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月海油田月东稠油油藏输送工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
月东稠油油藏属于滩海稠油区块,附近没有稀油来源,采取常规稠油掺稀油输送方式存在一定的难度,借鉴以往生产实践,可采用加热或乳化降粘输送。本文在室内流变实验数据的基础上,对月东稠油油藏原油外输管线沿程压降计算方法进行了论述,并提出了优选方案,从而为该区稠油外输工艺提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

以渤海A油田稠油输送管道工艺设计为基础,在分析稠油管道降粘减阻措施的基础上,首次提出稠油管道回掺活性水新方法。实验分析及软件模拟结果表明,该方法可以在一定程度上改善稠油管道输送条件,能够有效解决稠油管道降粘减阻的难题,可为今后稠油管道输送工艺设计提供参考。  相似文献   

辽河油田的稠油蜡含量较低,胶质、沥青含量较高,因此密度高,凝点低,粘度大,并且具有随油温的升高粘度变化小的特点。针对辽河油田稠油的物性特点,研制了LJ─212型高效乳化降粘剂。将该药剂稀释成一定的浓度注入地下油层中,在输送温度下(50~80℃)渗透到稠油中。在注水压力的作用下,可形成粘度较低的油水混合乳化液。试验结果表明,LJ-212型高效乳化降粘剂具有明显的乳化降粘效果。1.试验条件和仪器试验油样为辽河油田兴隆台采油厂和曙光首站的油样。稠油的乳化阵粘试验为条件性试验,因此其试验效果受话多因素影响。根据辽河…  相似文献   

套保稠油油田火烧油层可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从火烧油层的筛选标准、实际地质条件及室内物理模拟实验入手,对该油田火烧可行性进行了分析。分析结果认为,套保油田进行火烧总体上是可行的,在实际火烧时应避开底水的影响,火烧区域应选在构造高部位或仅烧其主力层。  相似文献   

我国稠油地面建设技术水平及发展方向TechnicalLevelsandDevelopmentTrendsforChina’sViscousCrudeSurfaceProductionFacilities苗承武,陈泽芳,梁月霞中国石油天然气总公司石油规...  相似文献   

稠油降粘技术及输送方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
稠油输送之前必须先降粘,如何降粘是一个重要的技术问题。本文介绍了稀释法、裂解法、微生物法和乳化降粘法这四种稠油降粘技术及其研究应用概况。低粘液环输送,其原理与方法在实际的稠油集输设计中非常重要。一般来讲,对每种稠油输送方案都要考虑它的原始投资和操作费用,从而进行综合全面的经济分析,才能选出最为经济合理的稠油输送方法。  相似文献   

稠油降粘输送方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着世界各地稠油开采量的增加,稠油的储存和运输问题愈来愈引起人们的广泛关注,世界各国都在寻求经济、有效并可靠的稠油输送方法。目前,管道输送稠油常见的方法有:加热方法、稀释方法、低粘液环输送法和乳化降粘输送方法等。本文综述了这几种稠油输送方法的特点及各自的优缺点。  相似文献   

针对稠油疏松地层出砂这个间题,各油田都在想方设法来提高防砂效果,防砂是这类油藏正常生产的一种必要手段。  相似文献   

In this work, the flow characteristics of heavy crude oil were investigated by using a rheometer and a lab scale flow loop, respectively. In the experiments of rheometer, there is an approximate linear relationship between the yield stress and the area of thixotropic loop independent to the system temperature and crude oil types. A comparison between the experimental data of yield stress versus start-up rate obtained in the pipe start-up flow with those measured in the rheometer reveals that the transport characteristics of heavy crude oil can be predicted well by the rheological measurements.  相似文献   

针对原油电化学两段脱水处理工艺中存在的问题,指出化学脱水段大罐的沉降时间,一般在40min左右为宜。当原油含水率在50%~70%范围内时,因其粘度有一很高的峰值,应尽可能避免管输这一含水率范围内的原油,若无法避免时,可在管道的始端向原油中加化学破乳剂,破乳降粘;当原油含水大于70%时,其粘度很低,不需加热就能输送。采用加热方式时,可在沉降罐上部油层中设置加热盘管加热原油。控制回掺水中的含油量,回掺的应该是污水,而不应是污油,生产中应精心控制好油水界面,以减少污水中的含油量。  相似文献   

辽河油田稠油减阻降粘试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同减阻剂,针对辽河油田稠油进行了减阻输送试验研究。试验结果表明:当雷诺数Re在3000~6000之间,减阻剂加入浓度在(30~60)×10-6时,减阻率为7.1%~8.0%,相应的增输率为4.1%~4.7%。试验研究中还发现:每种减阻剂都有其针对性和适应性,对稀油有效的减阻剂,对稠油则可能效果不佳。  相似文献   


