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Experimental and numerical investigations are carried out with various bluff body shapes to identify an appropriate shape which can be used for vortex flowmeter application. In both the cases vortex shedding frequency is inferred from the fluctuation of wall pressure. The numerical simulations are carried out with cylindrical and triangular bluff bodies to understand the vortex shedding phenomenon and to identify an appropriate turbulence model for this class of flows with wall pressure measurement. The simulations reveal that the k-ε RNG model predicts the Strouhal number closer to the experimental results than other models. The experimental investigations are carried out with several bluff body shapes, such as triangular, trapezoidal, conical, cylindrical and ring shapes, with water as the working medium. In this context, the effects of sampling rate, tap location and blockage effects are explored. The results suggest that the axisymmetric tapping is better than differential pressure tapping in terms of signal amplitude. The non-dimensional location of the static pressure tap is found to be 0.714 times diameter of pipe times blockage. The trapezoidal bluff body is found to be the best among all the bluff bodies investigated in terms of signal amplitude and constancy of Strouhal number. The vortex flowmeter performance is also measured under disturbed flow conditions created by using gate valve and bends. These results are significant because they provide an optimum bluff body shape and blockage, and also present the performance of vortex flow meter under disturbed flow conditions which is rather seldom reported in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, on an experimental facility, the measurement characteristics of a diameter 50 mm dual triangulate bluff body vortex flowmeter in steady flow and oscillatory flow were investigated. Then, the Hilbert Huang Transformation (HHT) method was used to assess the anti-interference performances and the vortex street stability in oscillatory flow for the dual triangulate bluff body vortex flowmeter and a single bluff body vortex flowmeter. Offline simulation was carried out on the anti-interference performances of the dual triangulate bluff body vortex flowmeter signal noise in oscillatory flow by the method of the EMD-scales filter. The major findings are: (a) in most case, the EMD-scales filter may be as good at de-noising effect for the dual bluff body vortex flowmeter in oscillatory flow than that for the single bluff body vortex flowmeter in oscillatory flow. The vortex street stability in oscillatory flow for the dual bluff body is similar to that for the single bluff body. (b) In some special case, the EMD-scales filter is unable to play a better de-nosing role for the dual bluff body vortex flowmeter in oscillatory flow. The invalid condition of the EMD-scales filter for the dual bluff body vortex flowmeter in oscillatory flow is different to that of the single bluff body vortex flowmeter and it was advanced in this paper. (C) The vortex street stability for the dual bluff body vortex flowmeter is better than that for the single bluff body vortex flowmeter.  相似文献   

This study presents experimental verification and numerical simulations of a vortex flow meter in the Reynolds number range between 8300 and 50,000. A custom-designed bluff body with a wedge back shape was used in the flowmeter. A shedding frequency of the flowmeter was measured in an air duct using a hot-film probe. To evaluate the accuracy of the flowmeter, a measurement uncertainty analysis was performed. Numerical simulations of the vortex flowmeter were performed with the open source code OpenFOAM. Transient simulations of periodic vortex shedding behind the bluff body were performed using different simulation methods depending on the pipe Reynolds number, such as Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (URANS) method. The simulated vortex shedding frequencies matched the experimental data very well. Experiments and simulations demonstrated a clear linear dependence of the shedding frequency on the volumetric flow rate over the entire range of Reynolds numbers. In addition, numerical simulations were used to study the main mechanisms of vortex formation and shedding behind the considered bluff body.  相似文献   

A novel differential pressure flowmeter with an olive-shaped flowmeter (OSF) is proposed and investigated both experimentally and numerically. The streamline, pressure and velocity are obtained and numerically analysed. The results indicate that the proposed OSF exhibits less permanent pressure loss than the orifice plate flowmeter (OPF). The pressure also tends to be more stable in the OSF, which ensures high measurement accuracy and repeatability. The OSF is superior to the OPF in terms of relative pressure loss, streamline distribution, pressure distribution and velocity distribution. In the experiment, an oil pump transported diesel oil into the measurement pipe, through the check valve, filter, pressure-regulating container, and flow-regulating valve, before it was finally returned to the fuel tank. The experimental results showed that the pressure loss of the OSF was only about 14.94% of that of the OPF under the same conditions. The pressure loss curve of the OPF increased rapidly by up to 2,700 Pa with each 1 m3/h increase in the flow rate, whereas that of the OSF increased only slightly.  相似文献   

