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To investigate the influence of tempering process on microstructural evolutions and mechanical properties of 00Cr13Ni4Mo supermartensitic stainless steel(SMSS),specimens were tempered in the temperature range of 520-720 ℃ for 3 h followed by air cooling and an optimized tempering temperature was chosen to prolong holding time from 3 to 12 h.After heat treatments,microstructure examination was conducted by scanning electron microscope,X-ray diffraction examinations,hardness measurements and tensile tests.The results revealed that the superior mechanical properties were achieved by quenching at 1040 ℃ for 1 h+water cooling and tempering at 600 ℃ for 3 h+air cooling.Increasing isothermal tempering time could improve the toughness notably.It was believed that the property was correlated with the microstructure of tempered lath martensite and retained austenite.More retained austenite content is beneficial to the higher toughness of the SMSS.  相似文献   

The microstructural evolution and mechanical property of 00Cr13Ni5Mo2supermartensitic stainless steel(SMSS)subjected to different heat treatments were investigated.Room tensile tests,hardness tests,scanning electron microscopy,transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction were conducted on the heat-treated steels.It is found that the microstructure of the heat-treated steel is composed of tempered lath martensite,retained austenite andδ-ferrite.The austenitizing temperature and tempering temperature have a significant effect on the microstructural changes,which leads to the complex variations of mechanical properties.The fine tempered lath martensite and more dispersed reversed austenite in the microstructure facilitate improving the comprehensive mechanical properties of the studied steel.The optimal heat treatment process of 00Cr13Ni5Mo2SMSS is obtained by austenitizing at 1 000℃for 0.5h+air cooling followed by tempering at 630℃for 2h+air cooling,where the excellent combination of tensile strength,elongation and hardness can be achieved.  相似文献   

测定了控氮00Cr13Ni4Mo(S13-4N)与低氮00Cr13Ni6Mo(S13-6)的性能,对比分析了氮元素对00Cr13Ni4Mo的强度、韧性、耐蚀性的影响。力学性能测试结果表明,回火温度≤550℃时,控氮的S13-4N比低氮的S13-6的强度更高,韧性更低;回火温度≥550℃时,规律逐渐变得相反;S13-4N在450℃左右出现回火脆性现象。电化学测试结果表明,S13-6的耐点蚀性能优于S13-4N。XRD和EBSD结果表明,两种钢在550℃以上温度回火时出现逆变奥氏体,600℃附近含量达到最大值,此时的韧性最佳,S13-6中的逆变奥氏体总量多于S13-4N,但形态不同。分析认为:氮比镍稳定奥氏体的能力强,而镍形成逆变奥氏体的能力则更强,逆变奥氏体的含量和稳定性对韧性的影响很大;S13-4N的450℃回火脆性主要是由于碳化物和氮化物的析出引起的。  相似文献   

The semiconducting properties of passive films grown on 00Crl3Ni5Mo2 supermartensitic stainless steel were investigated in comparison with conventional 2Cr13 martensitic stainless steel. Cyclic vohammetry and electro- chemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were used for the studies. 00Crl3NiSMo2 steel exhibited a good corrosion resistance performance, attributing to its passive capability. The results of Mott-Schottky analysis demonstrated n- type semiconductors for the passive films with doping densities of about 1020- 1021 cm -3, and the thickness of space- charge layers was also calculated. The experimental results confirmed that Mo plays an important role in improving the corrosion resistance of 00Crl3Ni5Mo2 steel due to its impact on the doping density.  相似文献   

0Cr21Ni6Mn9N奥氏体不锈钢的应变强化行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了不同氮含量的0Cr21Ni6Mn9N奥氏体不锈钢的塑性流变行为。结果表明,其形变强化特性可用Ludwigson模型来表示。钢在不同的应变下表现出不同的塑性流变行为,存在一个瞬变应变。当应变量低于它时,流变行为与Ludwik方程存在一个正偏差;而应变量高于它时,则符合Ludwik模型。造成这一差异的主要原因是位错滑移模式发生了改变,低于瞬变应变时为单系滑移,高于瞬变应变时为多系滑移。氮对位错滑移模式的影响主要表现为对瞬变应变的影响。随氮含量的增加,瞬变应变被推向更高的水平,这意味着氮原子使位错在更大的应变下才产生多系滑移和交滑移。  相似文献   

