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为了研究外挂陶粒钢筋混凝土复合墙板和竹筋陶粒混凝土复合墙板(以下均简称复合墙板)的抗震性能,以及连接复合墙板和钢框架的下托上拉式柔性节点的地震反应,通过两幢3层足尺分层装配支撑钢框架的振动台试验,对墙板-节点体系的抗震性能进行了研究。结果表明,复合墙板具有较好的抗震性能,刚度和承载力储备较大;使用竹筋代替斜插钢丝后,对复合墙板抗震性能影响不大,且相对于直插竹筋,斜插竹筋性能更加稳定;下托上拉式柔性节点在试验中出现了滑移、转动和变形,实现了3个方向的位移,对墙板的保护作用明显,兼具刚性和柔性的特点;外挂复合墙板-节点体系减小了钢框架的自振周期,使结构刚度退化减慢,加速度放大系数及层间位移分布更加均匀。该体系应用于低多层建筑时具有优良的抗震性能和震后可恢复性。  相似文献   

为研究高强钢组合K形偏心支撑框架的抗震性能,推动高强钢在我国建筑领域的应用,对一个单跨两榀三层高强钢组合K形偏心支撑钢框架进行缩尺比例为1/2的振动台试验,得到不同工况下的自振频率、阻尼比、加速度反应、位移反应及耗能梁段的应变。研究表明:随地震波峰值加速度的增大,结构的自振频率降低,阻尼比增大,加速度反应增大,动力放大系数减小。按照动力相似关系推导出原型结构的地震反应,多遇地震作用下结构最大层间位移角为1/1667,罕遇地震作用下结构最大层间位移角为1/237,均满足抗震规范变形验算的规定。综上,高强钢组合K形偏心支撑框架具有良好的抗震性能,满足“三水准”抗震设防准则。  相似文献   

成都市天府软件园三期工程由多幢平面凹凸不规则、扭转不规则和沿竖向刚度不均匀的建筑组成,其中B,C座从层11至屋面层采用钢桁架连廊连成一体,成为连体结构,且底层设置2层连通的架空层,层2楼板开洞面积为该层面积的47%。为研究其抗震性能,进行缩尺(1/30)模型的振动台试验,在试验结果的基础上,对该建筑的整体和局部结构的抗震性能进行评价。试验结果表明,通过采取抗震加强措施及合理设计,结构能够满足抗震性能目标。  相似文献   

两层轻型木结构足尺房屋模型模拟地震振动台试验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
轻型木结构房屋在既往的地震中表现出良好的抗震性能,同时也存在某些方面的不足。对一个两层、足尺、长宽高为6m×6m×6.3m的木框架房屋进行了67个工况的振动台试验,考虑了一层横墙的门洞宽度变化和结构平面布置不对称等研究参数。试验结果表明:在0.2g以下的地震中,模型处于弹性状态;在0.55g的地震中,即使经过多次重复地震,并且一层开洞率达到60%,模型结构仍然不会发生倒塌;结构布置不对称时,结构的加速度和位移反应均较对称结构强烈,并且存在明显的扭转效应。对称结构在0.1g、0.2g和0.4g的地震中,模型结构的最大层间位移角约为1/500、1/250和1/80。试验研究的结果表明,与模型结构类似的对称轻型木结构房屋能够满足我国建筑抗震设计规范(GB50011-2001)中的8度抗震设防要求。  相似文献   

The contact of steel columns with building walls is responsible for huge thermal gradients within its cross-section during fire. Current regulatory codes for fire design of steel members provide a formulation to assess the load-bearing capacity of these members assuming uniform temperature through the cross-section; however, this is not what happens in the major part of the cases in real structures where the columns are embedded on walls. The walls on one hand will provide a temperature reduction on the columns, which is somehow favourable in terms of its fire resistance, on the other hand the differential heating on the columns cross-section may lead to unfavourable stresses (bending moments) responsible for instability (thermal bowing). Considering that the structural behaviour of columns is strongly dependent of the second order effects this is an important phenomenon which may lead to a significant reduction on its fire resistance. This paper presents the results of a numerical study to assess the influence of the differential heating on the fire design of steel columns. New interaction axial force–bending moment diagrams for non-uniformly heated H steel columns are proposed.  相似文献   

