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This study examined work tolerance and subjective responses while performing two levels of work and wearing four types of protective ensembles. Nine males (mean age = 24·8 years, weight = 75·3 kg, [Vdot]O2 max = 44·6 ml/kg min) each performed a series of eight experimental tests in random order, each lasting up to 180 min in duration. Work was performed on a motor-driven treadmill at a set walking speed and elevation which produced work intensities of either 30% or 60% of each subject's maximum aerobic capacity. Work/rest intervals were established based on anticipated SCBA refill requirements. Environmental temperature averaged 22·6°C and average relative humidity was 55%. The four protective ensembles were: a control ensemble consisting of light work clothing (CONTROL); light work clothing with an open circuit self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA); firefighter's turnout gear with SCBA (FF); and chemical protective clothing with SCBA (CHEM). Test duration (tolerance time) was determined by physiological responses reaching a predetermined indicator of high stress or by a 180-min limit. Physiological and subjective measurements obtained every 2·5 min included: heart rate, skin temperature, rectal temperature, and subjective ratings of perceived exertion, thermal sensation, and perspiration.

The mean tolerance times were 155, 130, 26, and 73 min, respectively, for the CONTROL, SCBA, FF, and CHEM conditions during low intensity work; and 91, 23, 4, and 13 min, respectively, during high intensity work. Differences between ensemble and work intensity were significant FF and CHEM heart rate responses did not reach a steady state, and rose rapidly compared to CONTROL and SCBA values. SCBA heart rates remained approximately 15 beats higher than the CONTROL ensemble during the tests. At the low work intensity, mean skin.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to investigate workers' responses to work in hot-humid conditions while wearing protective clothing commonly used by the asbestos removal industry, and to evaluate the effects of resting between work bouts in a cool environment on the physiological strain. Seven male students wearing impermeable protective clothing and air masks were exposed to the following conditions for 100 min on separate days: (1) hot conditions (35°C/85%RH), (2) cool conditions (20°C/85%RH), and (3) hot/cool conditions (working in hot conditions and resting in cool conditions). After 12 min rest, the subjects worked on an ergometer (70 Watts) for 18 min. This experimental schedule was repeated three times under each environmental condition. Rectal temperature (Tπ), heart rate (HR), sweat rate (SR) and discomfort sensation were recorded. Two of the subjects were not able to complete the experiment in hot conditions. The increases in Tπ and HR with time were not found in cool conditions. Although Tπ increased in hot/cool conditions, it was almost half of that in hot conditions. Since HR did not return to the pre-work level during recovery in hot conditions, HR during work was accompanied by increases in HR at pre-work. HR during work in hot/cool conditions was higher than that in cool conditions, HR at pre-work, however, was almost the same as that in cool conditions because of rapid recovery. The means of SR in hot and hot/cool conditions were five and four times greater than that in cool conditions, respectively. Discomfort sensation was improved by resting in cool conditions either at rest in cool conditions or during work in hot conditions. The rate of body heat storage that was calculated at the end of each work and recovery period showed that it was positive even in recovery under the hot conditions. It also presented a significant negative phase in recovery under the hot/cool conditions. Thermal stress was linked to work in protective clothing in hot-humid environments. However, the physiological strains were dramatically ameliorated by resting between work periods in a cool environment. The idea of a ‘cool room’ inside the workplace, so to reduce thermal stress, is proposed.  相似文献   

