设计指导下的天津旅游商品的创新设计方法,以期对天津文化旅游商品市场发展具有一定的促进作 相似文献
文化的意识形态特征,使环境艺术设计过程中的文化构思成为整体设计方案的灵魂。通过充分的文化构思准备,明确的构思立意以及具体深入的构思表现,具体而合理的呈现出文化构思的思维脉络,有利于突出环境艺术设计创作的精神性和创新性,并保证设计与实施的顺利进行。 相似文献
随着对西方艺术设计的学习和借鉴,我国的艺术设计也取得了相应的发展。与此同时,我国的艺术设计也面临着相应的问题,如缺乏自主创新和民族特色。我国的民族文化有着历史悠久,特色鲜明的特点,将我国的民族文化与我国的艺术设计进行有效的结合。是推动我国艺术设计不断发展与创新的有效手段。文章分析了民族文化在我国艺术设计中的价值和应用形式,并就民族文化与艺术设计的融合进行了相关探讨。 相似文献
This study evaluated the ergonomics and usability of axes. Several methods were used, namely measurement of impact velocity, the determination of kinetic energy, splitting performance tests, durability tests of blades and handles, and user trials. The mean velocity used in the striking was 9.6 m/s (8.9-10.3 m/s, SD 1.5). In the durability tests, the blades withstood the test reasonably well. In the bending tests, there were differences in the durability of the handles, which related to their material. A wide variation in the durability of the axe handles was also observed. User trials were conducted to evaluate the various features of the axes. 相似文献
闵丽红 《数码设计:surface》2014,(3):126-128
文章将潍坊的地域文化概括为传统地域文化和现代城市文化;基于潍坊的地域文化,文章从有益的尝试、存在的不足和成功的实践三个方面对目前潍坊的城市座椅设计进行了深入细致地研究,并有针对性地探讨了运用地域文化进行城市座椅设计的路径与方法。 相似文献
马玲令 《数码设计:surface》2014,(4):36-38
字体的设计主要是为了满足大众在视觉美学上的需求。文字的设计是随着时代的发展而出现。目前人们对于文明的追求越来越看重。因此在字体设计的过程中,一定要注重对传统视觉文化元素进行应用。文章对其具体应用措施进行了探讨。 相似文献
Nicolas Grégori Jean-Charles Hautecouverture François Charoy Claude Godart 《AI & Society》2006,20(3):384-402
Analyzing the way computer technologies are used is crucial for their development. Such analyses make it possible to evaluate these technologies and enhance their evolution. The present article presents some ideas drawn from the development of a cooperation platform for elementary school children (10–11 years old). On the basis of an obvious ergonomic requirement, we worked on two other dimensions: cultural aspects and the teaching scenario. The goal was to set up observation situations and analyze the conversations produced during those situations, in order to understand what using the platform meant to both the pupils and their teachers.
Claude GodartEmail: |
论文分析了基于传统文化创意视角的旅游纪念品设计的必要性与意义,指出了当前市场上旅游纪念品设计创意存在的问题,并提出解决问题的思路。在此基础上从创意思维分析选择方向提出了解决思路,暨基于中国传统文化创意视角的旅游纪念品设计方法,并通过实例加以验证该方法的可行性。 相似文献
机电产品可靠性预计方法与程序研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
孙怀义 《自动化与仪器仪表》1999,(2):4-6
分析了开展可靠性预计的目的和作用,阐述了电子产品可靠性预计的基本方法:相似设备预计法、设备复杂性预计法、功能预计法、元器件计数预计法及应力分析法,探讨了电子产品可靠性预计的基本程序,同时还分析了机械零部件可靠性预计方法──静强度可靠性预计法的基本程序。 相似文献
The primary objective was to identify the characteristics of the health care industry with respect to organizational and cultural factors and consider how these might impact on the practice of ergonomics. Qualitative methodology was chosen as a suitable approach. This was supported by a middle ground philosophical position. Twenty-one interviews were carried out with academics and practitioners using a questionnaire proforma which developed iteratively over the 18 months of the project. A progressive four stage sampling strategy was used starting with purposive sampling to spread the net. Suggested contacts were then followed up (snowball sampling), before the third stage of intensity sampling to focus on participants with specific experience in hospital ergonomics. A final strategy of analysis sampling sought extreme and deviant cases to achieve theoretical saturation. The analysis resulted in three categories: organizational, staff and patient issues. The organizational issues included both the size and complexity of the National Health Service. For example, three hierarchical lines were identified in the management structure: an administrative line, a professional line and a patient-focused clinical management line. One of the surprising findings for the staff issues was the perceived lack of ergonomic information about female workers as a population group and traditional female employment sectors. The patient issues incorporated three dimensions associated with the caring role: the type of work; expectations; and possible outcomes. The work tends to be dirty and emotional, with a professional subculture to allow the handling of other peoples' bodies. This subculture was linked to a ‘coping’ attitude where staff put the patients' needs and well-being before their own. The change in patient expectations (from being apologetic through to demanding their rights) is mirrored in a changing model of care from paternalism to partnership. A lack of ergonomic research was identified for female workers in the health care industry relating to both the type of work and gender issues. 相似文献
Linda A. Jackson Yong Zhao Wei Qiu Anthony Kolenic III Hiram E. Fitzgerald Rena Harold Alexander von Eye 《Computers in human behavior》2008,24(6):2817
