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一种改进的神经网络机械故障诊断专家系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对传统BP神经网络训练中收敛速度较慢的缺点,提出一种基于L-M算法的神经网络应用于机械设备故障诊断的专家系统。论述了神经网络的专家系统结构,并以7216圆锥轴承试验研究为例,建立了基于该算法的故障诊断模型。仿真结果表明:该模型显著缩短了训练时间,具有较高的准确性。运用该神经网络专家系统进行机械故障诊断是有效的。  相似文献   

In the present study, a fault diagnosis system using acoustic emission with an adaptive order tracking technique and fuzzy-logic interference for a scooter platform is described. Order tracking of acoustic or vibration signal is a well-known technique that can be used for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery. Unfortunately, most of the conventional order-tracking methods are primarily based on Fourier analysis with the revolution of the machinery. Thus, the frequency smearing effect often arises in some critical conditions. In the present study, the order tracking problem is treated as the tracking of frequency-varying bandpass signals and the order amplitudes can be calculated with high resolution. The order amplitude figures are then used for creating the data bank in the proposed intelligent fault diagnosis system. A fuzzy-logic inference is proposed to develop the diagnostic rules of the data base in the present fault diagnosis system. The experimental works are carried to evaluate the effect of the proposed system for fault diagnosis in a scooter platform under various operation conditions. The experimental results indicated that the proposed expert system is effective for increasing accuracy in fault diagnosis of scooters.  相似文献   

A hybrid fault diagnosis method is proposed in this paper which is based on the parity equations and neural networks. Analytical redundancy is employed by using parity equations. Neural networks then are used to maximise the signal- to- noise ratio of the residual and to isolate different faults. Effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by applying it to fault detection and isolation for a hydraulic test rig. Real data simulation shows that the sensitivity of the residual to the faults is maximised, whilst that to the unknown input is minimised. The simulated faults are successfully isolated by a bank of neural nets.  相似文献   

基于神经网络专家系统的钻井事故诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合石油钻井工程的实际情况,依据钻井过程的监测参数,设计了利用神经网络进行知识获取、专家系统进行事故诊断的钻井工程事故智能诊断系统。通过神经网络对钻井复杂问题实例的不断学习训练,获得用于智能诊断的知识,完成对事故发生可能性的初步诊断。经过专家系统的进一步启发式反向推理验证事故是否存在,给出最后确诊,以此监控钻井参数,指导钻井参数调整的实施。应用实例结果表明,该智能诊断系统应用于钻井事故诊断是有效的,对减少钻井事故的发生与发展具有重大的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

针对变幅液压系统复杂性、不确定性、模糊性的特点,提出基于故障树的模糊神经网络作为变幅液压系统故障诊断的方法。该方法利用故障树知识提取变幅液压系统故障诊断的输入变量和输出变量,引入模糊逻辑的概念,采用模糊隶属函数来描述这些故障的程度,利用Levenberg-Marquardt优化算法对神经网络进行训练,系统推理速度快,容错能力强,并通过实例分析验证了变幅液压系统模糊神经网络故障诊断的有效性。  相似文献   

详细阐述了小波神经网络(WNN)的原理、结构,并对传统的BP算法进行了改进。以空调系统传感器故障检测问题为目标,提出了基于WNN的故障诊断方法。通过采集天津博物馆中的传感器数据,对训练好的WNN进行了传感器故障诊断能力的验证,对温度传感器的1℃偏差故障、0.05℃/s速率漂移故障、完全故障、与不同方差下的精度等级下降故障进行了仿真,结果表明:这种方法对传感器故障具有很好的诊断效果。  相似文献   

针对抓斗纠偏系统复杂性、不确定性、模糊性的特点,提出基于故障树的模糊神经网络作为抓斗纠偏系统故障诊断的方法。该方法利用故障树知识提取抓斗纠偏系统故障诊断的输入变量和输出变量,引入模糊逻辑的概念,采用模糊隶属函数来描述故障的程度,利用Levenberg-Marquardt优化算法对神经网络进行训练,系统推理速度快、容错能力强,并通过实例分析验证了抓斗纠偏系统模糊神经网络故障诊断的有效性。  相似文献   