Heat stress can be a significant problem for pilots wearing protective clothing during flights, because they provide extra insulation which prevents evaporative heat loss. Heat stress can influence human cognitive activity, which might be critical in the flying situation, requiring efficient and error-free performance. This study investigated the effect of wearing protective clothing under various ambient conditions on physiological and cognitive performance. On several occasions, eight subjects were exposed for 3 h to three different environmental conditions; 0°C at 80% RH, 23°C at 63% RH and 40°C at 19% RH. The subjects were equipped with thermistors, dressed as they normally do for flights (including helmet, two layers of underwear and an uninsulated survival suit). During three separate exposures the subjects carried out two cognitive performance tests (Vigilance test and DG test). Performance was scored as correct, incorrect, missed reaction and reaction time. Skin temperature, deep body temperature, heart rate, oxygen consumption, temperature and humidity inside the clothing, sweat loss, subjective sensation of temperature and thermal comfort were measured. Rises in rectal temperature, skin temperature, heart rate and body water loss indicated a high level of heat stress in the 40°C ambient temperature condition in comparison with 0°C and 23°C. Performance of the DG test was unaffected by ambient temperature. However, the number of incorrect reactions in the Vigilance test was significantly higher at 40°C than at 23°C (p = 0.006) or 0°C (p = 0.03). The effect on Vigilance performance correlated with changes in deep-body temperature, and this is in accordance with earlier studies that have demonstrated that cognitive performance is virtually unaffected unless environmental conditions are sufficient to change deep body temperature.  相似文献   

The aim was to examine selected physiological and psychobiological responses to different configurations of protective firefighting gear. Career firefighters (n = 10) walked on a treadmill (3·5?km · h?1, 10% grade) for 15?min in three different clothing configurations. On separate days subjects wore: (a) ‘station blues’, (b) a hip boot configuration of firefighting gear, and (c) the current ‘NFPA 1500 standard’ gear. Physiological, psychophysical, and psychological measurements were recorded pre-exercise (5?min), during exercise (15?min), and during post-exercise recovery (10min). Repeated measures ANOVA revealed significant main effects for condition, time, and interaction (p < 0·001) for heart rate (HR), rectal temperature, mean skin temperature, oxygen consumption, breathing distress, thermal sensations, and affect. Furthermore, post hoc analyses revealed that all variables were significantly higher in the NFPA 1500 standard versus the hip boot or the station blues clothing configurations. These data suggest that the current NFPA 1500 standard configuration results in greater physiological and psychobiological stress at a given workload.  相似文献   

This study examined work tolerance and subjective responses while performing two levels of work and wearing four types of protective ensembles. Nine males (mean age = 24.8 years, weight = 75.3 kg, VO2 max = 44.6 ml/kg min) each performed a series of eight experimental tests in random order, each lasting up to 180 min in duration. Work was performed on a motor-driven treadmill at a set walking speed and elevation which produced work intensities of either 30% or 60% of each subject's maximum aerobic capacity. Work/rest intervals were established based on anticipated SCBA refill requirements. Environmental temperature averaged 22.6 degrees C and average relative humidity was 55%. The four protective ensembles were: a control ensemble consisting of light work clothing (CONTROL); light work clothing with an open circuit self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA); firefighter's turnout gear with SCBA (FF); and chemical protective clothing with SCBA (CHEM). Test duration (tolerance time) was determined by physiological responses reaching a predetermined indicator of high stress or by a 180-min limit. Physiological and subjective measurements obtained every 2.5 min included: heart rate, skin temperature, rectal temperature, and subjective ratings of perceived exertion, thermal sensation, and perspiration. The mean tolerance times were 155, 130, 26, and 73 min, respectively, for the CONTROL, SCBA, FF, and CHEM conditions during low intensity work; and 91, 23, 4, and 13 min, respectively, during high intensity work. Differences between ensemble and work intensity were significant. FF and CHEM heart rate responses did not reach a steady state, and rose rapidly compared to CONTROL and SCBA values. SCBA heart rates remained approximately 15 beats higher than the CONTROL ensemble during the tests. At the low work intensity, mean skin temperatures at the end of the test were 32.7, 33.1, 36.7, and 36.3 degrees C, while mean core temperatures were 37.6, 37.9, 37.9, and 38.5 degrees C, respectively. The subjective data indicated that, in general, subjects were able to perceive relative degrees of physiologic strain under laboratory conditions. Wearing protective clothing and respirators results in significant and potentially dangerous thermoregulatory and cardiovascular stress to the wearer even at low work intensities in a neutral environment. Physiologically and subjectively, firefighter's turnout gear (the heaviest ensemble) produced the most stress, followed by the CHEM, SCBA, and CONTROL protective ensembles.  相似文献   

