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The influence of stress state on fatigue crack growth in nickel-base superalloys at high temperature is considered, based on studies in corner crack specimens of Inconel 718 at 600 °C. At high frequency and low R , cycle-dependent trans-granular crack growth occurs along the whole crack front, and growth rates are similar at the surface and within the interior of specimens, maintaining the original quarter-circular shape. For conditions of low frequency and high R , increased crack growth rate per cycle is observed with the crack tunnelling ahead at the centre. A time-dependent intergranular crack propagation mode occurs in the plane strain interior, attributed to an oxidation mechanism, whereas near the surfaces under plane stress, a trans-granular cyclic plasticity mechanism is observed. It is proposed that in addition to frequency and R , that stress state influences the competition between the mechanisms controlling crack growth and the transition between them: plane strain in the interior favouring an oxidation-controlled intergranular cracking mechanism as compared with the plane stress surfaces where cyclic plasticity dominates. An FEM study suggests that this influence of stress state is not associated with variation of Δ K along the crack front.  相似文献   

Fatigue crack growth experiments in Inconel 718 subjected to high strain amplitudes at 650 °C have been conducted. In the study the effects of load amplitude, ratio and frequency have been investigated. It was found that crack growth is a mixture of cyclic and time dependent mechanisms, depending on the load frequency. The load frequency was also found to have a strong influence on the crack growth rate. Also, crack closure was found to play an important role. By using an effective J‐integral and including a frequency compensation term it was possible to summarize crack growth data into an empirical life prediction law, which seems to be in reasonable agreement with data from other studies.  相似文献   

Inconel 718 is a frequently used material for gas turbine applications at temperatures up to 650 °C. The main load cycle for such components is typically defined by the start-up and shut-down of the engine. It generally includes hold times at high temperatures, which have been found to have a potential for greatly increasing the fatigue crack growth rate with respect to the number of load cycles. However, these effects may be totally or partly cancelled by other load features, such as overloads or blocks of continuous cyclic loading, and the actual crack propagation rate will therefore depend on the totality of features encompassed by the load cycle. It has previously been shown that the increased crack growth rate found in hold time experiments can be associated with a damage evolution, where the latter is not only responsible for the rapid intergranular crack propagation during the actual hold times, but also for the increased crack growth during the load reversals. In this paper, modelling of the hold time fatigue crack growth behaviour of Inconel 718 has been carried out, using the concept of a damaged zone as the basis for the treatment. With this conceptually simple and partly novel approach, it is shown that good agreement with experimental results can be found.  相似文献   

The safety‐critical rotating parts of aircraft engines are mainly designed using experimental material data, based on standard specimens and procedures, while few data are available on the effect of manufacturing anomalies on fatigue life. In this context, the paper investigates the effects of different machining parameters on the high‐temperature fatigue resistance of Inconel 718 superalloy specimens, cut from engine disk forgings, machined by turning on a vertical lathe. An unconventional specimen was designed in order to have the machining marks aligned with the fatigue loading axis, so to reproduce the hoop stresses in engine disks. For the test campaign, three machining parameters were chosen (depth of cut, cutting speed and insert wear) that typically may generate non‐geometrical anomalies. A correlation has been found between the machining parameters, the residual stresses, the surface roughness, and the distorted and amorphous layer thicknesses. Correlations of such data with fatigue life are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of frequency on fatigue crack growth behaviour have been studied in a prealloyed powder material, Udimet 720Li, at 650 °C. Fracture mode and fatigue crack growth behaviour were studied at frequencies ranging from 0.001 to 5 Hz using a balanced triangular waveform. Tests were carried out under constant Δ K control, with load ratio and temperature being held constant. A mechanism map was constructed where predominantly time, mixed and cycle-dependent crack growth behaviour were identified. The results were verified by SEM analyses. Cycle-dependent crack growth data were obtained at room temperature, while fully time-dependent crack growth data were generated under sustained loads at 650 °C.
It was found that mixed time/cycle-dependent behaviour is of most significance for this material at the temperature and frequencies studied. Data for other nickel-based superalloys from various sources in the literature were compiled and compared with those of U720Li alloy at a given stress intensity and temperature in the mixed regime. An analysis was developed to rationalize the observed effect of frequency on fatigue crack growth rate.  相似文献   

