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CP aluminium was subjected to axysymmetric compression testing at 303, 373, 473, 573 and 673 K. Strength coefficient and strain hardening exponent were determined from log-log plot of true stress and true strain at different temperatures. True stress vs temperature at different strains indicated that dynamic strain ageing (DSA) occurred between 473 and 673 K. Warm working is to be done between 423 K and 473 K, so that optimum substructure hardening and strain hardening can be achieved during mechanical processing.  相似文献   

采用Gleeble-1500热模拟试验机和透射电子显微镜研究了变形温度为300~900℃,应变速率为0.01~10s-1条件下Al_2O_3/Cu复合材料的高温流变行为和组织演变规律,并利用Arrhenius关系和Zener-Hollomn参数构建了合金的峰值屈服应力、变形温度和应变速率三者之间的本构方程。结果表明:Al_2O_3/Cu复合材料的流变应力-应变曲线为典型的动态再结晶类型,其曲线由加工硬化、动态软化和稳定流变3个阶段组成,当变形温度一定时,流变应力随应变速率的增大而增大,而当应变速率固定时,流变应力随变形温度的升高而减小;求解得到复合材料的结构因子lnA为15.2391,应力水平参数a为0.020788mm~2/N,应力指数n为5.933035,变形激活能Q为2.1697×10~5kJ/mol;随着变形温度的升高,基体内位错密度逐渐下降,并呈现出明显的再结晶特征,而当固定变形温度时,随着应变速率的增大,基体内位错密度呈先增大后下降趋势。基于微观组织演变和热加工图,Al_2O_3/Cu复合材料的最佳热加工参数范围为热加工温度500~850℃、应变速率低于0.1s-1。  相似文献   

采用静态氧化不连续增重法研究晶粒尺寸和成分存在差异的两种310S耐热钢(1#和2#)在800~1100℃下的氧化动力学与膜结构,比较两者的氧化性能差异,阐明氧化膜的生长机制和差异形成原因。结果表明:800~900℃时氧化膜均由富Si氧化层和富Cr氧化层组成,1#试样的氧化速率更低;1000℃时氧化膜中增加了Cr-Mn氧化物层并在1100℃时转变为Cr-Mn-Fe氧化层,并且两者的氧化速率接近;整体上2#试样的氧化膜在所有温度下更加致密、平整,黏附性更好,保护能力更强。特别在1100℃时,两者的富Cr氧化层和Cr-Mn-Fe氧化层的形态分化较大,2#试样的氧化膜形态更有利于长期的抗氧化性能。总体上,2#试样的抗氧化性优于1#试样。2#试样所具备的更小的平均晶粒尺寸和更均匀的晶粒提高了择优氧化元素的扩散通量并降低氧化膜的非均匀生长,造成两者氧化性能的差异。  相似文献   

以GCr15SiMo钢为对象,研究热处理工艺对其微观组织的影响规律,并利用霍普金森杆和GNT100-2型高温拉伸试验机,分析不同组织结构GCr15SiMo钢的动态及高温力学行为。结果表明:淬火温度由800℃升高至920℃,GCr15SiMo钢中M_(3)C型碳化物颗粒的质量分数由2.319%减少至0%;动态压缩过程中,GCr15SiMo钢的失效应变均随应变速率的增加而增大,在真应变分别为0.2和0.8时,随着淬火温度的升高,GCr15SiMo钢流变应力分别下降13.45%,21.44%,27.49%和31.79%,流变应力迅速下降主要与组织结构和动态压缩变形时的绝热剪切机制有关;在高应变速率条件下,GCr15SiMo钢的宏观变形由镦粗转变为沿45°方向的剪切破坏,绝热剪切机制是导致变形行为变化的主要原因之一,且组织结构是影响材料绝热剪切敏感性的关键因素之一;GCr15SiMo钢动态压缩变形过程中形变升温在117~333℃之间,M_(3)C碳化物颗粒回溶是其高温性能呈现抗拉强度增加、屈服强度降低的关键因素之一;淬火温度为920℃时,GCr15SiMo钢的组织为均匀一致的孪晶马氏体,孪晶马氏体中的亚晶界可有效阻碍位错运动,在拉伸应力作用下表现出明显的应变硬化现象,应力-应变曲线较淬火温度800℃时呈现更显著的上升趋势。  相似文献   

