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Oxygen consumption ([Vdot]O2) and heart rate (HR) were measured in 40 men performing different types of industrial work in eight factories

A [Vdot]O2-HR relationship was established for each subject using an exercise test on a bicycle ergometer. HR measured during the industrial work was entered in the [Vdot]O2-HR function, and [Vdot]O2 thus calculated. A systematic comparison of the calculated [Vdot]O2 (c[Vdot]O2) with the actual measured [Vdot]O2 (m[Vdot]O2), showed that c[Vdot]O2 significantly overestimated the [Vdot]O2 during industrial work. The degree of overestimation was related to the type of work performed. The static muscular activity and the non-steady-state characteristics of the work were responsible for most of the overestimation

A more reliable technique for estimating metabolic rate is to make simultaneous measurements of [Vdot]O2 and HR at different times during the work day and then from these recordings establish a function: [Vdot]O2=f(HR). Continuous HR recordings can then be used to calculate a more accurate estimate of the metabolic rate.  相似文献   


The Oxylog is a portable instrument designed to measure the oxygen consumption ([Vdot]02) an ambulatory subject. Steady-state measurements have been made, using an Oxylog, of inspiratory volume ( [Vdot]1) [Vdot]02 during bicycle ergometer exercise at work rates ranging from 30 to 150 W. These measurements have been compared with simultaneous measurements of expiratory volume ([Vdot] E) and [Vdot]O2 made using a dry gas meter and mass spectrometer.

Four experiments were conducted, during which a total of 433 comparative measurements were made. In two experiments the Oxylog significantly underestimated [Vdot]O2 (by 4-4 and 5-6%). Averaging over the four experiments, however, the underestimate reduced to 1-5%, which could be accounted for by a respiratory exchange ratio of approximately 0-9. There was, overall, no significant difference between [Vdot] 1 and [Vdot] E.

It is concluded that the Oxylog is sufficiently accurate for the reliable determination of [Vdot]02 and of energy expenditure under field conditions.  相似文献   


The respiratory responses of expiratory volume ([Vdot] E), respiratory frequency (f R), oxygen consumption ([Vdot] O2), and carbon dioxide elimination ( [Vdot]CO2) were measured for coal miners while they were performing a variety of work tasks (walking, carrying, shovelling, cranking and running). Because of the difficulties in relating the respiratory variables to external work rate and a close dependence of the respiratory responses on metabolic activity, oxygen consumption was chosen as an independent variable in the predictors for pulmonary ventilation, respiration frequency, and carbon dioxide elimination. It was necessary to use nonlinear equations for [Vdot] E and [Vdot]Co2 owing to exercise hyperpnoea above the anaerobic threshold.f R did not correlate well with [Vdot]O2 or any of the other respiratory variables. The relationship between [Vdot]E and [Vdot]CO2 was linear.  相似文献   

The problem was to determine the optimal duration of endurance performance on the bicycle ergometer using max [Vdot]o2 as the criterion of validity. Max [Vdot]o2 was measured in 50 male college students using the, step-increment method (the initial resistance was 2·5 at 60 rpm on a bicycle ergometer, and was increased by 0·5 kg each two minutes until the subject would no longer turn.the ergometer, or when the rate fell to 40 to 50 rev/min).,In contrast, the endurance performance test was of the ‘ steady- pace ’ type in which all of the subjects began pedalling at the same initial rate of 69. pedal rpm at a work rate of 1656 kgm/min for 12 minutes. Although the rate of pedalling (and thus the Work rate) declined as fatigue developed, the friction load remained constant at124 kg throughout the test. There were 12 endurance scores for each individual, endurance being measured as the cumulated work done up to a particular minute. The 12 scores ranged from no decrement in the case of a few subjects with complete endurance to 24 percent in the subjeots with least endurance.

The validity correlations (i.e., the min-by-min correlations between, max [Vdot]o2and the 12 endurance scores), progressively increased to Y = 0·78 at minute 12. An empirical equation of the form, Y =C ? at, was used to fit. a smooth curve to the trend of the correlations so its' changing rate of curvature could be determined quantitatively. The rate of change was found to slow down considerably in the; later stages of performance, especially after minutes 7 or 8, where the change, was less than 0·04 correlation units.

