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Charles F. Floyd 《The Annals of Regional Science》1976,10(3):91-105
Large scale computer-based land use simulation models are being used increasingly in the transportation planning process. This paper discusses one aspect of these models' development: the projection of employment. More specifically, it describes the process of employment projection in the Georgia Transportation Planning Land Use Model, a rural transportation corridor impact analysis model. The employment projection method chosen for use in the Phase I model is shift and share combined with regression analysis to incorporate the impact of transportation facility improvements. Further refinement is needed to better incorporate transportation and other locational factors. 相似文献
This paper proposes a methodological approach to regional and urban planning in order to design, settle and manage a public policy for the attraction, location and distribution of different groups of immigrants. It further develops a set of decision-support tools, including a management information system and an integrated and interactive model in order to: (i) characterize the patterns of residential land used by different groups of immigrants according to their professional features, and respective evolution, (ii) anticipate the location of new immigrants or groups of immigrants that arrive into the studied territory (according to their demographic, economic and professional characteristics, keeping or changing the prevailing socio-economic, planning and territorial structure), and respective evolution, and (iii) monitor the evolution of respective social, economic and professional territorial integration. This methodology and set of tools are applied, as a case study, to the Oporto Metropolitan Area (Portugal). They possess display and simulation functionalities that support the test and implementation of local, regional and urban policy strategic decisions. Once workmanship quantitative and qualitative needs are specified – according to regional overall prevailing strategies – it outlines the socio-economic-professional conditions to welcome and to fulfil the needs of different population groups – through provision of proper housing, infrastructures, equipments and jobs, as well as through governance mechanisms – in the scope of socio-economic sustainability and life quality principles. 相似文献
低碳城市交通与土地使用5D模式 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
潘海啸 《建设科技(建设部)》2010,(17):30-32
本文提出了中国城市交通与土地使用的5D模式,特别指出保持较高比例的自行车出行是对世界环境问题的一个重大贡献。由于我国城市交通与土地使用具有共发并生的特点,城市多模式交通体系的建立应该置身于其所处城市环境的特征,城市的开发建设中要考虑到对不同交通模式的影响,并与城市发展的多维度目标相结合。 相似文献
A sketch map in urban planning roughly lays out a physical plan. However, the process of generating sketches has long been
viewed as a “black box”. The sketch layout model (SLM) was developed in 1999 to improve the efficiency and quality of layout tasks. This model is a nonlinear and multi-objective
programming, for analyzing the integrated layouts of land uses, transport network and public facilities. Although the SLM
had been developed for three phases and can be applied to real cases, the method still does not distinguish the types of roads
in the transport network. This study develops the SLM-IV, a bi-level programming, by integrating the SLM-III and the combined
trip distribution/assignment model, to generate a hierarchical network. This improved model can analyze travel demands, and
then decide the link type of the network in SLM. A numerical example with relevant sensitivity analysis is presented to verify
the operational feasibility and identify the model's characteristics.