Fluctuant pressure coefficient is presented as an index of vortex energy of the wake behind a bluff body in mist flow. Calculation for vortex energy is obtained from inter-phase force analysis, based on Basset-Boussinesq-Oseen equation and conservation of mechanical energy. Vortex energy is weakened by liquid disturbance, the relationship between the fluctuant pressure coefficient and liquid velocity is set up on theory analysis. An existence criterion for vortex streets is proposed using the relationship. A new algorithm for prediction of liquid velocity is put forward and compared with the method in Higham's patent. The predicted results fit the experimental results well.  相似文献   

Piezoelectric and transient differential pressure sensors are two among the most widely employed sensors for vortex flowmeter application. The present study evaluates the performance of these two techniques under fully developed and disturbed flow conditions. Firstly, the location of the transient differential pressure sensor is optimized to obtain high amplitude signals and good linearity in Strouhal number. Empirical mode decomposition method in combination with autocorrelation decay is successfully employed at high Reynolds numbers to identify the vortex shedding frequency in presence of hydrodynamic noise. The performance of the differential pressure sensor deteriorates significantly under disturbed flow conditions at low Reynolds number due to the presence of low frequency components. This deterioration in the signal quality limits the lower operating range of the flowmeter with differential pressure sensor. The output signals of the piezoelectric sensor and differential pressure sensor under no flow condition are compared to obtain the background noise due to piping vibrations and electrical interferences. These results will help a designer to suggest robust signal processing algorithms for vortex frequency detection.  相似文献   

涡街流量计易受到由管道振动和流场扰动引起的噪声干扰,现场的测量精度得不到保证。文中分析了周期性脉动流对涡街流量计测量的影响,探讨了在脉动流干扰下出现的锁定现象,提出自适应陷波和解调方法相结合的方法,以提高涡街流量计的测量精度,并给出判断锁定现象的准则。  相似文献   

上游双弯头对内锥流量计性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为提高对内锥流量计安装与使用条件的认识,开展了上游连续两个90°在同一平面成S型结构和互成垂直平面上弯头的数值仿真与实流实验研究.研制了实验样机一套,β值分别为0.45/0.65/0.85.利用平均流出系数相对误差及附加不确定度作为安装条件影响的主要评价标准,研究结果表明:对于β值分别为0.45/0.65/0.85的内锥流量计,在互成垂直面双弯头安装条件下所需最短直管段长度均为1D;在同平面S型双弯头安装条件下所需最短直管段长度分别为1D/1D/2D.  相似文献   

在传统涡街流量计的基础上,设计出符合HART协议的两线制一体化温压补偿型涡街流量计。介绍了传感器工作原理和温压补偿方法,给出系统的设计结构和硬件电路组成。着重阐述了HART协议在涡街流量计中的软硬件实现方法.并通过HART调制解调器实现了仪表与上位机之间的双向数字通讯。  相似文献   

A novel vortex flowmeter by using pressure sensors and improved convection velocity estimation was proposed to extend the lower operation range of flowrate. The two sensors were mounted on the positions of 0.2D45° and 1.0D45° according to the signal strength and vortex wavelength criterion. The high-frequency pressure sensors were designed to acquire the undistorted signals of vortex-induced pressure fluctuation and further compute the vortex convection velocity. Aiming at the problem of multiple peaks in cross-correlation calculation, a modified transit time estimation technique combined with a moving-average-filter-based cross correlation function were introduced and verified by the tests. Then, the mean convection coefficient was obtained and the performance of the transit-time-based method was analyzed and compared with that of the frequency-based method. It indicated that the novel vortex flowmeter is robust at low Reynolds number range, which achieves a turndown ratio of 8:1 with an accuracy of ±2% in the Reynolds number range from 1.53×104 to 1.23×105. A remarkable improvement of turndown ratio is achieved compared to the original frequency-based method of 3:1. The proposed system of pressure sensors shows good prospect for the gas metering in small pipes due to the feature of non-invasion and sufficient high frequency response.  相似文献   

针对上游弯管流场变化对超声波流量计测量精度的影响,利用CFD对测量管道内部流场进行数值仿真模拟,并设计整流器改善由弯管导致的明显的二次流和涡流等情况,以减小超声波流量计测量误差。研究对象为基于时差法的DN15超声波液体流量计,流量范围在0.1~1.5 m~3/h内,上游弯管与流量计之间测试直管段距离为2~20D。对比超声波流量计加装整流器前后测量误差,通过实验结果验证,未整流时流量计随着直管段越短测量误差越大,安装的整流器可以改善管道内流场的速度分布,将直管段长度缩短为10D,提升超声波流量计测量误差满足在±1.5%以内,验证了数值模拟的正确性,对工程实际应用具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

