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The aim of this work was to investigate physiological responses to torque reaction forces produced by hand-held power tools used to tighten threaded fasteners. Such tools are used repetitively by workers in many industries and are often associated with upper limb musculoskeletal complaints. The tools considered for stimulation in this study had straight handles and required from 100 to 400 ms to tighten fasteners to a peak torque of 1.0 to 2.5 Nm and from 50 to 150 ms for the torque to decay to zero. A tool stimulator was constructed to apply a programmed torque profile to a handle similar to that of a straight in-line power screwdriver. Wrist flexor and extensor surface EMGs and handle position were recorded as subjects held handles subjected to controlled torque loads that tended to flex the wrist. It was found that: (1) very high EMG values occurred even though torques were of short duration (50 to 600 ms) and the peak torques were low (7–28% of maximum strength); (2) high EMGs in anticipation of torque are directly related to torque build-up rate and peak torque; (3) high peak flexor and extensor EMGs during and following torque onset are related to torque build-up rate and peak torque; (4) minimum time of peak EMGs of 72–87 ms following the onset of torques with 50 ms build-up suggests the contribution of an extensor muscle stretch reflex component; delayed peak for longer build-ups suggests a central control of muscle force in response to torque; (5) angular excursions of handles increase with decreasing torque build-up time and increasing torque magnitude causes increasing eccentric work; (6) the results show that the slow torque build-up times (450 ms) correspond to minimum peak EMGs; and (7) accumulated EMGs increase with increasing torque and torque build-up times. Further studies are needed to evaluate fatigue and musculoskeletal injuries associated with prolonged periods of tool use.  相似文献   

The aim was to investigate the effect of ergonomics guidelines on muscular activity, postural and cardiovascular load during cleaning. Eighteen cleaners performed 10 min of cleaning tasks in two locations; three min in a laboratory and seven min in a lecture room. All participants performed the task with or without focusing on ergonomics guidelines (ergonomics/non-ergonomics session). Bipolar surface electromyography was recorded bilaterally from upper trapezius and erector spinae muscles. A tri-axial accelerometer package was mounted on the low back (L5-S1) to measure postural changes, and the cardiovascular load was estimated by electrocardiogram. Ergonomics sessions resulted in lower muscular load, a more complex pattern of muscular activity, lower range of motion and angular velocity of the trunk as well as lower cardiovascular load compared with non-ergonomics sessions (p < 0.05). The study highlighted the multiple musculoskeletal and cardiovascular benefits of following ergonomics guidelines during cleaning tasks. PRACTITIONER SUMMARY: This study investigated the effects of following instructive ergonomics guidelines during cleaning tasks (daily curriculum of cleaning including mopping, sweeping, changing trash bins and cleaning of desks and blackboards). Following the ergonomics guidelines reduces the general workload and induces a more complex pattern of muscular activity. The study contributes with novel knowledge concerning ergonomics guidelines and work techniques.  相似文献   

The statics and dynamics of pneumatic power screwdriver operation were investigated in the context of predicting forces acting against the human operator. A static force model is described in the paper, based on tool geometry, mass, orientation in space, feed force, torque build up, and stall torque. Three common power hand tool shapes are considered, including pistol grip, right angle, and in-line. The static model estimates handle force needed to support a power nutrunner when it acts against the tightened fastener with a constant torque. A system of equations for static force and moment equilibrium conditions are established, and the resultant handle force (resolved in orthogonal directions) is calculated in matrix form. A dynamic model is formulated to describe pneumatic motor torque build-up characteristics dependent on threaded fastener joint hardness. Six pneumatic tools were tested to validate the deterministic model. The average torque prediction error was 6.6% (SD = 5.4%) and the average handle force prediction error was 6.7% (SD = 6.4%) for a medium-soft threaded fastener joint. The average torque prediction error was 5.2% (SD = 5.3%) and the average handle force prediction error was 3.6% (SD = 3.2%) for a hard threaded fastener joint. Use of these equations for estimating handle forces based on passive mechanical elements representing the human operator is also described. These models together should be useful for considering tool handle force in the selection and design of power screwdrivers, particularly for minimizing handle forces in the prevention of injuries and work related musculoskeletal disorders.  相似文献   