This research addressed four basic questions about culture, gender and information technology (IT) use. First, are there differences between Chinese and US children in their computer and Internet use? Second, are there differences between Chinese and US children in their use of other technologies, namely, videogames and cell phones? Third, does gender moderate the influence of culture on the use of computers, the Internet and other technologies? Fourth, are there differences among subcultural groups within cultures in their IT use? Using samples of 600 Chinese and 600 US children whose average age was 12 years old, findings indicated cultural and gender differences in technology use as well as interactions between the two. US children used computers and the Internet more than did Chinese children, with Chinese females being the least intense users. Males played videogames more than did females, with US males playing more than did Chinese males. US females lead all other groups in cell phone use, whereas Chinese females were least likely to use them. Racial and ethnic group differences indicate that diversity within cultural groups among subcultures must be considered in understanding children’s IT use. Implications of cultural, gender and subcultural group differences in technology use for equity in access to technology and educational interventions for children in the use of technology are discussed. 相似文献
UK public sector policy changes have driven Higher Education Institutions (HEI) towards a competitive and often turbulent market-focused environment. To respond to these dramatic institutional changes, many institutions began to strategically re-focus their management efforts on adapting and surviving in this environment. As part of their efforts, HEIs identified their Information and Communication Technology (ICT) function as an essential function to survive in this environment. This implied that HEIs had to address the institutional role of ICT by defining detailed strategies that aligned the ICT function to the HEIs educational goals. On the other hand, HEIs had to make sure their ICT could support their technology and service requirements, for which they considered pursing a more radical approach, that of outsourcing their ICT to a third party supplier. This research paper reports on embryonic attempts by three British Universities to outsource their ICT, highlighting in particular the ‘cultural, power and political’ issues that arose when public sector institutions follow the example of private sector organisations—by outsourcing to a third party service supplier. 相似文献
陈建军 《数字社区&智能家居》2010,(5):1268-1269
课程改革的成败取决于课堂的变革,课堂变革的根本在于课堂文化的变革,中职计算机应用基础的课堂普遍忽视课堂文化的建设,笔者提出了培育以“享受过程、建构技能”为核心的中职计算机应用基础课堂教学文化,给出了实施这一课堂文化的方法。 相似文献
A submaximal test for estimating the physical work capacity has been developed and compared with a more complicated bicycle test. The testing procedure is a modified Harvard step test which in its original form is a maximal test The pulse rate was counted during work. The step height was 40 cm for young males and 27 cm for the older ones and for the females 33 cm; the stepping rate was 22·5 steps per min. The average values for ‘ step test 40 cm ’, and ‘ bicycle test 900 kgm/min ’ for male subjects were: oxygen intake 2·11 ±0·04 and 2·15±0·02 l./min ; pulse rate during work 130±1·5 and 132± 1·9 beats/mm respectively. The average values for ‘ step test 33 cm ’ and ‘ bicycle test 600 kgm/min ’ for female subjects were : oxygen intake 1·56±0·03 and 1·48±0·02 l./min ; pulse rate during work 140±1·6 and 138 ±2·2 beats/min respectively. The mechanical efficiency did not vary with the body height or weight. As the aerobic capacity for trained individuals without excessive fat is closely correlated to the body weight the light ones will be tested at a relatively higher intensity than the heavy ones, when the bicycle test is used with a fixed load. In the step test the load varies with the body weight but the oxygen intake per kilogram body weight is constant. 相似文献
Content preparation is an important stage in e-commerce website development. It is critical to present appropriate information content to facilitate consumers' decision-making. In the international e-commerce setting, to better serve users from different countries, their different information preferences must be accommodated by taking cultural differences between countries into consideration in content preparation. After examining relevant literature, this paper proposes a conceptual model on content preparation for cross-cultural e-commerce. The model explores cultural effects on information processing of consumers by taking into account both normative effects and psychological effects. Tentative conclusions about cultural differences that need to be accommodated in content preparation are also offered. 相似文献
The complexity of the health care environments necessitates an holistic and systematic ergonomics approach to understand the potential for accidents and errors to occur. The health service is also a socio-technical system, and design needs must be met within this context. This paper aims to present the design challenges and emphasises the specialised needs of the health care sector, when dealing with patient safety. It also provides examples of approaches and methods that ergonomists can bring to help inform our knowledge of these systems and the potential towards improving their safety. Mapping workshops provide an example of such methods. Results from these are used to illustrate how the knowledge base required for better design requirements can be generated. The workshops were developed specifically to help improve the design of medication packaging and thereby reduce the probability of medication error. The issues raised are now the subject of further research, design requirements guidance and new design concepts. The paper illustrates the need to engage with the design community and, through the use of robust scientific methods, to generate appropriate design requirements. 相似文献