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基于iButton的智能门锁公交投币箱解决方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲜志刚  王林 《微型电脑应用》2003,19(10):26-27,44
顺应公交智能化的要求,我们给出了一种基于iButton的智能门锁公交投币箱解决方案。以iButton和单片机为主要部件的智能门锁终端,结合计算机后台管理系统构成了完整的智能门锁公交投币箱管理系统。本文详细描述了系统组成和实现。  相似文献   

We study a general form of gears known as non-circular gears that can transfer periodic motion with variable speed through their irregular shapes and eccentric rotation centers. To design functional non-circular gears is nontrivial, since the gear pair must have compatible shape to keep in contact during motion, so the driver gear can push the follower to rotate via a bounded torque that the motor can exert. To address the challenge, we model the geometry, kinematics, and dynamics of non-circular gears, formulate the design problem as a shape optimization, and identify necessary independent variables in the optimization search. Taking a pair of 2D shapes as inputs, our method optimizes them into gears by locating the rotation center on each shape, minimally modifying each shape to form the gear's boundary, and constructing appropriate teeth for gear meshing. Our optimized gears not only resemble the inputs but can also drive the motion with relatively small torque. We demonstrate our method's usability by generating a rich variety of non-circular gears from various inputs and 3D printing several of them.  相似文献   

随着信息技术在高校教学的广泛应用,新型多媒体教室已经成为运用信息技术手段进行现代化教学的主要场所.从新型多媒体教室的现代化设计、人性化环境建设、基础设施的配置三方面进行了阐述,并探讨了构建合理的、人性化的多媒体教学环境的方法.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(3-4):234-251
In this paper we present a cable mechanism that realizes a nonlinear rotational spring from a linear translational spring. The spring is pulled by a cable wound around a non-circular spool, which is rigidly attached to the joint. The non-circular shape of the spool induces a nonlinear relationship between its angular position and the torque created by the tension of the cable. Depending on the shape of the spool, various torque–angle relationships can be realized. We show that for a given nonlinear torque–angle relationship, there is an explicit expression (closed-form solution) of the shape of the spool that synthesizes this function. First, we present the geometry of the problem. Then, we derive the methodology to calculate the shape of the spool to synthesize a prescribed torque–angle relationship. Finally, we verify the design methodology by experiments with three different spools realizing a constant force spring, an exponential softening spring and a cubic polynomial spring. We discuss the possible sources of errors between the theoretical and experimental results.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于PC/104总线工控机的硬币清分装置,实现硬币的快速鉴伪、面值清分、金额累计等功能。该装置采用ICOP 6052V作为控制核心,传感器采用电涡流传感器,数据采集卡采用AX10424。该清分机带有LCD显示和微型打印机,全中文菜单提示,操作界面方便友好,应用前景广阔。样机的实现验证了设计方案的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

本文提出了用自动机原理重新设计一台硬币兑换机,通过把原来的确定性有穷自动机变成了非确定性有穷自动机,在仅仅增加二个状态数的情况下实现兑换面额的大幅度增加,大大满足了乘客兑换硬币的需求.文中采用了贪婪的兑换算法,且对该方法进行了编程实现,并对其管理功能的扩展进行了应用分析,同时描述了软件设计思路.  相似文献   

对LDC1000数字电磁传感器工作原理进行简单介绍,并用此传感器对市场常见硬币进行初步检测。检测结果表明,利用该传感器可有效辨别各种硬币,系统结构简单、成本低廉、稳定性高。  相似文献   

介绍了一种可用于我国现行流通硬币的鉴别系统.该系统以电涡流传感器、光电传感器为检测手段,以LM3S1138微控制器为控制核心,设计并实现了对硬币面值的快速识别及实时显示、对假币的辨伪和清退,系统鉴别精度高,成本低,具有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

主要介绍了博物馆智能投币系统设计的具体方案。其适用于无人操作以投币方式触发控制周边设备。主要通过涡流传感器对投入硬币币值的检测及真假币判断,并由此产生相关控制信号来模拟开关动作或控制周边强电设备,使游客能够自主参与各种互动环节。  相似文献   

将偏心齿轮-非圆齿轮行星系应用于插秧机分插机构中,研制出混合齿轮行星系分 插机构。建立偏心齿轮与非圆齿轮的节曲线数学模型,获取齿轮节曲线方程,并结合KISSSOFT 和MATLAB 软件对非圆齿轮进行设计。建立分插机构运动数学模型,利用MATLAB 开发优化 辅助软件,对分插机构的参数进行优化。完成了分插机构的三维CAD 设计,并在ADAMS 中 对分插机构进行了运动学虚拟仿真,获取了秧针尖点的静态轨迹和动态轨迹,将其与理论分析 得到的轨迹曲线进行对比,验证了混合齿轮行星系应用于插秧机分插机构上的可行性。  相似文献   