Consideration of the literature survey indicates that video display terminal (VDT) operators tend to have a high incidence of musculoskeletal problems, visual fatigue, and job stress. Although a number of ergonomic improvements in workstation design and work environment can help to reduce these problems, a proper work-rest schedule deserves consideration since it is easily applicable and inexpensive. The objective of this study was to compare the work-rest schedules for VDT operators considering data entry and mental arithmetic tasks. An experiment was conducted with 10 male college students as participants. The methodology included a discomfort questionnaire and performance measures. The independent variables were the work-rest schedule (60-minute work/10-minute rest, 30-minute work/5-minute rest, and 15-minute work/micro breaks) and the type of task (data entry and a mental arithmetic task). The results were analysed using multiple analysis of variance followed by separate analyses. The 15/micro schedule resulted in significantly lower discomfort in the neck, lower back, and chest than the other schedules for data entry task. The 30/5 schedule followed by 15/micro schedule resulted in the lowest eyestrain and blurred vision. Discomfort in the elbow and arm was the lowest with the 15/micro schedule for the mental arithmetic task. The 15/micro schedule resulted in the highest speed, accuracy, and performance for both of the tasks, compared with the 60/10 and 30/5 schedules. The data entry task resulted in significantly increased speed, accuracy, and performance, and lower shoulder and chest discomfort than the mental arithmetic task.  相似文献   

Owing to an orderly recruitment of motor units, low threshold type I fibres are presumed to be vulnerable in contractions of long duration. To study load on these fibres muscular rest was registered as the time fraction of electromyographic (EMG) activity below a threshold. Moreover, the frequency of periods with muscular rest, EMG gaps, was derived, since a low gap frequency has been shown to be a risk factor for musculoskeletal disorders. Trapezius EMG was registered in 24 female hospital cleaners, 21 female office workers and 13 male office workers during one working day. Cleaners have a high risk of neck/shoulder pain and had much less muscular rest than office workers measured as a percentage of total registered time (median value= 1.5%, range= 0.2-13% vs. median value= 12%, range= 0.0-32%, respectively). Gap frequency showed no difference between the two occupational groups. Both measures displayed a wide inter-individual variation. For the cleaners, some of the variance was explained by body mass index (BMI) and age, with lower values of muscular rest for older subjects with a high BMI. Among the office workers, low values of muscular rest and a high gap frequency were registered in subjects with a low subjective muscular tension tendency. Gender, strength, smoking, job strain, employment time and musculoskeletal symptoms had no impact on either EMG measure.  相似文献   

Ergonomics diary     

Ergonomics diary     

Ergonomics diary     
Physiological, perceptual and physical responses to a typical circuit weight-training (CWT) regimen were recorded in two studies. The aims were to assess the intensity of exercise during CWT; and to determine whether physical responses as evaluated by spinal shrinkage were related to physiological and perceptual responses to CWT. In the first study (n = 10) heart rate (HR), oxygen consumption (VO), ventilation (VE), blood lactate (La) and perceived exertion (RPE) were measured in response to CWT. Mean ( ± SD) time to complete three circuits of CWT was 17.8 (± 1-4) min. The HR max, VO2max and peak La, measured first during an incremental treadmill test, were 195 (±13) beats.min ?159-7 (±4-8) ml.kg?1.min?1 and 14-3 (±3-5) mM respectively. Mean HR and vO2 during CWT were 69% and 50% of the respective maximal values. The HR-VO2 ratio observed on the treadmill was elevated during CWT, with VO2 being lowered relative to HR. Mean VE and La values were 52-7 (± 14-5) l.min?1 and 6-9 ( ± 3-6) mM. The effect of the same CWT regimen on spinal loading as indicated by change in stature (shrinkage) was investigated in a second study (n = 8). The mean ( ± SD) time taken to complete the circuit was 17-4 ( ± 1-3) min. Mean shrinkage due to CWT (2-5 ± 1 -5?mm) was unrelated to the time taken to complete the circuits, to HR, RPE or to low back pain ratings (p > 0-05). Observations suggest that CWT as represented in these studies engages anaerobic as well as aerobic mechanisms but the exercise intensity may not provide sufficient stimulation for aerobic training. The physical load on the spine indicated by spinal shrinkage was not related to the physiological or perceptual strain.  相似文献   

