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To examine the applicability of the time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) for treating the electron–nucleus coupling in excited states, we calculate the strength distribution associated with the π–π* transition in ethylene. The observed optical transition strength in the 7–8.5 eV region shows a complex structure arising from coupling to C–C stretch motion, to torsional motion, and to Rydberg excitations. The mean energy of the observed peak is reproduced to about 0.2 eV accuracy by the TDDFT in the local density approximation (LDA). The reflection approximation is used to calculate the peak broadening. Roughly half of the broadening can be attributed to the fluctuation in the C–C coordinate. The asymmetry in the line shape is also qualitatively reproduced by the C–C coordinate fluctuation. We find, in agreement with other theoretical studies, that the torsional motion is responsible for the progression of weak transition strength extending from the peak down to about 6 eV. The LDA reproduces the strength in this region to a factor of about 3. We conclude that the TDDFT is rather promising for calculating the electron–nucleus coupling at short times.  相似文献   

Medium energy (5–25 keV) 13C+ ion implantation into diamond (100) to a fluence ranging from 1016 cm−2 to 1018 cm−2 was performed for the study of diamond growth via the approach of ion beam implantation. The samples were characterized with Rutherford backscattering/channelling spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy. Extended defects are formed in the cascade collision volume during bombardment at high temperatures. Carbon incorporation indeed induces a volume growth but the diamond (100) samples receiving a fluence of 4 × 1017 to 2 × 1018 at. cm−2 (with a dose rate of 5 × 1015 at. cm−2 s−1 at 5 to 25 keV and 800 °C) showed no He-ion channelling. Common to these samples is that the top surface layer of a few nanometers has a substantial amount of graphite which can be removed by chemical etching. The rest of the grown layer is polycrystalline diamond with a very high density of extended defects.  相似文献   

Atomic and close-to-atomic scale fabrication with high yield for the color centers in silicon carbide is critical in developing its applications. Combined with Wigner-Seitz method and identify diamond structure method to consider the structure around the silicon vacancy (VSi), it is found that He ion implantation is more likely to fabricate a small number of silicon vacancies with complete structure but locating deep, while Si ion implantation is more likely to introduce more silicon vacancies with incomplete structure but a large number and closer to the near surface. Therefore, a method of dual ion implantation is proposed in this paper. By adjusting the ratio of He to Si ion concentration for dual ion implantation, the fabrication yield of color centers with depth below 5 nm can be increased compared with that of He implantation after high temperature annealing. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is employed to discover the underlying mechanism of VSi color center and damage evolution by helium ion and dual ion implantation into four-hexagonal silicon carbide (4H–SiC) with subsequent annealing. Density-functional theory (DFT) calculation proves that magnetic-spin polarization enhances the stability of carbon anti-vacancy pair (CSiVC) defect, which indicates CSiVC defects are more stable than VSi defects. The evolution of the VSi color centers of different defect models are also calculated at various temperatures by MD, and the dynamic process of VSi defects to CSiVC defects is demonstrated. It is revealed that the decrease of the VSi color center at high temperature annealing is partly due to the transformation of some silicon vacancies to CSiVC defects.  相似文献   

12C+ ion implantation has been shown to be an efficient way to increase the magnetization of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite, and a saturation magnetization of 17.6 emu g−1 at room temperature has been produced. The implantation was performed in four steps with decreasing ion energy for each step. Increasing the magnetization with the number of implantation steps has shown that the magnetization is correlated to the defect density. The temperature dependence of spin susceptibility calculated according to the electron spin resonance spectra indicates that the magnetism in the sample is intrinsic. The evolution of Raman spectra along with the degree of implantation supplied further evidence to the correlation between in-plane defects and the magnetization of the sample, and explained the decreased magnetization resulting from the final implantation step.  相似文献   

