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A karyotype analysis of the chromosome of Neodiplostomum seoulense, one of causative agents of human intestinal trematodiasis, was done from the gonad tissue by the squashing method. The chromosome number was n = 10 and 2n = 20. Chromosome length was 1.30-4.0 microns. Chromosome pairs in the complement consisted of two pairs of metacentric, five pairs of submetacentrics/subtelocentric and three pairs of telocentric chromosomes. These data were comparable with those of other intestinal trematodes.  相似文献   

As a part of the global Tracy project, whose aim is to define metal concentrations in tissues and body fluids of reference populations, more than 1000 papers published from 1980 to 1994 were scrutinized that presented tentative reference values for lead in blood in occupationally unexposed adult populations. Ten studies exemplifying criteria for proper sampling, analysis and data treatment are presented and discussed. Levels of lead in blood are influenced by numerous factors. Accordingly, a wide variation in blood lead concentrations was observed. As an example, in a global study in 1983 of nonsmoking female schoolteachers, the geometric mean value for lead in blood varied from 52 micrograms. l-1 in Tokyo, Japan, up to 193 micrograms. l-1 in Mexico City. The Tracy survey demonstrates the importance of factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, food, drinking and smoking habits, hobbies, season and year of sampling, residential area, and geographic location. Lead in blood was shown to be both time and area specific. Thus it was not possible to establish a general reference value for lead in blood.  相似文献   

Because many laboratory values change with age, the study of healthy aging as well as diagnosis of disease in geriatric patients requires specific age-corrected reference intervals. We have established such reference intervals for a healthy population aged 65-74 years by selection of a sample group applying the clinical criteria of the SENIEUR protocol and we have compared them with those of a young control group (20-33 years) fulfilling the same criteria. Significant or minor elevations were seen, e.g. for plasma concentrations of fasting glucose, urea, total and LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, gamma-glutamyl-transferase, alkaline phosphatase, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and serum neopterin levels. These reference intervals can be used for selecting a SENIEUR compatible population aged between 65 and 74 years. Additionally, plasma lipid parameters (cholesterol, triglycerides) are proposed to be included in the SENIEUR protocol.  相似文献   

There is concern that previously accumulated bone lead stores may constitute an internal source of exposure, particularly during periods of increased bone mineral loss (e.g., pregnancy, lactation, and menopause). Furthermore, the contribution of lead mobilized from bone to plasma may not be adequately reflected by whole-blood lead levels. This possibility is especially alarming because plasma is the main circulatory compartment of lead that is available to cross cell membranes and deposit in soft tissues. We studied 26 residents of Mexico City who had no history of occupational lead exposure. Two samples of venous blood were collected from each individual. One sample was analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-magnetic sector mass spectrometry for whole-blood lead levels. The other sample was centrifuged to separate plasma, which was then isolated and analyzed for lead content by the same analytical technique. Bone lead levels in the tibia and patella were determined with a spot-source 109Cd K-X-ray fluorescence instrument. Mean lead concentrations were 0.54 microg/l in plasma, 119 microg/l in whole blood, and 23.27 and 11.71 microg/g bone mineral in the patella and tibia, respectively. The plasma-to-whole-blood lead concentration ratios ranged from 0.27% to 0.70%. Whole-blood lead level was highly correlated with plasma lead level and accounted for 95% of the variability of plasma lead concentrations. Patella and tibia lead levels were also highly correlated with plasma lead levels. The bivariate regression coefficients of patella and tibia on plasma lead were 0.034 (p<0. 001) and 0.053 (p<0.001), respectively. In a multivariate regression model of plasma lead levels that included whole-blood lead, patella lead level remained an independent predictor of plasma lead level (ss = 0.007, p<0.001). Our data suggest that although whole-blood lead levels are highly correlated with plasma lead levels, lead levels in bone (particularly trabecular bone) exert an additional independent influence on plasma lead levels. It will be important to determine whether the degree of this influence increases during times of heightened bone turnover (e.g., pregnancy and lactation).  相似文献   

