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茅积余  李惠君 《浙江化工》1990,21(2):4-5,17
多效唑是一种三唑类作物广谱生长调节剂,已在我国水稻,油菜,大豆,果树等领域大面积推广应用,经济效益显著。以含有0、5、20、500ppm受试物浓度的饲料给大鼠连续喂饲90天,发现高剂量组大鼠的肝脏轻度受损、妊娠率稍低、孕鼠体重增长受抑。  相似文献   

多效唑分析方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
陈学恒 《农药》1992,31(3):8-10
作为三唑类植物生长调节剂分析方法初报,本文介绍用高效石英毛细管柱的色谱分离、分析多效唑有效成分(2RS、3RS)和非有效成分(2RS、2SR)的有效方法。  相似文献   

本文用气相色谱法分别对多效唑原药、可湿性粉剂及胶悬剂进行了定量分析研究;选择以邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯为内标,丙酮为溶剂;并采用适当的色谱条件,获得较为满意的效果。  相似文献   

多效唑在芒果中的残留   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
钱传范  明九雪 《农药》1998,37(9):29-30
用80%甲醇水溶液提取样品中的多效唑,加2%硫酸钠水溶液后用二氯甲烷萃取,旋转蒸发至干,用甲醇溶解残余物,经过弗罗里硅土-活发炭柱净化后用高效液相色谱测定。在整个芒果生长期,每棵树施15g10%多效唑可湿性粉剂,均匀喷雾一次,最后测定多效唑在芒果中的残留量均低于最大允许残留限量。  相似文献   

多效唑是二十世纪70年代末由英国帝国(ICI)化学公司新开发的一种植物生长调节剂兼杀菌剂,属植物生长延续剂,也叫抑制剂。多效唑是一种高效低毒的植物生长延缓剂,能增加植株体内叶绿素、蛋白质和核酸的含量,降低赤霉素和吲哚乙酸的含量,增加乙烯的释放量,增强抗倒、抗旱、抗寒及抗病等抗逆性,增加产量,改善品质及提高经济效益。它受到人们广泛关注,认为是迄今为止最好生长延缓剂之一。  相似文献   

多效唑新合成方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李煜昶  石素娥 《农药》1994,33(4):19-20
多效唑新合成方法的研究李煜昶,石素娥(南开大学元素有机化学研究所,天津300071)一、前言多效唑(pp333),即(2RS,3RS)-1-对氯苯基-2-(1,2,4-三唑-1-基)-4,4-二甲基-戊-3-醇,是一个高活性的植物生长调节剂和广谱性杀...  相似文献   

袁灵恩  李光武 《农药》1991,30(5):56-57
马铃薯在发棵期存在着制造养分、消耗养分和积累养分三个互相联系而又矛盾的过程,此时既要促使根、茎、叶具有强盛的同化功能,又要控制茎叶不让徒长,以减少非生产性的养分消耗,因此对秧势太盛,出现徒长的秧  相似文献   

多效唑合成工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍以引进小试专利为基础,采用相转移催化三步合成多效唑优化试验研究。突破了小试专利以多效唑混合体为目标的合成路线,建立了以合成多效唑有效活性成分2RS、3RS体为目标的新路线,使有效活性成分比引进专利提高3%以上。  相似文献   

氟氯菊酯对大型蚤的亚慢性毒性及其恢复实验   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
叶伟红  刘维屏  谭亚军 《农药》2004,43(2):86-89
本实验研究了氟氯菊酯对大型蚤母代F0的亚慢性实验,及其两代子代(第一胎和第三胎:F1(1st)和F1(3rd))在没有农药的环境中生存21d的恢复实验,并且用存活期、体长、繁殖(每个母蚤产幼蚤数、第一次怀卵和产卵的天数、每个母蚤的胎数)和内禀增长率(r)等参数来进行评价。在恢复实验中,第一胎大型蚤的每只母蚤产幼蚤数和体长这两个参数在恢复实验中仍然受到明显的抑制,第三胎大型蚤在没有农药的环境中生存了21d后的各个参数基本上能恢复的与对照组没有显著区别了,但是在0.5和0.75μg/kg的浓度中生存后的母蚤所产的第三胎在体长参数上还没有完全的恢复(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

