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BACKGROUND: High exposure to house dust mite allergen during the first year of life has been found to increase the risk of subsequent asthma and mite sensitization. Environmental factors, home construction and cleaning methods used are associated with levels of dust mites in the home. OBJECTIVE: To investigate determinants of levels of Der p 1 and Der f 1 mite allergens in homes of infants in southern Tasmania. METHODS: Dust samples were collected from 72 homes of infants participating in the Tasmanian Infant Health Survey (TIHS). The Der p 1 and Der f 1 allergen concentrations in these samples were measured. The TIHS interviewers obtained information from the mothers of the infants via a questionnaire, observed specified aspects of the home environment, and took readings of bedroom temperature and humidity. The effect of each item on allergen concentration in dust from bedroom floors was examined in a variety of ways. Those items which in this study appeared to be significantly related to allergen concentrations plus items which in other studies have been found to be related to allergen concentrations were then investigated further in multivariate models. RESULTS: Der p 1 allergen concentration (microg/g) and density (microg/m2) in dust from bedroom floors were found to be related to several home environment factors. In the univariate analyses, indoor humidity, 24 h maximum temperature, number of residents and a combination of floor covering and cleaning methods appeared to have a significant effect on allergen levels. These factors remained important in the multivariate model except that indicators for mould in the bathroom and drying washing on an outside line replaced indoor humidity. CONCLUSION: Features related to home dampness, the number of residents and floor covering and cleaning were major determinants of Der p 1 levels in the bedrooms studied.  相似文献   

The Q-switched ruby laser (694 nm, 25-40 nsec) is an effective and safe therapeutic device for the treatment of tattoos and well-defined, benign, pigmented epidermal and dermal lesions. Because of its selective mode of action, dermal pigments of natural and artificial origin are destroyed photothermically and removed without scar. This method is exceptionally suited for the elimination of lay and professional tattoos, traumatic tattoos, and permanent makeup. Other frequent indications include benign pigmented lesions such as lentigines, freckles, café-au-lait spots, seborrheic keratosis, and Becker nevi. As a dermal pigmented lesion, the nevus of Ota is perfectly treatable. However, chloasma can no longer be considered an indication for ruby laser treatment due to unsatisfactory results. Melanocytic nevi and congenital nevi should be treated only in clinical studies. The effectiveness of the long-term epilation of dark hair with this laser device has to be verified in future investigations. Particularly attractive is the nonproblematic and straightforward removal of pigmented lesions in precarious anatomic regions like the lips, eyelids, and genitals (e.g., benign melanosis of the lips or of the penis, seborrheic keratosis of the lid angle).  相似文献   

HIV-2 is less pathogenic and less transmissible than HIV-1. Recent research in relation to deletions in the HIV nef gene and to immune cross-reactions between infections by HIV-2, HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus suggests that T cell recognition and the control of viral replication may be more efficient in HIV-2 infection than in HIV-1 infection. These insights may be crucial to the design of effective vaccines.  相似文献   

Cyclins are essential proteins in cell cycle control, and their deranged expression has been reported to be associated with malignant transformation. Involvement of cyclins in the development of endometrioid carcinomas of the endometrium was studied immunohistochemically using antibodies against both cyclin A and tumor suppressor gene product p53, and their expression was compared with that of Ki-67 antigen. Sixty-two cases of endometrial endometrioid carcinoma and 20 cases of normal endometrium (10 proliferative and 10 secretory phase) were examined. Of the 62 endometrioid carcinomas, atrophic endometrium and hyperplasia were found adjacent to the cancers in 30 and 19 cases respectively. Cyclin A was expressed in < 1% of the glandular cells of normal endometrium in the proliferative phase and in hyperplasia, but was negligible in normal secretory phase and atrophic endometrium. p53 was almost always negative in normal endometrium and hyperplasia. Of the 62 endometrioid carcinomas, 12 tumors (19.4%) overexpressed cyclin A and 21 tumors (33.8%) overexpressed p53 (positive cells > 1%). Cyclin A and p53 were more frequently expressed in poorly differentiated tumors than in well differentiated tumors (cyclin A, p = 0.002; p53, p = 0.016). In addition, cyclin A-positive cells were topographically related to those cells positive for p53 as well as Ki-67. In conclusion, the abnormal expression of cyclin A and p53 is associated with high-grade endometrial endometrioid carcinomas.  相似文献   

D. Lea classic theory for chromosomal rearrangements formation was modified to account for local interaction of broken chromosome ends. This assumption drastically improve coincidence of the theory and experiment in the case of complex rearrangements.  相似文献   