We present reference intervals for total homocysteine and methylmalonic acid in plasma based on samples from 126 women (ages 20-85 years, median 49 years) and 109 men (ages 20-84 years, median 50 years). The central 0.95 interval for methylmalonic acid was 0.08-0.28 micromol/L. Supplementation with cyanocobalamin caused a nonsignificant decrease in methylmalonic acid. Supplementation with folic acid caused a decrease in homocysteine concentrations, with data analysis identifying two significantly different clusters: 182 subjects with the lowest initial concentrations (7.76 +/- 1.54 micromol/L, mean +/- SD) and the smallest decrease (1.26 +/- 0.96 micromol/L), and 53 subjects with the highest initial concentrations (12.33 +/- 2.04 micromol/L) and greatest decrease (4.14 +/- 1.32 micromol/L). We argue in favor of the age- and gender-specific central 0.95 intervals obtained for the 182 subjects before being supplemented with folic acid: 4.6-8.1 micromol/L for subjects at <30 years; 4.5-7.9 micromol/L for women, ages 30-59 years; 6.3-11.2 micromol/L for men, ages 30-59 years; and 5.8-11.9 micromol/L for subjects at >60 years.  相似文献   

Two groups of children (5-6-year-old and 7-8-year-old) were presented with pairs of sound signals of the same or different durations. Sound signal durations in pairs could be 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, and 2.0 sec. The children had to detect the difference between the sounds in a pair. The obtained data were compared to the analogous results shown by the 18-39-year-old subjects. It was found out that the ability to discriminate intervals of short duration substantially improved with age. This phenomenon in presumably connected with perfection of the short-term memory. Independently of the subject's age, the order of presentation of signals in a pair influences the ability to discriminate between their durations.  相似文献   

Malabsorption-maldigestion syndromes are commonly found in several gastrointestinal diseases. Quantitative measures of fecal nutrients are important tools for the detection and diagnosis of these syndromes. Adequate food intake is important in the nutrition of children, especially during the first year of life. We have analyzed 180 stools of healthy children, divided into four age groups, to obtain the reference intervals of the major nutrients such as water, fat, nitrogen, sugar, and starch. Quantification of the nutrients was done by means of a near-infrared analyzer (Fenir 8820). Results show that this instrument exhibits a low coefficient of variation for all the nutrients except for starch. Fecal water, fat, nitrogen, and sugar concentrations ranged from 68.7 to 96.1 g/100 g, 0 to 14.5 g/100 g, 1.3 to 2.3 g/100 g, and 0.7 to 3.8 g/100 g, respectively. The results for the starch analyses were not acceptable because of instrument limitations. Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy appears to be an alternative to standard chemical methods.  相似文献   

论铅业的废铅资源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用废铅指数(S)作为衡量废铅资源状况的指标,简明地分析了铅产量变化、废铅回收状况与S值之间的关系。结果表明,铅产量增长,会造成废铅资源短缺;反之,产量下降,废铅资源将比较充足;产量不变,废铅资源状况介于以上二者之间。废铅实得率愈高,废铅资源愈充足。根据统计数据,估算了1990~2000年间中国、瑞典、美国的S值,讨论了这三个国家S值不同的原因及其今后可能发生的变化。  相似文献   

Thirteen methods for computing binomial confidence intervals are compared based on their coverage properties, widths and errors relative to exact limits. The use of the standard textbook method, x/n +/- 1.96 square root of [(x/n)(1-x/n)/n], or its continuity corrected version, is strongly discouraged. A commonly cited rule of thumb stating that alternatives to exact methods may be used when the estimated proportion p is such that np and n(1(-)p) both exceed 5 does not ensure adequate accuracy. Score limits are easily calculated from closed form solutions to quadratic equations and can be used at all times. Based on coverage functions, the continuity corrected score method is recommended over exact methods. Its conservative nature should be kept in mind, as should the wider fluctuation of actual coverage that accompanies omission of the continuity correction.  相似文献   

Paediatric reference intervals for blood concentrations of certain nutrients are often based on either adult data or are derived from small samples of young children. Biochemical data were obtained from 467 randomly selected, healthy preschool children aged 9-62 months in Sydney, Australia. Data were obtained for plasma vitamins A, E and beta-carotene and for serum zinc, retinol-binding protein and prealbumin. Reference intervals based on the 2.5 and 97.5 centiles for age groups 9-23, 24-35, 36-47, 48-62 months and for the total group (9-62 months) were calculated. The 2.5-97.5 centiles for the whole group were: vitamin A, 0.7-1.8 mumol/l (20.05-51.56 micrograms/dl); vitamin E, 8-30 mumol/l (0.34-1.29 mg/dl); beta-carotene, 0.1-1.1 mumol/l (5.4-59.0 micrograms/dl); zinc, 9-19 mumol/l (58.8-124.2 micrograms/dl); retinol-binding protein, 14-36 mg/l; prealbumin, 104-264 mg/l. The reference intervals reported are consistent with the findings of a number of smaller studies and are likely to be an accurate reflection of the true intervals for healthy preschool children in western developed countries.  相似文献   

