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This paper shows how to construct a generative model for graph structure through the embedding of the nodes of the graph in a vector space. We commence from a sample of graphs where the correspondences between nodes are unknown ab initio. We also work with graphs where there may be structural differences present, i.e. variations in the number of nodes in each graph and their edge structure. We characterise the graphs using the heat-kernel, and this is obtained by exponentiating the Laplacian eigensystem with time. The idea underpinning the method is to embed the nodes of the graphs into a vector space by performing a Young-Householder decomposition of the heat-kernel into an inner product of node co-ordinate matrices. The co-ordinates of the nodes are determined by the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix, together with a time-parameter which can be used to scale the embedding. Node correspondences are located by applying Scott and Longuet-Higgins algorithm to the embedded nodes. We capture variations in graph structure using the covariance matrix for corresponding embedded point positions. We construct a point-distribution model for the embedded node positions using the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the covariance matrix. We show how to use this model to both project individual graphs into the eigenspace of the point position covariance matrix and how to fit the model to potentially noisy graphs to reconstruct the Laplacian matrix. We illustrate the utility of the resulting method for shape analysis using data from the Caltech–Oxford and COIL databases.  相似文献   

In this paper, we make use of the relationship between the Laplace-Beltrami operator and the graph Laplacian, for the purposes of embedding a graph onto a Riemannian manifold. To embark on this study, we review some of the basics of Riemannian geometry and explain the relationship between the Laplace-Beltrami operator and the graph Laplacian. Using the properties of Jacobi fields, we show how to compute an edge-weight matrix in which the elements reflect the sectional curvatures associated with the geodesic paths on the manifold between nodes. For the particular case of a constant sectional curvature surface, we use the Kruskal coordinates to compute edge weights that are proportional to the geodesic distance between points. We use the resulting edge-weight matrix to embed the nodes of the graph onto a Riemannian manifold. To do this, we develop a method that can be used to perform double centring on the Laplacian matrix computed from the edge-weights. The embedding coordinates are given by the eigenvectors of the centred Laplacian. With the set of embedding coordinates at hand, a number of graph manipulation tasks can be performed. In this paper, we are primarily interested in graph-matching. We recast the graph-matching problem as that of aligning pairs of manifolds subject to a geometric transformation. We show that this transformation is Pro-crustean in nature. We illustrate the utility of the method on image matching using the COIL database.  相似文献   

This paper exploits the properties of the commute time for the purposes of graph simplification and matching. Our starting point is the lazy random walk on the graph, which is determined by the heat kernel of the graph and can be computed from the spectrum of the graph Laplacian. We characterise the random walk using the commute time between nodes, and show how this quantity may be computed from the Laplacian spectrum using the discrete Green's function. In this paper, we explore two different, but essentially dual, simplified graph representations delivered by the commute time. The first representation decomposes graphs into concentric layers. To do this we augment the graph with an auxiliary node which acts as a heat source. We use the pattern of commute times from this node to decompose the graph into a sequence of layers. Our second representation is based on the minimum spanning tree of the commute time matrix. The spanning trees located using commute time prove to be stable to structural variations. We match the graphs by applying a tree-matching method to the spanning trees. We experiment with the method on synthetic and real-world image data, where it proves to be effective.  相似文献   

Clustering and embedding using commute times   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper exploits the properties of the commute time between nodes of a graph for the purposes of clustering and embedding, and explores its applications to image segmentation and multi-body motion tracking. Our starting point is the lazy random walk on the graph, which is determined by the heatkernel of the graph and can be computed from the spectrum of the graph Laplacian. We characterize the random walk using the commute time (i.e. the expected time taken for a random walk to travel between two nodes and return) and show how this quantity may be computed from the Laplacian spectrum using the discrete Green's function. Our motivation is that the commute time can be anticipated to be a more robust measure of the proximity of data than the raw proximity matrix. In this paper, we explore two applications of the commute time. The first is to develop a method for image segmentation using the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue of the commute time matrix. We show that our commute time segmentation method has the property of enhancing the intra-group coherence while weakening inter-group coherence and is superior to the normalized cut. The second application is to develop a robust multi-body motion tracking method using an embedding based on the commute time. Our embedding procedure preserves commute time, and is closely akin to kernel PCA, the Laplacian eigenmap and the diffusion map. We illustrate the results both on synthetic image sequences and real world video sequences, and compare our results with several alternative methods.  相似文献   

