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The effects of electron beam surface hardening treatment on the microstructure and hardness of AISI D3 tool steel have been investigated in this paper. The results showed that the microstructure of the hardened layer consisted of martensite, a dispersion of fine carbides and retained austensite while the transition area mainly consisted of tempered sorbite. Also, the microhardness of the hardened layer on the surface increased dramatically compared to that of base material. Finally, the hardening response of AISI D3 tool steel to electron beam surface treatment is closely related to the scanning speed of the electron beam.  相似文献   

The AISI 420 martensitic stainless steel was surface-hardened by a pulsed Nd:YAG laser. The influences of process parameters (laser pulse energy, duration time and travel speed) on the depth and hardness of laser treated area and its corrosion behavior were Investigated. In the optimum process parameters, maximum hardness (490 VHN) in the laser surface treated area was achieved. The pitting corrosion behavior was studied by potentiodynamic polarization technique in 3.5% NaCl solution at 25 °C. Metallographical and electrochemical corrosion studies illustrated beneficial effects of laser surface hardening by refining the microstructure and enhancing the pitting corrosion resistance of the martensitic stainless steel. The pitting corrosion resistance of laser surface treated samples in 3.5% NaCl solution depends on the overlap ratio clearly. The pitting potential (Epp) decreased significantly by increasing the ratio of pulse overlapping.  相似文献   

The transformation hardening of steels by surface heating by a c.w. laser beam has been studied. We examined the surface treatment of thin steel slabs by a suitable mathematical model of the thermal transient induced by laser beam heating. The laser parameters for surface hardening of such samples and the resulting microstructures are discussed. Hardening depths calculated from the mathematical model fit well with experimental results.  相似文献   


The laser surface alloying process was used to introduce two different alloying materials, tungsten carbide (WC/Co) and carbon, into the molten surface of a case hardening steel (16MnCrS5), to improve its hardness and wear resistance. The chemical composition and the resulting microstructure in the alloyed layers were of particular interest in this investigation, because the strengthening mechanism was strongly dependent upon the type and amount of the alloy material. For laser alloying with carbon the increase in hardness and wear resistance was based on the martensitic transformation in the composition range concerned. For alloying with tungsten carbide it was necessary to consider two different strengthening mechanisms, namely, martensitic transformation and precipitation of carbides. In both cases the grain refinement in the laser affected zone had an additional effect. Resistance to dry abrasive sliding wear was measured using a conventional pin-on-disc wear testing machine. For both alloy materials the wear rate was substantially lower than that of a substrate that had been laser remelted without alloying additions.

MST/1556  相似文献   

《Materials Letters》2005,59(14-15):1919-1923
Laser heating caused a melting layer to form on the H13 steel, which usually has bad thermal conductivity and diffusivity. Therefore, the modified Ashby–Eastering heat-transfer equation was used to provide the temperature field for laser surface hardening in the melt. When the laser hardened H13 steel through surface melting, the basic microstructure of the dendrites was surrounded by an extremely fine lamellar structure in the melt layer. It is clear that the contours of the melting point isotherms and the critical phase transition temperature of H13 in the quenched and as-received conditions were comparable in the temperature distribution field under different laser energy densities. When the laser moves on, the phase transition temperature of H13 is raised and it becomes higher than the A1 temperature because the heating rate during laser processing is usually >104 °C/s. The larger the grain size or the more heterogeneous the structure, the higher the temperature and the longer the duration required for transforming the steel into austenite.  相似文献   

Reported is a relationship between a profile edge cracking during hot rolling of AISI D2 tool steel and material and processing parameters. Several months of observation of industrial hot rolling was done for neural network analysis and complemented with equilibrium thermodynamics calculations and laboratory hot deformation tests. Industrial results, in general, show that for the same chemical composition, hot rolling yield decreases with an increased profile aspect ratio. Cr content is significant for the soaking and strongly correlated with a hot workability at upper and lower limits of the hot working temperature range. Laboratory hot compression tests were employed to determine the optimal soaking temperature and to study hot workability to expand safe hot working temperature window.  相似文献   

