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Estimates of peak spinal compression in manual materials handling were compared between a state-of-the-art laboratory technique and a method applicable at the worksite. Nine experienced masons performed seven simulated tasks in a mock-up in the laboratory and nine matched masons were studied during actual performance of the same tasks at the worksite. From kinematic and kinetic data obtained in the laboratory, compression forces on the L5S1 joint were calculated. In addition, compression forces were estimated from the horizontal and vertical position of the blocks handled relative to the subject measured at the worksite. Comparison of group-averaged values showed that the worksite method underestimated peak compression by about 20%. Rank ordering of tasks for back load was, however, consistent between methods, supporting validity of the worksite method to compare different tasks or to determine the effects of ergonomic interventions with regard to mechanical back load.

Statement of Relevance:This study validated a method that can be used by ergonomists to determine the effects of (characteristics of) manual materials handling tasks on back load at the worksite.  相似文献   

As unexpected sudden unloading of the trunk may cause low-back injury, the objective of the present study was to investigate whether handle height and the expectation of cart movement in pushing affect trunk control at movement onset. Eleven healthy male participants pushed a 200-kg cart with handles at shoulder and hip heights. The cart would suddenly move when externally released (externally triggered condition) or when static friction was overcome (self-initiated condition). Before self-initiated cart movement, trunk stiffness and muscle activity were significantly higher than before an externally triggered onset at comparable pushing force. Lower muscle activity and trunk stiffness at shoulder height compared with the hip height before the onset resulted in higher trunk inclination after the onset. In conclusion, higher preparatory activation of trunk muscles serves to increase trunk stiffness in anticipation of cart movement and may reduce the impact of the perturbation associated with the onset of cart movement.

Statement of Relevance: Sudden cart movement in pushing causes an unexpected unloading perturbation to the trunk. This perturbation was shown to cause uncontrolled trunk movement, which may explain how pushing tasks can be associated with low-back injury. Effects of handle height and awareness of the subjects of the possible cart movement suggest directions for prevention.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the effects of initial horizontal object position on peak L5/S1 total moment (PTM) are affected by task type or familiarity with alternative lifting strategies during manual lifting. Nine subjects lifted low-lying boxes from far and close initial horizontal positions in a typical laboratory lifting task (without any transportation of the load) and in a more realistic lifting task in which the box was transported to a location at a few metres distance. Subsequently, subjects were familiarised with alternative lifting strategies (e.g. shifting and tilting) and they then repeated the more realistic lifting task. Compared with the typical laboratory lifting task, the more realistic lifting task resulted in 6% larger PTMs for the close-positioned box. Familiarisation with alternative lifting techniques resulted in a 10% reduction in PTMs for the far-positioned box. As a result, the effect of initial horizontal box position on PTMs was smaller for the more realistic lifting task than for the typical laboratory lifting task and vanished after familiarisation with alternative lifting strategies.

Statement of Relevance:This study showed that the effect of horizontal box position on peak L5/S1 moments is dependent on the type of lifting task (comparing a typical laboratory simulated lifting task with a more realistic task involving carrying the load for a short distance) and familiarity with alternative lifting strategies. Therefore, it is recommended that back loading should be evaluated in a realistic simulation of the work situation or at the workplace itself.  相似文献   

Saman Madinei 《Ergonomics》2018,61(6):831-838
The performance of manual material handling tasks is one major cause of lower back injuries. In the current study, we investigated the influence of the weight configuration of hand loads on trunk muscle activities and the associated spinal stability. Thirteen volunteers each performed static weight-holding tasks using two different 9 kg weight bars (with medial and lateral weight configurations) at two levels of height (low and high) and one fixed horizontal distance (which resulted in constant spinal joint moment across conditions). Results of the current study demonstrated that holding the laterally distributed load significantly reduced activation levels of lumbar and abdominal muscles by 9–13% as compared with holding the medially distributed load. We believe such an effect is due to an elevated rotational moment of inertia when the weight of the load is laterally distributed. These findings suggest that during the design and assessment of manual material handling tasks, such as lifting and carrying, the weight configuration of the hand load should be considered.

