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In this article we report on the effects of a digital intervention on the development of algebraic expertise of 17-18 year old students in the Netherlands. The question to be answered was whether the intervention would be effective and what factors influenced the outcome. With notions of formative assessment and symbol sense as guiding theoretical concepts, the intervention’s design principles included the concepts of crises, formative scenarios and feedback. The intervention aimed to improve algebraic expertise and was deployed in fifteen grade 12 mathematics classes in nine schools. Data included results from pre- and posttests, scores, questionnaires and log files of the students’ digital work, and responses to a student survey. Results from the effect study, analyzed with multilevel models, showed that the intervention was effective in improving algebraic expertise. Factors that significantly contributed to the post-test score were pre-test results, the amount of time invested in digital self-tests and attitude towards mathematics. The intervention’s success was not significantly influenced by other variables. We conclude that these types of intervention have a potential for the acquisition of versatile algebraic expertise.  相似文献   

A process-oriented approach by systematically studying driver performance, distraction, and workload is the way to go for assessing safety effects of new telematics applications in vehicles. These systems may strive for drivers' attention and possibly lead to distraction from the primary task. Visual occlusion techniques appear to be an effective means of studying drivers' visual information processing performance. Studies to illustrate this include identifying the minimum visual information drivers need for driving (asking for visual information) and the evaluation of driver support systems such as heading control and adaptive cruise control with respect to visual workload. In other applications the occlusion technique is used to exclude 'visual array' information from the optic flow field. The temporary exclusion of part of the visual field of view was applied in evaluating the effects of different types of driver's side rearview mirrors.  相似文献   

The nature of expertise: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews the complex topic of expertise. It begins with an explanation for the range of interest and viewpoints, and moves on to a discussion of the nature and study of expertise. The diversity in definitions, domains, disciplines, and the impact of these factors on approaches to investigation, are offered as possible explanations for some of the differences that appear to run through the literature. Specific attention is given to issues that may concern ergonomists interested in understanding expertise from the perspective of work in complex and dynamic settings. We suggest a move away from traditional novice-expert experimental designs to study of work in a naturalistic way, studying tasks and activities that are sufficiently challenging so that real expertise can be elicited.  相似文献   

Error depends for its definition, commission, and the seriousness of its consequences on the circumstances in which it occurs. As such, it is argued, in this overview of a large number of contemporary papers on (driver) error, that an erroneous act is only a useful index of behaviour where the background to that act is properly understood. The role of error in the development of skill, and its relationship to accident causation and risk-taking is discussed from this point of view.  相似文献   

Various types of driver models have been proposed in the literature, such as taxonomic, functional, and motivational. Recently, the promising Michon model was extended, leading to the widely used GADGET matrix. Nevertheless, the correlation of such models to actual road accidents and their causes has so far been weak. In addition, the use of those models for predicting driver behavioural adaptation has not proven feasible. This paper introduces a new concept for modelling driver's performance, that of DRIVABILITY. DRIVABILITY is defined as a combination of permanent and temporary factors that affect a driver's performance. Furthermore, this paper proposes a DRIVABILITY index and a methodology to measure it, in order to move from over-simplistic, hierarchical modelling to a multi-dimensional sphere. The usability of the newly proposed concept is shown through its application in three different example cases, including a system monitoring driver hypovigilance, a system for driver basic training, and an elderly driver's assessment scheme.  相似文献   

Sixty-three participants (32 novice, 31 experienced drivers) evaluated meanings of road users' signals in 24 traffic situations such as blinkers, headlights, hazard lamps and hand gestures. The traffic scenes were projected with a slide projector in a laboratory. Confidence in answers was also evaluated by using a five-point scale. The signals were classified into three categories: Formal Device-based Signal (Formal Signal), Informal Device-based Signal (Informal Signal), and Informal Gesture-based Signal (Everyday Signal). The total comprehension scores demonstrated that experienced drivers could understand the signals better than novice drivers. There was a large difference in the comprehension scores for Informal Signal between experienced and novice drivers. Novice drivers could understand Formal Signal and Everyday Signal better than Informal Signal. Similar results were also obtained in the confidence scores. Experienced drivers were more confident in their answers than novice drivers. An effect of gender was found in the scores of confidence. The discussion focuses on how driver's skill in interpersonal communication on roads develops in real traffic situations.  相似文献   