Ergonomics diary     

Ergonomics diary     

Very few studies have investigated the variations in occupational injuries throughout the day. The main objective of this study was to examine hourly trends in reported claims of occupational injuries and illnesses and their associated cost, with special emphasis on low-back disorders (LBDs) and cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs). The data were obtained from the records of a major insurance carrier. The results showed that the number of claims per hour exhibited a Gaussian-like distribution with highest reported numbers occurring between 07:00 and 11:00 h. There was an observed increase in LBD claims during the morning hours when compared to the afternoon. In addition, there was a pronounced increase in the number of CTD claims at 09:00 h indicating a possible carry-over effect from nocturnal and early morning pain commonly experienced in CTD sufferers. More revealing, normalized claims (per number of people working at a given hour) showed a dramatic increase during the evening and early morning hours when compared to normal working hours. For both the overall and LBD claims, the rates during the night and early morning periods were up to three times higher than during the typical day-time working hours. However, this trend was not as pronounced for the CTD claims. Most of the hourly cost trends were similar to those observed for the claims trends. However, cost information may reveal further insights about the severity of injuries, especially for CTDs. The findings of the study indicate that special attention should be paid to activities and work processes performed during night and early morning hours of the day. It should be noted that this study focused on the 'recording' of time of injury which may or may not correspond to the ‘true’ time of occurrence of an injury or a symptom. Further studies are needed to assess the agreement between the recorded and the actual time of occurrence of an incident, and to better understand the underlying reasons behind the variation in the time of injuries.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine whether the angle of the knee joint has an effect on the Fitness Index Scores of the HST. Thirty-three young Caucasoid male subjects were used in this study. The HST was administered in four different knee-joint angles. A repeated measures one-way classification analysis of variance, a one-way classification analysis of variance and an analysis of covariance were used to analyse the data obtained during nine weeks. All tests yielded significant F ratios at the 0·01 level of confidence. Based on these findings, persons who perform the HST in different knee-joint angles have indices which are not measuring cardiopulmonary stress on the same scale. The HST based on standardization of the knee-joint angle promises to increase the evaluating or discriminating power of the test.  相似文献   

Powered hand tools produce reaction forces that may be associated with upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders. The handle displacement, grip force and upper limb muscle activity (electromyography (EMG)) due to the effects of operator experience, working height and distance, type of tool and fastener joint hardness were measured in this study with 15 experienced and 15 novice nutrunner users. The results show that when pistol grip handles were used to work on a horizontal surface, experienced users allowed an average handle displacement of 7.9°, while novice users allowed 11.5°. Average EMG scaled by reference voluntary contraction (RVC) at forearm flexors, forearm extensors and biceps were greater for experienced users (318% RVC, 285% RVC, 143% RVC, respectively) than for novice users (246% RVC, 219% RVC, 113% RVC, respectively). Experienced users exerted more grip force than novice users when using right angle handles, but less force when using pistol grip handles. The results suggest that it is possible to minimize tool handle displacement by adapting the workplace layout to permit different working postures for each user group.  相似文献   

This study represents a continuation of a series of psychophysical studies on repetitive motions of the wrist and hand conducted at the Liberty Mutual Research Center for Safety and Health. The purpose of the study was to quantify maximum acceptable forces of six motions performed on separate days but within the context of the same experiment. The six motions were wrist flexion with a power grip, wrist extension with a power grip, wrist flexion with a pinch grip, wrist extension with a pinch grip, ulnar deviation with a power grip, and a handgrip task (with a power grip). A psychophysical methodology was used in which the subject adjusted the resistance on the handle and the experimenter manipulated or controlled all other variables. Thirty-one subjects performed the six tasks at repetition rates of 15, 20 and 25 motions/min. Subjects performed the tasks for 7 h per day, 5 days per week, for 4 weeks. The subjects were instructed to work as if they were on an incentive basis, getting paid for the amount of work performed. Symptoms were recorded by the subjects during the last 5 min of each hour. The results revealed that maximum acceptable torques ranged from 11 to 19% of maximum isometric torque depending on frequency and motion. Maximum acceptable torques for the tasks that could be compared with previous studies showed the same patterns of response. However, the selected forces were substantially lower using the mixed protocol. A table of maximum acceptable torques and forces is presented for application in the field.  相似文献   

The prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders has become a national priority in many countries. Increasingly, attempts are made to quantify those exposures that increase risk in order to set exposure limit values. This study used commonly employed field measurement methods and tools in order to perform an inter-method comparison between three primary methods of risk factor exposure assessment: self-report questionnaires, observational video analysis and direct measurement. Extreme posture duration, repetition, hand force (estimated from electromyography) and movement velocity were assessed for 18 subjects while performing each of three jobs processing tree seedlings. Results indicated that self-reports were the least precise assessment method, which consistently overestimated exposures for each of the measured risk factors. However, adjustment of the reports as psychophysical scales may increase agreement on a group level. Wrist flexion/extension duration and repetition were best measured by electrogoniometer. Electrogoniometric measures of wrist deviation duration and frequency were less precise than video analysis. Forearm rotation duration and repetition, grip force and velocity appeared to be best quantified by direct measurement as measured by electrogoniometer and electromyography (EMG) (as root-mean-square amplitude). The results highlight the fact that it is as important to consider and report estimated measurement error in order to reduce potential exposure misclassification in epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   

The influence of stress-induced muscle effort during computer utilization was tested in patients with repetitive strain injury (RSI). Twenty academic researchers with a formal medical diagnosis of RSI and 20 matched controls, randomly selected from a sample of 71 colleagues with and without RSI, typed after stress (induced via an intelligence/skill task under social pressure) and after relaxation. Results indicated that both groups had more electromyography (EMG) activity in the shoulder muscles during typing after stress than after relaxation, but that patients started with higher baseline muscle activity. Furthermore, EMG activity of different muscle groups during typing after stress correlated among controls, but not among patients. Finally, analysis of intake forms showed that patients scored higher than controls on neuroticism and alexithymia, but not on extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. It was concluded that deviations in muscle activity during computer utilization, as well as neuroticism and alexithymia, may be risk factors for RSI.  相似文献   

Injury rates in Intermediate Care (IC) facilities are high and the factors related to these injuries are unclear. The objectives of this exploratory sub-study, which is part of a large multi-faceted study in 8 IC facilities are to: (1) evaluate EMG measured over a full-shift in the back and shoulders of 32 care aides (CAs) as an indicator of peak and cumulative workload (n = 4 x 8 facilities); investigate the relationship between EMG measures and injury indicators; and explore the relationship between EMG measures and other workload measurements. Lumbar EMG was converted to predicted cumulative spinal compression and ranged in CAs from 11.7 to 22.8 MNs with a mean of 16.4 MNs. Average compression was significantly different during different periods of the day (p < 0.001) with highest compression during pre-breakfast when CAs assist most with activities of daily living. Significant differences were found in average compression between low and high injury facilities for 3 of 5 periods of the day (p < 0.010). Peak compressions exceeding 3400 N occurred for very little of the workday (e.g. 11.25s during the 75 min period pre-breakfast). Peak neck/shoulder muscle activity is low (99% APDF ranged from 8.33% to 28% MVC). Peak and cumulative spinal compression were significantly correlated with lost-time and musculoskeletal injury rates as well as with total tasks observed in the CAs (p < 0.01). Perceived exertion was only correlated with peak compressions (p < 0.01). Facilities with low injury rates provided significantly more CAs (p < 0.01) to meet resident needs, and subsequently CAs performed fewer tasks, resulting in less peak and cumulative spinal loading over the day.  相似文献   