Shaft orbit identification plays an important role in the hydraulic generator unit fault diagnosis. In this paper, a novel shaft orbit identification method based on chain code and probability neural network (PNN) is proposed. For this approach, firstly, a modified chain code histogram and shape numbers are used to represent the feature of the shaft orbit contour. It has properties of less data, easy to calculate, and invariance to rotation, scaling and translation. Then, the feature vectors are input to PNN to identify various kinds of shaft orbit for hydraulic generator unit. In comparison with previous methods, the experimental results show the proposed method is effective and training the network is faster, and identifying the shaft orbit achieves satisfactory accuracy.  相似文献   

An expert system for engine fault diagnosis: development and application   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mass production and wider use of automobiles and the incorporation of complex electronic technologies all indicate that the control of faults should be given an integral part of engine design and usage. Today, artificial intelligence (AI) technology is widely suggested for systematic diagnosis of faults where the amount of well-defined diagnosis knowledge is vast and the sequence of steps required to identify the fault is very long. This article describes on an expert system application for automotive engines. A new prototype named EXEDS (expert engine diagnosis system) has been developed using KnowledgePro, an expert system development tool, and run on a PC. The purpose of the prototype is to assist auto mechanics in fault diagnosis of engines by providing systematic and step-by-step analysis of failure symptoms and offering maintenance or service advice. The result of this development is expected to introduce a systematic and intelligent method in engine diagnosis and mai ntenance environments.  相似文献   

基于小波神经网络的齿轮箱故障诊断研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
论述了小波神经网络的系统结构及算法,并根据齿轮振动信号的频域变化特征,提取特征向量作为输入,利用小波神经网络建立特征向量与故障模式之间的映射关系,建立了基于该算法的齿轮故障诊断模型。仿真结果表明:与传统的BP神经网络相比,该模型显著缩短了训练时间。该小波神经网络进行机械故障诊断是有效的。  相似文献   

This paper presents a method, based on a two-layer dynamic Elman neural network, for detecting faults in the assembly of thread-forming screws. Using torque measurements, the method provides a high degree of reliability in detecting assembly faults. The ability of neural networks to learn and to generalize creates an efficient detection system when there is limited or distorted information available about the assembly process.  相似文献   

针对传统ART2型神经网络的缺点,提出了一种增强了网络执行速度的改进的ART2型神经网络。改进后的算法避免了传统ART2因输入次序不同而导致的输出结果不同的缺陷。应用了一种新的方法计算输入模式与所有模式的相似度。为了解决传统ART2型神经网络的模式漂移问题引入了激活深度的概念。改善了ATR2型神经网络的适用性。  相似文献   

研究了一种超速离心机故障诊断专家系统。系统采用人机对话方式,以专家知识库为基础,对离心机运转时的实时数据采样或者通过人工对界面输入故障征兆知识;采用贝叶斯网络方法进行推理,从而诊断出故障原因和各原因可能发生的概率。使维修更具针对性,实现智能化超速离心机故障诊断,提高了设备可靠性与安全性。  相似文献   

阎子勤 《计算机仿真》2003,20(12):80-81,106
基于神经网络的基本结构和算法,该文建立了一个用于高压电磁式互感器故障诊断的人工神经网络。其中采用了有效的网络学习算法,旨在全面、快速和准确地实现互感器故障诊断,以提高互感器及电力系统运行的可靠性。根据互感器的故障特征,该文建立一个3层前向神经网络,采用误差逆传播学习算法进行了讨论,并由仿真计算结果加以论证。  相似文献   