Practitioner summary: Elevated trunk muscle activities were found when holding a medially distributed load vs. a laterally distributed load (with an equivalent external moment to the spine), indicating a reduced spinal stability due to the reduced rotational moment of inertia. The configuration of the hand load should be considered when evaluating manual material handling tasks.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure the effect size of three important factors in manual material handling, namely expertise, lifting height and weight lifted. The effect of expertise was evaluated by contrasting 15 expert and 15 novice handlers, the effect of the weight lifted with a 15-kg box and a 23-kg box and the effect of lifting height with two different box heights: ground level and a 32 cm height. The task consisted of transferring a series of boxes from a conveyor to a hand trolley. Lifting height and weight lifted had more effect size than expertise on external back loading variables (moments) while expertise had low impact. On the other hand, expertise showed a significant effect of posture variables on the lumbar spine and knees. All three factors are important, but for a reduction of external back loading, the focus should be on the lifting height and weight lifted. PRACTITIONER SUMMARY: The objective was to measure the effect size of three important factors in a transfer of boxes from a conveyor to a hand trolley. Lifting height and weight lifted had more effect size than expertise on external back loading variables but expertise was a major determinant in back posture.  相似文献   

Many studies compared lifting techniques such as stoop and squat lifting. Results thus far show that when lifting a wide load, high back loads result, irrespective of the lifting technique applied. This study compared four lifting techniques in 11 male subjects lifting wide loads. One of these techniques, denoted as the weight lifters' technique (WLT), is characterised by a wide foot placement, moderate knee flexion and a straight but not upright trunk. Net moments were calculated with a 3-D linked segment model and spinal forces with an electromyographic-driven trunk model. When lifting the wide box at handles that allow a high grip position, the WLT resulted in over 20% lower compression forces than the free, squat and stoop lifting technique, mainly due to a smaller horizontal distance between the l5S1 joint and the load. When lifting the wide box at the bottom, none of the lifting techniques was clearly superior to the others.

Statement of Relevance: Lifting low-lying and large objects results in high back loads and may therefore result in a high risk of developing low back pain. This study compares the utility of a WLT, in terms of back load and lumbar flexion, to more familiar techniques in these high-risk lifting tasks.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of foot placements in relation to hand locations during manual materials handling tasks is critical for prospective biomechanical analysis. To address this need, the effects of lifting task conditions and anthropometric variables on foot placements were studied in a laboratory experiment. In total, 20 men and women performed two-handed object transfers that required them to walk to a shelf, lift an object from the shelf at waist height and carry the object to a variety of locations. Five different changes in the direction of progression following the object pickup were used, ranging from 45° to 180° relative to the approach direction. Object weights of 1.0 kg, 4.5 kg, 13.6 kg were used. Whole-body motions were recorded using a 3-D optical retro-reflective marker-based camera system. A new parametric system for describing foot placements, the Quantitative Transition Classification System, was developed to facilitate the parameterisation of foot placement data. Foot placements chosen by the subjects during the transfer tasks appeared to facilitate a change in the whole-body direction of progression, in addition to aiding in performing the lift. Further analysis revealed that five different stepping behaviours accounted for 71% of the stepping patterns observed. More specifically, the most frequently observed behaviour revealed that the orientation of the lead foot during the actual lifting task was primarily affected by the amount of turn angle required after the lift (R 2 = 0.53). One surprising result was that the object mass (scaled by participant body mass) was not found to significantly affect any of the individual step placement parameters. Regression models were developed to predict the most prevalent step placements and are included in this paper to facilitate more accurate human motion simulations and ergonomics analyses of manual material lifting tasks.

Statement of Relevance: This study proposes a method for parameterising the steps (foot placements) associated with manual material handling tasks. The influence of task conditions and subject anthropometry on the foot placements of the most frequently observed stepping pattern during a laboratory study is discussed. For prospective postural analyses conducted using digital human models, accurate prediction of the foot placements is critical to realistic postural analyses and improved biomechanical job evaluations.  相似文献   


