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Formanyyears,computersciencehasbeenstrainingattheboundsofthecomputer,hopingforalanguage,atechnique,asysternthatwouldtranscendtherigidboundsofthepurelyprocedural.Allofthoseattemptshavefailed,toagreaterorlesserdegree.Yetnow,withoutintendingit,weperhapsfindourselvesimperceptiblyoverthatedge.Thereisnosinglewatershedevent,butwehaveneverthelesscrossedfromonecomputingeraintoanother.TwoMicrosoftonlineencyclopedias,EncartaandCinemania,standoneithersideofacontinentaldivideinelectronicpublishing.Bothma…  相似文献   

Although there is debate about emerging production systems, there is little analysis of their direct impact on traditional industrial relations. In this article the authors begin with an exploration of the literature on production systems and argue that there is confusion between the characteristics of, and distinctions between, emerging production systems. As companies diffuse their own production systems, there arises not only a great variety of models, but also a convergence of the principle characteristics of these production models. These are identified as teams, multiskilled workers, and management-initiated employee participation programs. These “new” production models might best be generically termed “lean team” systems, and the consequences for labor and unions are potentially significant. Drawing on research in Colgate-Palmolive, a multinational manufacturing company operating in Australia, one such production model is examined. It would appear that the consequences of the new production system for the union are complex and potentially responsible for their exclusion. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

To my knowledge, no other software engineering language construct as significant as use cases has been adopted so quickly and so widely among practitioners. I believe this is because use cases play a role in so many different aspects of software engineering.Although I first used the term in 1986, I had actually been working on and evolving the concept of use cases since 1967. So many people have asked me how I came up with this concept that I decided to write this article to explain the origins and evolution of use cases. Ill also summarize what they have helped us achieve so far, and then suggest a few improvements for the future.  相似文献   

Living Book is a system for the management of personalized and scenario-specific teaching material. The main goal of the system is to support active, explorative, and self-determined learning in lectures, tutorials, and self-study. Living Book includes a course on logic for computer scientists, with uniform access to various tools such as theorem provers and an interactive tableau editor. It is routinely used in teaching undergraduate courses at our university. This paper describes Living Book, together with its use of theorem-proving technology as a core component in the knowledge management system (KMS) and the use of this new concept in academic teaching. The KMS provides a scenario management component in which teachers may describe those parts of given documents that are relevant in order to achieve a certain learning goal. The task of the KMS is to assemble new documents from a database of elementary units called slices (definitions, theorems, and so on) in a scenario-based way (such as, I want to prepare for an exam and need to learn about resolution). The computation of such assemblies is carried out by a model-generating theorem prover for first-order logic with a default negation principle. Its input consists of metadata that describes the dependencies between different slices and logic-programming style rules that describe the scenario-specific composition of slices. Additionally, users may assess what units they know or dont know. This information is stored in a user model, which is taken into account to compute a model that specifies the assembly of a personalized document. This paper introduces the e-learning context we are faced with, motivates our choice of logic, and sketches the newly developed calculus used in the KMS. Furthermore, the application and evaluation of Living Book are presented. P. Baumgartner: This work has been carried out within the research programme New Media in Education funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Germany.  相似文献   

Authentication and authorization for Grids is a challenging security issue. In this paper, key issues for the establishment of Grid authentication and authorization infrastructures are discussed, and an overview of major Grid authentication and authorization technologies is presented. Related to this, recent developments in Grid authentication and authorization infrastructures suggest adoption of the Shibboleth technology which offers advantages in terms of usability, confidentiality, scalability and manageability. When combined with advanced authorization technologies, Shibboleth-based authentication and authorization infrastructures provide role-based, fine-grained authorization. We share our experience in constructing a Shibboleth-based authentication and authorization infrastructure and believe that such infrastructure provides a promising solution for the security of many application domains.  相似文献   

e,Shandong,276826More attentions have been paid to the development of pervasive computing.Security in the pervasive comput- ing network is the key problem of a pervasive computing application.In this paper,it firstly gives out the outline of pervasive computing,analyzes the cha  相似文献   

A comprehensive, high-resolution, 3-dimensional tracer model, DREAM, has been developed for studying transport, dispersion, and deposition of air pollution caused by a single but very strong source. The model is based on a combination of a Lagrangian short-scale puff model and an Eulerian long-range transport model. The meteorological meso-scale model MM5V1 is used as a driver for the transport model. The tracer model and the numerical implementation of the model is described in this paper. The Eulerian transport model has been splitted into different submodels. The advantages of treating the different physical processes on different scales by using different numerical algorithms will be discussed. The model has been run and validated against measurements from the two ETEX releases (the European Tracer EXperiment) and the Chernobyl accident. 2-D and 3-D visualizations together with some comparisons of model results with measurements will be presented and discussed. The combined model is able to reproduce dosages within a factor of 2–3 in the worst case and arrival times within 2–3 h, compared to measurements from ETEX-1 and Chernobyl. This is within the currently achievable limits of accuracy in long-range dispersion modelling, according to the ETEX-1 experiment.  相似文献   

