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Tested an ethical ideologies model based on relativism and idealism. 64 undergraduates judged the morality of an individual who produced a mildly or extremely positive or negative consequence by conforming to or violating a common moral norm. As predicted, an averaging model with differential weights accounted for situationists' (high relativism and idealism) and absolutists' (low relativism and high idealism) judgments; conformity to norms was discounted when the consequence was extremely negative or positive. In contrast, subjectivists' (high relativism and low idealism) judgments conformed to an averaging model; a mildly positive consequence lowered moral judgments of conforming actions, whereas a mildly negative consequence tended to raise moral judgments of nonconforming actions. Exceptionists' (low relativism and idealism) judgments were influenced equally by conformity and consequence. These Ss generally combined data in a strictly linear, additive fashion. The more positive the consequence or the greater the conformity of the action to a moral norm, the more positive was the moral judgment. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Responds to J. R. Royce's (see record 1982-20040-001) 3 points of clarification and 2 points of refutation of the present author's (1980) critique of metatheoretical constructivism. It is concluded that metatheoretical constructivism, as represented by Royce and others, is subjective idealism: Idealism because it consistently asserts the primacy of abstract over concrete, theory over fact; subjective because its criterial frame of reference ultimately reduces to individual consciousness. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Asserts that W. B. Weimer (see PA, 50:2081) has convincingly shown that Chomsky does not need to restrict his intellectual lineage to Cartesian rationalism, but might as well trace it all the way down to the dualistic idealism of Plato. Chomsky's impact on theory is also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Notes that the question of materialism's adequacy as a solution to the mind-body problem is important in psychology as fields supported by eliminative materialism (e.g. neuropsychology and sociobiology) aim to "cannibalize" psychology (E. O. Wilson, 1999). A common argument for adopting a materialistic worldview, termed the "Raze Dualism argument" in reference to Ockham's razor, is based on the principle of parsimony. It states that materialism is to be considered the superior solution to the mind-body problem because it is simpler than the dualist alternative. In this paper, a prominent version of this argument (P. Churchland, 1988) is critiqued via an analysis of each of its premises. Illustrative in general of the limitations of materialism, this argument is undermined by assumptions which do not withstand scrutiny. First, Ockham's razor is shown to be a problematic principle. Second, the question of empirical superiority or equality is unresolved. Finally, there are other alternatives to materialism that are equally parsimonious, such as idealism. The result of the argument is to reopen the case for idealism and dualism and to force the issue to be determined on other grounds. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The paper deals with some aspects of the dialectics of structure and function relationships in biological objects normally and pathologically. Idealistic and metaphysical concepts of the structure-function relationships (morphological idealism, holism, physiological idealism, functionalism) are critisized, and historical premises of these concepts are characterized. The principle of indissoluble unity and interconnection of changes in structure and function is emphasized, while the thesis of the primacy of function in the shaping of the form and the concept of functional diseases are rejected. Much attention is paid to the methodological principles of the study of structure and function based on the systemic approach to the investigation of biological objects from the point of view of structural levels and integratism. The groundlessness of the principles of reductionism and organicism in the solution of this problem is indicated. The connection of the concepts of structure and function with categories and laws of materialistic dialectics is dwelt on.  相似文献   