It was concluded that max [Vdot]o2 does hot predict endurance performance effectively unless the performance is continued for a least 8 minutes under the conditions of the present experiment. With a,12 minute test, the validity is 96 percent of the asymptotic value, suggesting little further gains can be expected beyond 12 minutes.  相似文献   

Twenty-six healthy women homemakers residing in the metropolitan city of Bombay were studied on a treadmill and a cycle ergometer to determine their aerobic capacity ([Vdot]O2 max) with a view to evaluating their cardio-respiratory fitness and ascertaining the job-demand-fitness-compatibility in household activities. The [Vdot]O2 max was found to be significantly higher in treadmill experiments, i.e. 15% in absolute value and 18% in relative value, as compared with that obtained by cycle ergometry (p < 0·001). A much higher difference was observed in values derived from the two methods on the same subjects (i.e. 28% in absolute value and 31% in relative value). Thus, the [Vdot]O2max obtained from treadmill experiments may be regarded as the maximal aerobic power or the highest oxygen uptake that an individual can attain during exercise, which in the sample of the present study was recorded as 1·901 min ?1 (33·9 ml kg ?1 min ?1). The findings also revealed that age and body weight have a direct influence on [Vdot]O2max, which was found to be significantly correlated, positively with the latter and negatively with the former (p<0·01 in both cases). The physiological job-demand of household activities seems to be compatible in relation to the [Vdot]O2max of the homemakers.  相似文献   


The role of heart rate (f H) in the perception of exertion (RPE) during short term progressive and prolonged (l h) exercise has been studied in healthy male subjects by observing the effects of experimentally changingf H, using intravenous injections of either atropine or practolol to modify the influence of the autonomic system.

In short term exercise the results showed that independently of the large changes produced f H for a given oxygen intake, the subjects rated their exertion in accordance with the relative work performed (i.e. % [Vdot]o2max) in all experiments with and without drug administration. In prolonged exercise the association of RPE and %[Vdot]o2max was less clear. After 10min of prolonged exercise at the same [Vdot]o2 the RPE scores were lower than those observed in the progressive work tests and with atropinisalion and β-blockade RPE tended to rise during the exercise to reach a maximum value at the 60th min though [Vdot]o2 remained unchanged.

It was concluded that heart rate per sehas little influence on RPE and is not an important factor underlying the perception of effort. Nor can it be used to explain the close association between RPE and relative work load found in short term exercise. During prolonged exercise more research is required before any definitive conclusion can be reached particularly bearing in mind the importance of RPE scales to the study of industrial and occupational stress.  相似文献   


An ergometer for kayak paddlers has been developed and used for winter training, measurements of work capacity and maximal oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O2 max). Force is transmitted from the paddle by means of a wire connected to a flywheel mounted with six 9 × 9cm blades. Resistance, therefore, is based on wind turbulence generated by the flywheel. The mechanical efficiency of the ergometer at 63% (range 48-77) of [Vdot]O2 max was 17% (range 16-18) (n= 13). The [Vdot]O2 max was similar during bicycling (median 4·9; range 4·4-5·4l/min), arm cranking (median 4·8; range 4·3-5·11/min), on-water rowing in a kayak (median 4·7; range 4·0-4·91/min) and during rowing the kayak ergometer (median 4·8; range 4·3-5·21/min), (n = 6, p> 0·05). Work capacity during a 5 min ‘all-out’ test was 272 W (range 253–304 W) on the kayak ergometer (n = 17). The use of the ergometer for training helped to increase the aerobic power during arm exercise of Danish paddlers. Before introduction of the ergometer (February 1986), their VO2 max was 4·6 (range 3·8-5·2) 1/min while 12 months later, it was 50 (range 4·2–5·7) 1/min (n = 14, p < 0·01). The ergometer has thus been found.useful for training and evaluation of work capacity in kayak paddlers.  相似文献   

In this study the validity of using heart rate (HR) responses to estimate oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O2) during varying non-steady state activities was investigated. Dynamic and static exercise engaging large and small muscle masses were studied in four different experiments. In the first experiment, 16 subjects performed an interval test on a cycle ergometer, and 12 subjects performed a field test consisting of various dynamic leg exercises. Simultaneous HR and [Vdot]O2 measurements were made. Linear regression analyses revealed high correlations between HR and [Vdot]O2 during both the interval test (r= 0.90±0.07) and the field test (r= 0.94±0.04). In the second experiment, 14 non-wheelchair-bound subjects performed both an interval wheelchair test on a motor driven treadmill, and a wheelchair field test consisting of dynamic and static arm exercise. Significant relationships were found for all subjects during both the interval test (r = 0.91±0.06) and the field test (r= 0.86±0.09). During non-steady state exercise using both arms and legs in a third experiment, contradictory results were found. For 11 of the 15 subjects who performed a field test consisting of various nursing tasks no significant relationship between HR and [Vdot]O2 was found (r= 0.42±0.16). All tasks required almost the same physiological strain, which induced a small range in data points. In a fourth experiment, the influence of a small data range on the HR-[Vdot]O2 relationship was investigated: five subjects performed a field test that involved both low and high physiological strain, non-steady state arm and leg exercise. Significant relationships were found for all subjects (r = 0.86±0.04). Although the r-values found in this study were less than under steady state conditions, it can be concluded that [Vdot]O2 may be estimated from individual HR-[Vdot]O2 regression lines during non-steady state exercise.  相似文献   