Predictive modeling of multi-track laser hardening of AISI 4140 steel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Laser hardening provides benefits over the conventional hardening processes, including minimum distortion in the parts and the absence of a quenchant. This process is also faster than conventional hardening processes and can be used for selective hardening of specific areas of components. One known problem with laser hardening in steels, however, is back tempering when a large area is hardened by multiple, overlapping passes. This study focused on the development of a numerical model to predict the back tempering in multi-track laser hardening. A tempering model was combined with existing models of thermal behavior and phase change kinetics, which were developed earlier in the authors’ group, to predict three-dimensional hardness profiles after multiple track laser hardening. The combined model was first validated through multi-track laser hardening tests and then used to predict and optimize the laser hardened case depth in multi-track laser hardening of AISI 4140 steel. The predictions and parameters optimized to obtain maximum case depth with the least variation along width of the hardened zone were experimentally verified. Case depths up to 2 mm were obtained with 5 mm overlapping of laser tracks.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of AISI 420 which was surface transformed hardened by a pulsed Nd:YAG laser, was investigated in 5% sodium chloride + 0.5% acetic acid solution by the U-Bend method, in the range of pH value from 3.5 to 6, in the absence and presence of 1 ppm thiosulphate ion, at 25 and 60 °C. The results showed that the laser-treated areas are more susceptible to SCC than the base metal. Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) is the main cause of crack propagating, mostly effective on the grain boundaries and the interface between carbide particles and second phases; tempered martensite or ferrite.  相似文献   

In order to distinguish the difference between AISI 321 stainless steel and Hadfield steel in work hardening behavior, both the Hollomon analysis and the differential Crussard–Jaoul analysis were used to determine the strain hardening exponent as a function of the strain. The results showed that the differential Crussard–Jaoul analysis characterized the discrepancy between AISI 321 steel and Hadfield steel in work hardening behavior more accurately than the Hollomon analysis. The work hardening of AISI 321 stainless steel resulted mainly from interactions of dislocations. When the true strain was rather low, the work hardening of Hadfield steel also resulted mainly from interactions of dislocations. At high strains, twinning would occur in Hadfield steel. It was the occurrence of twins that led to unusual work hardening at larger strains in Hadfield steel.  相似文献   

The role of surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) on pack boronizing of AISI H11 type tool steel is addressed. SMAT induced plastic deformation, enabled nanocrystallization at the surface, reduced the grain size and increased the volume fraction of non-equilibrium gain boundaries, increased the accumulation of defects and dislocations at the grain boundaries and within the grains. These features helped to promote the diffusion of boron during boronizing and increased the case depth and hardness of the borided layer. Duplex treatment on SMATed H11 steel samples helps to achieve a higher case depth when compared to the single stage treatment. The findings of the study suggest that SMAT can be used as a pre-treatment for boronizing of H11 tool steel.  相似文献   

D2 is an air-hardening tool steel and due to its high chromium content provides very good protection against wear and oxidation, especially at elevated temperatures. Boriding of D2 steel can further enhance its surface mechanical and tribological properties. Unfortunately, it has been very difficult to achieve a very dense and uniformly thick boride layers on D2 steel using traditional boriding processes. In an attempt to overcome such a deficiency, we explored the suitability and potential usefulness of electrochemical boriding for achieving thick and hard boride layers on this tool steel in a molten borax electrolyte at 850, 900, 950 and 1000 °C for durations ranging from 15 min to 1 h. The microstructural characterization and phase analysis of the resultant boride layers were performed using optical, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction methods. Our studies have confirmed that a single phase Fe2B layer or a composite layer consisting of FeB + Fe2B is feasible on the surface of D2 steel depending on the length of boriding time. The boride layers formed after shorter durations (i.e., 15 min) mainly consisted of Fe2B phase and was about 30 μm thick. The thickness of the layer formed in 60 min was about 60 μm and composed mainly of FeB and Fe2B. The cross sectional micro-hardness values of the boride layers varied between 14 and 22 GPa, depending on the phase composition.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effects of low temperature (subzero) treatments on microstructure and mechanical properties of H13 hot work tool steel. Cryogenic treatment at −72 °C and deep cryogenic treatment at −196 °C were applied and it was found that by applying the subzero treatments, the retained austenite was transformed to martensite. As the temperature was decreased more retained austenite was transformed to martensite and it also led to smaller and more uniform martensite laths distributed in the microstructure. The deep cryogenic treatment also resulted in precipitation of more uniform and very fine carbide particles. The microstructural modification resulted in a significant improvement on the mechanical properties of the H13 tool steel.  相似文献   


The principles of laser transformation hardening were investigated using a low alloy special steel having a microstructure of pearlite and proeutectoid ferrite. Temperature fields and phase transformations were modelled. Particular attention was paid to increases of the Ac1 and Ac3 transformation temperatures owing to the rapid thermal cycles produced by laser heating. Dissolution of proeutectoid ferrite is shown to control the formation of a homogeneous hardened case. Experimental data are in good agreement with the predictions of the model. A diagram was constructed which describes the case geometry and microstructure in terms of the process variables and is an aid to optimising practical processing parameters. The models are flexible and may be used for laser transformation hardening of other ferrous alloys having inhomogeneous microstructures.