The present study explores a novel design of cone flowmeter for bi-directional flow metering application. Two identical cone shapes are machined with their base circle surfaces joined together with a small step in between them and differential pressure measurement is done across the apex of the cones. The bi-directional cone flowmeter is tested under fully developed flow conditions and its performance under double 90° bend (out-of-plane) is also evaluated. The bi-directional cone flowmeter is tested in a circular pipe (inside diameter of 101 mm) with water as the working medium for the flow Reynolds number ranging from 1.18×105 to 5.48×105. Influence of the half cone angle (α) and the location of static pressure taps on the coefficient of discharge (Cd) of a cone flowmeter are studied. Two cones with half cone angles α=30° and α=45° with a constant constriction ratio (β) of 0.75 are studied. Static pressure taps are located on both sides of the bi-directional cone. Two sets of locations of static pressure taps are studied. First set includes two static pressure taps on the pipe wall in the planes of apexes of the bi-directional cone—called apex taps. Second set includes pressure taps on the pipe wall in the planes at a distance D/4 away from the apexes of the bi-directional cone—called D/4 taps. Double 90° bend (out-of-plane) is placed at 1.5D, 5.5D, 9.5D and 13.5D upstream to the bi-directional cone flowmeter. It is observed that the apex static pressure taps located in the plane of apexes of the bi-directional cone result in statistically consistent coefficient of discharge for all Reynolds numbers covered in this study. The results suggest that the bi-directional cone flowmeter is insensitive to the swirl created by double 90° bend (out-of-plane) placed at the upstream of cone flowmeter, if placed at a distance of 9.5D or more.  相似文献   

The present study explores the effect of upstream disturbances like a single 90°bend, double 90° bends (in plane and out of plane) on the performance of wafer cone flowmeters with same beta ratio (β) of 0.77 but different half cone angles (α) of 30° and 45°. The influence of these disturbances on the upstream and downstream axial velocity (u) profiles are studied experimentally. The orientation effects, if any, are also studied experimentally. The minimum upstream distances required to get a fully developed flow for these disturbances vary with type of upstream disturbance, beta ratio (β) and half cone angle (α) of the wafer cone flowmeter. The study is carried out for a single phase flow with air as working medium at high Reynolds number (ReD = 144000). From the results obtained from this study, it may be concluded that the wafer cone flowmeter with a beta ratio (β) of 0.77 and a cone angle of 30° requires less upstream distance compared to the wafer cone flowmeter with a beta ratio (β) of 0.77 with a cone angle of 45° for all the disturbances under consideration.  相似文献   

When the oil field has been exploited by long-term water-flooding, it will be in high water-content stage of production. However, it is a great challenge for high-water-content measurement due to oil droplets extremely dispersed in the water. In this paper, we developed a phase-isolation based method for high-water-content oil-water two-phase flow measurement. Phase-isolation was realized by axial-flow swirler to concentrate scattered and random oil droplets into the pipe center and change the inlet flow pattern into a particular annular flow before measuring. Owing to the axisymmetric velocity and phase distribution, the electromagnetic flow meter avoided the effect of random distribution of insulating phase, and then had a good measurement performance for total volume flow rate. Furthermore, we respectively studied using axial pressure drop, radial pressure drop and the ratio of the two pressure drops to measure water content. The results showed that the ratio of the two pressure drops not only improves the resolution of oil and water, but also effectively reduces the impact of error transfer. In the dual-parameter measurement experiment, the relative errors of total volume flow rate and water content were almost within ±5%.  相似文献   

Viscosity effect is one important factor that affects the performance of turbine flowmeter. The fluid dynamics mechanism of the viscosity effect on turbine flowmeter performance is still not fully understood. In this study, the curves of meter factor and linearity error of the turbine flowmeter changing with fluid viscosity variations were obtained from multi-viscosity experiments (the viscosity range covered is 1.0×10–6 m2/s–112×10–6 m2/s). The results indicate that the average meter factor of turbine flowmeter decreases with viscosity increases, while the linearity error increases. Furthermore, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation was carried out to analyze three-dimensional internal flow fields of turbine flowmeter. It was demonstrated that viscosity changes lead to changes of the wake flow behind the upstream flow conditioner blade and the flow velocity profile before fluid entering turbine rotor blade, which affect the distribution of pressure on the rotor blades, so impact the turbine flowmeter performance.  相似文献   