Monod and Scherrer (1965) showed that there was a linear relation between the maximal work and the maximal time over which the work was performed until the onset of local muscular exhaustion. This linear relation could be expressed by the equation: W lim =a+bT lim, where maximal work (Wlim) was thought to result from the use of an energy reserve (a) and an energy reconstitution whose maximal rate was (b) We have extended this concept to total body work (bicycle ergometer). Eight male and eight female college students underwent exercise tests at 400, 350, 300,275 and 300,250,200,175 W respectively, to the onset of fatigue. The regression analysis revealed that the linearity of individual plots was found to be 0-982<R 2<0 998 (p<0 01). Experimental results indicated that the maximal energy reconstitution rate (b) was correlated with the onset of anaerobic threshold (AT) as determined by the gas exchange method (r = 0 928, p <0 01). Furthermore, the sum of (a) and (b) (energy reserve and maximal rate of energy reconstitution) was found to be highly correlated with [Vdot]O2 max (r = 0 956, p < 0001) and the regression equation: [Vdot]O2max (1/min) = 0 00795 x [a + b] + 0 114 could be used to predict [Vdot]O2max with a SEE of 0-241/min.  相似文献   

The physiological, subjective and biomechanical effects of altering flywheel weight and pedalling rate on a Quinton Model 870 bicycle ergometer were studied. Steel plates were added to the flywheel to increase its weight to 35·9 kg with a moment of inertia of 1·65 kg m2. A 1·5 kg spoked wheel with a moment of inertia of 0·1 kg m2 was used as the light flywheel. Eight subjects pedalled on two separate occasions for 6 min at 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 r.p.m. with workload levels representing 30 and 60% of their [Vdot]O2max with each flywheel. Force plate pedals were used to measure the total resultant force on the pedals (FR ) and the component perpendicular to the crank arm (FT). A force effectiveness index (FEI) was denned as the average of FT/FR over a crank cycle. The result showed no statistically significant change (p<0·05) in [Vdot]O2, heart rate and rating of perceived exertion of the FEI as a function of flywheel weight except for the [Vdot]O2 at 50 r.p.m. for the light workload. As the r.p.m. increased from 40 to 90 r.p.m., the FEI decreased from 0·5 to 0·35 with the heavy load and from 0·36 to 0·22 with the light load. Measured physiological, subjective and biomechanical indices did not change significantly with flywheel weight. Increasing the pedalling rate caused a significantly less effective application of forces to the crank arm with only a small change in [Vdot]O2.  相似文献   

In order to assess the energy demands of manual clearing of snow, nine men did snow clearing work for 15 min with a shovel and a snow pusher. The depth of the snowcover was 400–600 mm representing a very heavy snowfall. Heart rate (HR), oxygen consumption ([Vdot]O2), pulmonary ventilation ( [Vdot]OE), respiratory exchange ratio (R), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were determined during the work tasks. HR, [Vdot]OE, R, and RPE were not significantly different between the shovel and snow pusher. HR averaged (± SD) 141 ± 20bmin-1 with the shovel, and 142 ± 19 beats-min-1 with the snow pusher. [Vdot]O2was 2·1 ± 0·41 min-1 (63 ± 12% [Vdot]O2max) in shovelling and 2·6 ± 0·51 min-1 (75 ± 14% [Vdot]O2max) in snow pushing (p< 0·001). In conclusion manual clearing of snow in conditions representing heavy snowfalls was found to be strenuous physical work, not suitable for persons with cardiac risk factors, but which may serve as a mode of physical training in healthy adults.  相似文献   

The literature is reviewed and, based on this, it is suggested that the upper general tolerance limit over an 8-hour work day, consisting of mixed physical work, including handling operations, is approximately 30–35% [Vdot]O2 max (on bicycle legwork or treadmill). Therefore, the individual tasks must be adjusted to a metabolic level not exceeding 30–35% [Vdot]O2 max in the majority of the labour force or may be more realistic in specific groups within the labour force (young/ old, male/female). The following metabolic values are suggested (1 [Vdot]O2 ): males <40 years: 0·7males>40 years: 0·6; females < 40 years: 0·6; females >40 years: 0·5. It is important to notice that even with a metabolic rate below 30–35% [Vdot]O2 max it is possible that local overstrain and/ or fatigue in the back muscles during, for example, manual handling operations of long duration can occur  相似文献   


