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一个发生在9月的展览,用99件意大利家具,通过9个转折点和9个装置引伸出9个主题,一群意大利人虔诚的相信“9”在中国是一个蕴含无穷力量的未知数,执着酒杯等待9月9日晚上9点的外滩钟声…… 相似文献
2005年的“五月设计节(DESlGNMAI)”活动以“美丽新世界?(Brave New Worlds?)”作为口号,它的提出参考了赫胥黎的同名小说。同时,口号中所蕴含的曲折也体现在这五个字末尾的问号里。毕竟,我们没有一个人确切地知道明天的世界将会是什么样子。而我们今天确实能够知道的是设计师们已经为打造未来做出了某种实质性的贡献——这种贡献比起从前要更多。近些年我们还注意到有关乌托邦和想象力的观念让人们日益着迷。既然如此,我们为什么不应该努力冒险着去看看未来究竟会如何呢?这次“五月设计节”活动可以通过探索乌托邦,想象力或者采取一些明确的实质性的道路来略作尝试。 相似文献
从安积伸(Shin Azumi)第一次到英国算起,他和英国、和伦敦已经有了近15年的情结。安积伸早已成了各类媒体报道和机构介绍里频繁出现的名字,就连英国设计节的创始人之一约翰·索瑞(John Sorrell)在《Creative Island(创意之岛)》一书中也将其作为对英国创意产业有所影响的驻岛设计师予以了收录。安积伸目前依然在伦敦经营着自己“astudio”.一个从事产品、家具和空间设计的工作室。[第一段] 相似文献
The design of the cross-sections of cantilever beams of prescribed mass and carrying prescribed loads is analytically determined such that the integral of the transverse deflection along the length of the beam is a minimum 相似文献
We consider the general problem of multiple impacts onto a mosaic in which one or two cells is broken by each impact. Impact onto a broken cell or a cell interface defeats the array. Multiple impacts are defined statistically, and equations are given for calculations n50, defined as the number of impacts for which the probability is 50% that:
- 1. one cell is hit more than once, or
- 2. an impact occurs on an interface between two cells. The value of n50 is determined by the number of cells, the cell shape, and width of the interface zone.
Index Terms: Impact testing; Interfaces (materials); Statistical methods; Probability; Multi-hit capability 相似文献
正杨博博创设计创始人兼创意设计总监,CDC中国设计师,中国包装联合会全国委员.CCⅡ首都企业形象研究会理事中国国家游泳馆水立方标志原创设计者,中央电视台发现之旅频道标志设计者。在处理甲乙双方的合作关系上,一个优秀的设计师应该也要做一个平衡大师,需要达到自身及客户双方的视觉及心理平衡。In dealing with the relationsihip between designers and their clients,a good designer should become a master of balance,maintaining the visual and mental balance of both sides. 相似文献
进入网络时代,概念时代人们的消费需求也从情感消费向差别消费延伸,随着当今消费能力的提高,从共性消费到个性消费的转变是必然的。对于企业来说,能够聚集人气的地方就是市场机遇的所在,而今天能够打破时间和空间限制的聚拢的人气的市场就是网络。结合个性化消费需求与网络时代的数字化生活方式两方面,网络定制——这种全新的营销方式也就应运而生。开业于2006年年底的一家名为“Beyond Tailors”的网络定制商务男性衬衫品牌,就是一个很好的网络定制营销案例,这一品牌所提出的消费理念是“比成衣更合体,比品牌更个性,比裁缝更便捷”,简单说就是“将消费简单化,将时尚个人化,将设计商业化”几方面考虑而形成的新形态商业模式,同时针对社会某一群体的现代生活方式而创造的个体化消费方式。《产品设计-Design》“Beyond Tailors”的创立人董路先生对于网络定制现象进行的进一步的探讨。[编者按] 相似文献
当前普遍的看法是社会正在从“表象”时代向“可持续”时代发展。菲利普&;#183;皮卡德坦言在运动产品的设计观念上应该更加注重提高人们身心的健康。作为一家运动产品公司的设计部主管,这份社会的责任从创新的角度要求他为每一件从这里涎生的产品赋予这样的意义。皮卡德的愿望是有更多的人积极参与到运动中,而他号召人们的方式更直接地来自于和团队成员一起设计出富于意义、价值感和受人喜爱的各类运动产品。而且很重要的是耍通过他们的智慧让这些产品成为不昂贵和容易被人消费的必需品。让设计帮助人们更好地运动。因此。“好的设计就是好的商业”在皮卡德看来成了所有团队成员奋斗的口号。在接下来的阅读中.把话语权交给菲利普坡卡德,在问题中听听这位设计的领袖是如何理解创新,如何诠释设计与商业的关联的。 相似文献
P. Schmidt 《Particulate Science and Technology》1991,9(1):91-103
There is a potential for improving cyclone separators by design and operating conditions. Secondary flow detrimental to dust separation can be avoided by proper gas inlets, dimensioning of body and swirl, or by use of a flow guide in the area of separation. Cyclone and bin are to be treated as one unit. Scavenging of the bin is most effective for high effiency. Cut sizes smaller than 1 μm can be realized with a cyclone separator unit consisting of a preseparator, a battery of small cyclones, and a scavenging cyclone with gas recirculation. Such arrangements are capable to cope with dust streaks and to make positive use of dust agglomeration. These principles are applicable also for big cyclone batteries as used behind rotary dryers for wood chips, etc. 相似文献
P. SCHMIDT 《Particulate Science and Technology》2013,31(1-2):91-103
ABSTRACT There is a potential for improving cyclone separators by design and operating conditions. Secondary flow detrimental to dust separation can be avoided by proper gas inlets, dimensioning of body and swirl, or by use of a flow guide in the area of separation. Cyclone and bin are to be treated as one unit. Scavenging of the bin is most effective for high effiency. Cut sizes smaller than 1 μm can be realized with a cyclone separator unit consisting of a preseparator, a battery of small cyclones, and a scavenging cyclone with gas recirculation. Such arrangements are capable to cope with dust streaks and to make positive use of dust agglomeration. These principles are applicable also for big cyclone batteries as used behind rotary dryers for wood chips, etc. 相似文献