以TRZ80气体涡轮流量计为研究对象,采用数值模拟与实验测试相结合的方法,提出了前整流器和后导流体的结构优化方案。通过对结构优化前后流量内部流场特征的分析,揭示了流量计结构与性能优化背后确切的流体力学机制。研究结果表明:前整流器和后导流体区域的压降突变与后导流体尾部的涡旋结构和回流现象是影响流量计计量性能的主要机制。优化的流量计结构可以明显减弱压降突变、涡旋结构与回流现象。优化的流量计结构既可以显著降低流量计的压力损失,又可以明显提高流量计的测量精度与稳定性,其压力损失和线性度误差分别降低了约48.58%和32.43%。研究结果有助于为今后开发与量产计量性能更好的气体涡轮流量计提供理论指导和技术支持。  相似文献   

Flowmeters and control valves are important components of flow measurement and control in heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, which directly or indirectly impact building room comfort and energy costs. Valves as resistance components produce differential pressure which in turn can be used for flow measurement. This paper studies the function among valve opening position, pressure difference and flowrate of a new designed butterfly valve. The flow model of the butterfly valve is established based on the Bernoulli equation, the discharge coefficient C under different valve opening conditions are studied by CFD simulations and verified by experiments. The simulation results show that the discharge coefficient C reached a stable value of 0.67–0.70 as Reynolds number exceeded 5000, and the permanent pressure loss ratio is range from 0.95 to 0.37 corresponding to opening range from 10° to 70°. The correctness of the simulation results of C is verified by experiments, in which C is about 0.60. With the corrected values obtained from experiments, the simulation results are instructive to practice. The new designed butterfly valve flowmeter can be used efficiently in HVAC system, especially in variable air volume (VAV) air conditioning system. And the work of this paper offers a reference for other types of valve flowmeters in fluid control processes.  相似文献   

In the last decade significant progress has been achieved in the development of measurement traceability for LNG inline metering technologies such as Coriolis and ultrasonic flow meters. In 2019, the world's first LNG research and calibration facility has been realised thus enabling calibration and performance testing of small and mid-scale LNG flow meters under realistic cryogenic conditions at a maximum flow rate of 200 m3/h and provisional mass flow measurement uncertainty of 0.30% (k = 2) using liquid nitrogen as the calibration fluid. This facility enabled, for the first time, an extensive test programme of LNG flow meters under cryogenic conditions to be carried out to achieve three main objectives; the first is to reduce the onsite flow measurement uncertainty for small and mid-scale LNG applications to meet a target measurement uncertainty of 0.50% (k = 2), the second is to systematically assess the impact of upstream flow disturbances and meter insulation on meter performance and the third is to assess transferability of meter calibrations with water at ambient conditions to cryogenic conditions. SI-traceable flow calibration results from testing six LNG flow meters (four Coriolis and two ultrasonic, see acknowledgment section) with water in a water calibration facility and liquid nitrogen (LIN) in the LNG research and calibration facility under various test conditions are fully described in this paper. Water and LIN calibration data were compared and it was observed that the influence of removing the meter insulation on mass flow rate measurement accuracy can be more significant (meter error > ±0.50%) than the influence of many typical upstream disturbances when the meter is preceded by a straight piping length equal to twenty pipe diameters (20D) with no additional flow conditioning devices, in particular for ultrasonic meters. The results indicate that the correction models used to transfer the water calibration to cryogenic conditions (using LIN) can potentially result in mass flow rate measurement errors below ±0.5%, however, the correction models are specific to the meter type and manufacturer. This work shows that the target measurement uncertainty of 0.50% can be achieved if the expanded standard error of the mean value measured by the meter is smaller than 0.40% (k = 2). It is planned to repeat these tests with LNG in order to compare the results with the LIN tests presented in this paper. This may reveal that testing with an explosion safe and environmentally friendly fluid such as LIN produces representative results for testing LNG flow meters.  相似文献   

结构参数对超声波流量计水流特性影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
超声波流量计应用于小管径时,在基表内部加装反射装置,延长声程,提高测量精度。反射装置对超声波流量计基表内水流特性影响较大,为了优化表内水流特性,本文针对U型反射的特点提出两种改进措施:反射柱上部削平部分和在此基础上加装导流片。利用SST K-ω模型,对3种基表内水流特性进行数值模拟,分析3种基表内流场分布、声道流速稳定性和压力损失。结果表明,反射柱上部削平部分没有改善流场分布,而在此基础上加装导流片流场明显得到改善,同时两者均增加了声道流速稳定性和减小了压力损失,但后者效果更为显著。  相似文献   

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