Seventy-six workers, aged 21–43 y. drawn from three major steel plants—two located in the eastern and one in the central region of India (referred to as Group A, Group B and Group C respectively)—were studied on the bicycle ergometer to determine their aerobic capacity ([Vdot]O2max), Both the direct and indirect methods were employed, the direct one being used only in the case of the workers in Group C. The mean [Vdot]O2max of these workers was found to be 42·6 cm3 kg?1 with a standard error of ± 0·71 cm3 kg?1 min?1. The highest values were observed among the workers in Group B (mean 47·0± 1·35 (S.E.)cm3kg?1 min?1) who are ethnically distinct and have a high level of customary activity, and the lowest among workers in Group C (mean: 39·0±0·74(S.E.) cm3kg?1 min?1).

As expected, the [Vdot]O2max was found to be correlated positively with body weight, and negatively with age in a multiple regression analysis. Furthermore, the active Group B has values for [Vdot]O2max that are significantly higher than those for the other Groups, a difference that is not attributable to weight or age.  相似文献   

For high-intensity cycling, power (P) can be well described as a hyperbolic function of tolerable work duration (t): P=(W'/t) + P LL W' is a constant and P LL is the lower limit (asymptote) for P which is shown to occur at an O2 uptake ([Vdot]O2) lying above the estimated threshold for sustained blood [lactate] increase (ΘIac) but below the maximum [Vdot]O2 ([Vdot]O2max) obtained during incremental cycling. This relation suggests that, above P LL, only a certain amount of work (W') can be accomplished regardless of its rate of performance, with [Vdot]O2 max being attained at fatigue. Hence, P LL defines a point of discontinuity in the [Vdot]O2-P relation for supra-ΘIac exercise. In order to determine the factors responsible for the continued increase in [Vdot]O2 (to the maximum fatiguing value) at power outputs >P LL, we documented the temporal profiles of metabolic (rectal temperature; blood [lactate], [pyruvate], [norepinephrine], [epinephrine]) and respiratory ([Vdot]E; [Vdot]O2; [Vdot]CO2; blood pH, PCO2, [HCO3 ?]) responses to constant-load cycling in eight healthy males at P LL (24 min) and slightly above P LL (to exhaustion, i.e. < 24 min). [Vdot]O2 manifested a delayed steady state at P LL, despite catecholamine levels and core temperature continuing to increase throughout; blood [lactate] and pH plateaued, however. In contrast, [Vdot]O2 continued to increase slowly for the duration of the exercise > P LL and attained [Vdot]O2max. The response patterns at P LL, and > P LL suggest that the slow phase of the [Vdot]O2 response is best correlated with the temporal profile of blood [lactate], and hence the site and route of metabolism of this variable may play a major role in the [Vdot]O2 kinetics for high-intensity exercise.  相似文献   


This study investigated whether the anaerobic threshold (AnT) could be used to predict prolonged work capacity measured as cycling time to exhaustion (= endurance time) and which factors, in addition to relative exercise intensity, could explain variation in endurance time. Theoretical exercise intensities corresponding to certain endurance times were also calculated. The hyperbolic and exponential functions between cycling time and relative work rate (WR[%]), as well as between cyling time and relative oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O2[%]) were fitted to the pooled data (n = 45) of 17 subjects. The WR(%) and [Vdot]O2 (%) were expressed as a percentage of the subject's own AnT- and maximum -values. At WR corresponding to AnT (i.e., 70% of WRmax) an average subject could cycle 60 min according to both AnT- or maximum-related exponential function. When prediction was done for an endurance time of 4 h, the AnT-related exponential function gave 2·9%-units ( = 11 W or ~0·15 O21 · min?1) lower intensity level (51% of WRmax than the maximum-related function (54% of WRmax). The WR(%) alone explained 54% and 70% of the variation in endurance time of the AnT-related and maximum-related exponential functions, respectively. Muscle fibre composition and initial blood lactate or relative muscle glycogen depletion (change in muscle glycogen as percentage) increased significantly the explanatory power of these models. The differences between the observed and expected exercise times correlated with blood lactate accumulation (r = ?0·42; p < 0·01), muscle fibre composition (r = 0·33; p < 0·05) and relative muscle glycogen depletion (r = 0·67; p < 0·01). It was concluded that the capacity for prolonged work measured as cycling time to exhaustion can be estimated by AnT-related power output, and that the exponential function model is the most suitable. Prediction power of the model can be improved by multiple regressions including muscle fibre composition, initial blood lactate level and relative muscle glycogen depletion.  相似文献   