This study examined a low (L; 5 ml/kg per h) and high (H, 10 ml/kg per h) rate of fluid replacement in moderate (18°C) and hot (30°C) conditions on physiological responses while wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). PPE included the gas-tight suit (GTS), the powered respirator protective suit (PRPS) and the civil responder 1 (CR1). Relative to the moderate condition, physiological responses were greater in the hot condition. The percentage change in body mass was different (p < 0.05) between L and H in the hot (L vs. H, GTS: ?0.83 vs. ?0.38%; PRPS: ?1.18 vs. ?0.71%; CR1: ?1.62 vs. ?0.57%) and moderate conditions, although in GTS and CR1 body mass increased (L vs. H, GTS: ?0.48 vs. 0.06%; PRPS: ?0.66 vs. ?0.11%; CR1: ?0.18 vs. 0.67%). Fluid replacement strategies for PPE should be adjusted for environmental conditions in order to avoid >1% body mass loss and/or net body mass gain.

Statement of Relevance:Currently, the UK Emergency Services do not have specific evidence-based fluid replacement guidelines to follow when wearing chemical, biological, radiological and/or nuclear (CBRN) PPE. Although ad libitum fluid replacement is encouraged (when breathing apparatus permits), recommendations from evidence-based findings specific to different PPE and to different environmental conditions are lacking. This study provides novel evidence supporting the need to develop fluid replacement strategies during CBRN deployments in both moderate and hot environmental conditions for CBRN PPE.  相似文献   

Requirements for special protective equipment while working in hazardous environments can present a significantly increased thermal burden and early onset of physical fatigue. Ambulatory (backpack) or tethered personal cooling can accelerate metabolic heat removal, but is often not practical from an ergonomic standpoint. The efficacy of incorporating personal cooling during non-ambulatory rest periods was evaluated in subjects (n=8) with varying levels of fitness. Treadmill work (≈475 W, 40% [Vdot]O2max) was alternately performed for 30 min followed by 30 min of rest. Subjects walked and rested under three separate experimental conditions: (1) control (C), in which light clothing was worn; (2) CPE, in which a chemical protective ensemble (CPE) was worn, and (3) CPE plus intermittent microclimate cooling (COOL). The WBGTcondition for all trials was 31°C. During the COOL trial the subjects additionally wore a personal cooling vest which allowed for the circulation of chilled liquid over the torso during rest. Under C conditions, relatively modest changes in rectal temperature (T re ) were observed, which stabilized over time. CPE wear resulted in a progessive rise in T re and early fatigue. The addition of intermittent cooling during each rest cycle (COOL trial) significantly attenuated heat storage such that an oscillating, but equilibrated T re was established and work capacity was at least doubled. Moreover, the perceived cooling effect was appreciable for all subjects. Therefore, intermittent personal cooling provided a useful means of enhancing work productivity and may have application for certain military and industrial personnel performing heavy work in hot environments. This approach should provide a practical alternative for reducing stress/fatigue when work/rest cycles are employed.  相似文献   

When a work scenario in protective clothing is a nominal two hours of work followed by a short break, the level of heat stress must be limited to conditions of thermal equilibrium. By comparing changes in maximum sustainable work rate in a fixed environment, differences due to different protective clothing ensembles can be determined. To illustrate this principle, two protective clothing ensembles were examined. The Basic Ensemble was a cotton blend coverall over gym shorts with hard hat, gloves and full face mask respirator. The Enhanced Ensemble added a light weight, surgical scrub suit under the coveralls, plus a hood worn under the hard hat. Five young, acclimated males were the test subjects. Environmental conditions were fixed at Tdb=32°C and Tpwb=26°C. After a physiological steady state was established at a low rate of work, treadmill speed was increased by 0.04 m/s every 5 min. The trial continued until thermal equilibrium was clearly lost. A critical treadmill speed was noted at the point thermal equilibrium was lost for each ensemble and subject. The drop in treadmill speed from the basic to enhanced ensemble was 11%. Based on measured values of average skin temperature and metabolic rate at the critical work rate and estimated values of clothing insulation, the average evaporative resistances for the basic and enhanced ensembles were 0.018 and 0.026 kPa m2/W, respectively.

