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针对营养保健锅总厂铸锅车间,设计了通风除尘系统,用计算机辅助设计法,对通风除尘管道进行了设计.测试结果表明:通风系统的运转费用是经济的;各吸尘点的风量是均匀的。  相似文献   

本文介绍一个已通过部级鉴定的通风除尘系统设计程序软件。该软件将通风除尘的整个系统设计,从系统简图显示、风量计算、除尘划选型、管道压力平衡计算、到风机选型,全部实现计算机化。它的使用可大大减轻设计人员的工作量,并达到优化设计的目的。本软件适用于 IBM5550,IBM PC/XT 及其兼容机型。  相似文献   

通过对污染严重,原有通风除尘设施完全失效的烧结车间进行考察分析后,进行有效的优化设计,达到降低技改工程的初投资,彻底改善车间生产环境,并能够达标排放,保护大气环境的目的.  相似文献   

本文所提出的网络优化设计法,以系统使用年限(即寿命周期)总费用的可变费用最低为目标函数,以系统网络运行方程为约束条件,组成一个非线性的数学规划,使系统优化设计问题转化为求解一个数学规划问题。文中对目标函数的建立,约束方程的确定以及最优参数的解算都作了论述,编制了计算机解算程序,并通过实例与其它设计方法作了比较.  相似文献   

呼 ① 和客车整备库 (三线库 ,每线 45 6m)于 1993年 1月建成使用 ,每昼夜库内停留客车经常保持在 45节左右 ,库内作业人员 2 5 0人以上。由于客车独立暖房茶炉全部采用燃煤锅炉 (因安全问题 ,不可能使用油、气燃料 ) ,因而每年 10月 15日至第二年 4月 15日采暖期间 ,客车取暖小锅炉的大量烟尘排于库内 ,高峰时库房 5 0多个烟囱同时排烟 ,但库内还是烟雾弥漫 ,可见度 <2 0m。经测定库房烟尘浓度超标 0 .5 3倍 ,CO浓度超标 0 .6 6倍 ,SO2 浓度超标4.3倍 ,严重损害着职工的身体健康。国内库内大多使用高压静电除尘 ,CO ,SO2 等有害…  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国工业化社会的不断深入,工业建筑的通风除尘效果引起了工业生产部门的高度重视。实践证明,良好的通风除尘效果,除了可以提高产品生产质量之外,对环境保护、事故预防也有十分重要的作用。然而就目前部分工厂通风除尘的效果来看,却显得有些不尽人意。所以,针对当前工业建筑通风除尘设计中存在的问题,采取针对性的措施将其完善是非常重要的,应该引起相关部门的高度重视。  相似文献   

本文通过对省重点工程杏花村汾酒厂系列低度汾酒技改项目高粱初清楼、高粱粉碎车间通风除尘现场设计的总结,指出了通风除尘设计中的关键问题,还指出不能只依据有关手册和专业资料介绍,要借鉴现有生产厂家的实际运行经验并结合工艺特点,将国内外先进的技术与工程实践有机地结合起来。  相似文献   

本文提出了网络分析法。把管网运行和风机运行作为一个整体系统进行研究,导出了系统运行方程,分析了运行方程在系统运行中的扰量分析和风机变速分析计算的具体应用,并编制了相应的电算程序。  相似文献   

随着科技的进步和工业的发展,我国每年散发出大量的工业污染物对环境造成了严重影响。发达国家由于他们注重人员健康和环境保护,因此在此问题上取得了满意的效益。本文主要阐述了工业的通风除尘系统问题及改善措施。  相似文献   

本文总结了通风除尘技术在我国煤矿综合合机械化掘进工作面的应用情况、分析了各种通风除尘方式的除尘效果及存在的伺题,指出了综掘工作面合理的通风除尘方式及其优化参数。  相似文献   

赵应华 《山西建筑》2008,34(11):309-310
结合我国隧道工程建设的现状,分析了隧道通风空气动力原理,详细地探讨了目前隧道施工中常采用的通风方法,介绍了长大隧道施工通风消烟除尘的新技术,即湿式除尘技术,为长大隧道的快速施工提供了有利保障。  相似文献   

Dispersion of vehicular pollution through street canyons has been widely studied in order to find strategies for reducing concentration level. Recently, a pedestrian ventilation system (PVS), an active mitigation strategy, has been proposed to enhance pedestrian comfort indices and to induce appropriate air movement. This paper investigates the performance of PVS to control pollution dispersion within street canyons. Pollution control is achieved by exhausting/supplying air from/to the street canyon through the PVS. In the present paper, the effectiveness of these strategies was studied by varying the parameters that affect dispersion, such as aspect ratios (AR) and thermal stratifications.Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been selected as the investigation tool. Prior to simulations, the proposed model was successfully validated using two sets of experimental data. Four case-studies were also used to investigate the aspect ratio and the stratification effect. These test cases were developed based on small scale studies in a wind tunnel. Results show the ability of the PVS to change the airflow pattern through the street canyon, resulting in significant pollution removal, especially from the pedestrian level. Moreover, the air and pollution exchange rate concepts have been used for better evaluation of the PVS performance. Furthermore, a breakthrough index was proposed to evaluate the effect of the PVS airflow rate.  相似文献   