Graph structures have been proved important in high level-vision since they can be used to represent structural and relational arrangements of objects in a scene. One of the problems that arises in the analysis of structural abstractions of objects is graph clustering. In this paper, we explore how permutation invariants computed from the trace of the heat kernel can be used to characterize graphs for the purposes of measuring similarity and clustering. The heat kernel is the solution of the heat equation and is a compact representation of the path-length distribution on a graph. The trace of the heat kernel is given by the sum of the Laplacian eigenvalues exponentiated with time. We explore three different approaches to characterizing the heat kernel trace as a function of time. Our first characterization is based on the zeta function, which from the Mellin transform is the moment generating function of the heat kernel trace. Our second characterization is unary and is found by computing the derivative of the zeta function at the origin. The third characterization is derived from the heat content, i.e. the sum of the elements of the heat kernel. We show how the heat content can be expanded as a power series in time, and the coefficients of the series can be computed using the Laplacian spectrum. We explore the use of these characterizations as a means of representing graph structure for the purposes of clustering, and compare them with the use of the Laplacian spectrum. Experiments with the synthetic and real-world databases reveal that each of the three proposed invariants is effective and outperforms the traditional Laplacian spectrum. Moreover, the heat-content invariants appear to consistently give the best results in both synthetic sensitivity studies and on real-world object recognition problems.  相似文献   

A new method for smoothing both gray-scale and color images is presented that relies on the heat diffusion equation on a graph. We represent the image pixel lattice using a weighted undirected graph. The edge weights of the graph are determined by the Gaussian weighted distances between local neighboring windows. We then compute the associated Laplacian matrix (the degree matrix minus the adjacency matrix). Anisotropic diffusion across this weighted graph-structure with time is captured by the heat equation, and the solution, i.e. the heat kernel, is found by exponentiating the Laplacian eigensystem with time. Image smoothing is accomplished by convolving the heat kernel with the image, and its numerical implementation is realized by using the Krylov subspace technique. The method has the effect of smoothing within regions, but does not blur region boundaries. We also demonstrate the relationship between our method, standard diffusion-based PDEs, Fourier domain signal processing and spectral clustering. Experiments and comparisons on standard images illustrate the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

属性图嵌入旨在将属性图中的节点表示为低维向量,并同时保留节点的拓扑信息和属性信息.属性图嵌入已经有一系列相关工作,然而它们大多数提出的是有监督或半监督的算法.在实际应用中,需要标记的节点数量多,导致这些属性图嵌入算法的难度大,且需要消耗巨大的人力物力.针对上述问题以无监督的视角重新分析,提出了一种无监督的属性图嵌入算法...  相似文献   

This work presents a new perspective on characterizing the similarity between elements of a database or, more generally, nodes of a weighted and undirected graph. It is based on a Markov-chain model of random walk through the database. More precisely, we compute quantities (the average commute time, the pseudoinverse of the Laplacian matrix of the graph, etc.) that provide similarities between any pair of nodes, having the nice property of increasing when the number of paths connecting those elements increases and when the "length" of paths decreases. It turns out that the square root of the average commute time is a Euclidean distance and that the pseudoinverse of the Laplacian matrix is a kernel matrix (its elements are inner products closely related to commute times). A principal component analysis (PCA) of the graph is introduced for computing the subspace projection of the node vectors in a manner that preserves as much variance as possible in terms of the Euclidean commute-time distance. This graph PCA provides a nice interpretation to the "Fiedler vector," widely used for graph partitioning. The model is evaluated on a collaborative-recommendation task where suggestions are made about which movies people should watch based upon what they watched in the past. Experimental results on the MovieLens database show that the Laplacian-based similarities perform well in comparison with other methods. The model, which nicely fits into the so-called "statistical relational learning" framework, could also be used to compute document or word similarities, and, more generally, it could be applied to machine-learning and pattern-recognition tasks involving a relational database  相似文献   

On bending invariant signatures for surfaces   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Isometric surfaces share the same geometric structure, also known as the "first fundamental form." For example, all possible bendings of a given surface that includes all length preserving deformations without tearing or stretching the surface are considered to be isometric. We present a method to construct a bending invariant signature for such surfaces. This invariant representation is an embedding of the geometric structure of the surface in a small dimensional Euclidean space in which geodesic distances are approximated by Euclidean ones. The bending invariant representation is constructed by first measuring the intergeodesic distances between uniformly distributed points on the surface. Next, a multidimensional scaling technique is applied to extract coordinates in a finite dimensional Euclidean space in which geodesic distances are replaced by Euclidean ones. Applying this transform to various surfaces with similar geodesic structures (first fundamental form) maps them into similar signature surfaces. We thereby translate the problem of matching nonrigid objects in various postures into a simpler problem of matching rigid objects. As an example, we show a simple surface classification method that uses our bending invariant signatures.  相似文献   