Relevance to industry

Protective clothing decisions are based on the need to reduce the risk of skin contact with chemical or physical hazards. Sometimes over-protection of the skin results in a hazard secondary to the skin, such as heat stress. With or without over-protection, protective clothing decisions may affect the level of heat stress and result in lower rates of sustainable work. This paper illustrates the affects of a relatively small change in protective clothing requirements on the ability to work in the heat.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the physiological and psychological responses during and after high-intensity exercise in a warm and humid environment in subjects wearing shirts of different fabrics. Eight healthy men exercised on two separate occasions, in random order, wearing two types of long-sleeve T-shirt: one made of polyester (PES) and the other of cotton fabric (CT). They performed three 20 min exercise bouts, with 5 min rest between each, and then rested in a chair for 60 min to recover. The ambient temperature was 25 °C and relative humidity was 60%. The exercise comprised of treadmill running at 8 km/h at 1° grade. Rectal temperature, skin temperatures at eight sites, heart rate, T-shirt mass and ratings of thermal, clothing wettedness, and shivering/sweating sensation were measured before the experiment, during the 5 min rest period after each exercise bout, and during recovery. Nude body mass was measured before the experiment and during recovery. The physiological stress index showed that the exercise produced a state of very high heat stress. Compared with exercise wearing the CT shirt, exercise wearing the PES fabric produced a greater sweating efficiency and less clothing regain (i.e., less sweat retention), but thermophysiological and subjective sensations during the intermittent high-intensity exercise were similar for both fabrics. However, skin temperature returned to the pre-exercise level faster, and the thermal and rating of shivering/sweating sensation were lower after exercise in the warm and humid environment in subjects wearing PES than when wearing the more traditional CT fabric.  相似文献   

Fire fighter breathing apparatus instructors (BAIs) must possess the ability to respond to both the extrinsic stress of a high temperature environment and the intrinsic stress from wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), repeatedly and regularly, whilst training recruits in live fire training exercises (LFTEs). There are few previous investigations on BAIs in hot environments such as LFTEs, since the main research focus has been on regular fire fighters undertaking exercises in temperate or fire conditions at a moderate to high exercise intensity. In this study, the intrinsic cardiovascular stress effects of wearing PPE + SCBA were first investigated using a step test whilst wearing gym kit (control), weighted gym kit (a rucksack weighted to the equivalent of PPE + SCBA) and full PPE + SCBA (weight plus the effects of protective clothing). The extrinsic effects of the very hot environment were investigated in BIAs in LFTEs compared to mock fire training exercises (MFTEs), where the fire was not ignited. There was an increase in heart rate due to the modest workload imposed on the BAIs through carrying out the MFTEs (25.0 (18.7)%) compared to resting. However, when exposed to fire during the LFTEs, heat storage appears to be significant as the heart rate increased by up to 39.8 (±20.1)% over that of the mock LFTEs at temperate conditions. Thus, being able to dissipate heat from the PPE is particularly important in reducing the cardiovascular responses for BAIs during LFTEs.  相似文献   

A total of 15 physically active male students carried out a normalised task (T(N)) and a task of access by ladder and scaffolding (T(L)) in two impermeable protective coveralls and a reference sports wear to compare the physiological and subjective strains. Heart rate (HR) was recorded and sweat loss was checked. Subjective evaluations of comfort parameters, acceptable exposure durations and physical exhaustion were recorded at the end of the tasks. Results show that both protective clothing, compared to the sport wear, increase significantly HR, RPE and CR10 in both tasks. However the strains of both protective clothing are not significantly different except in sweat loss and cumbersomeness.  相似文献   

