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Theories of transposition are evaluated in terms of the available empirical data. The most often cited model, that of Spence (1937), is found to be adequate in its explanation of simple transposition and the distance effect. It encounters difficulty in explaining or incorporating the findings of: intermediate size, simultaneous versus successive discrimination, contrast and background effects, and mediated transposition. Other models are considered, with adaptation-level approaches providing the most adequate alternative to the Spence position. (3 p. ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors report 3 naming experiments using J. D. Zevin and D. A. Balota's (2000) multiple prime manipulation. They used 2 sets of nonword primes (fast and slow) and low-frequency exception word primes to separate the effects of prime speed from those of prime type. The size of the regularity effect was unaffected by prime type. Relative to the low-frequency exception word prime condition, the frequency effect was reduced in the fast, but not in the slow, nonword prime condition. Lexicality effect size was reduced in both nonword prime conditions, a result consistent with the lexical checking strategy described by S. J. Lupker, P. Brown, and L. Colombo (1997). The authors suggest that these results are better explained in terms of S. J. Lupker et al.'s time-criterion account than J. D. Zevin and D. A. Balota's pathway control hypothesis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Criticizes F. M. Levine and G. Fasnacht's (see record 1975-07966-001) recommendation against the use of token programs (TPs) and extrinsic incentives in attribution theory and generalization research. Most TPs cited by Levine and Fasnacht successfully produced behavior change, had few observable adverse effects on Ss or their behavior, and required substantial improvement only in their procedures for programming generalization. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Attempted to partially replicate and extend a study by S. Valins and A. Ray (see record 1968-04107-001) on the effects of false heart rate feedback on avoidance behavior. In the previous study, Ss reporting a fear of snakes saw slides of snakes while hearing either meaningless sounds or bogus heart rate feedback indicating they were not afraid of snakes. The present study with 30 female undergraduates replicated these conditions while including a no-treatment control and a group of Ss led to believe that snakes did affect them. Actual heart rate was monitored during the sessions and posttreatment interviews were conducted to more fully assess Ss' reactions. Analyses failed to reveal significant between-group differences on any of the outcome indices of fear. This was attributed to the apparent failure of experimental Ss to reevaluate their fear on the basis of their heart rate feedback. (15 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested whether Ss preferring high levels of risk tend to choose high-risk occupations more often than low-risk occupations when asked to choose between them. Three separate risk-taking measures were used to divide 96 college freshmen and sophomores into high and low risk takers. Degree of occupational risk was defined by having Ss rate occupational titles according to perceived vocational success and probable income. Three Type III analyses of variance, one for each risk-taking measure, were carried out on the number of high-risk occupations chosen. Results show that risk-taking preferences were not significantly related to Ss' vocational choices on the selection tasks. Subsequent analyses compared the risk preferences of vocationally decided and undecided Ss, but no significant differences were found. The relationship of findings to previous research is discussed. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments that there is an apparent discrepancy between the widespread view that backward conditioning does not occur and the experimental evidence that suggests that it does. Backward pairing of CSs and UCSs frequently has resulted in effects similar to those produced by forward pairing, and results of several recent experiments have established that such effects cannot be attributed to factors other than stimulus pairing per se. Surprisingly, even some of the earlier experiments that provided the basis for the current skepticism concerning backward conditioning provide evidence of its existence. The failure to recognize backward conditioning as a legitimate phenomenon seems to reflect theoretical biases rather than a paucity of empirical evidence. Thus, backward conditioning and its properties merit renewed interest and reexamination. (47 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article covers methodological and theoretical issues in artificial grammar learning. Arguments that such tasks are mediated by abstract knowledge (e.g., A. S. Reber, see record 1991-00330-001) are based primarily on evidence from transfer experiments, where the surface vocabulary is changed between learning and test items. Because of a number of methodological concerns, the small magnitudes of artificial grammar learning effects generally are difficult to interpret. Possible solutions are offered here. Furthermore, even reliable transfer effects imply neither that subjects have acquired abstract knowledge of the underlying grammar nor that they are performing a process of abstract analogy from memorized whole exemplars. Models that learn only surface fragments of the training stimuli and perform abstraction at test rather than during learning are wholly consistent with transfer phenomena. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A recent hybrid model of categorization (Attention Learning Covering Map [ALCOVE]; J. K. Kruschke, 1992) has combined the most desirable properties of exemplar models with a connectionist architecture and learning rule. A critically important property of ALCOVE is its apparent ability to account for base-rate neglect, a phenomenon beyond the purview of previous exemplar models. This article reexamines ALCOVE's base-rate neglect predictions and shows that they are confined to a very limited set of circumstances. In most cases, ALCOVE is unable to produce base-rate neglect. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of 24 studies on the relationship between religiosity and personality revealed no support for the preconception that religiousness is necessarily correlated with psychopathology; but it also showed only slightly positive correlates of religion. Better specification of concepts and methods of measuring religiosity are alleviating the problem of ambiguity in research results and suggest that religion reflects a multidimensional phenomenon that has positive and negative aspects. Clinical education, practice, and research need revision so that professionals will be better informed of the evidence, more open to the study of such variables, and more efficacious in their work with individuals who approach life from a religious perspective. (73 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Suggests relevant actions, derived from psychological research on operant conditioning and conformity, that could be taken to counter the violence and racial hatred between Blacks and Whites. The application of psychology to these problems could help to reduce apathy and ensure that the majority view is expressed. (0 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