Maximum oxygen intake ([Vdot] o 2max), lung ventilation, heart rate, skinfolds, haematocrit and haemoglobin concentration were measured in 40 British women aged 17-27 years during 5?min maximum ergometer exercise. Repeatable values were obtained in 2 or 3 attendances. [Vdot] o 2max for 20 subjects preparing for Alpine skiing was 43.3 ml/kg min (range 37.8-50.8 ml/kg min). [Vdot] o 2max for 20 laboratory technicians was 36.5 ml/kg min (range 30.9-42.2 ml/kg min). The variation in [Vdot] o 2 max in subjects followed over 6-12 weeks ranged from + 3 to + 30%. The variation in [Vdot] o 2 max in 6 skiers followed over 2-6 years ranged from — 10 to +45%. The results are compared with other series on British women and with published results from other countries.  相似文献   

In order to test the effects of increasing oxygen availability on bicycle ergometer endurance performance, 26 subjects completed two criterion endurance performance tests of 6'min duration, (designed to elicit 115% of [Vdot]O2max) while breathing either room air or 100% oxygen. It was hypothesised that if oxygen availability is a limiting factor in endurance performance, one would expect increased work output in the hyperoxic condition, Hyperoxic conditions that do not result in increased work performance would support the cell as limiting. The results of the present study support the oxygen transport theory as the major limiting factor in aerobic endurance performance. Subjects turned substantially more pedal revolutions (17[sdot]3 revs :p < 0[sdot]01) and had significantly higher oxygen uptakes (650 to 780 cm3 greater: p < 0[sdot]01) in the 100% oxygen condition. In addition, there were no differences in estimated cardiac output between the two conditions while there were substantial differences in the estimated a-v O2 difference (2[sdot]92 cm3 100 cm?3 higher in 100% oxygen, p < 0[sdot]01). The increase in work performance was, therefore, ascribed to increased cellular availability of oxygen during hyperoxia.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the physical stress and strain in dairy farming, using ambulatory heart rate and oxygen consumption measurements. The rate of perceived exertion was estimated with Borg scale. The maximal oxygen consumption was measured in the laboratory. The study group consisted of eight male and 15 female farmers. The handling of feed and manure was the heaviest work task in dairy farming. The aerobic capacity ([Vdot]O2 max) of female farmers (26 ± 3 ml/min/kg) was below average, and their work required over 50% of [Vdot]02 max during most of the tasks. The [Vdot]02 max of male fanners (32±10 ml/min/kg) was moderate, and most work tasks required below 50% of [Vdot]02 max. The mean heart rate in dairy farming tasks was 99 beats min-1 in men and 116 beats min-1 in women. However, according to the rate of perceived exertion, the men experienced the same work tasks as subjectively more heavy than did the women. The physical strain of female farmers in dairy farming seems to be too high because of heavy work tasks and relatively low [Vdot]02 max of women. Special attention should be paid to these factors in the occupational health services for farmers.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence selected physiological measurements have upon peak oxygen uptake (peak [Vdot]O2) elicited by upper body (arm crank) exercise employing crank rates of 30 and 70 r.p.m. Nine male volunteers completed: two maximal effort arm crank tests, one cycle exercise maximal aerobic power (AP) test, measurements of isokinetic elbow extension strength (ES), isometric grip strength (GS) and arm volume (AV). Partial correlation coefficients (R) were obtained from a multiple regression analysis. For the 30 r.p.m. protocol, peak [Vdot]O2 was strongly related to AP (r=0·80; R = 0·51) and moderately related to ES (r=?0·41; R =?0·41) and GS (r=0·40; R = 0·30). For the 70 r.p.m. protocol, peak [Vdot]O2 was found to be strongly related to AP (r=0·94; R=0·88). AV values were not found to have a marked influence on upper body peak [Vdot]O2 at either crank rate. These data indicate that aerobic power for cycle exercise is the most important determinant of upper body aerobic exercise performance.  相似文献   

To study the oxygen uptake capacity, the arm crank ergometer test was administered at three different loads, 25,37·5 and 50 W, on seven severely disabled subjects, and their cardiorespiratory responses were compared to that of nine normal subjects (work loads, 25, 50 and 75 W). Values of [Vdot]O2 of the disabled subjects corresponding to heart rates of 150 and 180 beats min?1 were significantly lower than those of the normal subjects, when expressed in l min?1, but disappear when the results are expressed in ml kg min?1. The observations indicate a reduced work capacity and a capacity for increasing the stroke volume of the disabled subjects.  相似文献   

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