以大型蚤为试验生物,根据GB/T13266-91所规定的大型蚤急性毒性试验方法,研究了次氯酸钠、表面活性剂、苯酚对大型蚤的24h-LC50。试验结果表明次氯酸钠、表面活性剂、苯酚对大型蚤的24 h-LC50分别为0.216 mg/L,8.590 mg/L,41.295 mg/L。三种物质对大型蚤的致死效应与其浓度呈明显的正相关关系。根据相关毒性评价标准,次氯酸钠属于高毒等级,表面活性剂属于中毒等级,苯酚属于低毒等级。对比有关环境污染物排放标准,表面活性剂的排放可能会带来生态环境的污染。  相似文献   

庞市宾  蔡磊明  吴颖慧  赵玉艳  王捷 《农药》2007,46(8):551-554,562
分别采用持续流水式系统和半静态系统为暴露途径,比较研究难溶化学品3,4-二氯苯胺对大型蚤繁殖影响的差异.结果表明,在半静态系统中3,4-二氯苯胺对母蚤繁殖、生长和生存的最低可观察质量浓度(LOEC)和最高无作用质量浓度(NOEC)分别为0.01、0.005 mg/L;在流水式系统中3,4-二氯苯胺对母蚤繁殖的LOEC和NOEC分别为0.02、0.01 mg/L,对生长和生存的LOEC和NOEC分别为0.01、0.005 mg/L.  相似文献   

A study of the bioavailability of fluoranthene to Daphnia magna (Cladocera) was carried out. Acute toxicity of fluoranthene to Daphnia magna was assessed in various conditions: co-solvent, darkness, classical laboratory lighting, UV exposure, presence or absence of microalgae. Bioaccumulation of fluoranthene in daphnids was also determined. In the dark, the toxicity of fluoranthene was low. Following a 2-h exposure under UV light (254 nm), toxicity increased to a great extent. Under fluorescent light, phototoxicity was also observed. The bioaccumulation of fluoranthene in the dark was maximal after 24 h exposure and related to the aqueous fluoranthene content. No differences were found between both co-solvents. In the presence of microalgae, fluoranthene was far less toxic, whereas bioaccumulation was unchanged. Adsorption of fluoranthene on algae could not explain this lower toxicity which might be due to either absorption of light by algae or a protective effect of algal carotenoid pigments against phototoxicity.  相似文献   

There is increasing recognition that environmental nano-biological interactions in model species, and the resulting effects on progeny, are of paramount importance for nanomaterial (NM) risk assessment. In this work, Daphnia magna F0 mothers were exposed to a range of silver and titanium dioxide NMs. The key biological life history traits (survival, growth and reproduction) of the F1 intergenerations, at the first (F1B1), third (F1B3) and fifth (F1B5) broods, were investigated. Furthermore, the F1 germlines of each of the three broods were investigated over 3 more generations (up to 25 days each) in continuous or removed-from NM exposure, to identify how the length of maternal exposure affects the resulting clonal broods. Our results show how daphnids respond to NM-induced stress, and how the maternal effects show trade-offs between growth, reproduction and survivorship. The F1B1 (and following germline) had the shortest F0 maternal exposure times to the NMs, and thus were the most sensitive showing reduced size and reproductive output. The F1B3 generation had a sub-chronic maternal exposure, whereas the F1B5 generation suffered chronic maternal exposure where (in most cases) the most compensatory adaptive effects were displayed in response to the prolonged NM exposure, including enhanced neonate output and reduced gene expression. Transgenerational responses of multiple germlines showed a direct link with maternal exposure time to ‘sub-lethal’ effect concentrations of NMs (identified from standard OECDs acute toxicity tests which chronically presented as lethal) including increased survival and production of males in the F1B3 and G1B5 germlines. This information may help to fine-tune environmental risk assessments of NMs and prediction of their impacts on environmental ecology.  相似文献   