This study presents data for the joint angles of isocomfort (JAI) in sitting and standing males based on perceived comfort ratings for static joint postures maintained for 60 s. The JAI value was defined as a boundary indicating joint deviation (an angle) from neutral posture, within which the perceived comfort for different body joint postures is expected to be the same. An experiment for quantifying perceived comfort ratings was conducted using the free modulus method of magnitude estimation. Based on experimental results, regression equations were derived for each joint posture, to represent the relationships between different levels of joint deviation/joint posture and corresponding normalized comfort scores. The JAI values were developed for nine verbal categories of joint comfort. The JAIs with the marginal comfort levels, one of the nine verbal categories used, for most joint postures around the wrist, elbow, neck and ankle were similar to the maximum range of motion (ROM) values for these joints. However, the JAIs with the marginal comfort category for back and hip postures were much smaller than the maximum ROM values for these joints. There were no significant differences in JAI expressed in terms of the percentage of the corresponding maximum ROM values between sitting and standing postures. The relative ‘marginal comfort index’, defined as the percentage of JAIs for the marginal comfort relative to the corresponding maximum ROM values, for the hip was the smallest among all joints. This was followed, in an increasing order of the marginal comfort index, by the lower back and shoulder, while the marginal comfort index for the elbow joint was the largest. The results of this study suggest that static postures maintained for 60 s cause greater discomfort for the hip joint than for the other joints studied, and less discomfort for the elbow than for the other joints. The data about JAIs can be used as guidelines for enhancing postural comfort when designing a variety of human-machine tasks where static postures cannot be eliminated.  相似文献   

In a national cross-sectional study, the prevalence of neck/shoulder and low-back disorders and their relationship to work tasks and perceived psychosocial job stress was studied among forestry employees. The data were collected by occupational health service staff using Karasek's demand/control questionnaire for the psychosocial measures and the Standardized Nordic questionnaire for the analysis of musculoskeletal disorders. Based on data about past and present work tasks, the study population was classified into three groups: 645 manual workers, 66 machine operators and 124 administrative workers. Low-back disorders were more common among the manual workers than among the administrative workers \[odds ratio (OR) = 1.98]. For the machine operators and manual workers, an increasing level of psychological demands was significantly associated with an increased prevalence of low-back disorders. The prevalence of neck/ shoulder disorders was significantly higher among the machine operators (OR = 3.37) and manual workers (OR = 2.34) than among the administrative workers. An increasing level of psychological demands combined with a decreasing level of intellectual discretion was associated with an increased prevalence of neck/shoulder disorders. Authority over decisions was not associated with musculoskeletal disorders. In conclusion, musculoskeletal disorders were associated with both physical and psychosocial work factors. The modest strength of the associations between each individual independent variable and the outcome measure shows, however, that a substantial reduction in the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders may be difficult to achieve. Nevertheless, the study clearly suggests that in the forestry industry attention should be paid to psychosocial work factors in future organizational changes and preventive programmes.  相似文献   

The aim was to investigate whether a preventive intervention carried out in a predominantly female workplace, that of hospital cleaners (consisting of a group of 97 women), had any effect on patterns of absenteeism. As a background, a model for analysing complex patterns of absenteeism, including sickness absences, was also developed. A further aim was to study the interactions between different forms of absenteeism. Comparison was made with a reference group consisting of employees in the same job category who only received the customary personnel support. For individuals in the intervention group who were < 42 years of age, total absence due to sickness decreased. In a multiple regression analysis, the contribution from the intervention to the decrease was significant at the 5% level. This change was particularly obvious in those who had a previous history of high absence due to sickness. No clear relationship was shown between short-term absenteeism and the interventions applied. For those who were > 42 years, short-term absence decreased for those who had been in the same jobs for a long time. The combination of increased age and experience showed a tendency to enhance this decline in short-term absenteeism due to sickness. For those > 42 years, and who at the same time have a previous history of high absenteeism, long-term absenteeism due to sickness seemed to be increasing. Increased experience tended to reduce this increase in long-term sickness absence. This combination of different effects possibly indicated the presence of a process of selection which determined who remained in the job as opposed to those who did not. An important conclusion is that different forms of absenteeism need to be looked at in parallel, and at the same time multivariate statistical analysis needs to be carried out to determine the different interactions between the factors.  相似文献   

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