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1引言 所谓空气变形纱是采用高压气流通过特殊的变形喷嘴把待加工的一股或几股连续纤维纱线以一定的超喂量送入喷嘴中,并连续向喷嘴通入高压气流,使之吹入纱线内部,把纤维彼此引开,进而在紊流状态下,使开启的单丝互相缠绕,丝束在无张力状态下射出喷嘴的瞬间,由于速度的急剧变化,使得超喂部分形成无规则的毛圈,缠绕,结节而形成变形纱.  相似文献   

异形玻璃纤维的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1前言 通常提高玻璃纤维复合材料强度的方法,就纤维而言,主要集中在改变玻璃纤维成份以及对玻璃纤维进行表面处理二个方面,然而随着科学技术的发展,工艺水平的提高,改变纤维的结构形态(异形纤维)成为提高纤维复合材料强度的新途径.  相似文献   

玻璃纤维的生物医学应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶鼎铨 《玻璃纤维》2003,(2):9-13,16
玻璃纤维是一种多用途材料。它在生物医学领域内也获得应用。本文主要介绍国外玻璃纤维在生物组织矫形、修复、医用器材、生物医学研究以及生活卫生用品方面的研发和应用实例。  相似文献   

Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering - A review of references to sizing and finishing composites for basalt and glass fibers is presented. The existing approaches to creation of...  相似文献   

锂辉石在玻璃纤维中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1澳大利亚锂辉石简介 澳洲夸拉尔公司于1994年就通过了ISO9002国际质量认证体系的验证,该公司生产的各种规格锂辉石品质稳定;Li2O含量高、Fe2O3及TiO2等杂质含量低;经加工后粒度细而均匀;其质量和计量由世界著名的瑞士"SGS"质量检验机构验证,品质可以得到可靠保证;包装为GWALIA公司原装出口吨袋包装.它是替代品位不稳定的低锂高铁锂云母、昂贵Li2CO3的理想选择.  相似文献   

The thermomechanical stability of a number of organosilane surface treatments for glass fibers was evaluated for use in a fiber reinforced epoxy resin. All of the silane coatings were found to improve the tensile strength of E-glass filaments, particularly at large gauge lengths. A phenylamino silane and an amino silane were particularly effective in this regard. The fiber/matrix interface was evaluated as a function of temperature and after exposure to boiling water using a single-fiber composite test. All silane coatings transmitted a higher interfacial shear stress than obtained in composites with no coatings, and in all cases the shear stress transmission was considerably higher than would be expected from the yield properties of the resin. Measurements of the glass transition temperature of the epoxy resin, as well as Fourier-Transform Infra-Red analysis, indicated modification of resin properties in a zone around the glass fibers. Each of the silane coatings provided more stable thermomechanical properties than those obtained with uncoated glass, at least until the silanes were irreversibly degraded by boiling water. A phenylamino silane provided the most thermally stable properties. Finally, unidirectional E-glass fiber reinforced laminae were fabricated and the measured values of longitudinal strength were compared favorably to theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

玻璃纤维中浸润剂含量的调整控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在玻璃纤维的生产和应用过程中,浸润剂起着不可替代的关键作用.浸润剂含量是玻璃纤维成品纱中一项重要的理化指标,它不仅直接影响成品纱的外观质量,而且更会影响成品纱的性能质量.浸润剂含量过低,就会出现严重的毛丝、散丝等现象,并显著降低纤维的抗拉强度;浸润剂含量过高,虽然在一定程度上会提高纤维的抗拉强度,但一般会降低纤维在树脂中的浸透速率,影响纤维与基体的界面结合程度.此外,浸润剂还是玻璃纤维工业中成本价格比例较高的主要原料之一,成品纱的浸润剂含量越高,其生产成本越大,因而会降低经济效益.  相似文献   

The adsorption of silane coupling agents onto glass fiber surfaces has been investigated. The type of adsorption was elucidated using electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA or XPS). The surface charging was recorded using streaming potential analysis. The silane bond strength was tested by boiling the silanized fibers in water for 2 h. Thereafter the conductivity of the water was measured in order to estimate the capability of the silane surface film to prevent ion dissolution from the glass. ESCA provided information on the amount adsorbed and indicated that substantial rearrangement in the surface film structure occurred as a function of the silane concentration. The aminosilane produced a strong positive charge on the glass fibers, while the nonionic silanes were only partly condensed, giving rise to a substantial enhancement of the negative charge. The conductivity measurements indicated that the silane films were present as a loose patchlike silane network on the surface of the E-glass fibers. This conclusion is in accordance with the results obtained with all the techniques used.  相似文献   

芬兰劳特精密有限公司(Raute Preci-sion Oy)是世界著名的玻璃原料称量配料系统设备供应商,公司在电子称量与散装物料的处理方面有丰富的经验.目前该公司与瑞典欧文斯康宁(Owens-Corning)玻纤公司合作,联合开发了全自动的玻纤废丝加工处理并回炉的系统.  相似文献   

以纯碱和石英砂为主要原料制备钠硅酸盐原始玻璃纤维,经酸沥滤、水洗、烘干、烧结等工艺处理后,得到SiO2含量达96%以上的高硅氧玻璃纤维.本文研究了钠硅酸盐原始玻璃纤维的玻璃组分、不同浓度的酸沥滤玻璃纤维的离子交换反应进程,酸沥滤、水洗和烧结等工艺条件对纤维性能的影响.研究结果表明,原始玻璃组分中,随着钠含量的增加,原始玻璃纤维化学稳定性迅速降低,制造的高硅氧纤维强度下降,原始组分中引入少量氧化铝有利于提高高硅氧玻璃纤维的强度.提高酸溶液温度,能够加快酸沥滤反应速度,缩短反应时间.酸沥滤及水洗烘干后,高硅氧纤维呈封闭的多孔结构,在高温下开始收缩,高温收缩量较低,纤维的强度随着热处理温度的提高而提高,但1100℃高温强度低于无碱和硼硅酸盐玻璃制造的高硅氧玻璃纤维.  相似文献   

Curing reactions of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol F (DGEBP‐F) and pre‐catalyzed methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (MTHPA) with benzyl triethyl ammonium chloride (BTEAC) were studied and effects of glass fibers evaluated. The influence on the kinetics of glass fibers and a hybrid blend of maleated polypropylene + glass fibers is studied. Isothermal and dynamic kinetic parameters are determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Applicability of the autocatalytic model is investigated. The model serves well in the range of degrees of conversion between 25 and 80%. At high conversion rates the diffusion control becomes apparent. Glass fibers accelerate the curing, shortening the time needed to reach the maximum reaction rate; this is reflected in lower activation energies for curing in comparison to the neat resin. The effects observed can be explained by a reaction between the amine group present on the fiber surfaces and the epoxy glycidyl groups. The result of both isothermal and non‐isothermal curing of resin + glass fibers commingled with polypropylene are close to those for the neat resin. The reinforcement increases the elastic modulus 12 times, the tensile strength 2 times, and the impact strength 285 times. The glass fibers + commingled polypropylene reinforcement provides comparable mechanical properties as glass fibers alone when normalized with respected to the density fraction of the fibers.  相似文献   

The mechanism of tensile cyclic fatigue failure in conventional glass fiber dominated composites has been investigated using single fibers, strands, and composites. Surface damage to the fibers resulting from a fretting type of contact is identified as the dominant mechanism. Macrofibers of glass or glassceramic with residual surface compression have been developed to overcome the sensitivity both to cyclic and static fatigue. The macrofibers and their composites with several different matrices show greatly improved tensile fatigue resistance.  相似文献   

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