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We investigate the power of threshold circuits of small depth. In particular, we give functions that require exponential size unweighted threshold circuits of depth 3 when we restrict the bottom fanin. We also prove that there are monotone functionsf k that can be computed in depthk and linear size , -circuits but require exponential size to compute by a depthk–1 monotone weighted threshold circuit.  相似文献   

We propose a new model for exact learning of acyclic circuits using experiments in which chosen values may be assigned to an arbitrary subset of wires internal to the circuit, but only the value of the circuit's single output wire may be observed. We give polynomial time algorithms to learn (1) arbitrary circuits with logarithmic depth and constant fan-in and (2) Boolean circuits of constant depth and unbounded fan-in over AND, OR, and NOT gates. Thus, both AC0 and NC1 circuits are learnable in polynomial time in this model. Negative results show that some restrictions on depth, fan-in and gate types are necessary: exponentially many experiments are required to learn AND/OR circuits of unbounded depth and fan-in; it is NP-hard to learn AND/OR circuits of unbounded depth and fan-in 2; and it is NP-hard to learn circuits of constant depth and unbounded fan-in over AND, OR, and threshold gates, even when the target circuit is known to contain at most one threshold gate and that threshold gate has threshold 2. We also consider the effect of adding an oracle for behavioral equivalence. In this case there are polynomial-time algorithms to learn arbitrary circuits of constant fan-in and unbounded depth and to learn Boolean circuits with arbitrary fan-in and unbounded depth over AND, OR, and NOT gates. A corollary is that these two classes are PAC-learnable if experiments are available. Finally, we consider an extension of the model called the synchronous model. We show that an even more general class of circuits are learnable in this model. In particular, we are able to learn circuits with cycles.  相似文献   

We consider the class of unbounded fan-in depth three Boolean circuits, for which the bottom fan-in is limited by k and the top gate is an OR. It is known that the smallest such circuit computing the parity function has gates (for k = O(n 1/2)) for some , and this was the best lower bound known for explicit (P-time computable) functions. In this paper, for k = 2, we exhibit functions in uniform NC 1 that require size depth 3 circuits. The main tool is a theorem that shows that any circuit on n variables that accepts a inputs and has size s must be constant on a projection (subset defined by equations of the form x i = 0, x i = 1, x i = x j or x i = ) of dimension at least log(a/s)log n. Received: April 1, 1997.  相似文献   

Using multi-party communication techniques, we prove that depth-3 circuits with a threshold gate at the top, arbitrary symmetric gates at the next level, and fan-in k MOD m gates at the bottom need exponential size to compute the k-wise inner product function of Babai, Nisan and Szegedy, where m is an odd positive integer satisfying . This is one of the rare lower-bound results involving MOD m gates with non-prime power moduli.?Exponential gap theorems are also presented between the multi-party communication complexities of closely related functions. Received: January 5, 1994  相似文献   

We study the power of constant-depth circuits containing negation gates, unbounded fan-in AND and OR gates, and a small number of MAJORITY gates. It is easy to show that a depth 2 circuit of sizeO(n) (wheren is the number of inputs) containingO(n) MAJORITY gates can determine whether the sum of the input bits is divisible byk, for any fixedk>1, whereas it is known that this requires exponentialsize circuits if we have no MAJORITY gates. Our main result is that a constant-depth circuit of size containingn o(1) MAJORITY gates cannot determine if the sum of the input bits is divisible byk; moreover, such a circuit must give the wrong answer on a constant fraction of the inputs. This result was previously known only fork=2. We prove this by obtaining an approximate representation of the behavior of constant-depth circuits by multivariate complex polynomials.  相似文献   

A threshold gate is a linear combination of input variables with integer coefficients (weights). It outputs 1 if the sum is positive. The maximum absolute value of the coefficients of a threshold gate is called its weight. A degree-d perceptron is a Boolean circuit of depth 2 with a threshold gate at the top and any Boolean elements of fan-in at most d at the bottom level. The weight of a perceptron is the weight of its threshold gate.For any constant d ≥ 2 independent of the number of input variables n, we construct a degree-d perceptron that requires weights of at least \(n^{\Omega (n^d )} \); i.e., the weight of any degree-d perceptron that computes the same Boolean function must be at least \(n^{\Omega (n^d )} \). This bound is tight: any degree-d perceptron is equivalent to a degree-d perceptron of weight \(n^{O(n^d )} \). For the case of threshold gates (i.e., d = 1), the result was proved by Håstad in [2]; we use Håstad’s technique.  相似文献   