This study reports on an experimental investigation of physical properties on the textile thermal comfort. Textile properties, such as thickness, relative porosity, air permeability, moisture regain, thermal conductivity, drying time and water-vapour transmission rate have been considered and correlated to the thermal and vapour resistance, permeability index, thermal effusivity and moisture management capability in order to determine the overall comfort performance of underwear fabrics. The results suggested that the fibre type, together with moisture regain and knitted structure characteristics appeared to affect some comfort-related properties of the fabrics. Additionally, thermal sensations, temperature and skin wetness predicted by Caseto® software for three distinct activity levels were investigated. Results show that the data obtained from this model in transient state are correlated to the thermal conductivity for the temperature and to Ret, moisture regain and drying time for the skin wetness. This provides potential information to determine the end uses of these fabrics according to the selected activity level.  相似文献   

In practice, passengers actively respond to the thermal environment when they board an aircraft in winter, which is not considered in the current standards. In this study, the behavioural, physiological and psychological responses to the thermal environment were examined at 22 °C (with 68 subjects), 20 °C and 26 °C (with 32 subjects). The results showed that the three air temperature levels had significant effect on nozzle usage and clothing adjustment behaviours, surface skin temperature, and thermal sensation vote (TSV). The walking/waiting states prior to boarding the aircraft cabin had a significant effect on the proportion of jacket removal, TSV and thermal comfort vote. After 10 min in the aircraft cabin, the subjects maintained their comfort in a wider range of the thermal environment when the behavioural adjustments existed compared to when they did not. Thus, a suggestion was made for behavioural adjustments to be provided in aircraft cabins.

Practitioner Summary: Experimental investigation of human responses was conducted in an aircraft cabin. Analysis showed that the subjects maintained their comfort in a wider range of the thermal environment when the behavioural adjustments existed compared to when they did not. Thus, a suggestion was made for behavioural adjustments to be provided in aircraft cabins.  相似文献   

Ten men (non-firefighters) completed a 110 min walking/recovery protocol (three 20-min exercise bouts, with recovery periods of 10, 20, and 20 min following successive bouts) in a thermoneutral laboratory while wearing firefighting personal protective equipment over one of four base layers: cotton, modacrylic, wool, and phase change material. There were no significant differences in changes in heart rate, core temperature, rating of perceived exertion, thermal discomfort, and thermal strain among base layers. Sticking to skin, coolness/hotness, and clothing humidity sensation were more favorable (p < 0.05) for wool compared with cotton; no significant differences were identified for the other 7 clothing sensations assessed. Separate materials performance testing of the individual base layers and firefighting ensembles (base layer + turnout gear) indicated differences in thermal protective performance and total heat loss among the base layers and among ensembles; however, differences in heat dissipation did not correspond with physiological responses during exercise or recovery.  相似文献   

The effects of expectancy and variation in task demand on the rate of human information transmission were studied. Subjects performed an eight-choice key-pressing task, attempting to match characters presented singly under both increasing and decreasing demand. The results support previous research indicating that the relationship between the rate of information an individual is able to transmit and task demand depends, at least in part, upon the temporal history of demand. When a relatively high level of demand was imposed, performance failed to recover at the expected rate as demand was reduced. However, this ‘hysteresis’ effect occurred even when a cue was provided to indicate clearly that a reduction in task demand was imminent, suggesting that an overload of short-term memory, rather than an individual's erroneous expectations regarding demand, is primarily responsible for the effect.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine selected physiological and psychological responses to strenuous live-fire drills in different configurations of protective firefighting gear. Career firefighters (n = 10) performed three sets of firefighting drills in a training structure that contained live fires in two different configurations of firefighting gear. On separate days subjects wore: (a) the NFPA 1500 (1987) standard configuration, and (b) a hip-boot configuration of the firefighting gear. Physiological and psychological measurements were recorded pre-activity and at the end of each trial. Repeated measures ANOVA revealed a strong trend for performance time to be greater in the 1500 gear than in the hipboot gear. There was a significant Time × Gear interaction for tympanic membrane temperature, with temperature being greater in the 1500 gear. Perceptions of effort and thermal sensations were also greater in the 1500 gear than in the hip-boot configuration of the gear. There was little difference in mean performance on cognitive function measures between the two gear configurations, but there was greater variability in performance in the 1500 gear. These data suggest that performing strenuous firefighting drills in the current NFPA 1500 standard configuration results in longer performance time, greater thermal strain, and greater perception of effort and thermal sensation.  相似文献   