1. Thin slices of the posterior pituitary can be used as a preparation for the study of biophysical mechanisms underlying neuropeptide secretion. Patch-clamp techniques in this preparation have revealed the properties of ion channels that control the excitability of the nerve terminal membrane and have clarified the relation between Ca2+ and exocytosis. 2. Repetitive electrical activity at high frequencies broadens action potentials to allow more Ca2+ entry and thus enhance exocytosis. Action potential broadening results from the inactivation of a voltage-dependent K+ channel. 3. When repetitive electrical activity is sustained, secretion is depressed. This depression can be attributed in part to action potential failure caused by the opening of a Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel. This channel can be modulated by protein kinases, phosphatases, and G-proteins. 4. The inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA activates a GABAA receptor in the nerve terminal membrane. The gating of the associated Cl- channel depolarizes the membrane slightly to inactivate voltage-gated Na+ channels and block action potential propagation. 5. The response of the nerve terminal GABAA receptor is enhanced by neuroactive steroids and this can potentiate the inhibition of neurosecretion by GABA. The action of neurosteroids at this site could play a role in changes in neuropeptide secretion associated with reproductive transitions. 6. Ca2+ channels in the nerve terminal membrane are inactivated by sustained depolarization and by trains of brief pulses. Ca2+ entry promotes Ca2+ channel inactivation during trains by inhibiting the recovery of Ca2+ channels from inactivation. The inactivation of Ca2+ channels can play a role in defining the optimal frequency and train duration for evoking neuropeptide secretion. 7. Measurements of membrane capacitance in peptidergic nerve terminals have revealed rapid exocytosis and endocytosis evoked by Ca2+ entry through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. Exocytosis is too rapid to account for the delays in neuropeptide secretion evoked by trains of action potentials. Endocytosis sets in rapidly after exocytosis with a time course comparable to that of the rapid endocytosis observed in nerve terminals at rapid synapses. Our results support the finding in rapid synaptic nerve terminals that endocytosis is inhibited by intracellular Ca2+. Multiple pools of vesicles were revealed, and these pools may reflect different stages in the mobilization and release of neuropeptide.  相似文献   

A review of 30 meta-analyses that have been conducted in organizational behavior and human resource management using procedures described by J. E. Hunter et al (1982) suggests that there is confusion regarding the use and interpretation of confidence intervals and credibility intervals. This confusion can lead to conflicting conclusions about the relationships between variables. The most frequent mistake has been the attempt to address the accuracy of the estimate of the mean effect size using "confidence intervals" based on the corrected standard deviation instead of on the standard error of the mean r or d. The corrected standard deviation should be used to generate a "credibility interval" to assess the extent to which moderators might account for the unexplained variance in effect sizes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to create reference equations for pulmonary function tests (PFTs) that span the age range from childhood to young adulthood. PFT results (forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), ratio of FEV1 to FVC (FEV1/FVC), total lung capacity (TLC), transfer factor) of 348 healthy 13-24 yr old Caucasian never-smokers from a local population study were compared with 13 selected sets of published reference equations. Predicted and observed PFT results differed significantly for 63 of 92 reference equations tested, and most equations accounted poorly for the increase in PFT variables which takes place during adolescence. We selected the equations with the best fit and adjusted their parameters, so that the level and variance of predicted values agreed with the local data. For subjects older than 18 yrs, we selected the European Community for Steel and Coal (ECSC) equations. For subjects younger than 18 yrs, we chose European summary equations for FVC, FEV1, and FEV1/FVC, and recent British equations for TLC and transfer factor. The customized reference equations are the best available (maximum likelihood) for analysing PFTs of patients tested in our laboratory. Our approach can be used whenever generally accepted reference equations are lacking and a local sample of normal subjects is available.  相似文献   

