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Calibration tests of UdFlow, the ultrasonic pulse-Doppler flowmeter manufactured by the Tokyo Electric Power Company, were conducted at the national standard loop in Mexico, CENAM (The Centro National de Metrologia), in order to evaluate the accuracy of the flowmeter. Four ultrasonic transducers were mounted circumferentially on the surface of 100 and 200 mm stainless steel pipes to measure four velocity profiles. Flow rates can be obtained by integrating each measuring line and averaging them. Air was injected upstream of the measuring point to provide bubbles as ultrasonic reflectors. Tests were conducted at five different flow rates with Reynolds numbers from 200,000 to 1,200,000. Tests were repeated six times at each flow rate to evaluate repeatability. In addition, a take-off and put-back test was carried out on the 100 mm pipe at a flow rate of 3000 L/min to evaluate reproducibility. The values of the CENAM loop are based on the average of weighing time while those of the ultrasonic-Doppler flow velocity-profile flowmeter are based on the time average of instantaneous values. The calibration tests found a deviation of less than 0.3% between the two devices in terms of the average of the values recorded in six rounds of measurement. Measurement at a different Reynolds number showed that the overall average deviation between the two devices was less than 0.3%.  相似文献   

The present paper describes a fundamental uncertainty analysis for a flowrate measurement in a pipe using an ultrasonic Doppler velocity profile method and an evaluation of the estimated uncertainty by an actual flow calibration. The uncertainties are estimated for internal factors originating from the measurement equipment; UVP provided by Met-Flow sa. and external factors depending on on-site measurements, such as the inclination angle of the ultrasonic transducer. The relative expanded uncertainty due to internal factors is estimated to be 0.34% with a coverage factor of 2. The relative external uncertainty including external factors is estimated to be from 0.42% to 2.13% depends on the inclination angle of the transducer. The results of the actual flow calibration under the same condition as the uncertainty analysis are within the range of uncertainty considering the internal factors.  相似文献   

The determination of flow meter calibration factors has been made using a computer simulation approach. The proposed technique is based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The CFD tools were used to determine the flow field in a flow meter as developed by three different pipe configurations. These flow fields were used to determine the calibration factor for an ultrasonic flow meter. The results have been compared with calibration factors obtained by CFD using detailed LDV input boundary data, analytical calculations and experimental data. Tests were made for reference conditions of 10013 straight-pipe and for single- and double-elbow pipe configurations using Reynolds numbers from 100 to 100,000. For reference conditions good agreement is shown. For disturbed flow conditions the simulations well resembled the experimental data. However we find differences for transitional and swirl flows.  相似文献   

Oil and gas production industries use large (diameter > 0.8 m) ultrasonic flow meters (USMs) to measure exhaust gas from flare stacks, emissions from smokestacks, flow of natural gas, etc. Since most flow laboratories do not have compressors with sufficient flow capacity (>10 kg/s) to calibrate large flow meters, calibrations are performed using the blow-down method where flow is generated by discharging high pressure tanks, leading to significant flow transients. We used an array of critical flow venturis (CFVs) in a blow-down facility to calibrate a large (D = 89.5 cm) 8-path ultrasonic flow meter. The flow transients associated with the blow-down process caused large spatial and temporal variations in temperature that dominated (40%–67%) the uncertainty budget. Our uncertainty analysis accounts for transient-generated uncertainties and provides guidelines for improving blow-down calibrations of large flow meters.  相似文献   

In recent years, the Coriolis mass flow meters (CMF), devices based on the Coriolis effect over a vibrating pipe, have developed better metrological performance and they are now a reasonable alternative for the custody transfer measurements. Nowadays, many custody transfer operations require measurement of the net volume (volume measured at a certain reference temperature) and, therefore, it is not feasible to use the CMF as a mass flow meter. However, the actual CMF can be used as net volume meters because they have special equipment to measure density and temperature, and a flow computer. In this work, firstly a mathematical simplification of the physical model is proposed for the CMF. We part from the dimensional analysis of the flow-phase relationship produced by the Coriolis force, the main physical principle behind these devices. A simplified formula is obtained and it permits identifying the magnitudes of influence of the CMF as a mass meter. Secondly, its metrological properties are characterized. For such purpose, a 4” straight tube commercial meter has been calibrated in volume, in the 50 to 165 m3/h range against a standard container and a bidirectional prover, employing gas oil and kerosene (JET-A1). These calibrations have turned out to be compatible with the ones performed by the manufacturer in mass and using water. Then it is verified that the CMF fulfills the requisites of the legal metrology: maximum error allowed, linearity and repeatability. Skewness is observed in the relative error (expressed in %) of the CMF and it has been researched to be due to systematic effects related to constructive parameters of the meter. Lineal correlation is verified between relative error and temperature, and between relative error and flow rate, with negative slopes of −0.03% °C−1 and −0.001% h/m3 respectively.  相似文献   