Examines 3 prototypical psychological perspectives represented by psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology, and behaviorism in light of their parallel philosophical world views (idealism, interactionism, and empiricism). It is suggested that both strengths and limitations are inherent in these philosophical bases. At present, incompatibility in these methodological commitments prevents true synthesis in either philosophy or psychology. The strength of psychological pluralism is stressed: Endorsing pluralism permits retention of all major content areas commonly viewed as part of psychology and appears to be the most intellectually responsible course. Four essential characteristics of pluralistic psychology are outlined. (38 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents an obituary for Nancy Innis (1941-2004), who passed away on August 17, 2004. Dr. Innis was notable for her idealism and devotion to experimental psychology. Her first experimental paper focused on the "frustration effect," and her doctoral dissertation examined pigeons' ability to track a changing sequence of intervals. Dr. Innis had an interest in comparative psychology and was active in the International Society for Comparative Psychology; additionally she served on several journal editorial boards and was a member of countless psychological associations. Nancy Innis was a true scientist, interested in finding the truth, not a careerist, interested in becoming famous. In remembrance, a tree will be planted on the University of Western Ontario campus, and a fund will be established to support a prize awarded yearly to the student who writes the best essay in her history of psychology course. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 4 experiments anxious uncertainty threats caused reactive approach motivation (RAM). In Studies 1 and 2, academic anxious uncertainty threats caused RAM as assessed by behavioral neuroscience and implicit measures of approach motivation. In Study 3 the effect of a relational anxious uncertainty threat on approach-motivated personal projects in participants' everyday lives was mediated by the idealism of those projects. In Study 4 the effect of a different relational anxious uncertainty threat on implicit approach motivation was heightened by manipulated salience of personal ideals. Results suggest a RAM account for idealistic and ideological reactions in the threat and defense literature. Speculative implications are suggested for understanding diverse social and clinical phenomena ranging from worldview defense, prejudice, and meaning making to narcissism, hypomania, and aggression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A taxonomy of ethical ideologies.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Discusses 4 ethical perspectives: (a) situationism, which advocates a contextual analysis of morally questionable actions; (b) absolutism, which uses inviolate, universal moral principles to formulate moral judgments; (c) subjectivism, which argues that moral judgments should depend primarily on one's own personal values; and (d) exceptionism, which admits that exceptions must sometimes be made to moral absolutes. The Ethics Position Questionnaire (EPQ), which assesses degree of idealism and rejection of universal moral rules in favor of relativism, was developed to measure the extent to which individuals adopt one of the ideologies. 241 university students were Ss. The 2 scales that make up the EPQ were found to have adequate internal consistency, were reliable over time, were not correlated with social desirability, and were not related to scores on the Defining Issues Test. The Relativism scale did correlate with scores on the Survey of Ethical Attitudes. When the scales were used to classify Ss into one of the ideologies, predictions concerning differences in each ideology's moral judgment processes were supported. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Caring for Mentally Ill People by Alexander H. Leighton (1982). Leighton has written a case study that concretely takes us from the idealism of the early years of community psychiatry to the harsh disappointments of later years--a span of about twenty-five years. Leighton recounts the history of this rural centre and brings to bear (a) his wide acquaintance with the history of psychiatry as embedded in changing cultural forces, (b) his close ongoing relationship to the centre as head of its research component, and (c) his access to the relevant clinical and policy documents. He attempts to bring some coherence to this body of information by way of discerning key perspectives in the development of psychiatry and especially community psychiatry in North America. The issues dealt with in this book are critical to the community approach. Whether one agrees with Leighton's perspective and method, this book is valuable not only as a case study but also as an example of how the issues are brought into perspective. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 3 experiments, participants reacted with religious zeal to anxious uncertainty threats that have caused reactive approach motivation (RAM) in past research (see McGregor, Nash, Mann, & Phills, 2010, for implicit, explicit, and neural evidence of RAM). In Study 1, results were specific to religious ideals and did not extend to merely superstitious beliefs. Effects were most pronounced among the most anxious and uncertainty-averse participants in Study 1 and among the most approach-motivated participants in Study 2 (i.e., with high Promotion Focus, Behavioral Activation, Action Orientation, and Self-Esteem Scale scores). In Studies 2 and 3, anxious uncertainty threats amplified even the most jingoistic and extreme aspects of religious zeal. In Study 3, reactive religious zeal occurred only among participants who reported feeling disempowered in their everyday goals in life. Results support a RAM view of empowered religious idealism for anxiety management (cf. Armstrong, 2000; Inzlicht, McGregor, Hirsch, & Nash, 2009). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