为研究全再生混凝土柱内配钢管后的轴压力学性能,设计5个内置钢管全再生混凝土组合柱试件和3个对比试件进行试验,分析体积配箍率和钢管面积比对试件承载力、延性和损伤性能的影响规律以及内配钢管后的组合效应。研究表明:钢管混凝土柱达到峰值荷载时刻滞后于中空钢筋混凝土柱,即在管外混凝土达到极限状态后,核心钢管混凝土逐渐发挥作用;随着体积配箍率的增加,组合柱的承载力和延性整体呈增长趋势,累积损伤增长变慢;提高钢管面积比,组合柱承载力降低,延性增强,提前进入损伤状态,但后期损伤发展缓慢;CECS 188:2005的计算结果与试验结果吻合良好,该规程可用于内置钢管全再生混凝土组合柱轴压承载力设计。  相似文献   

持续强震作用对结构破坏作用较强,是造成2008年汶川地震中大量房屋结构破坏的主要原因之一。为研究房屋结构在持续强震作用下的结构反应特征,设计和制作了12层RC框架结构模型,并对其开展了三次模拟地震振动台试验,研究结果表明:结构在相同地震波持续强震作用下,对这种激励波的反应强度逐渐降低,并趋于稳定;当采用其他地震波对模型结构进行激励时,结构对不同地震波的反应明显增大,结构地震反应剧烈并增长迅速。根据试验研究结果,提出结构抗震稳健性的概念,对结构抗震稳健性的机理进行了探讨,并提出了结构抗震稳健性概念性计算方法,建议加强结构的抗震稳健性研究,以提高房屋结构在持续强震作用下的安全性。  相似文献   

许江波  郑颖人 《岩土工程学报》2012,34(10):1896-1902
近几年,埋入式抗滑桩由于其自身的特点而在边坡支护中得到广泛应用,成为边坡支护的一种主要支护方式。静力情况下,埋入式抗滑桩的研究已经较为成熟,动力作用下的研究目前还较少。设计完成了边坡振动台大型模型试验,通过输入不同类型、幅值、频率的地震波和白噪声激励,探讨地震作用下埋入式抗滑桩模型边坡的动力特性与振动响应规律以及地震动参数对动力特性和动力响应的影响。然后对此模型进行了数值模拟,得出了一些有意义的结论,能够更好地指导边坡抗震设计,有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for simulating composite steel-concrete columns of double-symmetrical, partially encased cross-sections, as equivalent steel columns of fictitious cross-section, for the purposes of linear elastic analysis. The latter consist of the actual steel cross-section and two additional pairs of plates, one perpendicular to the web at mid-height and one perpendicular to the flanges at mid-width. Plate dimensions are chosen to match the compression resistance and principal bending stiffness of the composite section. Section equivalence results in three algebraic equations for the dimensions of the additional plates, in terms of the geometry of the actual section and the material properties of steel, concrete, and reinforcement bars. These equations are solved in closed form by neglecting a small contribution to major-axis stiffness. The proposed method combines accuracy, efficiency, and convenience; it takes advantage of widely available software for linear elastic steel structure analysis and obviates the need for finite-element simulation.  相似文献   

钢管混凝土FRP混凝土(SCFC)组合柱是新近提出的一种新型组合柱形式。提出考虑外钢管与FRP的双重约束效果,采用双剪统一理论分析了SCFC组合柱外钢管、外层混凝土、FRP管以及内层混凝土的应力状态,根据静力平衡条件得到了SCFC组合柱的轴压承载力计算公式,其与试验结果能够较好吻合。分析了含钢率、FRP与钢的相对配置率、FRP径厚比以及FRP管直径对轴压承载力提高系数的影响,结果表明:随着含钢率的增加、FRP与钢的相对配置率的提高以及FRP径厚比的减小,SCFC组合柱轴压承载力提高系数都有一定程度提高;内FRP管直径与外钢管边长之比在0.65~0.75之间时,轴压承载力增益效果较好。  相似文献   

