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我国质量振兴取得了巨大的成就。重大装备、产品整机质量与可靠性水平明显提高;主要原材料实物质量已接近国际水平,主要原材料行业的高技术含量、节能减排效果明显,一些重要的产品质量达到国际先进水平。食品工业装备水平、加工技术、安全、质量保障能力也在稳步提升。中国制造家用电器、空调冰箱等11类家用电器的产量均列世界首位,总体质量水平接近和达到了国际水平。  相似文献   

工业设备是工厂维持简单再生产的物质技术基础,而企业技术装备水平高低是体现企业由粗放型经营向集约化经营转变的重要标志。装备水平是指在技术进步条件下,技术装备适应生产和技术发展的内在品质,即企业技术装备水平的高低和技术状况的优劣。它能直接反映企业技术进步的程度、生产能力的大小、现代化程度的高低。因此,没有设备的更新改造、装备水平的提高,就没有企业生产规模的扩大、产品质量的提高,也就谈不上企业经济效益的增长。从全省冶金工业第三次工业普查结果可以看出,我省冶金企业主要生产设备的装备水平参差不齐,新厂水平…  相似文献   

2.5 提高“四率一综”水平是创建节约型企业的重点 “四率一综”(矿石回采率、选矿回收率、冶炼回收率、加工材成品率和综合利用水平)贯穿有色金属整个生产过程,是有色金属工业重要的技术经济指标。它综合反映一个企业的管理水平、技术装备水平、资源利用和竞争力的高低。企业的各项工作,都是以提高“四率一综”水平来展开。只有企业“四率一综”水平真正提高了,企业的整体实力才能增强,才能提高市场竞争力,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

胡宝贵  郭宏 《鞍钢技术》1994,(12):56-59
鞍钢中板厂是鞍钢的主要成品厂这一。它是个老厂,设备陈旧简陋,工人劳动强度大。建国后,经历了几次重大的工艺、设备改造,在设备水平、工艺技术水平、产品产量及实物质量等方面都有很大进展,如今已成为具有80年代先进装机水平、年产40万t中板的骨干企业。  相似文献   

本通过对二矿区1158分段即无间柱大面积水平矿柱开采存在稳定性的问题,结合目前1150中段回采的现状,对水平矿柱的回采方式、回采顺序进行了分析研究,为保证无间柱大面积水平矿柱安全可靠的回采,提高无间柱大面积水平矿柱的回收率,保证二矿区持续稳产高产,提出了针对性的措施和建议。  相似文献   

本实用新型属于挤压制品传送装置,特别是关于铝型材挤压输出传送装置,其特征是:它包括驱动垂直方向移动的垂直驱动液压缸、垂直方向移动的活动梁组、连接垂直驱动液压缸与活动梁组的拐臂机构,驱动水平方向移动的水平驱动液压缸、水平移动的固定梁组,连接水平驱动液压缸与固定梁组的齿轮齿条旋转机构组成,液压缸与拐臂机构连接,驱动拐臂机构,通过拐臂机构带动活动梁组垂直升降;水平移动液压缸与齿轮齿条旋转机构连接.驱动齿轮齿条旋转机构,产生活动梁组上滑枕水平移动,两种运动相互配合,形成铝型材矩形输送的动作。这种铝型材挤压输出传送装置,以减少铝材输送过程之中的摩擦。  相似文献   

经国务院批准,国家计委、电力部最近联合发出通知,决定适当提高电价水平。1.为了解决中央投资建设项目的还贷需要,全国电价水平在1993年目录电价基础上,平均每千瓦时提高1.5分。2.各电网电价水平安排的原则是,以今年的还贷需要为基础,适当考虑现有还贷能力、现行电价水平和用电企业的承受能力,区别不同情况具体安排各电网的提价水平。3.在印发的1994年目录电价表中,中、小化肥生产用电继续实行优惠,维持现行价格水平。居民生活用电价格这次不提高。4.三峡工程建设基金征收标准由现行每千瓦时3厘提高到4厘,仍…  相似文献   