电子邮件给人们带来极大便利,但垃圾邮件的日益泛滥,也给人们带来了极大的不便和危害.传统的邮件过滤方法的过滤精度较低,不能很好满足需要.文中提出了一种基于向量空间模型的电子邮件过滤系统,并对向量空间模型进行了改进:采用字作为文本向量的特征表示,并且在字频向量的特征提取时采用了一种新的特征提取函数,从而提高了邮件分类的精度,达到了较好的过滤垃圾邮件的目的.  相似文献   

电子邮件过滤新方法的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭汉松  杨盛 《微机发展》2005,15(5):152-154
电子邮件给人们带来极大便利,但垃圾邮件的日益泛滥,也给人们带来了极大的不便和危害。传统的邮件过滤方法的过滤精度较低,不能很好满足需要。文中提出了一种基于向量空间模型的电子邮件过滤系统,并对向量空间模型进行了改进:采用字作为文本向量的特征表示,并且在字频向量的特征提取时采用了一种新的特征提取函数,从而提高了邮件分类的精度,达到了较好的过滤垃圾邮件的目的。  相似文献   

智能决策支持系统和多智能体是近年来人工智能领域研究的热点。本文从决策支持系统的基本结构出发,针对企业科学决策的要求,介绍了三种基于多智能体的智能决策支持系统的体系结构,以实现分布式群体决策支持,具有控制Agent的群体决策支持以及大型企业的分层动态柔性决策支持。  相似文献   

本文从地域历史文化的视角来研究这个传承了上百年的北方古老小镇,陈炉镇。具体考察分析了其独特的地形、建筑风格,自然景观与环境特色。  相似文献   


The objective of this article is to contribute to research on teachers’ probabilistic knowledge and reasoning. To meet this objective, prospective mathematics teachers were presented coin flip sequences and were asked to determine and explain which of the sequences was least likely to occur. This research suggests that certain individuals, when presented with a particular question, answer different questions instead. More specifically, we found that participants, instead of making the intended relative probability comparison, compared the relative probability of a number of particular attributes associated with coin flip sequences. Further, we interpret participants’ attempts to reduce levels of abstraction in order to reason about probability, in a relative sense. Embracing the research literature suggesting that responses reflect individuals’ understandings of the question they were asked, this article suggests potential questions that participants have not been asked but are answering. In doing so, this article suggests that participants are providing reasonable relative probability comparisons for questions that are unasked. Finally, implications for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

在信息和服务迅猛增长的Web上构建信息集成系统是当前的一个研究热点,本文针对Web信息集成的目标,结合XML和RDF等主要的Web技术及本体的概念,构建了一个基于本体的查询-应答框架,它通过有效地集成Web上的各种异构数据源来为终端用户提供更为方便的服务和应用。  相似文献   

在信息和服务迅猛增长的Web上构建信息集成系统是当前的一个研究热点,本文针对web信息集成的目标,结合XML和RDF等主要的Web技术及本体的概念,构建了一个基于本体的查询-应答框架,它通过有效地集成Web上的各种异构数据源来为终端用户提供更为方便的服务和应用。  相似文献   

在文献[2]的工作基础上,进一步研究了不同的门限值选择方法,及其对算法的影响,提出了两类选择方法:带解空间反馈信息的选择法和随机选择法。在带有反馈信息选择方法中,提出了3种方法,即顺序法、跳跃法和总体信息法。模拟实验及分析表明顺序法优于另两种方法。  相似文献   

本文设计了一种基于网络入侵检测的新型人工免疫系统N-AIS,详细介绍了这个系统的构成和流程,重点分析了N-AIS的一个组件--具有负向选择算子的静态克隆算法的特性和用法。  相似文献   

An account is presented of an investigation of the effect of an anxiety-producing situation, namely the imminence of a parachute jump, upon skill in an acquisition tracking task. Parachutists at three levels of practice wore oxamined: 19 experienced Regular Army men, 9 Regular Army trainees, and 10 Territorial Army (TA) trainees. It was found that tho TA men were more affected (p <0.05) than the Regular trainees, who were more affected (p<0.001) than the experienced Regulars, who were not affected at all.

It is concludod that anxiety does produce a decrement in tasks of this kind, although such decrements can be minimized by appropriate training. It is suggested that an investigation into the best form of such training might bo well worth whilo.  相似文献   

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