This paper aims at contributing to a better understanding of the cognitive activities of web site designers and, more precisely, their articulation and satisfaction of various design constraints. In this paper, we first present an experiment in which professional and novice designers have to evaluate a web site developed for reflecting usability errors identified in web sites. Then, the results obtained in this evaluation task are compared with results previously obtained in a design task, in which professional and novice designers had to create a web site. Data analyses focused on the number and nature of constraints articulated by designers in these two types of tasks (evaluation vs design). In particular, we distinguished constraints linked with the client of the site and constraints linked with the future web users. The obtained results show effects of both the level of expertise and the task. While designing, all of the designers focused mainly on constraints linked with the client. In contrast, while evaluating the web site, novices focused on constraints linked with the user, whereas professionals shared their attention between these two kinds of constraints (client vs user-oriented constraints). Based on these results, we conclude with ways for supporting designers’ activities.  相似文献   

Australian road and railway authorities have made a concerted effort to reduce the number of rail level crossings, particularly the higher risk passive crossings that are protected by devices such as ‘give way’ or ‘stop’ signs. To improve this situation, passive level crossings are often upgraded with active controls such as flashing red lights. Traffic signals may provide good safety outcomes at level crossings but remain untested. The primary purpose of this research was to compare driver behaviour at two railway level crossings with active controls, flashing red lights and traffic signals, to behaviour at the current standard passive level crossing control, a stop sign. Participants drove the MUARC advanced driving simulator for 30 min. During the simulated drive, participants were exposed to three level crossing scenarios. Each scenario consisted of one of three level crossing control types, and was associated with an oncoming train. Mean vehicle speed on approach to the level crossings decreased more rapidly in response to flashing lights than to traffic signals. While speed on approach was lowest for the stop-sign condition, the number of non-compliant drivers (i.e., those who did not stop) at the crossing was highest for this condition. While results indicate that traffic signals at rail level crossings do not appear to offer any safety benefits over and above flashing red lights, further avenues of research are proposed to reach more definitive conclusions. Compliance was lowest for the passive crossing control which provides further support for the ongoing passive crossing upgrades in Australia.  相似文献   

Traditionally, driver distraction has been categorized into four types: visual, biomechanical, auditory, and cognitive. However, the place of emotion in driving research is largely undefined. The present study investigates the specific influences of anger – representative emotion arisen while driving, on driving performance, compared to those of traditional distraction tasks. In total, seventy-eight participants were recruited and placed into one of four driving conditions: physical (visual-biomechanical) distraction, cognitive (cognitive-auditory) distraction, emotional (anger), and control conditions. The results demonstrated that anger degrades driving performance as much as or more than other distraction types, specifically, in a yellow traffic signal situation. The causes for these results, underlying mechanisms, and other considerations are discussed with implications for future research.  相似文献   

 The main difficulties of the skill transfer from human to machine exist in the fact that human skills are based upon two types of knowledge: one is the fundamental content knowledge needed to perform complex tasks, and the other one is knowledge of the process, by which those tasks should be executed. Distinguishing between those two types of knowledge, we present a comparative analysis between a fuzzy controller and a human expert. Regarding a human proficient expert as an ecological expert after Kirlik, we demonstrate that skillful control lies not only inside of the skill-performer's brain, but in the actor-environment system. In order to investigate into the relations between the human judgments and the environmental information, we adopt Brunswik's Lens Model to quantify both types of knowledge from the performance data. By analyzing how the ways of an operator's interacting with the task environment change and how the cues in the environment utilized by him/her alter, we formalize his/her control-skill improving process. We investigate these in comparison with the conventional fuzzy controller. We conclude in the aspects in which the human expert is superior to the fuzzy controller.  相似文献   

