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CSCW as a field has been concerned since its early days with healthcare, studying how healthcare work is collaboratively and practically achieved and designing systems to support that work. Reviewing literature from the CSCW Journal and related conferences where CSCW work is published, we reflect on the contributions that have emerged from this work. The analysis illustrates a rich range of concepts and findings towards understanding the work of healthcare but the work on the larger policy level is lacking. We argue that this presents a number of challenges for CSCW research moving forward: in having a greater impact on larger-scale health IT projects; broadening the scope of settings and perspectives that are studied; and reflecting on the relevance of the traditional methods in this field - namely workplace studies - to meet these challenges.  相似文献   

Technical developments in electronic communication and computing coupled with new understanding of relationships between computers and work processes has given impetus to a significant amount of research in the area of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Much of this work, however, lacks strong theoretical foundations, and there is no clear definition of CSCW, the major research questions of the field, or appropriate strategies for research. In this paper we suggest Giddens' theory of structuration as a conceptual foundation for CSCW research and propose a formal definition for CSCW. We conclude by discussing seven implications of the framework for future research into: (a) platform software features, (b) research methods, (c) systems development approaches, (d) features of CSCW development methodologies, (e) interactions between CSCW use processes and organizational structures, (f) interactions between work processes and CSCW applications, and (g) larger social change due to adoption of CSCW applications.  相似文献   

Organizations today face shortages of IT personnel. We investigated workplace factors in one state government in hope of identifying factors that influence perceived organizational support (POS) within an IT work environment. A combination of job characteristics (challenging job and perceived workload), job stressors (work exhaustion, role conflict, and role ambiguity), and the organization’s discretionary actions (pay-for-performance and mentoring opportunities) were measured and hierarchical regression was used to determine the relationships. Four control variables were also included (age, gender, organizational tenure, and professional versus administrator status). Role ambiguity, role conflict, work exhaustion, career mentoring, and pay-for-performance together explained 62% of the variance in the IT employees’ POS. Career mentoring and role ambiguity explained most of the variance.  相似文献   

This paper unpacks the black box of the IS development process and, thereby, helps business and IT managers understand better its complexity. The Critical Success Factors (CSF) concept was employed for this purpose in an in-depth study of four diverse systems development projects in a large telecommunications company. Unlike previous applications of the CSF method, the approach adopted in this study facilitated the identification of both ‘generic’ and ‘collective’ CSFs in order to map the network of interrelationships between them. Thus the findings shed new light on the process by which information systems are developed by illustrating empirically its complex multidimensional nature and by providing fresh insights into the challenges facing both developers and users in their task of developing organisational IS.  相似文献   

The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), a model of the user acceptance of IT, synthesizes elements from several prevailing user acceptance models. It has been credited with explaining a larger proportion of the variance of ‘intention to use’ and ‘usage behavior’ than do preceding models. However, it has not been validated in non-Western cultures. Using a survey sample collected from 722 knowledge workers using desktop computer applications on a voluntary basis in Saudi Arabia, we examined the relative power of a modified version of UTAUT in determining ‘intention to use’ and ‘usage behavior’. We found that the model explained 39.1% of intention to use variance, and 42.1% of usage variance. In addition, drawing on the theory of cultural dimensions, we hypothesized and tested the similarities and differences between the North American and Saudi validations of UTAUT in terms of cultural differences that affected the organizational acceptance of IT in the two societies.  相似文献   

In some recent work it was shown that to stabilize systems with real parameter uncertainty it suffices to find a controller that simultaneously stabilizes a finite number of polynomials. These polynomials include those generated from the ‘vertex’ plants as well as some generated by some ‘fictitious’ vertex plants that involve the controller. This paper deals with the issues of existence of such a controller, controller synthesis, and conservativeness of the design. It is shown how this approach can ‘enhance’ the stability robustness of an H design.  相似文献   