The median graph has been presented as a useful tool to represent a set of graphs. Nevertheless its computation is very complex and the existing algorithms are restricted to use limited amount of data. In this paper we propose a new approach for the computation of the median graph based on graph embedding. Graphs are embedded into a vector space and the median is computed in the vector domain. We have designed a procedure based on the weighted mean of a pair of graphs to go from the vector domain back to the graph domain in order to obtain a final approximation of the median graph. Experiments on three different databases containing large graphs show that we succeed to compute good approximations of the median graph. We have also applied the median graph to perform some basic classification tasks achieving reasonable good results. These experiments on real data open the door to the application of the median graph to a number of more complex machine learning algorithms where a representative of a set of graphs is needed.  相似文献   

To deal with the highly twisted and folded manifold, this paper propose a geodesic distance-based approach to build the neighborhood graph for isometric embedding. This approach assumes that the neighborhood of a point located at the highly twisted place of the manifold may not be linear so that its neighbors should be determined by geodesic distance. This approach firstly determines the neighborhood for each point using Euclidean distance and then applies the locally estimated geodesic distances to optimize the neighborhood. It increases only linear time complexity. Furthermore the optimized neighborhood can speed up the subsequent embedding process. The proposed approach is simple, general and easy to deal with a wider range of data. The conducted experiments on both synthetic and real data sets validate the approach.  相似文献   

在属性网络中,与节点相关联的属性信息有助于提升网络嵌入各种任务的性能,但网络是一种图状结构,节点不仅包含属性信息还隐含着丰富的结构信息。为了充分融合结构信息,首先通过定义节点的影响力特性、空间关系特征;然后根据链接预测领域基于相似度的定义构建相似度矩阵,将节点二元组中的关联向量映射到相似度矩阵这一关系空间中,从而保留与节点相关的结构向量信息;再基于图的拉普拉斯矩阵融合属性信息和标签特征,将上述三类信息集成到一个最优化框架中;最后,通过二阶导数求局部最大值计算投影矩阵获取节点的特征表示进行网络嵌入。实验结果表明,提出的算法能够充分利用节点二元组的邻接结构信息,相比于其他基准网络嵌入算法,本模型在节点分类任务上取得了更好的结果。  相似文献   

The proliferation of networked data in various disciplines motivates a surge of research interests on network or graph mining. Among them, node classification is a typical learning task that focuses on exploiting the node interactions to infer the missing labels of unlabeled nodes in the network. A vast majority of existing node classification algorithms overwhelmingly focus on static networks and they assume the whole network structure is readily available before performing learning algorithms. However, it is not the case in many real-world scenarios where new nodes and new links are continuously being added in the network. Considering the streaming nature of networks, we study how to perform online node classification on this kind of streaming networks (a.k.a. online learning on streaming networks). As the existence of noisy links may negatively affect the node classification performance, we first present an online network embedding algorithm to alleviate this problem by obtaining the embedding representation of new nodes on the fly. Then we feed the learned embedding representation into a novel online soft margin kernel learning algorithm to predict the node labels in a sequential manner. Theoretical analysis is presented to show the superiority of the proposed framework of online learning on streaming networks (OLSN). Extensive experiments on real-world networks further demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed OLSN framework.  相似文献   

Pattern vectors from algebraic graph theory   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Graph structures have proven computationally cumbersome for pattern analysis. The reason for this is that, before graphs can be converted to pattern vectors, correspondences must be established between the nodes of structures which are potentially of different size. To overcome this problem, in this paper, we turn to the spectral decomposition of the Laplacian matrix. We show how the elements of the spectral matrix for the Laplacian can be used to construct symmetric polynomials that are permutation invariants. The coefficients of these polynomials can be used as graph features which can be encoded in a vectorial manner. We extend this representation to graphs in which there are unary attributes on the nodes and binary attributes on the edges by using the spectral decomposition of a Hermitian property matrix that can be viewed as a complex analogue of the Laplacian. To embed the graphs in a pattern space, we explore whether the vectors of invariants can be embedded in a low-dimensional space using a number of alternative strategies, including principal components analysis (PCA), multidimensional scaling (MDS), and locality preserving projection (LPP). Experimentally, we demonstrate that the embeddings result in well-defined graph clusters. Our experiments with the spectral representation involve both synthetic and real-world data. The experiments with synthetic data demonstrate that the distances between spectral feature vectors can be used to discriminate between graphs on the basis of their structure. The real-world experiments show that the method can be used to locate clusters of graphs.  相似文献   