Manual material handling still plays an important role in assembly work as well as in the service industry. By means of an ergonomic layout of working places, the effects of disadvantageous working conditions, especially static load resulting from unfavourable postures of the body as well as unnecessary physiological cost arising from body movements may be avoided. In this context knowledge about the optimum directions of horizontal arm movements is fundamental. Therefore by means of advanced methods of multi-channel electromyography (EMG) and applying computer assisted evaluation methods, physiological responses to one-handed horizontal material handling in a sitting position were recorded. In order to obtain myoelectric signals from the most important task-relevant muscles out of more than 40 muscle groups of the hand-arm-shoulder-system, preceding research was done also aiming at standardized lead positions for surface EMG. Groups of five young females each participated in a series of successive experiments, in which the direction of movements of the left arm was varied. The subjects worked without and with an external load imposed by weights of 0, 1, 2 and 4 kg. The movements between 20° and 230°-measured from the frontal plane of the subjects-included working from ahead and from behind. The lifting distance was 38 cm starting from different outward points within the reach to a fixed point near the body. Also in one test series the handling frequency was varied between 12,24 and 48 lifts per minute. Assessment of the physiological cost by electromyographic activites (EA), especially the determination of the most stressful and least expensive directions of repetitive horizontal movements, was more effective when differentiating static and dynamic portions of muscular strain than common means of EA.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of container handle parameters on shoulder and upper limb muscle activity and joint posture during a pouring task is investigated. Results indicated that a low handle position and a vertical handle slope minimised the loading of the shoulder muscles. A high and sloped handle minimised the muscle activity and wrist deviation of the lower arm. The effects of diameter were not significant for most dependent variables during the lifting phase of the task; however, beneficial effects were seen with the smallest handle diameter during the pouring phase. A trade-off existed between the shoulder and the hand/wrist posture with the different handles. The findings of significance with relatively small effect size suggest a high sensitivity of the system to any changes. In the real world, speed, space and work conditions are important factors that influence how a task is performed. This emphasises the importance of proper handle design.

Practitioner Summary: In this study, the effect of container handle design on the muscle activity and postures of the upper extremity during a pouring task were analyzed using the experimental data collected from electromyography and motion tracking systems. The low handle height and vertical handle slope design yielded the lowest shoulder muscle activity.  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of two experiments examining the effect of voice generation and recognition systems on dual-task performance. In the first experiment subjects performed a task combination consisting of a spatial short-term memory task and a verbal short-term memory task. In the second experiment the subjects performed a combination consisting of a one-dimensional compensatory tracking task and the verbal short-term memory task used in experiment I. In both experiments, stimuli for the verbal short-term memory task were presented either visually on a CRT or auditorily using a voice generation system. Subjects responded either by using a keypad or by using a voice recognition system. A strictly between-subjects design was used in both experiments to avoid problems associated with asymmetric transfer. In both experiments the use of a voice generation system benefited dual-task performance. Experiment I showed no significant difference between speech responses and manual responses on any dependent measure. Experiment II showed significantly faster correct reaction times (RTs) for speech responses to the verbal short-term memory task only when the responses were adjusted for the delay inherent in the speech recognition system. The implications of these studies for the application of voice generation and recognition systems is discussed.  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal shoulder load among baggage handlers measured by combining duration and intensity based on biomechanical and epidemiological information may be a stronger predictor of subacromial shoulder disorders than baggage handler seniority. In 2012, a cohort of baggage handlers employed at Copenhagen Airport in 1990–2012, and a cohort of unskilled otherwise employed men answered a survey. Self-reported information on work tasks during employment in the airport in combination with work task specific biomechanically modelled forces in the shoulder joint was used to estimate shoulder load. Exposure measures were accumulated shoulder abduction moment, accumulated shoulder compression force, accumulated supraspinatus force and baggage handler seniority. The outcome was subacromial shoulder disorder registered in the Danish National Patient Register. When analyses were adjusted by all confounders except age, exposure variables showed close to significant associations with subacromial shoulder disorder. Results could not confirm our hypothesis that combined information on work task duration and shoulder load intensity was stronger associated with subacromial shoulder disorder than seniority.