轴承钢棒材轧后温度较高导致的网状碳化物析出严重影响我国高质量轴承钢生产.在热模拟试验机上对GCr15轴承钢进行了试验研究,分析了不同控冷工艺参数对GCr15轴承钢二次碳化物的析出和珠光体转变的影响.研究表明,GCr15轴承钢经980℃高温变形后快速冷却,随着冷却速度的增加,晶界处二次碳化物由半网状分布、短棒状分布到最后弥散析出,珠光体球团直径和片层间距减小,并有退化珠光体生成.轴承钢中退化珠光体组织的出现,是由于其热变形后快速冷却,抑制了先共析碳化物在冷却过程中的过早析出造成的.较合理的冷却工艺是GCr15轴承钢高温变形后快速冷却到700℃,再以3℃/s的冷却速度进行冷却.  相似文献   

In this study, some less-discussed aspects of designing a high strain rate torsional testing machine adapted from the Kolsky bar setup are surveyed with an emphasis on the clamping system design. Dynamic torsional experiments with true strain rates in the range of ∼500–1700 /s are conducted on specimens of a high-Mn TRIP/TWIP steel. Deformation characteristics of torsional specimens with different geometries are studied through coupled field thermo-mechanical finite element analyses using ANSYS commercial software package. The effect of specimen geometry on the stress and strain distributions and accuracy of the experimental results is also studied. Using the FEM analysis, deformation temperature rise is attained over the specimen gauge zone and its influence on the stacking fault energy and mechanical behavior of the steel is investigated.  相似文献   

对某国产T92钢进行了620,650,700℃三个温度下不同时间的高温持久试验和显微组织观察试验。结果表明:在620,650℃时,随着持久试验时间的延长,T92钢基体显微组织仍保持板条状马氏体形貌特征,碳化物析出数量不断增加,尺寸也有所长大,且持久试验达到一定时间后晶界会产生微孔洞;在700℃长时间高温持久试验后,T92钢基体显微组织板条状马氏体形貌特征消失,且晶界碳化物粗化严重。  相似文献   

The micromechanisms of fracture of a spheroidised A533B reactor pressure vessel steel over the temperature range of −190°C to + 60°C were investigated by performing uniaxial tensile tests on double-notched cylindrical specimens. Failure was by quasi-cleavage at temperatures between −190°C and −145°C. Quasi-cleavage fracture surfaces are characterised by clusters of planar facets that are separated from other facets either by large voids or by clusters of microvoids. At temperatures between −145°C and −25°C failure was by mixed microvoid coalescence and cleavage while complete microvoid coalescence was observed at temperatures higher than −25°C. Over the whole temperature range studied, fracture nucleation was either from large single voids or localised regions of microvoids.  相似文献   

采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和电子背散射衍射技术(EBSD)作为分析手段,对两种变形量SWRH82B冷拔高碳钢丝在奥氏体化高温退火处理前后的显微组织和织构变化进行了表征研究。结果表明:该冷拔高碳钢丝显微组织中的珠光体经奥氏体化退火处理后由纤维状转变为等轴状;冷拔高碳钢丝主要是〈110)织构,且织构强度随着变形量的增大而增强;经奥氏体化退火处理后〈110〉织构强度明显下降,且织构强度与变形量相关性减小,同时还出现了〈112〉织构。  相似文献   

为改善低碳钢材料的耐高温磨损性能,采用激光熔覆法,在低碳钢表面制备出Ni60合金、Ni60+Y2O3的熔覆涂层和Ni60熔覆-重熔涂层,利用X射线衍射仪、磨擦磨损实验机、扫描和透射电镜分析了熔覆层相组成、高温耐磨性能和熔覆层显微形貌.结果表明:所制得熔覆层与熔覆-重熔层组织均一、致密,与基体形成了良好的冶金结合;熔覆-...  相似文献   

High-temperature creep tests of a novel Super304H steel under 650 °C/195 MPa were conducted and the evolutions of microstructure and property with creep time of the material were investigated by using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, micro Vickers hardness tester and electrochemical workstation. The results show that M23C6 carbides precipitated along grain boundaries of austenite matrix in a chain distribution and then got coarsened with the increase of creep time. Creep cavities started to form near the surface when the steel was crept for 2500 h. Afterward creep cavities increased, developed, interconnected and finally formed micro cracks along grain boundaries till fracture at the time of 4578 h. The hardness of the steel increased dramatically at the early stage of creeping and reached a high level at 500 h, and then kept a stable state at the succedent stage till fracture. Intergranular corrosion susceptibility of the steel increased first and then declined gradually, indicating the occurrence of sensitization – desensitization process of the steel during creeping.  相似文献   

该文针对电玩具的温升测试,详细介绍8通道温度测量系统的硬件和软件设计。热电偶信号经AD595芯片放大调理和A/D转换,通过单片机进行处理,再连接到PC机进行显示和操作。  相似文献   