Terminal Schwann cells (TSCs) cover neuromuscular junctions and are important in the repair and maintenance of these synapses. We have examined how these cells are generated at developing junctions and how their number is regulated during repair of nerve injury. At birth, approximately half of the junctions in rat soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles have one TSC soma. Somata are absent from the remainder, although Schwann cell (SC) processes arising from somata along the preterminal axon cover almost all of these synapses. By 2 months of age, junctions have gained an additional two to three TSCs. Most of this gain occurs during the first 2 postnatal weeks and largely precedes the expansion of endplate size. Although the initial addition is caused by cell migration, mitotic labeling shows extensive division of TSCs at junctions. A slower addition of TSCs occurs in adult muscles, and TSC number in the adult is correlated with endplate size. During repair of nerve injury, TSC number is regulated by a combination of signals from motor neurons and denervated tissue. As shown previously (Connor et al., 1987), denervation of adult muscles did not, in itself, cause TSC mitosis. However, TSCs became mitotic during reinnervation. Partial denervation induced division of TSCs at innervated but not denervated endplates. A disproportionate number of these mitotic cells were found at endplates contacted by TSC processes extended from nearby denervated endplates, contacts known to promote nerve sprouting. These results show an association between TSC mitotic activity and alterations in synaptic structure during development, sprouting, and reinnervation.  相似文献   

Expression of mouse c-myb during embryonic development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three members of the myb gene family, designated as A-myb, B-myb, and c-myb, have been described in many vertebrates. A large body of evidence indicates that the c-myb gene is essential for the development of most hematopoietic lineages. By contrast, the functions of A-myb and B-myb are less well understood. To further explore the relationship between the different myb family members we have compared the expression of A-myb and c-myb during mouse embryogenesis by Northern blotting and by in situ hybridization. In accordance with the important role of c-myb in the hematopoietic system, we detect high levels of c-myb expression in hematopoietic organs such as the fetal liver and the thymus. Surprisingly, we find that high levels of c-myb expression are not restricted to hematopoietic cells. We show that c-myb is strongly expressed in the neural retina and in epithelia of the respiratory tract. The side-by side analysis of c-myb and A-myb expression clearly shows that both genes are expressed in different, but overlapping sets of tissues. Our results suggest that the function of c-myb may not be restricted to hematopoietic cells.  相似文献   

The lens plays an essential role for proper eye development. Mouse mutants affecting lens development are excellent models for corresponding human disorders. Moreover, using mutations in particular genes the process of eye and lens development can be dissected into distinct steps. Therefore, three mouse mutants will be described in detail and discussed affecting three essential stages: formation of the lens vesicle, initiation of secondary lens fiber cell formation, and terminal differentiation of the secondary fiber cells. The mutant aphakia (ak) has been characterized by bilaterally apakic eyes [Varnum and Stevens (1968) J. Hered. 59, 147-150], and the corresponding gene was mapped to chromosome 19 [Varnum and Stevens (1975) Mouse News Letters 53, 35]. Recent investigations in our laboratory refined the linkage 0.6 +/- 0.3 N cm proximal to the microsatellite marker D19Mit10. The linked gene Pax2, responsible for proper development of the posterior part of the eye and the optic nerve, was excluded as candidate gene by sequence analysis. Histological analysis of the homozygous ak mutants revealed a persisting lens stalk and subsequently the formation of lens rudiments. The lens defects led to irregular iris development and retinal folding. Congenital aphakia is known as a rare human anomaly. Besides a corneal dystrophy (CDTB), no corresponding disease is localized at the homologous region of human chromosome 10q23. The Cat3 mutations are characterized by vacuolated lenses caused by alterations in the beginning of secondary lens fiber cell differentiation at embryonic day 12.5. Secondary malformations develop at the cornea and the iris, but the retina remains unaffected. Two mutant alleles of the Cat3 locus have been mapped to mouse chromosome 10 very close to the microsatellite markers D10Mit41 and D10Mit95 (less than 0.3 cM). Since Cat3 is mapped to a position, which is homologous to human chromosome 12q21-24, the disorder cornea plana congenita can be considered as a candidate disease. The series of Cat2 mutations have been mapped close to the locus encoding the gamma-crystallin gene cluster Cryg [L?ster et al. (1994) Genomics 23, 240-242]. The Cat2nop mutation is characterized by a deletion of 11 bp and an insertion of 4 bp in the 3rd exon of Crygh leading to a truncated gamma B-crystallin. The defect in the Crygh gene is causative for the stop of lens fiber cell differentiation from embryonic day 15.5 onward. Besides the lens, no further ocular tissue is affected. The Cat2 mouse mutants are interesting models for human cataracts caused by mutations in the gamma-crystallin genes at human chromosome 2q32-35. The ak, Cat3 and Cat2 mutants are discussed in the context of other mutants affecting early eye and lens development. Additionally, human congenital cataracts are discussed, which have been characterized similar to the mouse models. The overview of the three types of mutants demonstrates that genes, which affect the early eye development, e.g. at the lens vesicle stage, have consequences for the development of the whole eye. In contrast, if the mutation influences later steps of lens differentiation, the consequences are restricted to the lens only. These data indicate a decreasing effect of the lens for the regulation of eye development during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The expression of human paired-box-containing PAX2 gene was examined in 7 human conceptuses 6 to 9 weeks old by in situ hybridization. The embryos were collected after legal abortions, embedded in paraffin, serially cut in transversal direction and treated with S35 labeled probe for PAX2. In the neural tube of 6-week embryos, PAX2 was expressed in the outer part of the ventricular zone on both sides of the sulcus limitans. At later stages, it was expressed in the intermediate zone of the spinal cord, both in alar and basal plates except in the region of motor neuroblasts. In the brain, expression of PAX2 extended from mesencephalic-rhombencephalic border along the entire rhombencephalon in a manner similar to that described for the spinal cord. Expression of PAX2 gene in the eye was seen in the optic cup and stalk, and later in the optic disc and nerve. In the ear, expression was restricted to the part of the otic vesicle flanking the neural tube and later to the utricle and cochlea. Expression of PAX2 was observed in developing kidneys as well. During human development PAX2 has a spatially restricted expression along the compartmental boundaries of the neural tube, and within developing eye, ear and kidneys. Differentiation of those organs seems to be mediated by PAX2 gene at the defined stages of human development.  相似文献   