The creation of oxidized structures and double bonds in polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) samples implanted with P+ ions was studied. The surface polarity and the electrical conductivity of the ion-implanted polymers were also examined. As a result of the ion implantation, the polymer macromolecules are broken up and the material is degraded. An oxygen penetration into the radiation-damaged polymers is also observed, with PE being more vulnerable to the oxidation. The ion-implanted PP exhibits higher surface polarity and sheet conductivity compared to that of PE. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

J.X. Liao  W.M. Liu  T. Xu  Q.J. Xue 《Carbon》2004,42(2):387-393
A series of carbon films have been prepared by plasma-based ion implantation (PBII) with C on pure Al and Si. Emphasis has been placed on the effect of implanting voltage on the characteristics of these films. The structures of the films were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy. The morphologies were observed by atomic force microscope (AFM). Surface hardness and electrical resistivity were also measured. The results indicate that the characteristics of these films are strongly dependent on the implanting voltage. An implanting voltage threshold value ranging from 3 to 5 kV starts to form a C-substrate transition layer owing to C+ ions implanted into the substrate. The transition layer exhibits a gradual change in composition and structure and effectively connects the carbon film and the substrate. Also, an implanting voltage threshold value ranging from 5 to 10 kV starts to form diamond-like carbon (DLC) films. An increasing voltage causes the resultant DLC films to be smoother and more compact. Moreover, Raman spectrum, chemical state of C1s, surface hardness and electrical resistivity all prove an optimum voltage of approximately 30 kV corresponding to the lowest ratio of sp2/sp3.  相似文献   

赵劲松  范成高 《聚氯乙烯》2010,38(8):9-15,18
提出了一种悬浮PVC树脂颗粒形成的新理论——凝聚理论:液态氯乙烯在搅拌作用下以约0.7μm的微滴分散在水中发生聚合反应,当聚合转化率达到25%左右时,这些微滴凝聚成粒径约为130μm的树脂颗粒。通过实验研究、文献资料及逻辑推理证明了其正确性。  相似文献   

The surface of poly ether ether ketone (PEEK) has been treated with plasma immersion ion implantation using hydrogen ions. Nanoindentation and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) studies of the modified surface show that the modified layer is harder, denser and has a greater elastic recovery than the unmodified material. The electronic structure of the material is characterized by low-loss EELS and UV-Visible spectroscopy, which show that the surface molecular structure is strongly disrupted by the ion implantation. The changes observed are consistent with the modification creating a carbon-rich amorphous material containing a sp2 rich network structure.  相似文献   

A. Valenza  A.M. Visco  N. Campo 《Polymer》2004,45(5):1707-1715
Surface modification of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is induced by ion implantation of different ions at 300 keV energy. The aim of this work was the chemical, physical and mechanical characterization of the modified material in order to know deep inside about the effect of the ion beam upon the polymer.The irradiated surfaces are investigated by Raman spectroscopy, infrared absorption and micro-hardness analysis, scanning electron microscopy. Pin on disc measurements valuated the wear of the UHMWPE against a stainless steel probe; wear resistance increases of about 76% after the ion implantation. This result can be attributed to the ion bombardment inducing a micro-hardness increasing in the irradiated layers due to the high carbon surface concentration and cross-linking effects in the polymeric chains. The irradiated UHMWPE surfaces may find special applications to the field of the mobile prosthesis.  相似文献   

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and d.c polarization resistance measurements (Rp) were used to study the corrosion resistance of surface layers produced by nitrogen ion implantation into copper substrates. Ion implantation was carried out using a Wickham ion beam generator, applying an acceleration voltage of 100keV, a mean current of 0.40 mA and a nitrogen dosage of 4 × 1017 ions cm–2. Surface analyses were made by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). Electrochemical measurements (EIS and Rp) performed in a 0.6m sodium chloride solution show nitrogen-implanted specimens have greater a.c. and d.c. apparent polarization resistance than nonimplanted specimens. The results obtained with electrochemical measurements indicate that nitrogen ion implantation in copper forms a protective surface layer which improves the corrosion resistance of the pristine material, a feature of great interest for the design of new contact materials for the electricity and electronic industries.  相似文献   