MST/1606  相似文献   


In this study, the production of dual phase steel structure in the core of surface carburised AISI 8620 cementation steel and the effect of martensite volume fraction on tensile properties have been investigated. For these purposes, surface carburised (~0·8 wt-%C) specimens were oil quenched from 900°C to obtain a fully martensitic starting microstructure. Then specimens were oil quenched from intercritical annealing temperatures of 731 or 746°C to produce dual phase steel structure in the core of specimens with martensite fractions of ~25 or ~50 vol.-% and nearly wholly martensitic microstructure at the surface. Generally, specimens with dual phase microstructure in the core exhibited slightly lower tensile and yield strengths but superior ductility without sacrificing surface hardness than those specimens with fully martensitic microstructure in the core produced by using conventional heat treatment involving quenching from 850 to 950°C. Also tensile strength increased and ductility decreased with increasing martensite volume fraction.  相似文献   


The microstructural changes caused by various thermomechanical treatments were investigated for AISI 347 stainless steel. The high dislocation density which results from cold rolling is not annealed out even after long holding times at 600°C. When heating at higher temperatures, e.g. 750°C, precipitation of very fine NbC particles is observed, together with onset of recrystallisation. Complete recrystallisation resulting in equiaxed dislocation free grains occurs only when annealing severely cold worked specimens in the high temperature range of this investigation.

MST/1708  相似文献   

This work is focused on the effect of the initial tempered‐lath microstructure on the surface relief and nucleation of microstructurally short fatigue cracks developed during low‐cycle fatigue tests of the ferritic‐martensitic AISI 410 steel. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy as well as electron back‐scattered diffraction were used to study the surface‐damage evolution in smooth, cylindrical, notched specimens. Results from the electron back‐scattered diffraction analysis broaden the understanding of the processes of nucleation of microstructurally short fatigue cracks in the initial tempered‐lath microstructure of AISI 410 ferritic‐martensitic steels. Results prove that during fatigue, microcracks nucleate mainly at high‐angle boundaries represented by block subunit interfaces formed in this tempered microstructure. Besides, the progress of fatigue cycling causes the reorientation of the {112} <111> systems to a direction more favourable to slip, giving rise to the formation of extrusions within the blocks and consequently the formation of microcracks.  相似文献   


In previous work, we have established a scheme that exploits a three-dimensional heat and mass flow model to assess tool durability and define the domains of satisfactory tool life in the context of welding difficult aluminium alloys. We now apply this scheme to the friction stir welding of steel and extend the calculations to cover consequences on the microstructure of the steel while optimising tool life. This is the first published model that covers both the processing parameters and the consequences on the physical metallurgy of the steel.  相似文献   

C.K.N. Oliveira 《Vacuum》2010,84(6):792-1588
AISI D2 is the most commonly used cold-work tool steel of its grade. It offers high hardenability, low distortion after quenching, high resistance to softening and good wear resistance. The use of appropriate hard coatings on this steel can further improve its wear resistance. Boronizing is a surface treatment of Boron diffusion into the substrate. In this work boride layers were formed on AISI D2 steel using borax baths containing iron-titanium and aluminium, at 800 °C and 1000 °C during 4 h. The borided treated steel was characterized by optical microscopy, Vickers microhardness, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and glow discharge optical spectroscopy (GDOS) to verify the effect of the bath compositions and treatment temperatures in the layer formation. Depending on the bath composition, Fe2B or FeB was the predominant phase in the boride layers. The layers exhibited “saw-tooth” morphology at the substrate interface; layer thicknesses varied from 60 to 120 μm, and hardness in the range of 1596-1744 HV were obtained.  相似文献   

The feasibility of repair welding of W2 tool steel die material using a laser melting technique has been investigated. It is shown that aside from microstructural modifications, surface cracking occurs due to laser melting followed by rapid solidification. The nature and density of these cracks are found to be dependent on the initial microstructure and/or heat treatment before laser processing. The best result was obtained for a sample annealed at 790° C for 2 h.  相似文献   

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