Male and female rats were used to investigate the effects of type of dietary carbohydrate (CHO), copper, and ethanol consumption on lung antioxidant enzyme activities and levels of phosphorylated compounds in whole blood. Copper-deficient female rats exhibited a greater degree of copper deficiency than males, as assessed by hepatic copper concentration and hepatic copper superoxide dismutase (CuSOD) activity. However, copper-deficient male rats fed fructose-containing diets exhibited greater growth retardation, anemia, and heart hypertrophy than females consuming the same diets and males fed starch. In addition, one of 10 copper-deficient male rats that ate a fructose-based diet and drank water and one of 10 copper-deficient male rats that ate a starch-based diet and drank ethanol died. Copper-deficient, starch-fed males exhibited the highest activities of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and catalase as compared with fructose-fed rats. Ethanol consumption elevated the activities of GSH-Px and catalase. Copper-deficient female rats exhibited higher catalase but lower GSH-Px activities than males. It is suggested that in copper deficiency, the ability to increase antioxidant enzyme activities in rats consuming starch is greater than in rats consuming fructose. Rats fed starch are provided with a greater degree of protection against oxidative damage than rats fed fructose. In addition, polyphosphorylated compounds in blood were reduced in copper-deficient male rats that consumed fructose-based diets. This may impair supply of oxygen to tissues.  相似文献   

The image of a distant unresolved point (point image or PI) and modulation transfer function (MTF) of the eye and lens of the trout were recorded with high spatial (0.3 micron) and dynamic (4096 grey levels) resolution for various entrance aperture sizes and focal positions in monochromatic light, and in broadband light simulating sunlight absorbed by a retinal cone pigment. The PI is irregular, with streaks, wisps and speckle, as a result of lens structural irregularity and diffraction of light scattered within the lens and cornea. Maximum diameter of a diffraction-limited aperture area of the eye is about 0.3 mm. Axially spaced multiple foci are caused by irregular and discontinuous zonal spherical aberration. Lens substance dispersion causes strong longitudinal chromatic aberration, resulting in a broadband PI with concentric coloured haloes. Incident linearly polarized light is slightly depolarized in the PI. The nature of the image is discussed relative to lens and cornea structure, optical modelling and vision. Human subjective entoptic phenomena analogous to those observed objectively in the trout are described.  相似文献   

Connective tissue diseases encompass a wide group of nosologic entities of unknown etiology, characterized by multisystemic organ involvement, sharing an immunologic pathogenetic mechanism, producing a variety of inflammatory manifestations, and whose primary lesion is always a diffuse vasculitis. Any part of the cardiovascular system may be involved, including the pericardium, the myocardium, the endocardium and valves, the coronary arteries, the aorta, the pulmonary vasculature, the peripheral arteries, veins, arterioles, venules, and the capillary beds of almost every organ subsystem. Pathologic studies disclose a high prevalence of heart involvement, but the presence and extent of pathologic findings correlate poorly with clinical manifestations. With the advent of echocardiography-Doppler, milder and earlier cases are now recognized. Although these patients continue under the care of rheumatologists and internists, when cardiac involvement arises, cardiologists must be aware of the characteristics, outcome and management of connective tissue diseases.  相似文献   