In order to study the characteristics of the ventilation and dust suppression system for open-type TBM tunneling work area in a Ø8.53 diversion project, the numerical simulation method is adopted, and a three-dimensional steady airflow model, a dust flow model as well as other related flow characteristic equation models are established by considering the dust production mechanism of TBM construction. Besides, corresponding simulation models validated by experiment are established using CFD software, and the impacts of the main vent location, the air baffle length in the main beam and the exhausting air flow quantity on flow field distribution and dust flow behavior in open-type TBM tunneling work area are investigated. The results show: when the main vent is located 70–80 m away from the working face, the ventilation in TBM tunneling work area is optimal; when the air baffle is as long as the main beam, the dust collection efficiency is the highest, reaching 89.4%; under the condition that the exhausting air flow quantity is less than half of the ventilation air flow quantity required by energy consumption and the minimum backflow velocity, the best dust suppression effect can be achieved when the exhausting air flow quantity is 40% of the ventilation air flow quantity.  相似文献   

To mitigate dust contamination in the mine intake roadway, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) study was first conducted to understand the ventilation and respirable dust flow behaviour above the bin. Based on the modelling results, two possible solutions were proposed for dust control, one is modifying the ventilation system to dilute the respirable dust particles, and the other is using water mist dust droppers to suppress and capture the majority of the dust particles. Modelling results indicated that respirable dust particles could be significantly diluted at the operators’ breathing level by increasing the ventilation volume from the horizontal air intake, where 10–13 m3/s of air flow rate was suggested to be a preferable quantity. The mechanism of respirable dust capture using water mist was investigated from classical theory and two phase flow theory, respectively, both of which demonstrated a good dust mitigation effect was achievable. CFD models were employed to investigate the flow behaviour of water mists when sprays were oriented at different directions above the bin. An innovative design of dust control system employing water mist technology with four nozzles was proposed and subsequently built for field implementation. An independent field dust evaluation demonstrated that a reduction up to 68% of respirable dust particles has been achieved in the vicinity of the underground bin, and an average of 40% respirable dust reduction along the belt roadway. The successful application of the new dust mitigation system also demonstrates its potential use in underground longwall faces, roadway development and subsurface tunnel excavations by roadheader.  相似文献   

我公司2002年购入日本田中株式会社TAP-3000LB型沥青砼拌和站,该机具有计量准确、成品料拌和均匀、骨料温度控制精确度高等优点。但在使用中发现这种设备对砂石原材料的含粉量要求比较严格,当砂石料含粉量较大时,就会不定时出现花白料,特别是3mm以下的砂石料影响最大。我们的施工点具有很大的流动性,各地的原材料质量参差不齐,很难保证成品料的质量。为此我们项目部拌和站人员会同实验室人员对此进行了分析和改进。1问题描述现在环境保护日益受得重视,许多地方都限制甚至禁止河砂的开采,即使在能开采的地方,中细砂也大多是含粉量较大,不适…  相似文献   

以重庆轨道交通某TBM区间现场施工为依托,通过分析总结隧道通风风量的计算、风机的选择、隧道除尘的一般措施等,将TBM施工隧道内通风与除尘两者结合研究,重点在于改善洞内人员施工作业环境,为同行提供相关借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

本文通过对档案馆火灾特点的分析,以及高压细水雾灭火系统特点的阐述,论述了高压细水雾灭火系统对档案馆的适用性。结合南京市档案馆、方志馆的实际案例,分析了高压细水雾灭火系统在南京市档案馆、方志馆的布置方式。最后通过高压细水雾密集架试验,验证高压细水雾对档案馆的灭火效果。  相似文献   

以南方地区某尿素包装楼为例,介绍了该包装楼空调系统的设置条件、室内空气参数的确定、空调冷热负荷的计算、空气处理过程、空调系统形式的确定以及空调冷源的选择,并从系统设置的必要性、系统的划分、风量的计算、设备的选择等方面介绍了该包装楼除尘系统的设计.  相似文献   

本文针对目前机立窑烟气除尘工艺的现状,从讨论烟气的特点及其参数的规律入手,简述了有关不同种类除尘器的使用情况和有关企业的烟气特点,对气除尘工艺和有关设备选型进行了深入的研究,提出了新型除尘设备的开发使用问题。  相似文献   

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