本文介绍了00Cr18Ni5Mo3Si2奥氏体 铁素体双相不锈钢的基本特点,对3.2t大锭冶炼、轧制开坯工艺进行了研究和生产试制,总结出了生产00Cr18Ni5Mo3Si2双相不锈钢的冶炼、轧制开坯工艺要点。  相似文献   

The microstructure,morphology of precipitates and retained austenite and the volume fraction of retained austenite in 0Cr16Ni5 Mo stainless steel during the tempering process were analyzed using optical microscope(OM),transmission electron microscope(TEM),X-ray diffraction(XRD)and scanning transmission electron microscope(STEM).The results show that the microstructure of the tempered steel is mainly composed of tempered martensite,retained austenite,and delta ferrite.In the case of samples tempered from 500 to 700 ℃,the precipitates are mainly M_(23)C_6,which precipitate along the lath martensite boundaries.The precipitate content increases with the tempering temperature.During the tempering process,the content of retained austenite initially increases and then decreases,the maximum content of retained austenite being 29 vol.% upon tempering at 600 ℃.TEM analysis of the tested steel reveals two morphology types of retained austenite.One is thin film-like retained austenite that exists along the martensite lath boundary.The other is blocky austenite located on packet at the boundary and the original austenite grain boundary.To further understand the stability of reversed austenite,the Ni content in reversed austenite was measured using STEM.Results show a significant difference in nickel concentrations between reversed austenite and martensite.  相似文献   

The solidification process of AISI 304 stainless steel during cooling at a rate of 0.05 K/s has been observed in situ using a confocal scanning laser microscope (CSLM). The results show that the 8 phase appeared first in liquid steel, as the temperature decreased, the γ phase precipitated prior at δ-grain boundary at 1452. 2 ℃, the liquid steel disappeared at 1 431.3 ℃, and then the γ phase precipitated on the δ ferrite. Based on the Scheil-Gulliver solidification model, the solidification processes of AISI 304 stainless steel are simulated using the Scheil model in Thermo Calc, and the simulation results agree well with the results observed in the experiment.  相似文献   

氮对0Cr13Ni4Mo马氏体不锈钢机械性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王淑霞  贾伟  王毓麟 《特殊钢》2001,22(5):23-25
研究结果表明,含0.018%N的低氮对0Cr13Ni4Mo马氏体不锈钢未出现中温回火脆性,含0.054%N的高氮钢有中温回火脆性出现,经600℃高温回火后可获得高的强韧性配合和极高的-60℃低温冲击韧性。  相似文献   

00Cr17Ni14Mo2不锈钢板的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王立新  单家富 《特殊钢》1993,14(6):27-31
介绍了太钢生产00Cr17Ni14Mo2不锈钢板材的生产工艺和提高该钢的热塑性的途径和措施,以及解决大锭开坯裂纹的方法。  相似文献   

运用金相、电子显微镜观察及表面分析技术,研究了超纯奥氏体不锈钢00Cr25Ni22Mo2N制造的汽提管在尿素生产环境下的腐蚀形态和机理。结果表明:该钢种在生产条件下产生非敏化态晶间腐蚀。其特征是腐蚀介质不仅沿晶界向钢的内部渗入,而且同时向晶界的两侧扩展,因而在管断面上观察到的晶间腐蚀路径较宽,但深度较浅并呈现漏斗形貌。电子显微镜观察、二次离子质谱、俄歇能谱分析及计算表明,这种材料晶界不贫铬、无第二相沉淀,但有磷(硅)的高度偏聚。晶界区磷的含量(约25%)比晶内高约三个数量级。作者认为,磷的晶界偏聚造成的与晶内在腐蚀电解质溶液中的电位差,是这种超纯奥氏体不锈钢非敏化态晶间腐蚀的原因。  相似文献   

ZG06Cr13Ni4Mo马氏体不锈铸钢组织对性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ZG06Cr13Ni4Mo马氏体不锈钢水轮机铸件的组织和性能试验分析的结果表明,若出现类似魏氏体组织的δ-铁素体时,铸钢件的冲击韧性急剧下降。经正火处理可消除该铸钢中的δ-铁素体相。  相似文献   