Multiphase flow rate metering is a challenging problem, specially for flow patterns other than wet-gas. This paper brings forward a new comparative analysis of three differential pressure calibration models suited for liquid dominated two-phase flows, in a total of seven model configurations. First, the models are compared theoretically and classified in terms of the type of input data required. Then, experimental data of over 300 horizontal air–water experiments, for 1” and 2” pipe diameters, supports quantitative analyses of the prediction accuracies and sensitivity of the superficial velocities of gas and liquid to measurement errors in the model input variables. Finally, a method for assessing the decoupled measurement errors for the void fraction and gas velocity is shown, as these variables are typically subject to higher uncertainties. It results that, though the void fraction is shown to be systematically under evaluated in more than 10%, the total mass flow rate is estimated through the Paz et al. (2010) model with an overall root mean squared deviation (RMSD) of 5.75% for the 2” data. Also, the use of gas velocity measurements, even if subject to considerable errors, decreased the RMSD for the gas superficial velocity by more than half for the 1” data.  相似文献   

Despite the intricacy, inline metering of two-phase flow has a significant impact in multitudinous applications including fusion reactors, oil, nuclear, and other cryogenic systems. Since measurement of individual flow rate is prominent in various systems, it warrants the establishment of a flow meter system that can monitor the mass flow rates of liquid. In this regard, an approach was taken towards the development of a two-phase flow meter system in the present study. The concept involves two-phase flow through narrow parallel rectangular channels resulting in laminar, stratified flow with a slope at the liquid-vapor interface. The height of the liquid column at specific channel locations is measured for determining the flow rate. However, the geometric configurations of the channels and fluid properties are pivotal in ensuring accurate measurement. Consequently, theoretical and experimental studies are performed to investigate the correspondence between flow rate and change in liquid height. Based on the governing equations, a theoretical model is established using MATLAB®. The model investigated the intricate influence of various flow and fluid properties in the estimation of the mass flow rate. The experimental investigation was done with various conditions under different liquid and vapor volume flow rates for validating the proposed supposition and the theoretical model. Both the theoretical and experimental analyses showed fair correspondence. The proposed system estimated the mass flow rate within a tolerance of ±10% and showed potential towards the development of the cryogenic two-phase flow meter.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and implementation of a two-phase flow meter which can be used in solids-in-water two phase pipe flows to measure the in-situ volume fraction distributions of both phases, the velocity profiles of both phases and the volumetric flow rates for both phases. The system contains an Impedance Cross Correlation (ICC) device which is used in conjunction with an Electromagnetic Velocity Profiler (EVP). Experimental results were obtained for the water and solids velocity and volume fraction profiles in upward inclined flow at 30° to the vertical, in which highly non-uniform velocity and volume fraction profiles occur.  相似文献   

In the early nineties a hot water test facility was planned and constructed for calibration and testing of volume and flow meters at the National Volume Measurement Laboratory at RISE (formerly SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden). The main feature of the test facility is the capability to measure flow in a wide temperature and flow range with very high accuracy. The objective of the project, which was initiated in 1989, was to design equipment for calibration of flow meters with stable flow and temperature conditions.After many years of international debate whether static testing is adequate to represent the later more dynamic application of domestic water meters, the EMPIR project 17IND13 Metrology for real-world domestic water metering (“Metrowamet”) was launched in 2018. The project investigates the influence of dynamic flow testing on the measurement accuracy of different types of domestic flow meters. One of the main objectives of the project is the development of infrastructure to carry out dynamic flow measurements. The existing test facility at RISE was at the time of construction one of the best hot and cold-water test facilities in the world. Due to the Metrowamet project the test facility has been upgraded to meet the needs of an infrastructure for dynamic flow investigations. The first findings from dynamic consumption profile measurements are reported in this paper.  相似文献   

An aim of this research work is to establish an evaluation method concerning a responsiveness of flowmeters for a transient flow rate. To this end, reference flow metering systems for the transient flow are proposed in this paper. Because a behavior of the responsiveness depends on the type of flowmeter, evaluations using different parameters, such as response time to sudden rise and sudden fall in flow rate, response to the frequency and amplitude of flow pulsation, mean characteristic and so on are needed. To achieve a precise evaluation, two reference flow metering methods for transient flow rates are proposed in this paper. One is a high-response weighing method and the other is a velocity profile measurement method using the ultrasonic pulsed Doppler method (UPDM). Since the behaviors of the transient flow rate measured by both methods show good agreement, we conclude them to be useable as a reference flow metering system.  相似文献   

The calibration facility with the multi-nozzle calibrator was developed for the calibration of flow meters to be used with high-pressure, high-flow-rate hydrogen gas. The critical nozzles installed in the multi-nozzle calibrator were calibrated with traceability to the national standard. The relative standard uncertainty of the mass flow rates produced from the calibration facility is 0.09% when the flow rate is between 150 g/min and 550 g/min. In this study, the Coriolis flow meter was calibrated for a pressure range of 15–35 MPa. The relative standard uncertainty of the flow rates obtained from the Coriolis flow meter was 0.44% for the case of the worst fluctuations in the output of the flow meter; based on the calibration curve, this is 0.91%. The present result shows that there is a maximum 3% difference between the output of the Coriolis flow meter and the mass flow rates of the multi-nozzle calibrator, even though the Coriolis flow meter was calibrated using water. Therefore, for the development of a calibration facility that can calibrate a flow meter under the same conditions as those encountered in actual use, it will be important to develop a new flow meter.  相似文献   