Selective laser melting (SLM) was used to prepare notched high‐cycle fatigue test specimens made from nickel‐based superalloy Inconel 718. Samples were designed to have 1 of 3 different notch geometries, including V notches with Kt of 2.2 or 3.1, a U notch with Kt of 2.0, and were printed in either vertical or horizontal orientations. Samples were tested with as‐printed dimensions and surfaces after heat treatment, but a separate set of SLM samples were printed as plates and machined to final dimensions comporting to the V‐notch specimen with Kt = 3.1. High‐cycle fatigue testing showed that machined SLM specimens behaved similar to wrought Inconel 718 plate specimens, but testing with as‐produced surfaces led to a decrease in fatigue life. The explanation for this difference is based on approximations of linear elastic fracture mechanics solutions for short cracks emanating from notch roots, with intrinsic surface features of SLM materials serving as the cracks. Analysis of the actual notch geometries after SLM fabrication indicates that stress intensity in the presence of these features plays a prominent role in determining number of cycles before fatigue crack initiation and propagation occurs.  相似文献   

High temperature fatigue crack growth has been examined in the light of the new concepts developed by the authors. We observe that the high temperature crack growth behavior can be explained using the two intrinsic parameters ΔK and Kmax, without invoking crack closure concepts. The two-parameter requirement implies that two driving forces are required simultaneously to cause fatigue cracks to grow. This results in two thresholds that must be exceeded to initiate the growth. Of the two, the cyclic threshold part is related to the cyclic plasticity, while the static threshold is related to the breaking of the crack tip bonds. It is experimentally observed that the latter is relatively more sensitive to temperature, crack tip environment and slip mode. With increasing test temperature, the cycle-dependent damage process becomes more time-dependent, with the effect that crack growth is dominated by Kmax. Thus, in all such fracture processes, whether it is an overload fracture or subcritical crack growth involving stress corrosion, sustained load, creep, fatigue or combinations thereof, Kmax (or an equivalent non-linear parameter such as Jmax) remains as one essential driving force contributing to the final material separation. Under fatigue conditions, cyclic amplitude ΔK (or an equivalent non-linear parameter like ΔJ) becomes the second necessary driving force needed to induce the characteristic cyclic damage for crack growth. Cyclic damage then reduces the role of Kmax required for crack growth at the expense of ΔK.  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing (AM) is one of the processes with the most potential for producing components used in internal combustion engines and features high efficiency due to the possibility of building very complex shapes. Several drawbacks of parts produced using AM are still unresolved, like poor surface quality, the presence of internal defects and anisotropic mechanical behaviour, which all contribute to decreasing the fatigue strength compared with the material produced using conventional processes. The effect of building direction on both the macroscopic mechanical behaviour and the crack propagation mechanism of Ni‐base superalloy Inconel718 produced using AM was investigated under the combined effect of low cycle fatigue (LCF) and high temperature. The different crack growth mechanisms investigated using compact tension (CT) specimens, tested at high temperature, showed a significant difference between the two building directions. The LCF fatigue experiments also showed a significant difference in the ε‐N curves from the two directions together with a high level of scatter due to the dispersion of the defect size at the fracture origin. The dimensions of the defects (as measured using the parameter) were analysed by means of extreme value statistics and showed a significant difference between the two orientations investigated. The aim of this work is to propose a simplified approach (based on ΔJeff concepts) to estimate the fatigue life of a component produced using AM that takes into account the material variability due to the combined effect of mechanical anisotropic behaviour and the presence of defects at high‐temperature conditions.  相似文献   

The building of Inconel 625 material was carried out using the selective laser melting method, and its fatigue crack growth property at ambient temperature was experimentally investigated. Compact‐tension specimens with different building orientations were utilized to determine the stress intensity factor threshold and fatigue crack growth rate curves at different stress ratios (R). The results indicated that the fatigue crack growth properties in the near threshold stress intensity factor and Paris regions were greatly affected by the loading factor, as well as the orientation of the alloy. The mechanism of fatigue crack growth at different stages was observed and discussed using scanning electron microscopy. Finally, based on the framework of the linear elastic fracture, a new and applicable effective driving force factor range was introduced to replace the traditional stress intensity factor range (ΔK) with good accuracy for all of the fatigue crack growth test data, considering both the stress ratio and orientation.  相似文献   