基于DFT-B3LYP方法在6-311G**基组水平上计算获得了36种苯酚和苯胺类化合物的量化和理化参数,采用最佳变量子集回归方法,建立苯酚和苯胺类化合物对大型蚤毒性与上述描述符参数的定量构效关系。结果表明所建三变量模型具有良好的预报能力和稳健性,化合物次最低空轨道能愈小,毒性愈大;化合物疏水性愈强,毒性愈大;化合物偶极距愈小,毒性愈强。  相似文献   

滥用植物生长调节剂(PGR)所导致的残留问题严重影响了人类的身体健康.常见的PGR毒性反应包括以下几方面:生殖毒性方面,可影响个体性激素水平、促进生精细胞的凋亡及抑制精子的活性;肝毒性方面,可干扰肝中ALT、AST和LDH等血清酶的活性,损伤肝细胞以及改变肝组织的正常形态;此外,PGR还具有免疫毒性、神经毒性、致畸、致...  相似文献   

6种药剂对葱蝇的毒力及控制效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宋增明  薛明  卢传兵 《农药》2004,43(10):474-476,478
测定了灭蝇胺、氟铃脲等6种药剂对葱蝇3龄幼虫的毒力和杀卵活性,并进行了盆栽灌根和持效期试验。结果表明:氟铃脲和虱螨脲对3龄幼虫的毒力高,灭蝇胺和氟铃脲在常规使用浓度下,对1、2龄幼虫有较强的毒杀作用。处理3龄幼虫能使蛹畸形,不同药剂间的杀卵作用差异较大。灭蝇胺灌根处理土壤,对1~2龄幼虫的持效期可达15d以上,对3龄幼虫可达lOd以上。灭蝇胺和氟铃脲在葱蝇防治中有较大的应用价值。  相似文献   

研究了植物生长调节剂菊乙胺酯(WD-5)对环境生物的安全性。试验结果表明,95%菊乙胺酯对鱼中毒,对蜂、鸟、蚕低毒,使用时对环境生物安全。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In Izmir (Turkey) polyaromatic hydracarbon (PAH) removal efficiencies are low in petrochemical industry aerobic biological wastewater treatment plants because bacteria are not able to overcome the inhibition of these toxic and refractory organics. In order to increase PAHs removal, sonication process was chosen among other advanced treatment processes include sonication processes. The effects of ambient conditions, increasing sonication time, sonication temperature, TiO2 and Fe+2 concentrations on sonication at a petrochemical industry wastewater treatment plant in Izmir (Turkey) was investigated in a 650 W sonicator, at a frequency of 35 kHz and a 500 mL glass reactor. RESULTS: Increasing the temperature improved PAH removal after 150 min sonication at 30 °C and 60 °C. The maximum total PAH removal efficiencies were the same in a reactor containing 20 mg L?1 TiO2 and in a TiO2‐free reactor at 30 °C and 60 °C after 150 min sonication. Maximum 91% and 97% total PAH removals were obtained in a control reactor and a reactor containing 20 mg L?1 Fe+2 at 30 °C and 60 °C, respectively, after 150 min sonication. The PAH concentration was toxic to Daphnia magna, so that the EC50 value decreased significantly from 342.56 ng mL?1 to EC50 = 9.88 ng mL?1 and to EC50 = 3.35 ng mL?1, at the lowest TiO2 (0.1 mg L?1) and Fe+2 (2 mg L?1) concentrations, respectively, after 150 min sonication at 30 °C. CONCLUSION: PAHs and the acute toxicity in a petrochemical industry wastewater were removed efficiently through sonication. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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