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Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify ribosomal DNA spacer regions from nine Salmonella enteritidis field isolates. Unique products of 480 and 660 bp were obtained from the isolates. PCR product (480bp) was then cloned into pUC18 vector by blunt end ligation.  相似文献   

We have developed a PCR procedure to amplify DNA for quick identification of the economically important species from each of the six taxonomic groups in the plant pathogen genus Phytophthora. This procedure involves amplification of the 5.8S ribosomal DNA gene and internal transcribed spacers (ITS) with the ITS primers ITS 5 and ITS 4. Restriction digests of the amplified DNA products were conducted with the restriction enzymes RsaI, MspI, and HaeIII. Restriction fragment patterns were similar after digestions with RsaI for the following species: P. capsici and P. citricola; P. infestans, P. cactorum, and P. mirabilis; P. fragariae, P. cinnamomi, and P. megasperma from peach; P. palmivora, P. citrophthora, P. erythroseptica, and P. cryptogea; and P. megasperma from raspberry and P. sojae. Restriction digests with MspI separated P. capsici from P. citricola and separated P. cactorum from P. infestans and P. mirabilis. Restriction digests with HaeIII separated P. citrophthora from P. cryptogea, P. cinnamomi from P. fragariae and P. megasperma on peach, P. palmivora from P. citrophthora, and P. megasperma on raspberry from P. sojae. P. infestans and P. mirabilis digests were identical and P. cryptogea and P. erythroseptica digests were identical with all restriction enzymes tested. A unique DNA sequence from the ITS region I in P. capsici was used to develop a primer called PCAP. The PCAP primer was used in PCRs with ITS 1 and amplified only isolates of P. capsici, P. citricola, and P. citrophthora and not 13 other species in the genus. Restriction digests with MspI separated P. capsici from the other two species. PCR was superior to traditional isolation methods for detection of P. capsici in infected bell pepper tissue in field samples. The techniques described will provide a powerful tool for identification of the major species in the genus Phytophthora.  相似文献   

Differentiation between Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. avium is helpful for the treatment of disseminated mycobacterial infection in AIDS patients. This can traditionally be done by time-consuming biochemical tests or with Accuprobe. Previously, PCR restriction enzyme analysis (PCR-REA) of the 16S-23S rRNA gene spacer was shown to be able to identify a limited number of strains of Mycobacterium. In this study the method was improved by using more specific primers and was tested with 50 clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis and 65 clinical isolates of M. avium complex. Probes specific to the spacers of M. tuberculosis and M. avium were also tested. Both M. tuberculosis and M. avium could be reliably identified either by PCR-REA or by PCR-hybridization, with the results completely agreeing with those obtained by biochemical tests and with the Accuprobe, respectively. The method may therefore be useful as an alternative in-house method for identification of the bacteria.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction is an immensely powerful technique for identification and detection purposes. Increasingly, competitive PCR is being used as the basis for quantification. However, sequence length, melting temperature and primary sequence have all been shown to influence the efficiency of amplification in PCR systems and may therefore compromise the required equivalent co-amplification of target and mimic in competitive PCR. The work discussed here not only illustrates the need to balance length and melting temperature when designing a competitive PCR assay, but also emphasises the importance of careful examination of sequences for GC-rich domains and other sequences giving rise to stable secondary structures which could reduce the efficiency of amplification by serving as pause or termination sites. We present data confirming that under particular circumstances such localised sequence, high melting temperature regions can act as permanent termination sites, and offer an explanation for the severity of this effect which results in prevention of amplification of a DNA mimic in competitive PCR. It is also demonstrated that when Taq DNA polymerase is used in the presence of betaine or a proof reading enzyme, the effect may be reduced or eliminated.  相似文献   

Trichosporon asahii is a major causative agent of deep-seated trichosporonosis, which has a high mortality rate. To detect T. asahii, we have developed specific oligonucleotide primers based on the internal transcribed spacer regions of this organism's genome. Amplification products were selectively obtained from only T. asahii DNA; the DNAs of other Trichosporon species, as well as those of medically relevant yeasts such as Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans, and Malassezia furfur, were not amplified. This detection system will be useful as a microbiological tool for the diagnosis of trichosporonosis.  相似文献   