Received: June 2001/Accepted: June 2002
The authors would like to thank the referees and the editor for their helpful suggestions and assistance on the earlier version
of the paper. This study was financially supported by the National Science Council in Taiwan (project no: NSC89-2415-H-009-001-SSS). 相似文献
家庭联产承包责任制是我国农村土地制度的一次历史性重大变革,但近年来,随着商品经济的发展和社会经济条件的变化,以土地承包为特征的家庭联产承包制在某些方面逐渐暴露出其不利于农业进一步发展的一面,需要进一步改革和完善。 一、 土地利用中存在的问题 (一)土地经营行为的短期化 家庭联产承包责任制的推行,极大地激发了农户对土地的经营热情,但随着时间的推移和经济的发展,农业已成为一种低收入产业。同时由于农村中二、三产业的发展,农民对土地的经济联系和感情日益淡漠,对土地的投资减少,粗放经营乃至弃耕撂荒等现象在所难免… 相似文献
Implementation of sustainable landscape policy directions can be held back by various constraints. These limitations may include: an absence of reliable integrated landscape character predictions, unproductive tensions arising from poorly informed public and institutional debate, low levels of political resolve due to uncertainty, and limitations on program and project design due to either inadequate availability, or ineffective use of ecological and social data. The need for new methodologies to speed the attainment of sustainable land use is pressing when considered in the context of information indicating that the condition of the world's ecosystems remains in decline. This decline is measurable by the changes in ecosystem services. Taking an ecosystem services view offers an opportunity to address some of the limitations noted earlier. The ecosystem services concept links natural resource management more clearly to the broader functionality of natural systems. Ecosystem services like clean water, productive soils and distinct flora and fauna are generated or maintained by healthy functioning ecosystems. Dwelling on these services and the practices that alter them defines the reasons for natural resource management. Modelling these ecosystems and their services is the key way to understanding these relationships. The utilisation of land use modelling methods to inform, and be informed by community and stakeholder landscape preferences, represents a potential step forward in the evolution of approaches to deliver sustainable landscape policy objectives. This paper presents a summary of examples of a multi-criteria land use optimisation technique that has been used to envision land use combinations most likely to achieve sustainable landscapes in Germany. A number of the sustainable landscape principles arising from Victoria's rural land stewardship project, such as use of an ecosystem services framework to better inform long-term land use planning along with calls to better connect community input to landscape function and land use decisions, are also considered. 相似文献
The integration of land use planning and transport planning to achieve sustainable travel behaviour has been espoused as a desirable outcome for many years. Development and establishment of appropriate institutional arrangements coupled with effective policy and planning processes is a crucial component in the achievement of this desirable outcome. The merging of the Western Australian Government's planning and transport agencies in 2001 provided the catalyst for the development of this institutional model with the aim to achieve desired land use and transport integration outcomes. The model draws together principles of transport planning, land use planning, public policy and organisational behaviour. A local case study illustrates the potential for the model's application in practice. An organisational structure is suggested that employs a matrix style approach, akin to a project-based approach, drawing on the multidisciplinary skills within the planning and infrastructure portfolio, and using the full range of non-traditional resources. 相似文献
The integration of land use planning and transport planning to achieve sustainable travel behaviour has been espoused as a desirable outcome for many years. Development and establishment of appropriate institutional arrangements coupled with effective policy and planning processes is a crucial component in the achievement of this desirable outcome. The merging of the Western Australian Government's planning and transport agencies in 2001 provided the catalyst for the development of this institutional model with the aim to achieve desired land use and transport integration outcomes. The model draws together principles of transport planning, land use planning, public policy and organisational behaviour. A local case study illustrates the potential for the model's application in practice. An organisational structure is suggested that employs a matrix style approach, akin to a project-based approach, drawing on the multidisciplinary skills within the planning and infrastructure portfolio, and using the full range of non-traditional resources. 相似文献
This study set out to develop a land use regression model at sub-neighborhood scale (0.01-1 km) for Portland, Oregon using passive measurements of NO(2) at 77 locations. Variables used to develop the model included road and railroad density, traffic volume, and land use with buffers of 50 to 750 m surrounding each measurement site. An initial regression model was able to predict 66% of the variation in NO(2). Including wind direction in the regression model increased predictive power by 15%. Iterative random exclusion of 11 sites during model calibration resulted in a 3% variation in predictive power. The regression model was applied to the Portland metropolitan area using 10 m gridded land use layers. This study further validates land use regression for use in North America, and identifies important considerations for their use, such as inclusion of railways, open spaces and meteorological patterns. 相似文献