During eye development in Drosophila, cell cycle progression is coordinated with differentiation. Prior to differentiation, cells arrest in G1 phase anterior to and within the morphogenetic furrow. We show that Decapentaplegic (Dpp), a TGF-&bgr; family member, is required to establish this G1 arrest, since Dpp-unresponsive cells located in the anterior half of the morphogenetic furrow show ectopic S phases and ectopic expression of the cell cycle regulators Cyclins A, E and B. Conversely, ubiquitous over-expression of Dpp in the eye imaginal disc transiently inhibits S phase without affecting Cyclin E or Cyclin A abundance. This Dpp-mediated inhibition of S phase occurs independently of the Cyclin A inhibitor Roughex and of the expression of Dacapo, a Cyclin E-Cdk2 inhibitor. Furthermore, Dpp-signaling genes interact genetically with a hypomorphic cyclin E allele. Taken together our results suggest that Dpp acts to induce G1 arrest in the anterior part of the morphogenetic furrow by a novel inhibitory mechanism. In addition, our results provide evidence for a Dpp-independent mechanism that acts in the posterior part of the morphogenetic furrow to maintain G1 arrest.  相似文献   

The synaptic organization of the saccade-related neuronal circuit between the superior colliculus (SC) and the brainstem saccade generator was examined in an awake monkey using a saccadic, midflight electrical-stimulation method. When microstimulation (50-100 microA, single pulse) was applied to the SC during a saccade, a small, conjugate contraversive eye movement was evoked with latencies much shorter than those obtained by conventional stimulation. Our results may be explained by the tonic inhibition of premotor burst neurons (BNs) by omnipause neurons that ceases during saccades to allow BNs to burst. Thus, during saccades, signals originating from the SC can be transmitted to motoneurons and seen in the saccade trajectory. Based on this hypothesis, we estimated the number of synapses intervening between the SC and motoneurons by applying midflight stimulation to the SC, the BN area, and the abducens nucleus. Eye position signals were electronically differentiated to produce eye velocity to aid in detecting small changes. The mean latencies of the stimulus-evoked eye movements were: 7.9 +/- 1.0 ms (SD; ipsilateral eye) and 7.8 +/- 0.9 ms (SD; contralateral eye) for SC stimulation; 4.8 +/- 0.5 ms (SD; ipsilateral eye) and 5.1 +/- 0.7 ms (SD; contralateral eye) for BN stimulation; and 3.6 +/- 0.4 ms (SD; ipsilateral eye) and 5.2 +/- 0.8 ms (SD; contralateral eye) for abducens nucleus stimulation. The time difference between SC- and BN-evoked eye movements (about 3 ms) was consistent with a disynaptic connection from the SC to the premotor BNs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The relationship between structure (crystallin distribution) and function (refractive index) in the lens is not understood and can be studied by comparing biochemical and optical properties. Such a comparison has been made using a blue eyed trevally lens. METHODS: The optical parameter of refractive index distribution was determined using a nondestructive ray tracing technique. The distributions of the various classes of proteins in the lens were determined by dissolving lenses in concentric layers and using biochemical protein assay. HPLC and SDS-PAGE electrophoresis were used to investigate the proportion of proteins in each layer. RESULTS: The refractive index distribution, from center to edge, follows a second order polynomial. The proteins do not vary in their proportions over most of the lens; only in the inner-most regions is there a rapid increase in insoluble protein and a concomitant decrease in the soluble protein classes. The smallest proteins (gamma crystallins) become insoluble later than the alpha- and beta-crystallins. CONCLUSIONS: There are no similarities in the distributions of any of the protein classes to that of the refractive index in the fish lens. This result indicates that a quantitative relationship cannot be derived by comparing protein to refractive index distributions. However, the findings are consistent with those made in other species: a high content of gamma-crystallins is always found in lenses which have steep refractive index gradients and high index magnitudes.  相似文献   

1. The crystallin proteins of numerous species belonging to different classes of vertebrates have been studied. 2. Species-specific crystallin patterns are revealed which unequivocally characterize the different species. 3. A marked variability in the number and percentage of alpha-, beta- and gamma-crystallins were found in the various species. 4. The gamma-crystallin family, with a meagre number of common bands, has proved to be most representative of the species. The beta-crystallins, with their greater number of common bands, have been best preserved throughout vertebrate evolution. 5. From the similarity coefficient matrix a dendrogram is drawn up, a visual phylogenetic summary of the interrelationships between the vertebrates considered. 6. In the Discussion, other aspects are considered, such as lens morphology, functionality, animal age, post-synthetic modifications and genetic factors.  相似文献   

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