非线性电路的神经网络故障诊断方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对非线性动态电子电路,提出一种基于神经网络的故障诊断方法。通过故障字典的建立,对电路故障响应进行预处理后得到的故障特征作为神经网络的输入,然后利用神经网络对各种状态下的特征向量进行分类决策,对故障类别进行辨识,并对电路进行了可测性分析,从而实现非线性电路的故障诊断。详细的仿真过程及结果表明, 该方法有效地解决了非线性电路辨识难的问题,能较好地对故障模式进行分类,取得了满意的诊断效果。  相似文献   

Newly assembled automobile transmission has its particular failure characteristic, strict quality testing working procedure on the assembly line is important for quality of automobile transmission. In this paper, we introduce a new automatic fault detection method for automobile transmission. A fault diagnosis expert system for newly assembled transmission is presented, related method of knowledge representation, feature extraction and fault classification is given. Order spectrum analysis method is used to analyze vibratory signal of automobile transmission. After initial feature vectors set are obtained, improved genetic search strategy is used to select fault features, so as to reduce the dimension of feature vector set. Selected feature vector sets are inputted into the BP neural network for fault identification and classification of the newly assembled automobile transmission. A large number of data are collected from industrial site and analyzed, proposed algorithm is verified to be effective and exact.  相似文献   

In this paper, a sliding mode observer scheme of sensor fault diagnosis is proposed for a class of time delay nonlinear systems with input uncertainty based on neural network. The sensor fault and the system input uncertainty are assumed to be unknown but bounded. The radial basis function (RBF) neural network is used to approximate the sensor fault. Based on the output of the RBF neural network, the sliding mode observer is presented. Using the Lyapunov method, a criterion for stability is given in terms of matrix inequality. Finally, an example is given for illustrating the availability of the fault diagnosis based on the proposed sliding mode observer.  相似文献   

Nonlinear system identification using optimized dynamic neural network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W.F.  Y.Q.  Z.Y.  Y.K.   《Neurocomputing》2009,72(13-15):3277
In this paper, both off-line architecture optimization and on-line adaptation have been developed for a dynamic neural network (DNN) in nonlinear system identification. In the off-line architecture optimization, a new effective encoding scheme—Direct Matrix Mapping Encoding (DMME) method is proposed to represent the structure of neural network by establishing connection matrices. A series of GA operations are applied to the connection matrices to find the optimal number of neurons on each hidden layer and interconnection between two neighboring layers of DNN. The hybrid training is adopted to evolve the architecture, and to tune the weights and input delays of DNN by combining GA with the modified adaptation laws. The modified adaptation laws are subsequently used to tune the input time delays, weights and linear parameters in the optimized DNN-based model in on-line nonlinear system identification. The effectiveness of the architecture optimization and adaptation is extensively tested by means of two nonlinear system identification examples.  相似文献   

改进的自适应粒子群优化算法根据群体早熟收敛程度和个体适应值来调整惯性权重和阈值系数,以及对粒子速度与位置进行更新,该算法兼顾全局寻优和局部寻优,有效地避免早熟收敛.使用改进的自适应粒子群优化算法训练神经网络,并根据汽车线控转向系统构建故障诊断模型.实验结果表明:与传统的粒子群优化算法、遗传算法训练神经网络相比,基于改进的自适应粒子群优化算法的神经网络能够有效改善神经网络的训练效率,加快了收敛速度,提高故障模式识别的准确率.  相似文献   

结合小波变换和神经网络的优势给出小波神经网络的结构模型,研究了小波神经网络的学习算法;针对传统算法收敛速度慢等问题,从学习率和引入动量项两个方面对算法进行改进。应用小波网络对滚动轴承的典型故障进行实例诊断。以7216圆锥轴承在实验台上所测取的数据进行网络训练。用振动信号为网络输入向量,给出训练结果。仿真实例表明,采用小波神经网络能够很好地对故障进行分类,其收敛速度明显要快于相同条件BP神经网络,有效地实现了滚动轴承的故障诊断。  相似文献   

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