An ultrasonic tomographic velocimeter to provide quantitative images of axial flow fields in pipes is developed and presented in this work. To detect the flow in various directions and positions, a novel transducer configuration strategy is proposed. All-in-one transducers are mounted in two sectional planes of the pipe. In each plane, N transducers are equally spaced along the circumference. Overlapped propagation paths are introduced by the configuration strategy, and the influence of the vortex flow can be eliminated theoretically by averaging the line velocities of the overlapped paths. To achieve a fast detection speed, the projection data is collected via an electrical scan in a fan-beam mode. After rearrangement and interpolation of the projection data, the parallel beam filtered back projection (FBP) algorithm is implemented to reconstruct the axial flow field. Numerical simulations with the theoretical velocity profiles were performed. The compensation method for the vortex flow is proved to be effective and necessary, and the number of transducers required for reconstruction of common flow profiles was estimated. Accordingly, an ultrasonic tomographic velocimeter consisting of 2×12 transducers was fabricated. Experiments were conducted in the straight pipe and downstream of a single bend pipe and compared with the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation results. As demonstrated, the ultrasonic tomographic velocimeter was capable of visualizing both symmetric and asymmetric axial flow fields with high reliability.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic velocimetry based on the Doppler shift effect accurately provides quasi-instantaneous flow fields for fluids with a sufficiently high acoustic scattering level. However, ultrasonic velocity instruments are known to perform poorly in clear water with low acoustic scattering level, which are frequent conditions in laboratory applications. This work confirms a technique to solve the problem by seeding the flow with micro hydrogen bubbles, generated by means of electrolysis.This paper investigates the influence of gas bubbles density on the quality of the ultrasound Doppler based velocity profiles in an open channel flow. The bubbles are generated by electrolysis of water using different magnitudes of electrical current. The estimation of the number of bubbles in the measurement volume confirms that the bubble diameter is similar to that of the wire used for electrolysis. This enables to determine the minimum density of gas bubbles needed to obtain a reasonably good echo and therefore an accurate velocity profile.  相似文献   

Within the framework of a research project regarding investigations on a high-pressure Coriolis mass flow meter (CMF) a portable flow test rig for traceable calibration measurements of the flow rate (mass - and volume flow) in a range of 5 g min−1 to 500 g min−1 and in a pressure range of 0.1 MPa to 85 MPa was developed. The measurement principle of the flow test rig is based on the gravimetrical measuring procedure with flying-start-and-stop operating mode. Particular attention has been paid to the challenges of temperature stability during the measurements since the temperature has a direct influence on the viscosity and flow rate of the test medium. For that reason the pipes on the high-pressure side are double-walled and insulated and the device under test (DUT) has an enclosure with a separate temperature control. From the analysis of the first measurement with tap water at a temperature of 20 °C and a pressure of 82.7 MPa an extensive uncertainty analysis has been carried out. It was found that the diverter (mainly due to its asymmetric behaviour) is the largest influence factor on the total uncertainty budget. After a number of improvements, especially concerning the diverter, the flow test rig has currently an expanded measurement uncertainty of around 1.0% in the lower flow rate range (25 g min−1) and 0.25% in the higher flow rate range (400 g min−1) for the measurement of mass flow. Additional calibration measurements with the new, redesigned flow test rig and highly viscous base oils also indicated a good agreement with the theoretical behaviour of the flow meter according to the manufacturers׳ specifications with water as test medium. Further improvements are envisaged in the future in order to focus also on other areas of interest.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic transit time flow meter (UTTFM) is commonly used in a wide range of applications. It is commonly believed amongst researchers, industrialists, and standard committee members that due to nonuniform flow velocity distribution inside the pipe (flow velocity profile) the measured flow velocity using UTTFM needs to be corrected by the flow profile. Mathematical analysis of UTTFM measured quantity shows that UTTFM measures flow correctly when flow is fully developed or laminar. However, the measurement results using flow profile correction factor produces erroneous values. The UTTFM measurement model assessment shows, when flow is not fully developed, there are unknown quantities contributed by flow velocity in the axial and diametrical direction to measurement results. These unknown quantities lead to erroneous measurement results when it is simply corrected by flow profile. Assessment of the UTTFM error model shows that using multi-path UTTFM can significantly reduce the impact of the unaccounted quantities and improve accuracy. A novel approach to UTTFM design utilizing multiple acoustic paths (using different planes and transmitting angles) is proposed to reduce potential error for UTTFM. This approach is consistent with the general measurement modeling method with incomplete information recommended by JCGM GUM-6:2020.  相似文献   

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