We construct a randomness-efficient averaging sampler that is computable by uniform constant-depth circuits with parity gates (i.e., in uniform AC 0[⊕]). Our sampler matches the parameters achieved by random walks on constant-degree expander graphs, allowing us to apply a variety expander-based techniques within NC 1. For example, we obtain the following results:
•  Randomness-efficient error-reduction for uniform probabilistic NC 1, TC 0, AC 0[⊕] and AC 0: Any function computable by uniform probabilistic circuits with error 1/3 using r random bits is computable by circuits of the same type with error δ using r + O(log(1/δ)) random bits.
•  An optimal bitwise ϵ-biased generator in AC 0[⊕]: There exists a 1/2Ω(n)-biased generator G : {0, 1} O(n) → {0, 1}2n for which poly(n)-size uniform AC 0[⊕] circuits can compute G(s) i given (s, i) ∈ {0, 1} O(n)  ×  {0, 1} n . This resolves question raised by Gutfreund and Viola (Random 2004).
•  uniform BP · AC 0 ⊆ uniform AC 0/O(n).
Our sampler is based on the zig-zag graph product of Reingold, Vadhan & Wigderson (Annals of Math 2002) and as part of our analysis we givean elementary proof of a generalization of Gillman’s Chernoff Bound for Expander Walks (SIAM Journal on Computing 1998).   相似文献   

Monotone circuits for monotone weighted threshold functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Weighted threshold functions with positive weights are a natural generalization of unweighted threshold functions. These functions are clearly monotone. However, the naive way of computing them is adding the weights of the satisfied variables and checking if the sum is greater than the threshold; this algorithm is inherently non-monotone since addition is a non-monotone function. In this work we by-pass this addition step and construct a polynomial size logarithmic depth unbounded fan-in monotone circuit for every weighted threshold function, i.e., we show that weighted threshold functions are in mAC1. (To the best of our knowledge, prior to our work no polynomial monotone circuits were known for weighted threshold functions.)Our monotone circuits are applicable for the cryptographic tool of secret sharing schemes. Using general results for compiling monotone circuits (Yao, 1989) and monotone formulae (Benaloh and Leichter, 1990) into secret sharing schemes, we get secret sharing schemes for every weighted threshold access structure. Specifically, we get: (1) information-theoretic secret sharing schemes where the size of each share is quasi-polynomial in the number of users, and (2) computational secret sharing schemes where the size of each share is polynomial in the number of users.  相似文献   

We prove new results on the circuit complexity of approximate majority, which is the problem of computing the majority of a given bit string whose fraction of 1’s is bounded away from 1/2 (by a constant). We then apply these results to obtain new relationships between probabilistic time, BPTime (t), and alternating time, ∑O(1)Time (t). Our main results are the following:
1.  We prove that depth-3 circuits with bottom fan-in (log n)/2 that compute approximate majority on n bits must have size at least 2n0.12^{n^{0.1}}. As a corollary we obtain that there is no black-box proof that BPTime (t) í ?2\subseteq \sum_2Time (o(t2)). This complements the (black-box) result that BPTime (t) í ?2\subseteq \sum_2Time (t2 · poly log t) (Sipser and Gács, STOC ’83; Lautemann, IPL ’83).
2.  We prove that approximate majority is computable by uniform polynomial-size circuits of depth 3. Prior to our work, the only known polynomial-size depth-3 circuits for approximate majority were non-uniform (Ajtai, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic ’83). We also prove that BPTime (t) í ?3\subseteq \sum_3Time (t · poly log t). This complements our results in (1).
3.  We prove new lower bounds for solving QSAT3 ? ?3\in \sum_3Time (n · poly log n) on probabilistic computational models. In particular, we prove that solving QSAT3 requires time n1+Ω(1) on Turing machines with a random-access input tape and a sequential-access work tape that is initialized with random bits. No nontrivial lower bound was previously known on this model (for a function computable in linear space).

This special section is devoted to a selection of papers that originally appeared in two thematic sessions on high-level testing of complex systems at IDPT 2002 and 2003, the 6th and 7th World Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology, which took place in Pasadena, CA in June 2002 and in Austin, TX in December 2003, respectively.This collection of papers spans a wide panoramic view on the development of testing and validation technology along several dimmensions. It touches on issues such as
– Kinds of systems
– Kinds of testing or validation
– Practical difficulties (in the application area)
– Technical difficulties, e.g., state explosion, heterogeneity, etc.
– Particular approaches, i.e., methods tools and whether or not they are linked to other areas such as formal verification, simulation, abstract interpretation, etc.
– Current state of advancement and uptake (conceptual, implemented, industrial product, etc.)
All seven papers present methods, tools, and case studies that aim at using diverse formal techniques for testing complex systems.  相似文献   