The idea that so-called ‘best’ business practices can be transferred to organizations when they purchase enterprise resource planning (ERP) software packages is a major selling point of these packages. Yet recent research has illustrated a gap between the espoused theory of a best practice solution and the theory-in-use experienced by those who install software with such a design. As researchers begin to examine the difficult process by which organizations recast the best practices model handed down to them by consultancies and software vendors in an effort to make the software ‘work for them’ in practice, it is equally important that we begin to understand the reasons that such a gap exists. To this end, we analyze the strategic partnership between a multinational software vendor and a university who together designed a ‘best practice’ ERP package for the higher education industry. Through the theoretical lens of ‘epistemic cultures’ we argue that in organizational contexts made up of more than one epistemic culture, the use of a best practice model will be problematic because, by definition, the model mandates one epistemological position through the software design. This is counter to a university's loosely coupled organizational form.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a sensitive issue, of presence experienced by people interacting with a virtual environment (VE). Understanding ‘presence’, both theoretically and empirically, is important for designers interested in building effective computer-mediated environments for learning and work activities. The concept of presence has been treated mostly as a state of mind, to be investigated through ‘objective’ and ‘subjective’ measurement devices. The authors propose to add a different approach, which can address presence as an action-based process. This approach considers presence as the ongoing result of the actions performed in an environment and the local and cultural resources deployed by actors. In this sense, ‘presence’ can be captured by monitoring the sequence of participants’ actions and the aspects of the environment that are involved in this process; discourse/interaction analysis represents a fitting method for this goal. Sequences of interaction with a virtual library are used to illustrate some core aspects of an ethnographic, action-based approach to presence, such as the action possibilities envisaged by participants, the configuration of the virtual objects, the norms that regulate the interaction, the resources that are imported in the VE. These aspects are a necessary step to understand users’ presence in the VE and to plan consequent interventions to ameliorate the design of the interface.  相似文献   

We study the spectral properties of a ‘Toeplitz+ Hankel’ operator which arises in the context of the mixed-sensitivity H-optimization problem and whose largest eigenvalue characterizes the optimal achievable performance ε0. The existence of such an operator was first shown by Verma and Jonckheere [26], who also'noted the potential numerical advantage of computing eo through its eigenvalue characterization rather than through the ε-iteration. Here, we investigate this operator in detail, with the objective of efficiency computing its spectrum. We define an ‘adjoint’ linear-quadratic problem that involves the same ‘Toeplitz+ Hankel’ operator, as shown by Jonckheere and Silverman [13–16]. Consequently, a finite polynomial algorithm allows ε0 to be characterized as simply as the largest root of a polynomial. Finally, a computationally more attractive state space algorithm emerges from the Ht8/LQ relationship. This algorithm yields a very good accuracy evaluation of the performance ε0 by solving just one algebraic Riccati equation. Thorough exploitation of this algorithm results in a drastic computation reduction with respect to the standard e-iteration.  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction to recent work on the problem of quantifying errors in the estimation of models for dynamic systems. This is a very large field. We therefore concentrate on approaches that have been motivated by the need for reliable models for control system design. This will involve a discussion of efforts that go under the titles of ‘estimation in ’, ‘worst-case estimation’, ‘estimation in ℓ1’ and ‘stochastic embedding of undermodelling’. A central theme of this survey is to examine these new methods with reference to the classic bias/variance tradeoff in model structure selection.  相似文献   

Although noise research concentrates principally on the workplace, recent studies have shown that preferred leisure noise may be as loud as 10 dBA higher than workplace levels. This two-phase study compared leisure noise preferences for workers who were exposed to either a ‘loud’ (≥ 85 dBA) or ‘not loud’ (< 85 dBA) work environment. Phase 1 examined 110 subjects' noise level preferences that were recorded before and after work for a one-day observation. Phase 2 recorded 12 additional subjects' preferences for five consecutive days. Analysis of both phases' results determined that leisure noise levels prior to work were not significantly different. Those exposed to the ‘loud’ environment preferred noise levels significantly higher (6.5 to 9 dBA) than their before work levels. Over the five consecutive days (Phase 2) only the ‘loud’ group preferred noise levels significantly higher after work (Day 5 versus Day 1). Thus, it can be concluded that ‘loud’ work environments and consecutive daily exposure to these environments do influence preferred leisure noise levels.  相似文献   