Graphene may have attractive properties for some biomedical applications, but its potential adverse biological effects, in particular, possible modulation when it comes in contact with blood, require further investigation. Little is known about the influence of exposure to COOH+-implanted graphene (COOH+/graphene) interacting with red blood cells and platelets. In this paper, COOH+/graphene was prepared by modified Hummers'' method and implanted by COOH+ ions. The structure and surface chemical and physical properties of COOH+/graphene were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and contact angle measurement. Systematic evaluation of anticoagulation, including in vitro platelet adhesion assays and hemolytic assays, proved that COOH+/graphene has significant anticoagulation. In addition, at the dose of 5 × 1017 ions/cm2, COOH+/graphene responded best on platelet adhesion, aggregation, and platelet activation.  相似文献   

We have studied B ion implantation at 400 °C into undoped homoepitaxial chemical vapor deposition diamond films and high-pressure and high-temperature (HPHT) synthetic IIa substrates. The highest Hall mobility at room temperature is 268 cm2/Vs among B implanted homoepitaxial films, while it is 38 cm2/Vs for the B implanted HPHT synthetic IIa substrate. The present result reveals that the quality of a doped layer is strongly dependent upon that of a diamond substrate employed for ion implantation.  相似文献   

Ti ion implantation with different doses was used to modify the surface and deoxygenate graphene oxide (GO) papers. The morphologies, microstructures and surface chemical states of the modified GO papers were investigated. Based on the results, the surface amorphization of GO papers is realized by Ti ion implantation. In addition, the whole GO paper is reduced or deoxygenated, which can be attributed to the annealing effect. However, at a low implantation dose of 5 × 1016 cm−2, the deoxygenation of GO paper is found to be incomplete. With a high implantation dose of 3 × 1017 cm−2, a surface composed of whirlpool-like structures is generated, while the layer-by-layer stacking structure of the as-prepared GO paper is retained.  相似文献   

The adsorption and diffusion of Pb(II) atom on the hydroxylated (001) surface of kaolinite were investigated using density-functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation and a supercell approach. The coverage dependence of the adsorption structures and energetics was systematically studied for a wide range of coverage Θ [from 0.11 to 1.0 monolayers (ML)] and adsorption sites. The most stable among all possible adsorption sites was the two-fold bridge site followed by the one-fold top site, and the adsorption energy increased with the coverage, thus indicating the higher stability of surface adsorption and a tendency to the formation of Pb(II) islands (clusters) with increasing coverage. Moreover, the energy barrier for diffusion of Pb(II) atom between the one-fold top and the two-fold bridge adsorption sites on kaolinite(001) surface was 0.23 (0.31) eV, implying that the Pb(II) atom is prone to diffusing on kaolinite(001) surface. The other properties of the Pb(II)/kaolinite(001) system including the different charge distribution, the lattice relaxation, and the electronic density of states were also studied and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The search for above room temperature ferromagnetism in dilute magnetic semiconductors has been intense in recent year. Arrays of perpendicular ferromagnetic nanowire/rods have recently attracted considerable interest for their potential use in many areas of advanced nanotechnology. We report a simple low-temperature chemical vapor deposition (CVD) to create self-assembled comb-like Ni-/undoped ZnO nanostructure arrays. The phases, compositions, and physical properties of the studied samples were analyzed by different techniques, including high-resolution X-ray diffraction/photoelectron spectroscopy/transmission electron microscopy, photoluminescence, and MPMS. In particular, the Ni-doped ZnO nanocombs (NCs) with ferromagnetic and superparamagnetic properties have been observed whereas undoped ZnO NCs disappear. The corresponding ferromagnetic source mechanism is discussed, in which defects such as O vacancies would play an important role.  相似文献   