Betaine improves the co-amplification of the two alternatively spliced variants of the prostate-specific membrane antigen mRNA as well as the amplification of the coding cDNA region of c-jun. It is suggested that betaine improves the amplification of these genes by reducing the formation of secondary structure caused by GC-rich regions and, therefore, may be generally applicable to ameliorate the amplification of GC-rich DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The multigene family of rDNA in Drosophila reveals high levels of within-species homogeneity and between-species diversity. This pattern of mutation distribution is known as concerted evolution and is considered to be due to a variety of genomic mechanisms of turnover (e.g., unequal crossing over and gene conversion) that underpin the process of molecular drive. The dynamics of spread of mutant repeats through a gene family, and ultimately through a sexual population, depends on the differences in rates of turnover within and between chromosomes. Our extensive molecular analysis of the intergenic spacer (IGS) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) spacer regions within repetitive rDNA units, drawn from the same individuals in 10 natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster collected along a latitudinal cline on the east coast of Australia, indicates a relatively fast rate of X-Y and X-X interchromosomal exchanges of IGS length variants in agreement with a multilineage model of homogenization. In contrast, an X chromosome-restricted 24-bp deletion in the ITS spacers is indicative of the absence of X-Y chromosome exchanges for this region that is part of the same repetitive rDNA units. Hence, a single lineage model of homogenization, coupled to drift and/or selection, seems to be responsible for ITS concerted evolution. A single-stranded exchange mechanism is proposed to resolve this paradox, based on the role of the IGS region in meiotic pairing between X and Y chromosomes in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Inadequate yields of PCR product and the generation of nonspecific PCR products can complicate genotyping studies, particularly when the DNA template is of inferior quality and/or has a low-copy number. In this study, the ability of AmpliTaq Gold DNA Polymerase to enhance the specificity and yield of amplification was evaluated in a quadruplex short tandem repeat (STR) system in which a nonspecific PCR product and poor yield had been previously observed with AmpliTaq DNA Polymerase usage. Because AmpliTaq Gold is inactive until heated during the PCR before thermal cycling, effects similar to those achieved with "hot-start" PCR were attained in a fast, simple and practical fashion. A significant enhancement in yield at the four STR loci and improved balance of alleles resulted with the use of AmpliTaq Gold. Furthermore, a non-specific PCR product, the result of mispriming, was effectively eliminated. The consistency of quality results was improved, thereby promoting successful typing of suboptimal DNA samples and enhancing the accuracy of genotyping. Since PCR product yield is elevated with AmpliTaq Gold usage, and consistent performance and low background are achieved with higher amounts of AmpliTaq Gold compared with AmpliTaq, AmpliTaq Gold can be used to augment measures taken to counteract the effects of some PCR/Taq DNA polymerase inhibitors, such as those found in blood and some forensic specimens. Studies showed that pH affects either the activity or the activation of the polymerase. AmpliTaq Gold was found to be compatible with pH 8.3 buffers, such as GeneAmp PCR Buffer and AmpFlSTR PCR Reaction Mix but not compatible with pH 9.0 buffers, such as GenePrint STR 10 x Buffer (however, conditions for the usage of AmpliTaq Gold with the GenePrint CTTv system are provided). AmpliTaq Gold is useful for the development and optimization of multiplex amplification systems, particularly those in which the primers are not well designed and/or the reaction conditions are not optimal. Finally, because AmpliTaq Gold is initially inactive, preparation of reactions at ambient temperature and automation of the PCR are facilitated. Therefore throughput can be expanded significantly with the use of AmpliTaq Gold DNA Polymerase.  相似文献   

Techniques have been developed for extracting, amplifying and directly sequencing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from human hair shafts. The hair shaft is ground in a glass micro-tissue grinder, and the DNA is extracted with organic solvent and purified by filtration. The filtrate subsequently provides the mtDNA template for the PCR. The two hypervariable segments of the mtDNA control region are amplified in four separate reactions. After a purification step to remove unincorporated PCR primers, amplified products are quantitated by capillary electrophoresis and subjected to cycle sequencing. The products are separated and analyzed on an automated DNA sequencer. The mtDNA sequences from the hair shaft match the mtDNA sequences from blood samples taken from the same donor.  相似文献   