In April 1992, the Singapore Government announced its information technology (IT) vision and plan for the next 15 years to turn Singapore into ‘an intelligent island’, providing a strategic regional switching centre for expertise, goods, services and information. At the heart of this plan is a national information infrastructure that would capitalize on information as a key factor of production and an important ingredient for enhancing the quality of life of its people. Code named ‘IT2000’, the plan was developed by 60 senior managers at the National Computer Board in 1991 with participation and inputs from about 200 business and industry leaders, domain experts and academics. This paper describes the background of Singapore's drive into the information age, the IT2000 planning process, the roles of various participants and the main recommendations of the plan. An evaluation of IT2000 is made in terms of its objectives, its unanticipated results and its impacts on industry participants. Implications and lessons are drawn for strategic IT planning at the national or sectoral level.  相似文献   

Work is organized based in part on the perceptions, by managers and workers, of workers, their abilities and the characteristics of the work to be done. Physical tasks in factories and services have often been divided into ‘light’ and ‘heavy’, a division that often corresponds formally or informally to gender. We have observed the work of cleaners on wards and in offices in an acute-care hospital, using several indicators of workload to identify and characterize typical work situations. ‘Heavy’ work was characterized by neutral postures, walking, repetitive movements involving the articulations of the upper limb pushing a 1-6 kg (wet or dry) mop, with occasional more intense effort. ‘Light’ work was characterized by flexed postures, walking, rapid repetitive movements involving the articulations of the upper limb and light weights (dusting) or 1-3 kg weights (emptying wastebaskets), with more occasional intense effort. We did not discover any compelling reason to divide cleaning into ‘light’ and ‘heavy’ work. Task assignment by sex may appear to be a solution to excessive job demands which would be better addressed by job re-design.  相似文献   

As unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) increase in popularity and usage, an appropriate increase in confidence in their behavior is expected. This research addresses a particular portion of the flight of an aircraft (whether autonomous, unmanned, or manned): specifically, the recapture of the glide slope after a wave-off maneuver during landing. While this situation is rare in commercial aircraft, its applicability toward unmanned aircraft has been limited due to the complexity of the calculations of safety of the maneuvers. In this paper, we present several control laws for this glide-slope recapture, and inferences into their convergence to the glide slope, as well as reachability calculations which show their guaranteed safety. We also present a methodology which theoretically allows us to apply these offline-computed safety data to all kinds of unmanned fixed-wing aerial vehicles while online, permitting the use of the controllers to reduce wait times during landing. Finally, we detail the live aircraft application demonstration which was done to show feasibility of the controller, and give the results of offline simulations which show the correctness of online decisions at that demonstration.This work was sponsored by the Large National Science Foundation Grant for Information Technology Research (NSF ITR) ‘‘Foundations of Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems’’, Award #0225610, and by Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration (DARPA) ‘‘Software Enabled Control’’ (SEC) Program, under contract #F33615-98-C-3614.  相似文献   

The need for a link between information technology (IT) use and organizational strategy has been identified and discussed for a number of years. The thrust of this work argues that the motives for investment in IT should derive from firm objectives and, more particularly, from the strategic plan which the organization wishes to pursue. This paper argues that, often, mere lip service is paid to the strategic nature of IT. Further, strategy justification has become a tool for securing investment in IT by circumventing established organizational policy on investments. Many IT investments labelled ‘strategic’ appear to be operational in nature. This paper discusses the nature and evaluation of strategy and relates it to the literature on IT as a strategic tool. The extent to which the relationship between IT and strategy has altered over recent years is subsequently investigated. The implementation process is investigated and evidence of IT investment activities and the returns available to investing organizations are reviewed. The paper argues that there are a number of alternative views on the IT-strategy relationship, some of which are organizationally detrimental.  相似文献   