We present experimental results and numerical simulations to investigate the modification of structural–mechanical properties of ion-implanted single-crystal diamond. A phenomenological model is used to derive an analytical expression for the variation of mass density and elastic properties as a function of damage density in the crystal. These relations are applied together with SRIM Monte Carlo simulations to set up finite element simulations for the determination of internal strains and surface deformation of MeV-ion-implanted diamond samples. The results are validated through comparison with high resolution X-ray diffraction and white-light interferometric profilometry experiments. The former are carried out on 180 keV B implanted diamond samples, to determine the induced structural variation, in terms of lattice spacing and disorder, whilst the latter are performed on 1.8 MeV He implanted diamond samples to measure surface swelling. The effect of thermal processing on the evolution of the structural–mechanical properties of damaged diamond is also evaluated by performing the same profilometric measurements after annealing at 1000 °C, and modeling the obtained trends with a suitably modified analytical model. The results allow the development of a coherent model describing the effects of MeV-ion-induced damage on the structural–mechanical properties of single-crystal diamond. In particular, we suggest a more reliable method to determine the so-called diamond “graphitization threshold” for the considered implantation type.  相似文献   

Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were synthesized from Ni nanoparticles prepared by ion implantation. Ni ions were implanted at 30 keV into thermally grown SiO2 substrates using a focused-ion-beam. High-density nanoparticle formation was investigated with high doses up to 5.0 × 1017 ions/cm2. Dense Ni nanoparticles in the order of 1011–1012 cm− 2 were obtained on a SiO2 substrate, and the particle density and diameter were controlled by post-implantation annealing. Particles annealed at 700 °C led to vertically aligned CNTs. Interestingly, catalysts were longer along the vertical axis and the lower half of the Ni particle was buried in SiO2.  相似文献   

A p-type (type IIb) natural diamond was implanted with either carbon or phosphorus ions using the cold implantation rapid annealing (CIRA) process. In each case, the energies and doses were chosen such that upon annealing, the implanted layer would act as an n-type electrode. The electroluminescence (EL) emitted from these carbon and phosphorus junctions, when biased in the forward direction, was compared as a function of annealing and diode temperatures. Typical luminescence bands such as those observed in cathodoluminescence (CL), in particular a blue band A (≈2.9 eV) and a green band (≈2.4 eV), were observed. Two bands centred around ≈2.1 and 4 eV were also observed for both the carbon and phosphorus junctions, whereas a band at ≈4.45 eV appeared only in the phosphorus-implanted junction.  相似文献   

Carbon nanotips were grown from a thin carbon film deposited on a silicon substrate by plasma-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition using CH4, H2 and NH3 as the reaction gases. The results of micro-Raman spectrometry and atomic force microscopy indicate that the carbon film is amorphous carbon and rough, and the results characterized by scanning electron microscopy show that the formation of the carbon nanotips depends on ion bombardment. During ion bombardment, there is deposition of the carbonaceous ions as well as sputter-etching of the etching ions. The theory related to ion deposition and sputtering was applied to establish the formation model of the carbon nanotips.  相似文献   

A conducting layer of Al or Cu was formed under the surface of synthetic Ib diamond (100) by high-energy metal ion implantation of 1×1015–2.8×1017 ions cm−2 with ion energies of 3 MeV (Al) and 8 MeV (Cu). The distribution peaks of heavily implanted Al and Cu, investigated by secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), were approximately 1.3 and 2.2-μm deep from the diamond surfaces, respectively. The results agreed with simulation results of TRIM. The Raman line of implanted diamond surfaces was observed at approximately 1333 cm−1, though they were broad and slightly shifted from the diamond Raman peak. The diamond structure was clearly observed at the implanted surfaces by reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) measurements. From these results, it was concluded that the surfaces of the implanted diamond were not totally damaged. The sheet resistance of the metal implanted layers measured by a four-probe method decreased with increasing the ion dose and reached a minimum value of approximately 170 Ω/□. By comparing this resistance value with that of a similarly implanted layer in a SiO2 glass substrate, it was concluded that electrons were transported mainly through the implanted metal layer for high dose specimens, while electron transport via defects was dominant for low dose specimens.  相似文献   

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