24 undergraduates completed the 1st author's ethics position questionnaire and then compared the ethical similarity of 15 experiments through a series of 105 paired comparisons. Through multidimensional scaling, 3 factors—potential harm to experiment participants, use of manipulative illegitimate procedures, and the ratio between benefits and risks—were identified as the key characteristics associated with moral judgments of social psychological studies. Ss who endorsed different ethical ideologies, however, differed in their emphasis of these factors. "Situationists" emphasized risks relative to benefits and the potential harm to experiment participants. "Absolutists" based their judgments on costs created for participants and the riskiness of the procedures. Judgments by "subjectivists" were associated with the harmfulness, legitimacy, and invasiveness of the procedures. "Exceptionists" emphasized the consequentiality of the research, as well as scientific legitimacy, magnitude of costs, and deception. Findings are in general consistent with a taxonomy of ethical ideologies based on individual differences in relativism and idealism and have implications for current debates concerning the ethics of social psychological research. (26 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

At a time when psychiatric nurses in Australia face the changes brought about by the transfer of nursing education to the universities, it is timely to reconsider the knowledge base of the profession, not from the perspective of any one theoretical position, but by reflecting on a fundamental division in the way nursing is thought about. Many nurse theorists argue for a shift away from conceptions of nursing based on medicine and science. The alternative, idealism, brings with it a new set of problems, particularly the tendency to react against the perceived dominance of the medical profession instead of positing a philosophy of nursing that reflects a more considered response. The argument developed here begins by aligning medicine and related conceptions of nursing with materialism. This leads to a consideration of the relevance of philosophical positions on the nature of body and mind, that is then linked to the assumptions of medicine and nurse theorists. Introduction of the concepts of holism and interactionist dualism follows. The implications of these concepts for psychiatric nursing are drawn out by using conceptions of the objective and rational. Finally, it is argued that interactionist dualism enables psychiatric nurses to be sensitive to the experiences of patients while still acknowledging the importance of objective knowledge.  相似文献   

The American health care delivery system, and the attitude of the public toward that system, have undergone considerable change during the past two decades. According to the author, the belief during the 1960s that adequate funds were available to broaden access to health services, to enhance their quality and availability, and to support medical innovation, gave way during the 1970s to an awareness of limited resources, to a skepticism about the motives and competence of established institutions, and to a conviction that the system's problems were too complex to be solved easily, if at all. Moreover, the author states, the system has become fragmented and highly competitive; the respect formerly accorded both professionals and institutions has deteriorated; and the government's role in health care delivery is being challenged. The result, the author says, may well be a paralysis of policymaking in health planning, as exemplified by the failure of both public and private institutions to achieve the cost-containment goals of the last decade, either through regulation or competition. To gain perspective on these problems and to determine the direction of the health care delivery system for the 1980s, the author calls for a national health care debate. He suggests four concepts that should be included in such a debate, and recommends a new context of pragmatic idealism in which to conduct it.  相似文献   

An examination of the whole-to-part transition over phases, from potential to actual in the specification of a concrete entity, as in the momentary mind/brain state, reveals patterns of change that can be considered a first approximation to the foundational laws of cognition. These laws, which amount to a theory of universal change, apply as well to the becoming or actualization of non-cognitive entities. Thus, the thesis is advanced that the mental and the physical actualize a generic process and that a theory of this process, process monism, is a metaphysics of the antecedents of occasions of fact or the laws of change that deliver objects. The commonality of the mental and the physical lies in the conceptuality of the duration of becoming and its continuity with the duration of the conscious present. The before/after relation that characterizes the phase-transitions in a non-cognitive entity is the seed of the past/present relation in consciousness. The connectedness of past and present arises as a feeling of the relation of antecedent phases imminent in a concrete particular. The theory rejects as regressive the elimination of consciousness by a reduction to the material, or the reverse, in idealism, as well as an emergence of consciousness from material states. A deep current of connectedness runs from the nature of conscious phenomena to the categories of existence at the level of the atom.  相似文献   