It has long been argued that organizations have struggled to achieve business benefits, and in particular sustainable competitive advantage, from their IT investments. In this paper we draw upon resource-based theory to explore how the effective deployment of IS capabilities might deliver sustainable improvements to an organization’s competitive positioning. In so doing, this research makes a significant departure from the enterprise-level orientation of prior studies, by focusing upon the role of IS capabilities in leveraging sustainable improvements to competitive positioning from individual IS initiatives. Based upon the responses to a quantitative and qualitative survey of practicing managers, it has been shown that an organization’s ability to leverage and sustain improvements in its competitive positioning, from IS initiatives, are directly dependent upon its ability to effectively apply an appropriate portfolio of IS capabilities. Moreover, it has been shown that sustainable improvements in competitive positioning are most likely in circumstances in which the successful outcome of an IS initiative is dependent upon ‘outside-in’ and ‘spanning’ capabilities, which are both lacking in transparency and difficult to replicate.  相似文献   

It is shown that a ‘slow’ 2n-dimensional manifold exists in the 4n-dimensional state space of an n-link manipulator with n flexible joints. While the flexible manifold is not linearizable by feedback, its restriction to'the slow manifold is. A method is given for computing a feedback control which achieves an approximate linearization.  相似文献   

In this article we focus attention on ethnography’s place in CSCW by reflecting on how ethnography in the context of CSCW has contributed to our understanding of the sociality and materiality of work and by exploring how the notion of the ‘field site’ as a construct in ethnography provides new ways of conceptualizing ‘work’ that extends beyond the workplace. We argue that the well known challenges of drawing design implications from ethnographic research have led to useful strategies for tightly coupling ethnography and design. We also offer some thoughts on recent controversies over what constitutes useful and proper ethnographic research in the context of CSCW. Finally, we argue that as the temporal and spatial horizons of inquiry have expanded, along with new domains of collaborative activity, ethnography continues to provide invaluable perspectives.  相似文献   

Transformation of sedimentary organic matter (OM) to hydrocarbons is best modeled by assuming the total reaction suite consists of parallel degradations of ‘i’ hypothetical components following the Arrhenius equation and first order kinetics. A kerogen can be defined by characterizing each constituent component by its activation energy (Ei) their initial potentials (Xios) and a single frequency factor (A). We present a user friendly Lotus 1-2-3 program to determine A, Ei and Xio distribution of OMs using a multiple linear regression utility and programmed macros. Rock Eval (RE) S2 curves of three heating rates are required. Equally spaced time/temperature and peak height data for S2 curves of ‘n’ temperature steps in increasing order of heating rates are the inputs for the program. The fraction of hydrocarbon generated (f) from 19 hypothetical components of Ei 30, 32,34…78 Kcal/mole for ‘n’ temperature/time steps, by using frequency factor (A) value and assuming Xios=1, are calculated and set up in a ‘n×19’ matrix (matrix M). The fraction of total hydrocarbon generated (f) at ‘n’ temperature steps, obtained from the observed peak heights, are set up in a ‘n×1’ matrix (matrix L). Matrix M is suitably reduced by the program to ‘n×k’ matrix (matrix N) where ‘k’ is a variable, facilitating matrix inversion. Regressing matrix N against matrix L by the program, gives the Xios for ‘k’ Ei components along with a standard error (ERR) of Y estimates and R2. Xios and A are then optimized iteratively by varying A values and selecting the solution associated with the lowest ERR value. Results of applying the program on data sets of two widely different types of samples from Indian basins are shown. They match the results obtained from the more sophisticated proprietary software.  相似文献   

We discuss several aspects of the mathematical foundations of the nonlinear black-box identification problem. We shall see that the quality of the identification procedure is always a result of a certain trade-off between the expressive power of the model we try to identify (the larger the number of parameters used to describe the model, the more flexible is the approximation), and the stochastic error (which is proportional to the number of parameters). A consequence of this trade-off is the simple fact that a good approximation technique can be the basis of a good identification algorithm. From this point of view, we consider different approximation methods, and pay special attention to spatially adaptive approximants. We introduce wavelet and ‘neuron’ approximations, and show that they are spatially adaptive. Then we apply the acquired approximation experience to estimation problems. Finally, we consider some implications of these theoretical developments for the practically implemented versions of the ‘spatially adaptive’ algorithms.  相似文献   

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