Alan Bundy 《AI & Society》2007,21(4):659-668
This paper is a modified version of my acceptance lecture for the 1986 SPL-Insight Award. It turned into something of a personal credo -describing my view of
  the nature of AI
  the potential social benefit of applied AI
  the importance of basic AI research
  the role of logic and the methodology of rational construction
  the interplay of applied and basic AI research, and
  the importance of funding basic AI.
These points are knitted together by an analogy between AI and structural engineering: in particular, between building expert systems and building bridges.  相似文献   

We show thatBPP can be simulated in subexponential time for infinitely many input lengths unless exponential time
–  collapses to the second level of the polynomial-time hierarchy.
–  has polynomial-size circuits and
–  has publishable proofs (EXPTIME=MA).
We also show thatBPP is contained in subexponential time unless exponential time has publishable proofs for infinitely many input lengths. In addition, we showBPP can be simulated in subexponential time for infinitely many input lengths unless there exist unary languages inMA-P.  相似文献   

The rectilinear polygon cover problem is one in which a certain class of features of a rectilinear polygon ofn vertices has to be covered with the minimum number of rectangles included in the polygon. In particular, we consider covering the entire interior, the boundary, and the set of corners of the polygon. These problems have important applications in storing images and in the manufacture of integrated circuits. Unfortunately, most of these problems are known to be NP-complete. Hence it is necessary to develop efficient heuristics for these problems or to show that the design of efficient heuristics is impossible. In this paper we show:
(a)  The corner cover problem is NP-complete.
(b)  The boundary and the corner cover problem can be approximated within a ratio of 4 of the optimum inO(n logn) andO(n 1.5) time, respectively.
(c)  No polynomial-time approximation scheme exists for the interior and the boundary cover problems, unless P=NP.
A preliminary version of this result appeared inProceedings of the Fourth Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 1992, pp. 229–235. This research was partially supported by NSF Grant CCR-9114545.  相似文献   

Consider an information network with threats called attackers; each attacker uses a probability distribution to choose a node of the network to damage. Opponent to the attackers is a protector entity called defender; the defender scans and cleans from attacks some part of the network (in particular, a link), which it chooses independently using its own probability distribution. Each attacker wishes to maximize the probability of escaping its cleaning by the defender; towards a conflicting objective, the defender aims at maximizing the expected number of attackers it catches. We model this network security scenario as a non-cooperative strategic game on graphs. We are interested in its associated Nash equilibria, where no network entity can unilaterally increase its local objective. We obtain the following results:
•  We obtain an algebraic characterization of (mixed) Nash equilibria.
•  No (non-trivial) instance of the graph-theoretic game has a pure Nash equilibrium. This is an immediate consequence of some covering properties we prove for the supports of the players in all (mixed) Nash equilibria.
•  We coin a natural subclass of mixed Nash equilibria, which we call Matching Nash equilibria, for this graph-theoretic game. Matching Nash equilibria are defined by enriching the necessary covering properties we proved with some additional conditions involving other structural parameters of graphs, such as Independent Sets.
–  We derive a characterization of graphs admitting Matching Nash equilibria. All such graphs have an Expanding Independent Set. The characterization enables a non-deterministic, polynomial time algorithm to compute a Matching Nash equilibrium for any such graph.
–  Bipartite graphs are shown to satisfy the characterization. So, using a polynomial time algorithm to compute a Maximum Matching for a bipartite graph, we obtain, as our main result, a deterministic, polynomial time algorithm to compute a Matching Nash equilibrium for any instance of the game with a bipartite graph.
A preliminary version of this work appeared in the Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, X. Deng and D. Du, eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3827, pp. 288–297, Springer, December 2005. This work has been partially supported by the IST Program of the European Union under contract 001907 ( ), and by research funds at University of Cyprus.  相似文献   

We present quantum algorithms for the following matching problems in unweighted and weighted graphs with n vertices and m edges:
•  Finding a maximal matching in general graphs in time .
•  Finding a maximum matching in general graphs in time .
•  Finding a maximum weight matching in bipartite graphs in time , where N is the largest edge weight.
Our quantum algorithms are faster than the best known classical deterministic algorithms for the corresponding problems. In particular, the second result solves an open question stated in a paper by Ambainis and Špalek (Proceedings of STACS’06, pp. 172–183, 2006).  相似文献   

A logic-based system of knowledge representation for natural language discourse has three primary advantages:
–  • It has adequate expressive power,
–  • it has a well-defined semantics, and
–  • it uses simple, sound, general rules of inference.
On the other hand, a standard logic-based system has the following disadvantages:
–  • It supports only an exceedingly complex mapping from surface discourse sentences to internal representations, and
–  • reasoning about the content of semantically complex discourses is difficult because of the incommodious complexity of the internalized formulas.

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