韩强  邢淑清  刘炳广  麻永林 《钢铁》2013,48(8):61-64
 根据铬当量、镍当量的计算结果推断了06Cr19Ni10奥氏体不锈钢的凝固模式,并采用差热分析技术(DTA)对06Cr19Ni10奥氏体不锈钢在10和30℃/min的加热冷却速度下的凝固过程进行了研究,对DTA曲线中的吸热峰和放热峰进行了分析,并采用激光共聚焦显微镜(LSCM)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对样品进行了测定。分析结果表明:06Cr19Ni10奥氏体不锈钢的实际凝固模式为FA型,即铁素体奥氏体型。随着冷却速率的增加,奥氏体形核率增大,残余的δ铁素体在形态上更加细小分散。该研究结果对实际生产中改善铸坯组织,提高铸坯质量具有着一定的意义。  相似文献   

董殿学 《特钢技术》2011,(2):27-31,58
通过对06Cr17Mn6Ni4Cu2N低镍奥氏体不锈钢热变性行为研究:在一定的变形温度和变形程度下,流变应力随着应变速率的增加而增加;在一定的应变速率下,随着变形温度的升高,流变应力逐渐下降;热加工图呈现出两个峰值区域和三个失稳区域。  相似文献   

热处理对0Cr13Ni4Mo马氏体不锈钢组织和性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在950~1050℃温度范围内,提高0Crl3Ni4Mo钢的淬火温度则增大马氏体板条的尺寸,但对性能无明显影响。回火时钢中有残余奥氏体析出,630℃为析出峰,此时抗拉强度降低。二次回火能降低钢的屈强比。  相似文献   

方旭东  王岩  夏焱  李莎  李阳 《特殊钢》2018,39(5):1-4
在Gleeble-3800热模拟试验机上,研究了SUP13Cr5Ni2Mo合金的热塑性及热变形行为,并建立了合金的热加工图。结果表明,在900~1 300℃,合金均具有较好的热塑性;通过热加工图分析得出,合金适宜初始加工温度范围在1 100~1 200℃,采用此参数变形获得的组织细小均匀。  相似文献   

研究用马氏体时效不锈钢(%:0.007C、13.44Cr、7.47Ni、4.1 5Mo、4.21Co、1.84W、0.12Ti)由15kg真空感应炉熔炼和真空自耗炉重熔精炼而成。试验得出经1100℃1h固溶处理的φ12mm轧制试样450~550℃时效硬化曲线,分析了该钢的时效硬化指数和激活能。结果表明,00Cr13Ni7Mo4Co4W2Ti钢的时效析出相为六方结构的条状R-相(Co-Cr-Mo金属间化合物),其尺寸为10~30mm,R-相的析出动力学可用Arrhenius方程描述,低于525℃时效存在预沉淀现象,并且时效硬化指数随时效温度升高而增加,时效过程表观激活能为156.8kJ/mol。  相似文献   

00Cr22Ni5Mo3N双相不锈钢板材的生产工艺   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
超低碳、含N的双相不锈钢 ( 0 0Cr2 2Ni5Mo3N( 2 2 0 5 ) ) ,具有比SUS30 4、SUS31 6L等奥氏体不锈钢更好的耐应力腐蚀、耐缝隙腐蚀、耐Cl-点蚀、耐晶界腐蚀以及高强度、高耐磨等优点 ;与0 0Cr1 8Ni5Mo3Si2 ( 1 8 5 )相比 ,在高温下 (如 1 30 0℃ )仍能保持一定比例的奥氏体 ,具有优良的高温焊接性能 ;广泛应用于石油、化工、制盐、水利、发电厂烟气脱硫 (FGD)等领域。太钢通过努力 ,成功地开发出 2 2 0 5双相不锈钢板材及其复合板。1  0 0Cr2 2Ni5Mo3N不锈钢生产工艺流程及特点  工艺流程为 :EF化…  相似文献   

研究用马氏体时效不锈钢(%:0.007C、13.44Cr、7.47Ni、4.15Mo、4.21Co、1.84W、0.12Ti)由15 kg真空感应炉熔炼和真空白耗炉重熔精炼而成.试验得出经1100 ℃ 1 h同溶处理的中12 mm轧制试样450~550℃时效硬化曲线,分析了该钢的时效硬化指数和激活能.结果表明,00cr13Ni7M04C04W2Ti钢的时效析出相为六方结构的条状R-相(Co-Cr-Mo金属间化合物),其尺寸为10-30 nm,R.相的析出动力学可用Arrhenius方程描述,低于525 ℃时效存在预沉淀现象,并且时效硬化指数随时效温度升高而增加,时效过程表观激活能为156.8 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

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