(3S,4R)-4-(4-Fluorophenyl)-3-[[3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenoxy]methyl] piperidine [(3S,9R)-3, paroxetine] is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) used as an antidepressant in humans. In previous studies, we reported that certain (1R)-3 beta-(substituted phenyl)nortropane-2 beta-carboxylic acid methyl esters (2a) exhibited high affinity and reasonable selectivity for the serotonin transporter (5-HTT). The major structural differences between 2a and (3S,4R)-3 are that 2a possesses a different absolute stereochemistry and has an ethylene bridge not present in 3. In addition, 2a possesses a carbomethoxy substituent adjacent to the aryl ring, whereas (3S,4R)-3 contains a [3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenoxy]methyl group. In this study, we present the synthesis and biological evaluations of six of the possible eight isomers of 3-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-[[3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenoxy]methyl]nortropane+ ++ (4). The data for inhibition of [3H]paroxetine binding show that (1R)-2 beta, 3 alpha-4c, which has the same stereochemistry as paroxetine, has the highest affinity at the 5-HTT. Strikingly, the most potent compounds for inhibition of [3H]WIN-35,428 binding were not the (1R)-2 beta, 3 beta-isomers but rather (1R)-2 beta, 3 alpha-4c and (1S)-2 beta, 3 alpha-4f. Conformational analyses show that these isomers exist in a flattened boat conformation with pseudoequatorial substituents. Thus, the binding data show that this conformation is recognized by the DAT-associated binding site and also suggest that this conformation of paroxetine is recognized by the 5-HTT-associated binding site.  相似文献   

Chemical communication in scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) is achieved with a wide variety of pheromones, but one typical structure is the gamma-lactone having a long unsaturated hydrocarbon chain. Several species utilize (R, Z)-5-(-)-(oct-1-enyl)-oxacyclopentan-2-one (buibuilactone), (R, Z)-5-(-)-(dec-1-enyl)-oxacyclopentan-2-one and (S, Z)-5-(+)-(dec-1-enyl)-oxacyclopentan-2-one [(R)-japonilure and (S)-japonilure]. Using deuterated precursors, we have demonstrated that these compounds are biosynthesized from fatty acids. (9, 10-d4)-Palmitic acid, (9,10-d4)-stearic acid, (9,10-d2)-palmitoleic acid, (9,10-d2)-oleic acid, (9,10-d2)-8-hydroxypalmitoleic acid and (9,10-d2)-8-hydroxyoleic acid were readily incorporated by female Anomala cuprea into the pheromone molecules, while (Z)-(5, 6-d2)-5-dodecenoic acid and (Z)-(5,6-d2)-5-tetradecenoic acid were not. Therefore, the reaction pathway starts from saturated fatty acids, involves their desaturation, followed by 8-hydroxylation, chain shortening and cyclization. The products obtained from racemic (9,10-d2)-8-hydroxypalmitoleic acid and (9,10-d2)-8-hydroxyoleic acid were also racemic, implying that the steps following hydroxylation were not stereospecific. Perdeuterated palmitic acid was applied to disclose the mechanism of the unique hydroxylation reaction. Retention of all deuterium atoms implied that this reaction was a direct process mediated by a specific fatty acid hydroxylase, and preceding desaturation or epoxidation was not involved.  相似文献   

The F9 murine embryonal carcinoma cell line represents a well-established system for the study of retinoid signaling in vivo. We have investigated the functional specificity of different retinoid X receptor (RXR)-retinoic acid (RA) receptor (RAR) isotype pairs for the control of expression of endogenous RA-responsive genes, by using wild-type (WT), RXR alpha(-/-), RAR alpha(-/-), RAR gamma(-/-), RXR alpha(-/-)-RAR alpha(-/-), and RXR alpha(-/-)-RAR gamma(-/-) F9 cells, as well as panRXR and RAR isotype (alpha, beta, and gamma)-selective retinoids. We show that in these cells the control of expression of different sets of RA-responsive genes is preferentially mediated by distinct RXR-RAR isotype combinations. Our data support the conclusion that RXR-RAR heterodimers are the functional units transducing the retinoid signal and indicate in addition that these heterodimers exert both specific and redundant functions on the expression of particular sets of RA-responsive genes. We also show that the presence of a given receptor isotype can hinder the activity of another isotype and therefore that functional redundancy between retinoid receptor isotypes can be artifactually generated by gene knockouts.  相似文献   

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