我国铝加工装备现状与发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍了我国铝加工企业的熔铸设备、热轧机、挤压机的装备水平,并与国际先进水平进行比较,指出了发展趋势。  相似文献   

经过多年的快速发展,我国已成为世界有色金属生产大国和消费大国。与此同时,通过自主研发、引进、消化吸收再创新,有色金属生产企业的技术装备水平也大幅提高,有些已达到世界先进水平。  相似文献   

水平连铸全连铸工艺技术的开发和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
詹亦凤 《炼钢》1995,11(1):25-31
本文以衡阳钢管厂为例,对水平连铸机如何实现全连铸。从炼钢、浇钢、拉坯技术三个方面进行了介绍,同时指出了水平连铸现阶段存在的问题。此文对我国的水平连铸生产有一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

Discusses the psychodynamic, systems, behavioral, social psychological, and sociobiological perspectives on romantic jealousy. The psychodynamic approach views jealousy as the result of unresolved childhood experiences and as best treated by individual psychotherapy. The systems approach views jealousy as the result of the dynamic in a particular relationship and as best treated by couple therapy. The behavioral approach views jealousy as a learned response that can be unlearned. The social psychological approach views jealousy as determined by the social environment and as best treated by shifting from a dispositional to a situational attribution. The sociobiological perspective views jealousy as innate and its treatment application involves breaking couples' fallacy of uniqueness regarding jealousy. An integrative approach using contributions of all 5 perspectives is suggested and a case example is provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

郭荣祥  鞠红 《包钢科技》2012,38(1):58-60
文章介绍了同步机励磁控制系统,通过励磁装置改造,能够实现电机启动过程中的转子滑差控制,电机的失步检测和保护,准确灭磁等功能。改造后的励磁控制系统具有可靠性好,控制精度高,现场使用和维护方便等优点。  相似文献   

The melting behaviour of the metallized, porous wustite pellets immersed in liquid slag, as well as the influences of the metallization ratio, pre-heating temperature of the pellet and slag temperature were examined in this work by means of an X-ray imaging system. The internal structure of the pellets after having been immersed in slag was checked by optical microscope and EPMA. The adoption of digital image processing improved the image analysis dramatically and, as a result, some important phenomena, such as solid slag shell forming and melting, slag penetration, wustite component dissolution as well as the influence of experimental conditions, were quantified.  相似文献   

江西某钨钼矿工艺矿物学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对江西某钨钼矿矿石进行了工艺矿物学研究,查清了矿石结构构造和矿物组成,着重研究了钨、锡、钼、锌、铜的矿物组成、粒级组成、嵌布特征、矿物单体解离等工艺性质。  相似文献   

The article generalises research data from experiments with animals and observations on man. These allow to identify specific features of digestion, as well as of alimentation starting from a zygote stage, which are organised and developed by the organism itself. The following stages were outlined: hystotrophic stage--that of an embryo; hematrophic, which is combined in the foetal stage with the omntrophic and lactrophic after birth. The article discusses the extreme importance of the latter, both in the trophogenic aspect, as well as for determining the future post-natal formation of the organism advanced in the biological, as well as in the socio-economic aspects.  相似文献   

The frequency of lumbar disc hemiation amounts to 5.1% with the male and 3.7% with the female population. Because of the often long-time pain-conditional impairment of the patients as well as the varied therapy-possibilities, the treatment of the ruptured lumbar intervertebral disc represents a special challenge. The indication to the operation for the lumbar disk-herniation results from the malfunctions of the nerve roots, the pains, as well as the temporal course of the symptoms. New and important developments have given the introduction of micro-surgical operation-techniques into the orthopedics. This development has led to it that many orthopedists and neurosurgeons the micro-surgical operation-technique prefers. Important for the micro-surgical lumbar discectomy is the operation-microscope, a good preoperative diagnostics as well as a particular micro-surgical operation-instrument. Through the different enlargement-possibilities of the operation-microscope, all anatomical structures can increase and are done visibly for the surgeon as well as the assistant. Intraoperative injuries of the dura as well as the spinal-nerves are certainly avoided hereby. The micro-surgical discectomie requires no longer time like the conventional operation of the disk. The postoperative stay in the hospital as well as the time of the work-incompetence is reduced. Postoperative inflammations of the disk-area as well as renewed operations are rarer with the microchirurgischen technique. If an operation is necessary, so this should not be out-hesitated too long in order to avoid bed results.  相似文献   