Practitioner Summary: In this study we sought to identify if the exposure to work-related musculoskeletal shoulder loading including duration and intensity among baggage handlers was associated with subacromial shoulder disorder. We found that there was an association but this was not stronger than that between baggage handler seniority and subacromial shoulder disorder.  相似文献   


Sudden loading is a major risk factor for work-related lower back injuries among occupations involving manual material handling (MMH). The current study explored the effects of external weight configuration on trunk biomechanics and trunk rotational stiffness in the sagittal plane during sudden loading. Fifteen asymptomatic volunteers experienced sudden loadings using the same magnitude of weight (9?kg) with two different configurations (medially- or laterally-distributed) at three levels of height (low, middle and high). Results of this study showed that the medially distributed weight resulted in a significantly higher peak L5/S1 joint compression force (2861 N vs. 2694 N) and trunk rotational stiffness (2413?Nm/rad vs. 1785?Nm/rad) compared to the laterally distributed weight. It was concluded that when experiencing sudden loading, a more laterally distributed weight could increase the load’s resistance to physical perturbations and alleviate spinal loading during sudden loading events.

Practitioner summary: Increased trunk rotational stiffness and peak L5/S1 joint compression force were observed when undergoing a sudden load release of a medially distributed load compared to a laterally distributed load revealing a less stable hand load condition due to the reduced moment of inertia. The laterally distributed load could increase the load’s resistance to physical perturbations and mitigate spinal loading during sudden loading events.  相似文献   

Prolonged repetitive lifting is a whole-body exertion. Despite this, the roles and physical exposures of the upper extremities are frequently neglected. The influence of precision requirements and cognitive distractions on upper extremity responses when lifting was evaluated by quantifying several biomechanical upper extremity quantities. Nine participants completed four 30-min lifting tasks with and without simultaneous cognitive distractions and/or precision placement constraints. Specific metrics evaluated were joint reaction forces and moments (wrist, elbow and shoulder) and modelled shoulder muscle forces (38 defined shoulder muscle mechanical elements). The addition of a precision requirement increased several metrics by up to 43%, while the addition of the cognitive distraction task had minimal influence. Furthermore, several metrics decreased by up to 14% after the first 10 min of lifting, suggesting a temporal change of lifting strategy.  相似文献   

A wide range of methods to evaluate posture in work situations relies on simple, unaided visual observation. In the present study the validity of visual observation to assess posture in a dynamic job was evaluated. Postural aspects were observed and recorded during a manual materials handling job simulated in a laboratory. The results from these observations, concerning gross body posture, torso flexion, arms and legs position, and load to be handled, were compared to the results obtained by direct opto-electronic recording. The agreement on a sample-to-sample basis (expressed by Cohen's k) was poor for the variables torso flexion (mean value for tc = 0.38), position of arms (tc = 0.43) and legs (tc = 0.46) and load to be handled (tc — 0.50) and acceptable only for the gross body posture (k = 0.79). Moreover, for each variable except gross body posture, the crude distributions of all observations and recordings across categories (irrespective of time) were significantly different. The results demonstrate that the observations are not valid. It is concluded mat dynamic work situations require less simple, more time consuming methods (e.g., analyzing film or video records of the job) than a posture registration method based on direct visual observation.  相似文献   

The inherent difficulty of measuring forces on the hand in ergonomic workplace assessments has led to the need for equations to predict grip force. A family of equations was developed, and validated, for the prediction of grip force using forearm electromyography (six finger and wrist muscles) as well as posture of the wrist (flexed, neutral and extended) and forearm (pronated, neutral, supinated). Inclusion of muscle activity was necessary to explain over 85% of the grip force variance and was further improved with wrist posture but not forearm posture. Posture itself had little predictive power without muscle activity (<1%). Nominal wrist posture improved predictive power more than the measured wrist angle. Inclusion of baseline muscle activity, the activity required to simply hold the grip dynamometer, greatly improved grip force predictions, especially at low force levels. While the complete model using six muscles and posture was the most accurate, the detailed validation and error analysis revealed that equations based on fewer components often resulted in a negligible reduction in predictive strength. Error was typically less than 10% under 50% of maximal grip force and around 15% over 50% of maximal grip force. This study presents detailed error analyses to both improve upon previous studies and to allow an educated decision to be made on which muscles to monitor depending on expected force levels, costs and error deemed acceptable by the potential user.  相似文献   

With the development of information technology, integrated circuits (IC) and system which target high performance and low power consumption have widely penetrated to all the aspects of national economy, national defense construction and people’s life. With the continuous increase in IC integration density, the power consumption is becoming the limiting factor. It turns out that the driving force of the future IC and system development is the reduction of the power consumption and improvement of the performa...  相似文献   

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