Eye fixations were recorded while novice and experienced drivers drove along three types of roads (rural, suburban and dual-carriageway). An analysis of the content of those fixations was performed in order to identify differences in the scanpaths that can be associated with skill acquisition and that can indicate a sensitivity to road type. This analysis itemized the part of the visual scene that was inspected with each fixation, and identified what the driver looked at as a function of what they had looked at previously. Single-fixation, two-fixation, and three-fixation patterns of eye-movements were identified. Differences in sequences of fixations were found between novice and experienced drivers on the three types of roads, with experienced drivers showing greater sensitivity overall, and with some stereotypical transitions in the visual attention of the novices. A number of individual sequences were identified, including a roadway preview pattern (alternating fixations between near and far views of the road ahead), and patterns involving mirror inspections that varied according to the road type.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE AND BACKGROUND: Cataract, regardless of etiology, results in light scatter and subjective glare. Senile cataract is emerging as a crucial factor in driving safely, particularly in night driving and adverse weather conditions. The authors examined this visual impairment using a new Halometer DG test in the eyes of older adult drivers with and without cataract. METHOD: Examined subjects consisted of n=65 older adults with cataract in one or both eyes and n=72 adult drivers who did not have a cataract in either eye. Subjects were examined for distance high contrast visual acuity (VA) and red/green disability glare (DG) with a new halo generating instrument. Subjects also completed a subjective Driving Habits Questionnaire (DHQ), designed to obtain information about driving during the past year. RESULTS: DG increased with age of the driver. VA and Halometer DG testing of better and worse eyes prognosticated impairments which significantly affect driving performance. Cataract subjects demonstrated increased Halometer DG scores and were two to four times more likely to report difficulty with driving at night and with challenging driving situations than were cataract-free drivers. CONCLUSION: DG is a specific cataract-induced functional age-related risk factor of driving difficulty, easily measured by a technician with a new Halometer DG device. APPLICATION: Optometrists and ophthalmologists should incorporate Halometer DG testing in their pre-examination vision testing rooms for patients over age 55, and also perform this test on others who complain about glare. Traffic safety engineers should incorporate automotive optical-microprocessor-aided tests for DG into cars, to alert drivers of mild functional impairments and progressive degrees of DG sensitization.  相似文献   

Smartphone notifications frequently interrupt our daily lives, often at inopportune moments. We propose the decision-on-information-gain model, which extends the existing data collection convention to capture a range of interruptibility behaviour implicitly. Through a six-month in-the-wild study of 11,346 notifications, we find that this approach captures up to 125% more interruptibility cases. Secondly, we find different correlating contextual features for different behaviour using the approach and find that predictive models can be built with >80% precision for most users. However we note discrepancies in performance across labelling, training, and evaluation methods, creating design considerations for future systems.  相似文献   

N Dunn  A Williamson 《Ergonomics》2012,55(9):997-1008
Although monotony is widely recognised as being detrimental to performance, its occurrence and effects are not yet well understood. This is despite the fact that task-related characteristics, such as monotony and low task demand, have been shown to contribute to performance decrements over time. Participants completed one of two simulated train-driving scenarios. Both were highly monotonous and differed only in terms of the level of cognitive demand required (i.e. low demand or high demand). These results highlight the seriously detrimental effects of the combination of monotony and low task demands and clearly show that even a relatively minor increase in cognitive demand can mitigate adverse monotony-related effects on performance for extended periods of time. Monotony is an inherent characteristic of transport industries, including rail, aviation and road transport, which can have adverse impact on safety, reliability and efficiency. This study highlights possible strategies for mitigating these adverse effects. Practitioner Summary: This study provides evidence for the importance of cognitive demand in mitigating monotony-related effects on performance. The results have clear implications for the rapid onset of performance deterioration in low demand monotonous tasks and demonstrate that these detrimental performance effects can be overcome with simple solutions, such as making the task more cognitively engaging.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study attempts to understand why consumers rarely shop online. Innovation resistance theory is employed in this study. Results of the survey utilizing a questionnaire among the members of study case indicated that value and tradition are major barriers toward use intention. Significant differences in usage barrier and image barrier exist between different non-adopted groups. On average, rejecters group have the highest barriers, followed by opponents, and postponers. Finally, there exist significant differences in usage, value, tradition, and image barriers between adopters and non-adopters toward buying experience goods online. These findings provide a better understanding of consumer’s attitude toward buying experience goods online.  相似文献   

It is often presumed that individuals with greater computer experience will easily adopt new or updated replacements of existing information technology. To examine this assumption, this study reviews prior computer experience research, identifies two key dimensions of computer experience i.e. computer use and computer proficiency and evaluates their effects individually. Analysis of survey data from 737 respondents using structural equation modeling indicates that each dimension had differential effects on behavioral intentions to use a newly introduced internet-based technology with computer use having curvilinear effects on adoption intentions. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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