组合T形截面钢管混凝土柱偏心受压试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在分析各种异形钢管混凝土柱工程应用的基础上,提出组合T形截面钢管混凝土柱。考虑长细比、偏心距等参数的影响,设计制作18个组合T形钢管混凝土柱试件。通过偏心受压试验,对长细比16.0<λ≤28.8的组合T形钢管混凝土柱压弯性能进行研究,考察试件的破坏形态,实测试件的荷载-应变曲线和荷载-柱中挠度曲线,分析各参数对试件偏心受压力学性能的影响。通过试验数据回归分析,参考国内外相关规范,提出组合T形截面钢管混凝土柱偏心受压承载力计算公式。试验结果表明:偏心受压柱均为弯曲失稳破坏,长细比越大,弯曲破坏特征越明显;偏心距越大,试件极限承载力越低。研究表明,组合T形钢管混凝土柱的两个组成部分能很好地协同工作,力学性能较好;所提出的承载力计算公式可供工程设计参考。图10表3参8  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental research on the behavior of geosynthetic encased stone columns and ordinary stone columns embedded in soft clay under dynamic base shaking. For this purpose, a novel laminar box is designed and developed to run a total of eight sets of 1-G shaking table tests on four different model soil profiles: Soft clay bed, ordinary stone column installed clay bed, and clay beds with geosynthetic encased columns with two different reinforcement stiffnesses. The geosynthetic encased columns are heavily instrumented with strain rosettes to quantify the reinforcement strains developing under the action of dynamic loads. The responses of the columns are studied through the deformation modes of the encased columns and the magnitude and distribution of reinforcement strains under dynamic loading. The response of the granular inclusion enhanced soft subsoil and embankment soil and the identification of the dynamic soil properties of the entire soil body are also discussed in this article. Finally, to determine the effect of dynamic loading on the vertical load carrying capacity, stress-controlled column load tests are undertaken both on seismically loaded and undisturbed columns.  相似文献   

Eccentrically loaded concrete encased steel composite columns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a nonlinear 3-D finite element model for eccentrically loaded concrete encased steel composite columns. The columns were pin-ended subjected to an eccentric load acting along the major axis, with eccentricity varied from 0.125 to 0.375 of the overall depth (D) of the column sections. The model accounted for the inelastic behaviour of steel, concrete, longitudinal and transverse reinforcement bars as well as the effect of concrete confinement of the concrete encased steel composite columns. The interface between the steel section and concrete, the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement bars, and the reinforcement bars and concrete were also considered allowing the bond behaviour to be modelled and the different components to retain its profile during the deformation of the column. The initial overall geometric imperfection was carefully incorporated in the model. The finite element model has been validated against existing test results. The concrete strengths varied from normal to high strength (30–110 MPa). The steel section yield stresses also varied from normal to high strength (275–690 MPa). Furthermore, the variables that influence the eccentrically loaded composite column behaviour and strength comprising different eccentricities, different column dimensions, different structural steel sizes, different concrete strengths, and different structural steel yield stresses were investigated in a parametric study. Generally, it is shown that the effect on the composite column strength owing to the increase in structural steel yield stress is significant for eccentrically loaded columns with small eccentricity of 0.125D. On the other hand, for columns with higher eccentricity 0.375D, the effect on the composite column strength due to the increase in structural steel yield stress is significant for columns with concrete strengths lower than 70 MPa. The strength of composite columns obtained from the finite element analysis were compared with the design strengths calculated using the Eurocode 4 for composite columns. Generally, it is shown that the EC4 accurately predicted the eccentrically loaded composite columns, while overestimated the moment.  相似文献   