Some upper and lower bounds are obtained for the maximum of the absolute value of the difference between the mutual information |I(X; Y) ? I(X′; Y′)| of two pairs of discrete random variables (X, Y) and (X′, Y′) via the variational distance between the probability distributions of these pairs. In particular, the upper bound obtained here substantially generalizes and improves the upper bound of [1]. In some special cases, our upper and lower bounds coincide or are rather close. It is also proved that the lower bound is asymptotically tight in the case where the variational distance between (X, Y) and (XY′) tends to zero.  相似文献   

An increasing number of social computational systems consist of a great amount of autonomous entities and operate in highly dynamic and unpredictable environments. To construct such systems needs to seek high-level abstrac- tion to manage the complexity of the systems and novel mechanism to support their characteristics, i.e., dynamism and flexibility. Agent-oriented programming (AOP) is con- sidered as a potential paradigm for developing such systems by exhibiting a number of characteristics, such as autonomy, flexibility, social ability, etc. However, current researches on AOP mainly focus on the construction of multi-agent system (MAS) with theory and language facilities inspired from arti- ficial intelligence (AI) and distributed AI, seldom considering and integrating the proven principles and practices of pro- gramming and software engineering. Moreover, abstractions and mechanism based on AI are inadequate for developing dynamic and flexible MAS in open environment. This paper proposes a novel AOP approach, namely Oragent, for con- structing and implementing dynamic and flexible systems. From a software engineering perspective, Oragent integrates organizational concepts and mechanism into AOP language, and support the dynamism and flexibility with explicit prim- itives. The proposed approach consists of a programming model and a corresponding programming language. This paper presents the syntax and formal operational semanticsof Oragent language, and studies a case to demonstrate our approach.  相似文献   

In two recent books, Jerry Fodor has developed a set of sufficient conditions for an object X to non-naturally and non-derivatively mean X. In an earlier paper we presented three reasons for thinking Fodor's theory to be inadequate. One of these problems we have dubbed the Pathologies Problem. In response to queries concerning the relationship between the Pathologies Problem and what Fodor calls Block's Problem, we argue that, while Block's Problem does not threatenFodor's view, the Pathologies Problem does.We would like to thank Ray Elugardo, Pat Manfredi, and Donna Summerfield for helpful comments on an earlier paper on Fodorian Semantics, X means X: Semantics Fodor-Style. We would especially like to thank Ned Block for extended e-mail conversations about Block's Problem. Block agrees that his problem is not the same as our pathologies problem. Contrary to what we say here, he still maintains that his objection can ultimately be made to work to defeat Fodor's theory of meaning. His elaboration of Block's Problem is different than the one we present here. Versions of a related paper were presented at the 1991 Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology as well as the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Science.  相似文献   

The implementations of design for assembly and design for manufacture (DFM) led to enormous benefits including simplification of products, reduction of assembly and manufacturing costs, improvement of quality, and reduction of time to market. More recently, environmental concerns required that disassembly and recycling issues should be considered during the design stages. The effort to reduce total life-cycle costs for a product through design innovation is becoming an essential part of the current manufacturing industry. Therefore, researchers begin to focus their attention on design for environment, design for recyclability, design for life-cycle (DFLC), etc. These studies are sometimes referred to as Design for X (DFX). Since the late 1990s, hundreds of papers have been published pertaining to DFX applications in manufacturing. Most of them are widely distributed over many different disciplines and publications. This makes it very difficult for one to locate all the information necessary for the application of DFX in manufacturing. A paper that can help researchers and practitioners applying this emerging technology is highly desirable. The objective of this paper is to present the concepts, applications, and perspectives of ‘DFX’ in manufacturing, thus providing some guidelines and references for future research and implementation.  相似文献   

The brain–computer interface (BCI) has made remarkable progress in the bridging the divide between the brain and the external environment to assist persons with severe disabilities caused by brain impairments. There is also continuing philosophical interest in BCIs which emerges from thoughtful reflection on computers, machines, and artificial intelligence. This article seeks to apply BCI perspectives to examine, challenge, and work towards a possible resolution to a persistent problem in the mind–body relationship, namely dualism. The original humanitarian goals of BCIs and the technological inventiveness result in BCIs being surprisingly useful. We begin from the neurologically impaired person, the problems encountered, and some pioneering responses from computers and machines. Secondly, the interface of mind and brain is explored via two points of clarification: direct and indirect BCIs, and the nature of thoughts. Thirdly, dualism is beset by mind–body interaction difficulties and is further questioned by the phenomena of intentions, interactions, and technology. Fourthly, animal minds and robots are explored in BCI settings again with relevance for dualism. After a brief look at other BCIs, we conclude by outlining a future BCI philosophy of brain and mind, which might appear ominous and could be possible.  相似文献   

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