张陶  于炯  廖彬  余光雷  毕雪华 《计算机应用研究》2021,38(9):2646-2650,2661
针对无属性社交网络的节点分类问题,提出了一种基于图嵌入与支持向量机,利用社交网络中节点之间关系特征,对节点进行分类的方法.首先,通过DeepWalk、LINE等多种图嵌入模型挖掘节点隐含关系特征的同时,将高维的社交网络数据转换为低维embedding向量.其次,提取节点度、聚集系数、PageRank值等特征信息,组合构成节点的特征向量.然后,利用支持向量机构建节点分类预测模型对节点进行分类预测.最后,在三个公开的社交网络数据集上实验,与对比方法相比,提出的方法在社交网络节点分类任务中能取得更好的分类效果.  相似文献   

We present an efficient and robust algorithm for the landmark transfer on 3D meshes that are approximately isometric. Given one or more custom landmarks placed by the user on a source mesh, our method efficiently computes corresponding landmarks on a family of target meshes. The technique is useful when a user is interested in characterization and reuse of application-specific landmarks on meshes of similar shape (for example, meshes coming from the same class of objects). Consequently, across a set of multiple meshes consistency is assured among landmarks, regardless of landmark geometric distinctiveness. The main advantage of our method over existing approaches is its low computation time. Differently from existing non-rigid registration techniques, our method detects and uses a minimum number of geometric features that are necessary to accurately locate the user-defined landmarks and avoids performing unnecessary full registration. In addition, unlike previous techniques that assume strict consistency with respect to geodesic distances, we adopt histograms of geodesic distance to define feature point coordinates, in order to handle the deviation of isometric deformation. This allows us to accurately locate the landmarks with only a small number of feature points in proximity, from which we build what we call a minimal graph. We demonstrate and evaluate the quality of transfer by our algorithm on a number of Tosca data sets.  相似文献   

Graph based pattern representation offers a versatile alternative to vectorial data structures. Therefore, a growing interest in graphs can be observed in various fields. However, a serious limitation in the use of graphs is the lack of elementary mathematical operations in the graph domain, actually required in many pattern recognition algorithms. In order to overcome this limitation, the present paper proposes an embedding of a given graph population in a vector space Rn. The key idea of this embedding approach is to interpret the distances of a graph g to a number of prototype graphs as numerical features of g. In previous works, the prototypes were selected beforehand with heuristic selection algorithms. In the present paper we take a more fundamental approach and regard the problem of prototype selection as a feature selection or dimensionality reduction problem, for which many methods are available. With several experiments we show the feasibility of graph embedding based on prototypes obtained from such feature selection algorithms and demonstrate their potential to outperform previous approaches.  相似文献   

Recently, we described a fast self-organizing algorithm for embedding a set of objects into a low-dimensional Euclidean space in a way that preserves the intrinsic dimensionality and metric structure of the data [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99 (2002) 15869-15872]. The method, called stochastic proximity embedding (SPE), attempts to preserve the geodesic distances between the embedded objects, and scales linearly with the size of the data set. SPE starts with an initial configuration, and iteratively refines it by repeatedly selecting pairs of objects at random, and adjusting their coordinates so that their distances on the map match more closely their respective proximities. Here, we describe an alternative update rule that drastically reduces the number of calls to the random number generator and thus improves the efficiency of the algorithm.  相似文献   

为了保留网络结构信息和节点特征信息,结合图卷积神经网络(GCN)和自编码器(AE),提出可扩展的半监督深度网络表示学习模型(Semi-GCNAE).利用GCN捕获节点的K阶邻域中所有节点的结构和特征信息,并将捕获的信息作为AE的输入.AE对GCN捕获的K阶邻域信息进行特征提取和非线性降维,并结合Laplacian特征映射保留节点的团簇结构信息.引入集成学习方法联合训练GCN和AE,使模型习得的节点低维向量表示能同时保留网络结构信息和节点特征信息.在5个真实数据集上的广泛评估表明,文中模型习得的节点低维向量表示可以有效保留网络的结构和节点特征信息,并在节点分类、可视化和网络重构任务上性能较优.  相似文献   

Isomap is one of widely used low-dimensional embedding methods, where geodesic distances on a weighted graph are incorporated with the classical scaling (metric multidimensional scaling). In this paper we pay our attention to two critical issues that were not considered in Isomap, such as: (1) generalization property (projection property); (2) topological stability. Then we present a robust kernel Isomap method, armed with such two properties. We present a method which relates the Isomap to Mercer kernel machines, so that the generalization property naturally emerges, through kernel principal component analysis. For topological stability, we investigate the network flow in a graph, providing a method for eliminating critical outliers. The useful behavior of the robust kernel Isomap is confirmed through numerical experiments with several data sets.  相似文献   

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