Growth of long fatigue cracks is investigated in Inconel 718 superalloy produced by selective laser melting (SLM). The fatigue crack growth curve and the threshold value of the stress intensity factor are experimentally determined on compact-tension specimens fabricated using a RENISHAW A250 system and the recommended processing parameters.The crack propagation curve and the crack propagation threshold of this SLM material are compared with literature data describing the behavior of conventionally manufactured Inconel 718. The fatigue crack growth is discussed in terms of the specific microstructure and residual stresses produced by selective laser melting.  相似文献   

The micromechanisms of fatigue crack propagation in a forged, polycrystalline IN 718 nickel-based superalloy are evaluated. Fracture modes under cyclic loading were established by scanning electron microscopy analysis. The results of the fractographic analysis are presented on a fracture mechanism map that shows the dependence of fracture modes on the maximum stress intensity factor, Kmax, and the stress intensity factor range, ΔK. Plastic deformation associated with fatigue crack growth was studied using transmission electron microscopy. The effects of ΔK and Kmax on the mechanisms of fatigue crack growth in this alloy are discussed within the context of a two-parameter crack growth law. Possible extensions to the Paris law are also proposed for crack growth in the near-threshold and high ΔK regimes.  相似文献   

Fatigue thresholds and slow crack growth rates have been measured in a powder formed nickel-base superalloy from room temperature to 600°C. Two grain sizes were investigated: 5–12 μm and 50 μm. It is shown that the threshold increases with grain size, and the difference is most pronounced at room temperature. Although crack growth rates increase with temperature in both microstructures, the threshold is only temperature dependent in the material with the larger grain size. It is also only in the latter that the room temperature threshold falls when the load ratio is increased from 0.1 to 0.5. At 600°C the higher load ratio causes a 20% reduction in the threshold irrespective of grain size.The results are discussed in terms of surface roughness and oxide-induced crack closure, the former being critically related to the type of crystallographic crack growth, which is in turn shown to be both temperature and stress intensity dependent.  相似文献   

The development of a fully automated test apparatus for near-threshold fatigue crack growth rate measurements in a liquid helium environment is described, and some initial results for AISI 300 series stainless steels are presented. The experimental apparatus consists of a servohydraulic test machine and a cryostat, complete with a minicomputer, a programmable arbituary waveform generator, a programmable digital oscilloscope and a fully automatic liquid helium refill system. The technique uses 6.4 mm thick compact specimens subjected to systematically decreasing loads, with 24 h operation at 40 Hz, the crack growth being continuously monitored by specimen compliance measurements. The results presented in this study include da/dN vs ΔK curves and threshold fatigue stress intensity factors, ΔKth, at 4 K for AISI 304L, 304LN and 316 stainless steels. The near-threshold fatigue behaviours of these materials are similar, and the fatigue crack growth rate trends at intermediate ΔK levels nearly agree with published results.  相似文献   

Residual stress relaxation induced by the application of mechanical loads is determined by the nature of residual stress, the elasto-plastic material properties, and the type of applied load. Despite the importance of the first load cycle, analytical models available in the literature generally assumed residual stress relaxation as a continuous process. Residual stress induced by machining on Inconel 718Plus superalloy cylindrical specimens was measured before and after the application of load cycles under strain control. Low-cycle fatigue tests were carried out at room temperature for different strain amplitudes, and X-ray diffraction measurements were performed before and after 10 and 100 cycles. A comprehensive analytical model was derived to describe the relaxation process associated with the initial cycles and that associated with the continuous application of load cycle, which is based on the plastic strain energy per cycle W and requires the evaluation of parameters that are only dependent on the material and not on the strain amplitude.  相似文献   

The natural initiation and growth of short cracks in Inconel®718 U-notch specimens has been studied at 600 °C in air. U notches were introduced through broaching, and hardness traces and optical microscopy on cross-sections through the U notch broaching showed that the broaching process had introduced a deformed, work hardened layer. Fatigue tests were conducted under load control using a 1-1-1-1 trapezoidal waveform, on specimens with as-broached and polished U-notches. Multi-site crack initiation occurred in the notch root. Many of the cracks initiated at bulge-like features formed by volume expansion of oxidising (Nb,Ti)C particles. In unstressed samples, oxidation of (Nb,Ti)C particles occurred readily, producing characteristic surface eruptions. Scanning electron microscopy on metallographic sections revealed some sub-surface (Nb,Ti)C oxidation and localised matrix deformation around oxidised particles. A mechanism for crack initiation by carbide expansion during oxidation is discussed. Surface short crack growth rates in the notch root of polished specimens were measured using an acetate replica technique. Observed short-crack growth rates were approximately constant across a wide range of crack lengths. However, there was a transition to rapid, accelerating crack growth once cracks reached several hundred micrometers in length. This rapid propagation in the latter stages of the fatigue life was assisted by crack coalescence. Polishing the U-notch to remove broaching marks resulted in a pronounced increase in fatigue life.  相似文献   