为研究强震作用下软土场地中桩基负摩阻力的产生机理及分布特性,设计开展了软土静力学试验、动三轴震陷试验和软土场地–单桩体系振动台试验,验证了震陷软土场地对桩基的负摩阻力作用,得到了软土的震陷特性、不同输入地震动下桩土体系地震动响应和桩负摩阻力分布发展规律,讨论了强震作用下负摩阻力的产生及发展过程。结果表明:(1)软土震陷的产生存在一定的屈服动应力,可利用动三轴试验来初步判断震陷引发负摩阻力的启动震级;(2)水平向地震动下负摩阻力主要产生在桩身的上部,竖向地震动下全桩均会产生负摩阻力;(3)震陷引发的桩基负摩阻力具有突发性,且微小的桩土相对位移量即可产生显著的负摩阻力,这种瞬时加载可能会对结构造成破坏;(4)利用桩侧土体和接触面的抗剪强度可初步估算软土场地中桩基可能受到的负摩阻力值。试验成果可为软土场地桩基负摩阻力的判别与计算提供参考,对软土场地抗震设防具有一定的理论和工程实用价值。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the behaviour of pin-ended axially loaded concrete encased steel composite columns. A nonlinear 3-D finite element model was developed to analyse the inelastic behaviour of steel, concrete, longitudinal and transverse reinforcement bars as well as the effect of concrete confinement of the concrete encased steel composite columns. The interface between the steel section and concrete, the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement bars, and the reinforcement bars and concrete were also considered that allowed the bond behaviour to be modeled and the different components to retain their profile during the deformation of the column. Furthermore, the initial overall (out-of-straightness) geometric imperfection was carefully incorporated in the model. The finite element model has been validated against published experimental results. The main objective of the study was to understand the structural response and modes of failure of the columns and to assess the composite column strengths against current design codes. The study covered slender, non-slender, stub and long concrete encased steel composite columns. The concrete strengths varied from normal to high strength (20-110 MPa). The steel section yield stresses also varied from normal to high strength (275-690 MPa). Furthermore, the variables that influence the composite column behaviour and strength comprising different slenderness ratios, concrete strength and steel yield stress were investigated in a parametric study. It is shown that the increase in structural steel strength has a small effect on the composite column strength for the columns having higher relative slenderness ratios due to the flexural buckling failure mode. The composite column strengths obtained from the finite element analysis were compared with the design strengths calculated using the American Institute for Steel Construction AISC and Eurocode 4 for composite columns. Generally, it is shown that the EC 4 accurately predicted the design strength for the concrete encased steel composite columns having a concrete cylinder strength of 30 MPa and structural steel yield stresses of 275 and 460 MPa, which are in the limits of the code, which otherwise, was generally conservative. The AISC predictions were quite conservative for all the concrete encased steel composite columns.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical study on the fire resistance of embedded I-section composite columns designed according to EC4 Pt.1.2. The objective is to examine the effects of cross-sectional dimension and load level on column fire resistance. Four groups of columns consisting of square cross-section are chosen for study. Their cross-sectional dimensions range from 250×250 to 400×250 mm2, respectively. These columns are subjected to axial compression forces and four-face uniform heating. Within each group four load levels are studied, viz., 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5. Based on numerical analyses, it is found that under high load levels, columns with small cross-sections fail to meet the fire resistance as suggested by EC4 Pt.1.2. To validate and to prove the reliability of the numerical study, four composite columns were tested under transient heating scheme. The experimental results were validated against finite element (hereafter: FE) analyses. FE predictions of both cross-sectional temperature distribution and structural response during heating agreed reasonably well with experimental data. Column failure times are also predicted using a simple method suggested by EC4 Part 1.2. It shows that EC4 predictions agree very closely with the FE predictions.  相似文献   

To improve the behaviour of conventional T-shaped concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns, multi-cell composite T-shaped concrete-filled steel tubular (MT-CFST) columns are proposed in this paper. Experimental study of 25MT-CFST columns, including 13 short specimens with various cross sections and material properties and 12 slender specimens with different slenderness ratios, subjected to axial loads was conducted. The failure modes, axial load–strain curves for short specimens and axial load–lateral deflection curves for slender specimens were investigated. The test results were compared with design approaches for conventional CFST columns presented in Eurocode 4, AISC specification, Australian standard AS51006, Chinese code CECS159, and Hong Kong steel code, and it was found that all the design codes underestimate the bearing capacity of both short and slender MT-CFST columns to some extent.  相似文献   

钢管混凝土柱受剪承载力试验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为建立钢管混凝土柱的受剪承载力计算式,完成了35根试件的静力加载试验。试件参数包括钢管壁厚、混凝土强度、剪跨比和轴压比。结果表明,剪跨比λ≤0.5施加轴压力的试件为剪切破坏,1.0≥λ>0.5施加轴压力的试件为剪弯破坏,λ≥0.5未施加轴压力的试件为弯曲破坏;试件有较大的变形能力;钢管混凝土柱的受剪承载力与轴压比、剪跨比有关。建立了由钢管、混凝土和轴压力三部分贡献组成的钢管混凝土柱受剪承载力计算公式,计算值与试验值符合较好,且偏于安全。  相似文献   

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