The ever-increasing world energy demand would require the use of all hydrocarbon resources available, especially heavy and extra-heavy crude oils in the near future. However, transportation of these crudes is very difficult due to their high viscosity and low mobility. There are many different methods to reduce heavy crude oil viscosity. Some of these methods are heating, blending, water-in-oil emulsion formation, upgrading, and core annular flow. But each of these methods has several problems. The aim of this research is to investigate a new method to reduce viscosity for pipeline transportation. In this method asphalt molecules, which are mainly responsible for high viscosity, are aggregated temporarily to micronized clusters while going through a pulsed electric field, causing a reduction of the viscosity. This method does not change the oil's temperature and is very suitable for underwater pipelines. The authors applied electric fields in the range of 0.5 to 1.8 KV/mm an Iranian heavy crude oil and viscosity reduction up to 7% was observed.  相似文献   


Ever increasing world energy demand requires the use of all hydrocarbon resources available, especially heavy and extra heavy crude oils, in the near future. However, transportation of these crudes is very difficult due to their high viscosity and low mobility. There are many different methods to reduce heavy crude oil viscosity. Some of these methods are heating, blending, water-in-oil emulsion formation, upgrading, and core annular flow, but each of these methods has several problems. The aim of this research is to investigate a new method to reduce viscosity for pipeline transportation. In this method, asphalt molecules, which are mainly responsible for high viscosity, are aggregated temporarily to micronized clusters while going through a pulsed electric field, causing a reduction of the viscosity. This method does not change the oil's temperature and is very suitable for underwater pipelines. Magnetic fields of 0.03 to 0.3 T were exerted on two kinds of heavy crude oils and viscosity reduction up to 7% was observed.  相似文献   

输油管道采用电热带伴热保温,防止管中原油凝固是近几年来发展的一种高新节能技术。电热带是用电能来补充被伴热在工艺生产过程中的所散失的热量,以维持流动介质最合理的工艺温度范围。电热带沿管道长度方向均匀放热,所以电伴热温度梯度小,热稳定时间长。电热带热效率高、节约能源、设计简单、施工方便、无污染、使用寿命长,并能实现遥控和自动化控制。  相似文献   

本文介绍了含蜡原油在管道输油过程中的结蜡过程,以及利用降凝剂降低含蜡原油析蜡点的机理,通过控制管道中原油的粘度达到有效地利用降凝剂的目的。  相似文献   

碟片式离心机的原油脱水试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用碟片式离心机对高含水原油和老化油进行了脱水试验,该机主要是由碟片、转鼓、主轴、摩擦离合器螺旋齿轮副、电机、泵等组成,工作原理是含水原油进入离心机作高速回转,在离心力场的作用下分离成油、水、固相物。试验结果表明,老化油的脱水效果不好,最高脱水率只能达到50%;高含水原油的脱水效果很好,当来液平均含水为93.8%左右时,处理后平均含水为0.4%,脱水率为99.6%。  相似文献   

LTB低温高效稠油破乳剂的研制与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对冀东油田高一联稠油,研制出LTB低温高效破乳剂。LTB破乳剂由3种组分复配而成,其最佳配比为1:1.5:1.0,与冀东油田原用破乳剂WYZ相比,LTB破乳剂具有破乳速度快,脱出水含油量低,油水界面齐等优点,可使原油破乳温度由70℃降至50℃,节约大量的能源,降低破乳成本。LTB破乳剂在低温下破乳速度、脱出水颜色、污水含油量等指标均明显强于冀东油田原来使用的破乳剂。  相似文献   

Heavy crude oil shows high viscosity combined with low mobility, which affects the efficient transportation through pipelines. Drag has long been identified as the main reason for the loss of energy in pipeline fluid transmission and other similar transportation channels. The main contributor to this drag is the viscosity as well as friction against pipe walls, which will result in more pumping power consumption. Various methods such as heating, upgrading, dilution, core annular flow, and emulsification in water have been used for their transportation. The influence of toluene and naphtha as a viscosity and drag reducing solvent on flow of Iraqi crude oil in pipelines was investigated in the present work. The effect of additive type, concentration, pipe diameter, solution flow rate, and heating on the percentage of drag reduction (%Dr) and percentage flow increase (%FI) were the variables of study. The maximum drag reduction was observed to be 40.48% and 34.32% using heavy oil flowing in pipeline diameter of 0.0508 m I.D. at 27°C containing 10 wt% naphtha and toluene, respectively. Also, the dimensional analysis is used for grouping the significant quantities into dimension less group to reduce the number of variables.  相似文献   

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