The effect of notch types and stress concentration factors (Kt) on low cycle fatigue life and cracking of the DZ125 directionally solidified superalloy has been experimentally investigated. Single‐edge notched specimens with V and U type geometries were tested at 850 °C with stress ratio R = 0.1. High temperature in situ optical method was used to observe crack initiation and short crack propagation. Scanning electron microscope observation of fracture was used to analyse the failure mechanism. The results reveal that fatigue resistance decreases with Kt increasing from 1.76 to 4.35. The ratcheting is found to be affected by both Kt and the nominal stress from the displacement–force curve. In situ observations indicate that the cracking does not occur at the notch apex but at the location where the max principal stress or Hill's stress is the highest. According to the scanning electron microscope observations, the failure of the notched specimens strongly depends on the anisotropy microstructures.  相似文献   

Observations related to the formation and growth of small cracks ranging from subgrain dimension up to the order of 1 mm are summarized for amplitudes ranging from low cycle fatigue (LCF) to high cycle fatigue (HCF) conditions for polycrystalline metals. Further efforts to improve the accuracy of life estimation which address LCF, HCF and LCF–HCF interactions must consider various factors that are not presently addressed by conventional elastic–plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM) or linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) approaches based on long, self-similar cracks in homogeneous, isotropic materials, nor by conventional HCF design tools such as the εN curve, the SN curve, modified Goodman diagram and fatigue limit.Development of microstructure-sensitive fatigue crack propagation relations relies on deeper understanding of small crack behavior, including (a) interactions with microstructure and lack of constraint for microstructurally small cracks, (b) heterogeneity and anisotropy of cyclic slip processes associated with the orientation distribution of grains, and (c) local mode mixity effects on small crack growth. The basic technology is not yet sufficiently advanced in these areas to implement robust damage tolerant design for HCF. This paper introduces an engineering model which approximates the results of slip transfer calculations related to crack blockage by microstructure barriers; the model is consistent with critical plane concepts for Stage I growth of small cracks, standard cyclic stress–strain and strain–life equations above threshold, and the Kitagawa diagram for HCF threshold behaviors. It is able to correlate the most relevant trends of small crack growth behavior, including crack arrest at the fatigue limit, load sequence effects, and stress state effects.  相似文献   

Nickel base superalloys provide significant improvements relative to the limitations in the areas of creep resistance, oxidation, low cycle and high cycle fatigue resistance. Since these materials are being pushed to limits of their capability in gas turbine applications, accurate mathematical models are needed to predict the service lives of the high temperature components to prevent unscheduled outages due to sudden mechanical failures. The objective of the work presented in this paper is aimed at developing a methodology to perform creep cavity growth simulation in the components fabricated by the alloy IN 718. This work mainly focuses on studying the influence of surface diffusion and the grain boundary diffusion as competing mechanisms in creep cavity growth. The differential equations developed by considering the contribution from either of these diffusion modes have been solved numerically using a finite difference scheme to track the interface explicitly during the cavity growth process in the specified conditions of stress and temperature. The results of the simulation have been validated by performing creep and stress rupture tests of IN 718 samples.  相似文献   

Crack growth tests have been performed at 950 °C with Single Edge Notch specimens of the Ni-based single crystal superalloy PWA1483. In particular, several orientations and frequencies have been investigated, thus allowing the assessment of the influence of these parameters on the crack growth rate. In addition, oxidation experiments have been carried out to characterize the kinetics of the outer oxide scale growth at the same temperature.On the other side, crack growth has been simulated with the Finite Element program ABAQUS in real test conditions by the node release technique. The nodes are released according to the measured crack growth rate.The simulation results are compared with the test results on the basis of the computed Crack Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD). For this purpose, the crack is propagated until a stabilized value of the CTOD is obtained. This is usually the case when the crack has crossed the initial plastic zone. The procedure provides an evaluation of the effects of cycle frequency, crystal orientation, plasticity and oxide induced crack closure.  相似文献   

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