An experiment to assess the efficacy of a particular treatment or process often produces dichotomous responses, either favourable or unfavourable. When we administer the treatment on two occasions to the same subjects, we often use McNemar's test to investigate the hypothesis of no difference in the proportions on the two occasions, that is, the hypothesis of marginal homogeneity. A disadvantage in using McNemar's statistic is that we estimate the variance of the sample difference under the restriction that the marginal proportions are equal. A competitor to McNemar's statistic is a Wald statistic that uses an unrestricted estimator of the variance. Because the Wald statistic tends to reject too often in small samples, we investigate an adjusted form that is useful for constructing confidence intervals. Quesenberry and Hurst and Goodman discussed methods of construction that we adapt for constructing confidence intervals for the differences in correlated proportions. We empirically compare the coverage probabilities and average interval lengths for the competing methods through simulation and give recommendations based on the simulation results.  相似文献   

Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and molybdate have been shown to inhibit the sulfoconjugation of various chemicals in rats and therefore are useful to examine the role of sulfoconjugation on the toxicity of a chemical. PCP inhibits sulfation by competing with substrates for phenol-sulfotransferases, but not hydroxysteroid-sulfotransferases. In contrast, molybdate decreases sulfation by limiting sulfate availability and thereby decreasing the synthesis of 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS), which is the obligate cosubstrate for sulfation. Therefore, it was of interest to determine whether PCP or molybdate is effective in decreasing the in vivo sulfation of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), which is a substrate for hydroxysteroid-sulfotransferases. PCP (40 micromol/kg ip) or molybdate (7.5 mmol/kg po) was given 45 min and 4 h, respectively, prior to the start of DHEA infusion. The effects of these two sulfation inhibitors on DHEA sulfation were dependent on the rate of DHEA infusion in rats. PCP had different effects on the sulfation of various infusion rates of DHEA in rats. PCP had little effect on the sulfation after the two lowest infusion rates of DHEA (12.5 and 25 mg/kg) and actually increased (233%) DHEA-sulfate serum concentrations with the highest DHEA infusion rate (50 mg/kg). Although molybdate had little affect on the sulfation of the lowest DHEA infusion rate, it significantly decreased (50-85%) DHEA-sulfate serum concentrations with the two higher DHEA infusion rates. These data indicate that molybdate, unlike PCP, decreases the sulfation of DHEA and may be a useful tool to decrease the sulfation of other substrates of hydroxysteroid-sulfotransferases.  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 13(1) of Psychological Methods (see record 2008-02525-006). The note corrects simulation results presented in the article concerning the performance of confidence intervals (CIs) for Spearman's rs. An error in the author's C++ code affected all simulation results for Spearman's rs (but none of the results for gamma-family indices).] This research focused on confidence intervals (CIs) for 10 measures of monotonic association between ordinal variables. Standard errors (SEs) were also reviewed because more than 1 formula was available per index. For 5 indices, an element of the formula used to compute an SE is given that is apparently new. CIs computed with different SEs were compared in simulations with small samples (N = 25, 50, 75, or 100) for variables with 4 or 5 categories. With N > 25, many CIs performed well. Performance was best for consistent CIs due to N. Cliff and colleagues (N. Cliff, 1996; N. Cliff & V. Charlin, 1991; J. D. Long & N. Cliff, 1997). CIs for Spearman's rank correlation were also examined: Parameter coverage was erratic and sometimes egregiously underestimated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

As a potential alternative to standard null hypothesis significance testing, we describe methods for graphical presentation of data--particularly condition means and their corresponding confidence intervals--for a wide range of factorial designs used in experimental psychology. We describe and illustrate confidence intervals specifically appropriate for between-subject versus within-subject factors. For designs involving more than two levels of a factor, we describe the use of contrasts for graphical illustration of theoretically meaningful components of main effects and interactions. These graphical techniques lend themselves to a natural and straightforward assessment of statistical power. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Most psychology journals now require authors to report a sample value of effect size along with hypothesis testing results. The sample effect size value can be misleading because it contains sampling error. Authors often incorrectly interpret the sample effect size as if it were the population effect size. A simple solution to this problem is to report a confidence interval for the population value of the effect size. Standardized linear contrasts of means are useful measures of effect size in a wide variety of research applications. New confidence intervals for standardized linear contrasts of means are developed and may be applied to between-subjects designs, within-subjects designs, or mixed designs. The proposed confidence interval methods are easy to compute, do not require equal population variances, and perform better than the currently available methods when the population variances are not equal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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