J. F. Kihlstrom (see record 1980-11245-001) hypothesized that posthypnotic amnesia involved a dissociation between episodic and semantic components of memory. The present study tested an alternative hypothesis that Kihlstrom's findings resulted from experimental demands conveyed by the wording of the amnesia suggestion he employed. It was hypothesized that hypnotically amnesic Ss would show performance deficits on semantic and episodic memory tasks if expectations for such deficits were subtly conveyed to them. Using 2 treatment conditions, 60 undergraduates were divided into susceptibility groups. Condition 1 replicated Kihlstrom's experiment; in Condition 2, Ss were given an alternative hypnotic suggestion. It was found that Ss could be induced to show only episodic impairments (thereby replicating Kihlstrom) or both episodic and semantic impairments (contrary to Kihlstrom) by subtly varying the wording of amnesia suggestions. Findings are inconsistent with a dissociation hypothesis. Instead, they support the notion that hypnotic amnesia is a strategic enactment strongly influenced by expectations generated in the amnesia testing situation. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

G. P. Latham and E. D. Pursell (see record 1975-24318-001) suggested that the traditional focus on absenteeism may have been misguided. They argued that absenteeism is not a behavior but rather the absence of behavior; therefore, it would be better to be concerned with attendance rather than absenteeism. They presented data purported to demonstrate that attendance is a more reliable measure than absenteeism as well as more appealing theoretically. It is concluded in the present paper that attendance measures have few theoretical advantages over absenteeism measures and that the differences in reliability are limited. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The notion that inhibitory processes play a critical role in selective attention has gained wide support. Much of this support derives from studies of negative priming. The authors note that the attribution of negative priming to an inhibitory mechanism of attention draws its support from a common assumption underlying priming procedures, together with the procedure that has been used to measure negative priming. The results from a series of experiments demonstrate that selection between 2 competing prime items is not required to observe negative priming. This result is demonstrated across several experiments in which participants named 1 of 2 items in a second display following presentation of a single-item prime. The implications of these results for existing theories of negative priming are discussed, and a theoretical framework for interpreting negative priming and several related phenomena is forwarded. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Attentional control theory is an approach to anxiety and cognition representing a major development of Eysenck and Calvo's (1992) processing efficiency theory. It is assumed that anxiety impairs efficient functioning of the goal-directed attentional system and increases the extent to which processing is influenced by the stimulus-driven attentional system. In addition to decreasing attentional control, anxiety increases attention to threat-related stimuli. Adverse effects of anxiety on processing efficiency depend on two central executive functions involving attentional control: inhibition and shifting. However, anxiety may not impair performance effectiveness (quality of performance) when it leads to the use of compensatory strategies (e.g., enhanced effort; increased use of processing resources). Directions for future research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There is a substantive literature on the behavioral effects of psychosocial stressors on schizophrenia. More recently, research has been conducted on neurohormonal indicators of stress responsivity, particularly cortisol release resulting from activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. This article integrates the psychosocial and biological literatures on stress in schizophrenia, and it offers specific hypotheses about the neural mechanisms involved in the effects of stressors on the diathesis. Both the behavioral and biological data indicate that stress worsens symptoms and that the diathesis is associated with a heightened response to stressors. A neural mechanism for these phenomena is suggested by the augmenting effect of the HPA axis on dopamine (DA) synthesis and receptors. Assuming the diathesis for schizophrenia involves an abnormality in DA receptors, it is proposed that the HPA axis acts as a potentiating system by means of its effects on DA. At the same time, DA receptor abnormality and hippocampal damage render the patient hypersensitive to stress. This neural diathesis-stress model is consistent with findings on prenatal factors and brain abnormalities in schizophrenia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews an attempted replication of J. C. Coyne's (see record 1976-22455-001) study on depression and the response of others by D. A. King and K. Heller (see record 1985-06798-001) who found that depressed individuals were not rejected, nor did they induce negative moods. The present article reevaluates King and Heller's characterization of the literature and reveals that rejection of depressed persons is consistent across studies and methodologies. On the other hand, mood inductions are less reliable, tend to be diffuse rather than specific, and probably do not mediate rejection. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A neglected question regarding cognitive control is how control processes might detect situations calling for their involvement. The authors propose here that the demand for control may be evaluated in part by monitoring for conflicts in information processing. This hypothesis is supported by data concerning the anterior cingulate cortex, a brain area involved in cognitive control, which also appears to respond to the occurrence of conflict. The present article reports two computational modeling studies, serving to articulate the conflict monitoring hypothesis and examine its implications. The first study tests the sufficiency of the hypothesis to account for brain activation data, applying a measure of conflict to existing models of tasks shown to engage the anterior cingulate. The second study implements a feedback loop connecting conflict monitoring to cognitive control, using this to simulate a number of important behavioral phenomena. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports 2 experiments using food-container avoidance as an index of neophobia in a total of 20 adult male wild rats and 20 domestic Long-Evans and 20 Wistar rats. In Exp I Ss were fed from a single familiar container until their consumption had stabilized. Upon replacing the familiar container with a novel container, the latency of all 3 strains to begin feeding increased. In Exp II, Ss were offered a choice between a familiar and a novel container containing identical food. Though there was considerable individual variation among the 3 strains, the wild strain was more reluctant to eat from the novel container than the Long-Evans (hooded) Ss, which, in turn, were more reluctant than the Wistar (albino) Ss. Nonetheless, all 3 strains showed an initial avoidance of the novel container. It is concluded that both wild and laboratory strains are neophobic and that strain differences are ones of degree, not of kind. (41 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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