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介绍了法国AUDAX公司电动式扬声器单元的特性,以及在这些扬声器单元基础上构筑的两分频声系统。文中叙述了箱体制作,分频器以及可能的扬声器单元替换方案。所采用的高质量扬声器单元和作者极其丰富的经验在很大程度上决定了本声系统在重放各种风格音乐节目时的极高的主观评价。 相似文献
一直致力于用高科技打造一流音响的“爱浪科技”,自1999年以来,在短短两年多的时间内,以其雄厚的技术开发能力、先进的营销手段,取得了巨大的成功,而最近亚洲至大极先进的音响制造航母——中美合资爱浪中山工业园的投产,其强大生产能力和规模,更令业界刮目相看。 相似文献
1引言工程设计人员在与演出界人士或国外工程师交流时,经常会遇到诸如Frontfill,Sidefill,Downfill这些名词。这些词代表的含义只在演出界人士中流传,在国内的书籍杂志中还没有公开介绍过,为了让大家对这些名词有一个全面的认识,笔者特别为此撰文。由于篇幅太长,所以先介绍Frontfill,Side-fill,Downfill,DelaySystem和StageMonitorSystem将在下期再作介绍。扩声系统有7种典型的音箱子系统,包括:(1)主系统(MainSystem)用于覆盖多数的听众区域,有最高的连续功率,当需要重放不仅限语音信号时,需要增加超低音。(… 相似文献
二十年前动画片《变形金刚》动画片在中央电视台黄金时间播出后,立即在全国各地掀起了一股“变形金刚”热。两个分别代表正义与邪恶的机器生命在地球上展开大战,从此,“擎天柱”、“威震天“等动画人物在中国人之中小有名气。20年过去了,很多更炫更酷的机器人动画走马灯似的上演,但是它们都没能超越变形金刚关于机器的生命与变形的天才创意,这部简单纯粹的动画具有永恒的价值。然而,那毕竟是幻想的东西,要把变形金刚在现实世界中实现,似乎对人类还是遥不可及的目标。 相似文献
<正>英国TANNOY(天朗)公司成立于1926年,在2006年时为纪念公司80周年诞辰,TANNOY特地在其顶级的Prestige系列音箱中推出了四款SE特别版音箱,虽然在外观上与之前的版本并无多大区别,但内部的扬声器单元、分频器、连接线以及元器件配对等等都得进行了大幅度升级改良,声 相似文献
以音、视频为主要内容的多媒体娱乐和通讯正在深刻的改变着人们的生活,也吸引了微软、英特尔、杜比、IDT等众多重量级公司把眼光转向PC音频领域,并推出了一些新技术来满足用户不断增长的需求。如微软推出的新一代操作系统Vista,更强调媒体处理功能,包括音频,现在PC电脑能提供先进的消费娱乐功能,如7.1通道等。同时,象杜比等一些非传统的品牌也进入到PC市场,杜比公司更强调PC音频处理技术。 相似文献
2001年11月28日是中国音响史上值得纪念的日子,这一天,广州惠普音响科技有限公司与深圳银耀电子公司(新声)共同斥资组建的国内第一家专营视听精品的服务性连锁机构--声旋风连锁机构广州专卖店正式开张了. 相似文献
The problem of stereoscopic image quality assessment, which finds applications in 3D visual content delivery such as 3DTV, is investigated in this work. Specifically, we propose a new ParaBoost (parallel-boosting) stereoscopic image quality assessment (PBSIQA) system. The system consists of two stages. In the first stage, various distortions are classified into a few types, and individual quality scorers targeting at a specific distortion type are developed. These scorers offer complementary performance in face of a database consisting of heterogeneous distortion types. In the second stage, scores from multiple quality scorers are fused to achieve the best overall performance, where the fuser is designed based on the parallel boosting idea borrowed from machine learning. Extensive experimental results are conducted to compare the performance of the proposed PBSIQA system with those of existing stereo image quality assessment (SIQA) metrics. The developed quality metric can serve as an objective function to optimize the performance of a 3D content delivery system. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1975,23(5):456-457
In the above paper, a highly stable noise-balancing radiometer at 2.7 GHz for satellite applications, with a claimed absolute measurement precision of 0.1 K, is reported. The purpose of this letter is to indicate a source of calibration error which can be seriously underestimated. 相似文献
For original paper see ibid., vol.36, no.5, pt.1, p.1531-9 (1998). The quality phase-gradient autofocus (QPGA) technique was proposed to speed up the estimation convergence of phase-gradient autofocus by selectively increasing the pool of quality synchronization sources instead of selecting the "brightest" pixels within the image. It is now found that the QPGA, with its inherent scatter "growing" concept and target-filtering procedure, is also able to focus in environments with stationary and moving targets. 相似文献
耳机"头内定位"现象会产生不自然的声场,引起听觉疲劳.为此,本文设计并实现了具有房间混响效果的"头外定位"立体声增强系统,使用头相关传递函数(HRTF)对信号滤波,并加入混响,以模拟房间内的立体声扬声器,产生"头外定位"声场,使听觉感受更加自然,从而有效地解决了"头内定位"问题;同时,为了减少声场增强系统的存储量和计算复杂度,本文用共声学极点/零点模型(CAPZ)表示HRTF,并简化混响生成算法.最后,本文在Blackfin533 DSP上对声场增强系统进行了具体实现.实验结果表明,该系统所需的存储空间小,计算复杂度低,能对立体声音频信号产生良好的空间增强效果. 相似文献
Yang Lei Zhang You’ai 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2008,25(2):258-261
In this letter, a kind of associated synchronization algorithm which is suitable for HF (High Frequency) broadband OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) system is presented based on describing and constructing the GMW (Gorden, Mills and Welch) sequence. The algorithm is based on the Schmidl and Minn's symbol timing principle, the constructed GMW sequence is transmitted and disposed, and the synchronization is adjudicated using the correlation of GMW sequence. The simulation result indicates that this algorithm has high performance synchronization ability under the low SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) at two different kinds of channel models. 相似文献
Collinear Holography was proposed by OPTWARE Corporation, in which the information and reference beams were aligned co-axially and modulated by the same SLM. With this unique configuration the optical pickup can be designed as small as the DVD's, and can be placed on one side of the recording disc. A 2-dimensional digital page data format was used and the shift-multiplexing method was employed to increased recording density of HVD. As the servo technology is being introduced to control the objective lens to be maintained precisely to the disc in the recording and the reconstructing process, a vibration isolator is no longer necessary. In HVD, the pre-formatted meta-data reflective layer was used for the focus/tracking servo and reading address information, and the dichroic mirror layer was used for detecting holographic recording information without interfering with the preformatted information. Experimental and theoretical studies suggest that the holographic material is very effective to increased recording density of the system. HVD will be compatible with existing disc storage systems, like CD and DVD, and enable us to expand its applications into other optical information storage systems. 相似文献