A 3 bp deletion of codon 508 (phenylalanine) of the cystic fibrosis (CF) gene constitutes the mutation of most CF chromosomes. The frequency of this mutation (referred to as delta F508), varies considerably between populations, ranging from 26% of the CF mutations in Turkey to 88% in Denmark. To determine the frequency of the delta F508 mutation in Brazilian Caucasoid CF patients, we used direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA obtained from dried blood spots on Guthrie cards, followed by ethidium bromide staining of gels. Although the overall frequency of the delta F508 mutation was 47% of 380 CF chromosomes from Brazilian Caucasoids born in five different states, significant interstate differences were observed, ranging from a delta F508 frequency of 27% to 53%. While our method could be used to screen patients and their relatives for carrier testing and prenatal diagnosis, the efficacy of screening only for the delta F508 mutation would be low, and would vary from state to state. Screening for a panel of local mutations will be needed to increase the mutation detection rate and optimize genetic counseling.  相似文献   

Single-stranded regions in replicating adenovirus type 5 DNA were isolated and hybridized in solution to the separated strands of adenovirus 2 or 5 DNA. The results showed that the two strands of adenovirus 5 DNA are exposed to almost the same extent during replication, suggesting that displacement synthesis may start from either end of the viral DNA.  相似文献   

Photoactivatable DNA analogs have been incorporated enzymatically into DNA and used to map the locations of polypeptides in protein complexes bound to DNA. We have developed a procedure for generating long primers from short oligodeoxyribonucleotides (oligos) to incorporate DNA cross-linkers at specific sites within either strand of DNA probes of < or = 206 bp. Single-stranded DNA molecules of 52-206 nucleotides in length were generated by asymmetric polymerase chain reactions (aPCR), using an excess of one short sense-strand primer to be extended and a limiting amount of each short antisense primer that is complementary to and defines the 3' end of the long primer to be generated. The noncross-linking strand of the DNA probe was also generated by aPCR from the DNA sequence of interest. The long primers were annealed to the full-length noncross-linking DNA strand to form a partially double-stranded DNA. Cross-linking analogs and radioactive deoxyribonucleotides (dNTPs), followed by normal dNTPs, were enzymatically incorporated onto the long primers to form the double-stranded DNA cross-linking probes. This method is reproducible and avoids many of the difficulties encountered by other published methods.  相似文献   

The identification of pathogens in patients with bacterial keratitis remains problematic because standard diagnostic tests are negative for 40 to 60% of patients. A cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine if PCR and sequence analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) could be used to detect bacterial pathogens in patients with keratitis. Corneal specimens were collected for culture and rDNA typing. Variable segments of each rDNA specimen were amplified by PCR, sequenced, and aligned with the sequences in GenBank. Eleven patients had microbiologically documented bacterial keratitis, while 17 patients had keratitis due to other causes. Nine (82%) of 11 bacterial keratitis patients were PCR positive; each sequencing result matched the culture results. Seventeen (100%) patients with nonbacterial keratitis were PCR negative. Our data suggest that 16S rDNA typing holds promise as a rapid alternative to culture for identifying pathogens in patients with bacterial keratitis.  相似文献   

The first internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) of the ribosomal DNA of seven species of Trichostrongylus was sequenced. The length of ITS-1 in the different species varied from 387 to 390 bases. The G + C content of the ITS-1 sequences were approximately 42%. Little or no intraspecific variation was detected in the three species. Trichostrongylus axei, Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Trichostrongylus vitrinus, for which multiple isolates from different geographical regions were sequenced. In contrast, the level of ITS-1 sequence differences between species ranged from 1.3% to 5.7%. The greatest sequence differences were detected between T. tenuis, the parasite species which infects birds and the six species found in mammals. Some of the nucleotide differences occurred at sites corresponding to recognition sites for restriction endonucleases. These results are compared with previous data obtained for the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS-2). The ITS-1 data indicate that this region of rDNA may also be useful for systematic studies in trichostrongylid nematodes.  相似文献   

We present a method for the creation of ligatable 3' overhangs by the incorporation of a modified base, uracil, at a specific position in the PCR primer and subsequent treatment with the DNA-modifying enzyme uracil DNA glycosylase and then either T4 endonuclease V or human apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1. In this study, we describe the cloning of a fragment specifying the chloramphenicol-resistance gene into a SacI vector site. To further test this method, three segments of the lacZ gene were amplified by PCR, and after treatment with the DNA-modifying enzymes, the properly oriented segments were ligated into a SacI-cleaved plasmid. Using the methods described, we were able to assemble PCR products into appropriate structures.  相似文献   

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