综述了超音速电弧喷涂高温防护涂层的研究进展,介绍了涂层的种类、制备方法,展望了高温防护涂层的发展趋势。着重阐述了超音速电弧喷涂防护涂层的抗高温氧化性能,研究和优化新型喷涂丝材与涂层的化学成分、组织,提高涂层的组织结构稳定性和使用性能,促进高温防护涂层的发展。  相似文献   


Controlled amounts of cold work are shown to cause a minimum in the ductile to brittle transition temperature (DBTT) in a ferritic steel at a critical level of ~1·5%. Mechanical property assessments show that the hardness values exhibit the same trend. A theory is advanced for explanation of these effects, based on work hardening and Cottrell–Bilby locking models. Consideration is given to an alternative Ashby–Embury model, but it is concluded that the former approach is most successful in predicting the observed DBTT shift behaviour. Although independent of fracture surface type, the degree of plastic deformation shows some dependency on the grain boundary character. This leads to the conclusion that the matrix yield strength is the primary factor in determining the DBTT in these steels. Discussion focuses on methods for exploiting the effect to give higher toughness steels utilising knowledge of how to control matrix hardening and cleavage fracture strength.  相似文献   

超细晶粒高碳钢的研究现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晶粒超细化能同时提高材料的强度和韧性,是新一代钢铁材料研究与开发所追求的重要目标,而超细晶粒高碳钢则是新一代钢铁材料中具有重要发展前景的高性能结构材料.综述了超细晶粒高碳钢细化技术的主要研究成果,简述了高碳钢组织超细化的具体工艺、适用条件及应用情况等,并从工业应用角度分析了现有超细晶粒高碳钢制备技术的主要问题和研究方向.  相似文献   

李晓  孙跃  赫晓东 《功能材料》2007,38(10):1603-1604,1609
对电子束物理气相沉积高硅硅钢片进行了高温快速退火处理.用SEM,EDS,XRD对制备态硅钢片和热处理态组织,成分,物相进行了表征,并测试了其电阻率和磁滞回线.结果表面:高温快速退火使高硅硅钢片硅成分变均匀,靠近基板侧的相由Fe3Si变成DO3;硅钢片中孔长大,电阻率从90μΩ·m增大到160μΩ·m,矫顽力减小,磁感应强度减小.  相似文献   

Cyclic tests performed in the temperature range 300–773 K on duplex stainless steel DIN 1.4460 show that the cyclic stress–strain behaviour of this steel is strongly temperature dependent. At 300 and 473 K an almost constant peak tensile stress stage, is followed by a slight softening that continues up to failure in the case of 300 K, but by a secondary hardening at 473 K. Pronounced initial cyclic hardening followed by secondary hardening was the main feature of the temperature range between 573 and 723 K. At 773 K, after a weak hardening stage, a strong softening continues up to failure. The mechanical behaviour and the evolution of the microstructure were analysed, and the internal and the effective stresses were studied. It was found that the internal stress is responsible for the strong hardening that occurs in the intermediate temperature range and for the softening at 773 K.  相似文献   

The effects of deformation temperature on phase transformation and microstructure in nanostructured bainite steel were studied. The results indicate that the deformed austenite with a strain of 0.3 at 300°C presents accelerated kinetics of bainitic transformation. However, the amount of bainite in ausformed austenite then reduces with the increase in deformation temperature. A critical deformation temperature, determining whether the bainitic transformation can be promoted, was found in deformed austenite. In addition, the thickness of bainite plate in deformed austenite reduces with the decrease in ausforming temperature. The adjacent bainite ferrite plates grow up interactively, and the intersection angle is about 60–73°. A lower ausforming temperature contributes to a more serious cross-growth phenomenon of bainite plates.  相似文献   

The Charpy impact tests were carried out at different temperatures and loading rates. The temperature dependences of crack initiation and propagation in carbon steels 45 and St. 3 under impact testing were determined from the obtained force variation plots. The effect of the impact velocity in the range from 1 to 4.4 m/s on the fracture toughness temperature dependence is estimated. __________ Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 5, pp. 120–127, September–October, 2006.  相似文献   

The micro-segregation of niobium and Laves phase formation during Gas Tungsten Arc (GTA) welding of alloy 718 were studied by employing different cooling techniques which resulted in weld cooling rates ranging from 43.2 °C/s to 508.7 °C/s. The weld cooling rates were achieved by the combinations of modified pulse wave form, argon and helium shielding gases, copper heat sink and liquid nitrogen cooling. A combination of compound current pulse (CCP) waveform with helium shielding and liquid nitrogen cooling resulted in lesser niobium segregation and discontinuous, finer Laves particles in the interdendritic regions compared to that of the conventional constant current GTA weld metal. This process yielded better ageing response and improved high temperature mechanical properties of the weldments.  相似文献   

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