Several studies in the literature have shown positive psychophysical effects during or immediately after mindfulness meditation. However, the extent to which such positive effects are maintained in real-life, stressful contexts, remains unclear. This paper investigates the effects of an 8-week mindfulness-oriented meditation (MOM) program on the psychological and physiological responses evoked by immersive virtual environments (IVEs) that simulate emergency situations that may occur in life. Before and after the 8-week period, healthy MOM participants and a group of controls not involved in any meditation course were administered self-report measures of mindfulness and anxiety, and acted in the IVEs while a set of physiological parameters were recorded. Responses of MOM participants to the immersive virtual experiences were different from those of controls. MOM participants showed increased mindfulness and decreased anxiety levels. They also showed decreased heart rate and corrugator muscle activity while facing IVEs. We explain these results in terms of the awareness and acceptance components of mindfulness. More generally, the present experimental methods could also open up new lines of research that combine psychological and physiological indices with ecologically valid stimuli provided by IVEs in an effort to increase understanding of the impact of mindfulness meditation on realistic life situations.  相似文献   

The incorrect determination of metabolic rate can be linked to discrepancies between the model of the PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) and real thermal sensation collected in field studies. Aiming to improve the correlation of the PMV model and the real thermal sensation, this work established new values for the metabolic rate: one way being called “calculated” using Newton's Method and the other called "measured" using a metabolic analyzer. Welder's activities were evaluated, through the measurements of environmental and personal variables. New values of metabolic rate were determined for this activity. The values found for the calculated form and the measured one were, respectively, 178.63 and 145.46 W/m2, different from the range provided by the table of ISO 8996 (2004) for this activity (75–125 W/m2). In order to verify which of the values of the metabolic rate was closer to the real thermal sensation of PMV, a linear regression was made between the PMV and the real thermal sensation in three ways: S × PMVtabulated (R2 = 0.1749), S × PMVcalculated (R ² = 0.7481) and S × PMVmeasured (R2 = 0.7854). It was found that the values measured by the instrument gave a higher coefficient of determination which was chosen for the correction of the table. The correction of the table provides a value of Mpredicted, that is a value of metabolic rate that corrects the values provided by the tables of ISO 8996 (2004), by means of a correction coefficient. For the welder's activities in a metal-mechanics industry, tabulated values can be multiplied by the correction coefficient 1.4648 in order to minimize inaccuracies. The PMVpredicted, obtained through the Mpredicted, when related to the actual thermal sensation, provides a coefficient of determination of 0.7511, thereby improving the model of the PMV.  相似文献   

The effect of caffeine on circulation and metabolism was studied during a discontinuous maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) test on a bicycle ergometer. Eight male subjects were chosen for their minimal use of caffeine of which six normally did not ingest caffeinated beverages. Two caffeinated and two decaffeinated (control) trials were administered to each subject following double-blind and counterbalanced testing procedures. One hour before exercise, subjects ingested decaffeinated coffee with or without 350 mg of caffeine anhydrous added. Cardiac output (Q) was measured by a C02 rebreathing technique. Compared to control trials, caffeine increased the VO2 max by an average of 140ml min?1 (p <0-0·5)l. In addition, during caffeine trials, the average maximal heart rate (HR max) was elevated by 5 beats min?1 (p<0·01). There were no other statistically significant changes in metabolic (VO2 and R) and cardiovascular (Q, HR, SV and (a-v) 02 diff) variables during either submaximal or maximal exercise. Performance, as measured by total exercise time on the VO2 max test, was not significantly different (p>0·05). It was concluded that caffeine has a small physiological but a statistically significant effect on VQ2 max and HR max. During submaximal exercise, caffeine did not significantly effect the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

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