The present study gives a review on basic types of crystallographic textures developing during hot rolling of polycrystalline steels. The results are grouped into three fundamental classes of textures. The first group comprises pure Fe, some weakly bonded B2 and DO3 structured intermetallics, as well as closely related alloys such as ferritic low carbon and microalloyed interstitial free steels. The second group includes highly alloyed corrosion‐resistant ferritic stainless and Fe‐Si transformer steels. Typical examples are steels with about 10 wt.%‐17 wt.% Cr, with about 3 wt.% Si, as well as body centered cubic transition metals such as Ta, Mo, and Nb which do not undergo any phase transformation during hot rolling. The third group comprises stable and instable austenitic stainless steels for instance on the basis of larger amounts of Cr and Ni or on Mn as well as duplex steels. Most L12 structured intermetallic alloys can also be assigned to this group. The suggested classification scheme is discussed in terms of different processing parameters, thermodynamics, microstructure, and crystallographic aspects.  相似文献   

The importance of Internet as a communication medium is clear due to the amount of information it distributes and the high number of potential recipients it has. The appearance of virtual user communities (CMV) focuses to information classification within subjects of interest for certain groups of people in order to facilitate its search and use. The UniNet project of Integrated Telematic Services for CMV through, as well as other subprojects, the 'propuesta RedUni' encourages the creation of CMV by mean of integration of various computer and Internet resources, such as distribution mailing list, web pages, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), etc. The current state of IRC in such context is presented and the utilities of the known as Scientific-IRC as a professional real time communication tool are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To aspirate, for cytologic study, skin nodules from known cases of leukemia during full remission. STUDY DESIGN: The study group consisted of nine leukemia patients in full remission who developed skin nodules on the head, face, chest and upper extremities. RESULTS: The size of the nodules ranged between 1 and 3.5 cm. The nodules were aspirated with 21-gauge needle. Four were diagnosed as acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 1 as chronic lymphocytic leukemia, 1 as acute myeloblastic leukemia, 2 as acute monocytic leukemia and 1 as acute promyelocytic leukemia. Histologic sections were diagnosed as lymphoma-leukemia. The patients developed leukemia again three to four months after excision of the skin nodules. CONCLUSION: Fine needle aspiration cytology is useful in the diagnosis of leukemia cutis.  相似文献   

A sulfate-reducing bacterium using trinitrotoluene (TNT) as the sole nitrogen source was isolated with pyruvate and sulfate as the energy sources. The organism was able to reduce TNT to triaminotoluene (TAT) in growing cultures and cell suspensions and to further transform TAT to still unknown products. Pyruvate, H2, or carbon monoxide served as the electron donors for the reduction of TNT. The limiting step in TNT conversion to TAT was the reduction of 2,4-diamino-6-nitrotoluene (2,4-DANT) to triaminotoluene. The reduction proceeded via 2,4-diamino-6-hydroxylaminotoluene (DAHAT) as an intermediate. The intermediary formation of DAHAT was only observed in the presence of carbon monoxide or hydroxylamine, respectively. The reduction of DAHAT to triaminotoluene was inhibited by both CO and NH2OH. The inhibitors as well as DANT and DAHAT significantly inhibited sulfide formation from sulfite. The data were taken as evidence for the involvement of dissimilatory sulfite reductase in the reduction of DANT and/or DAHAT to triaminotoluene. Hydrogenase purified from Clostridium pasteurianum and carbon monoxide dehydrogenase partially purified from Clostridium thermoaceticum also catalyzed the reduction of DANT in the presence of methyl viologen or ferredoxin, however, as the main reduction product DAHAT rather than triaminotoluene was formed. The findings could explain the function of CO as an electron donor for the DANT reduction (to DAHAT) and the concomitant inhibitory effect of CO on triaminotoluene formation (from DAHAT) by the inhibition of sulfite reductase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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