回顾了公交导向发展对社区与城市发展的影响,以"城中城"为例,提出综合考虑用地、行为、交通三方面因素对城市和社区进行规划的方法,以期提高居民生活环境质量,缓解城市交通压力。 相似文献
可持续发展的建成区用地 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
1 可持续发展用地在城市规划中的定义广义的可持续发展用地在城市规划中可以分为三种类型即:(1)不可建设用地:指为城市社会发展所必须拥有的满足生态环境所需的农业、绿化、水面等用地以及交通及大型基础设施用地。(2)城市备用地:指城市建成区边缘的荒地、低产农业用地,为今后在城市允许的发展规模内城市扩展所安排的用地。(3)可持续发展的建成区用地:即在建成区内的部分用地上,近期与远期的需要与利益相结合,打时间差,能滚动开发利用的一些用地。本文以下主要叙述和研讨的是“可持续发展的城市建成区用地”。天津市在城市总体规划阶段与控… 相似文献
提出了稳定农村土地使用权的有效途径,对城乡统筹中城乡一体化的土地市场和社会保障体系的有机结合进行了探讨,以使农村土地使用权的稳定落到实处。 相似文献
《Landscape and urban planning》2005,70(1-2):35-44
This paper deals with the land privatisation process in eastern and central Europe. The focus is on Estonia, and particularly on the rural north-western area of the country. Until 1943–1944, a Swedish speaking minority inhabited the area. During the Second World War, a large part of this Swedish population migrated to Sweden. The homesteads were abandoned, and during the years of Soviet occupation the Estonian Swedes lost contact with their native areas. Following the fall of the communist system at the end of the 1980s, the former occupants, whose farms had been nationalised by Soviet Union in 1940, were allowed to have their properties restored to them. The aim of this paper is to investigate the land restitution process in the area, which has taken place during the 1990s. More than half of the landowners live abroad, predominantly in Sweden. By comparison with landowners living in Estonia, their property use has so far been more passive and they are not prepared to settle permanently on the property that has been restored to them. A shift away from the patterns of land ownership and land use associated with Soviet style collective farming and a return to an approach based on smaller units of land is visible to some extent in the landscape of the area. 相似文献
Starting with exploration from the perspective of urban spaces, this research was conducted by analyzing the functional areas—urban centers with the most highlighted contradictions in terms of intensive land use in order to develop an evaluation model for intensive land use in urban centers. Based on quantitative research methods, and taking into account three aspects of intensive use, i.e., buildings, lands and traffic as well as multiple evaluation factors, this paper conducted the research horizontally by means of quantitative and comparative studies on each individual factor, developed the evaluation model for intensive land use in urban centers, and analyzed the driving forces of intensive land use from the aspects of buildings, land use, roads, etc. 相似文献
An innovative land use regression model incorporating meteorology for exposure analysis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Su JG Brauer M Ainslie B Steyn D Larson T Buzzelli M 《The Science of the total environment》2008,390(2-3):520-529
The advent of spatial analysis and geographic information systems (GIS) has led to studies of chronic exposure and health effects based on the rationale that intra-urban variations in ambient air pollution concentrations are as great as inter-urban differences. Such studies typically rely on local spatial covariates (e.g., traffic, land use type) derived from circular areas (buffers) to predict concentrations/exposures at receptor sites, as a means of averaging the annual net effect of meteorological influences (i.e., wind speed, wind direction and insolation). This is the approach taken in the now popular land use regression (LUR) method. However spatial studies of chronic exposures and temporal studies of acute exposures have not been adequately integrated. This paper presents an innovative LUR method implemented in a GIS environment that reflects both temporal and spatial variability and considers the role of meteorology. The new source area LUR integrates wind speed, wind direction and cloud cover/insolation to estimate hourly nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) concentrations from land use types (i.e., road network, commercial land use) and these concentrations are then used as covariates to regress against NO and NO(2) measurements at various receptor sites across the Vancouver region and compared directly with estimates from a regular LUR. The results show that, when variability in seasonal concentration measurements is present, the source area LUR or SA-LUR model is a better option for concentration estimation. 相似文献
Patrick Heidkamp Dean M. Hanink Robert G. Cromley 《The Annals of Regional Science》2008,42(3):725-746
International non-profit organizations have started to implement eco-labeling for credence attributes programs aimed to inform
consumers about environmentally sound or “sustainable” production standards for various products. Using coffee labeled as
“shade grown” or “bird friendly” as an example, this paper describes the impact such labeling programs may have on local land
use patterns in coffee producing regions. Shade grown coffee farms should provide a variety of external benefits, including
the preservation of biodiversity, carbon sequestration, the prevention of soil erosion and aquifer recharge. Those externalities,
however, are not expected to have observable land use impacts unless they are capitalized in the coffee market. The prospect
of market capitalization of externalities suggests the extension of the conventional von Thünen model to the calculation of
social location rent. Using the maximization of social location rent as a criterion allows the externality effect to play
a direct role in market-based land use allocation of land between eco-labeled shade grown coffee production and other activities. 相似文献