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波分复用WDM(Wavelength Division Multiplexing)网络由于具有超大容量传输、节省光纤资源、平滑升级扩容等优点,因此被认为是未来骨干网的发展方向。波长资源是影响WDM网络性能的主要因素,而波长转换算法是解决网络资源合理配置和提高网络运行效率的重要途径,所以研究波长转换问题具有十分重要的意义。本文首先简要介绍了WDM网络的发展情况和研究波长转换算法的重要意义,接着总结前人在波长转换算法上的研究成果,然后结合前人理论成果,提出关于波长转换问题的两条定理并给出详细证明,最后对全文进行总结并确定下一步研究方向。 相似文献
波分复用(wavelengthdivisionmultiplexing,WDM)提供了充分利用光纤通信带宽的有效途径,但是WDM中的独立波长数目十分有限,而普通的无源星形WDM网络中每个时刻每个波长只能有一个用户发送信息,难以支持大量用户。为此,本文提出了一种新型的WDM网络WRSN(wavelengthreusablestarnetwork)。在WRSN中每个时刻每个波长可以同时有两个用户发送信息。分析和模拟结果表明WRSN网络吞吐量高,分组时延小。具有很高的实用价值。 相似文献
波长转换是实现WDM全光网络的关键技术之一。通过波长转换,可以减小由于波长竞争带来的阻塞概率,使网络所需滤长数变为最小,网络管理和控制更加灵活,并具有高的可靠性和可扩充性。基于半导体光放大器的全光波长转换技术具有大的优势。本文首先介绍了WDM全光网络的概念,分层模型及其优势,然后指出滤长转换的重要性和技术要求,最后分别介绍了基于半导体光放大器的三种滤长转换器的原理、结构和各自的优缺点。 相似文献
数字交叉连接系统(DCS)网状网是电信传输骨干网的主要拓扑结构。本文讨论了DCS网状网自愈的进展,其中包括SDH、ATM和WDM网状网自愈,同时说明了它们之间的相互关系。对电信传输网自愈和电信业务网的关系也进行了讨论。 相似文献
An analytical model is presented to study the dynamics of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks with waveband switching (WBS). The reduced load approximation method is considered to compute approximated network blocking probabilities in WBS-based WDM networks. The analytical model considers the link blocking probability due to insufficient link capacity and an impact of the waveband granularity (G). The analytical model also considers the node blocking probability due to unavailability of a switch port at the wavelength cross connect (WXC) layer of an Hierarchical cross connect (HXC) switch node. The set of nonlinear equations is obtained with the link independence assumption and solved using repeated substitutions. The accuracy of the analytical model is examined by comparing with simulation results considering the random-fit algorithm for waveband and wavelength assignments in different network scenarios. Lightpaths are routed between source and destination (s-d) HXC switch nodes using shortest path first (SPF) routing. An impact of the switch parameter to limit the input and the output WXC switch ports of an HXC switching node is also being investigated using the analytical model as well as through simulation results. 相似文献
This study develops a performance model as an expansion of the receiver collision analysis presented in [I.E. Pountourakis, Performance evaluation with receiver collisions analysis in very high-speed optical fiber local area networks using passive star topology, J. Lightwave Technol. 16 (12) (1998) 2303–2310] for WDM networks. By theoretical analysis we estimate the receiver collision phenomenon and evaluate the performance measures and the rejection probability at destination for finite number of tunable receivers. Receiver collision analysis makes the performance behavior more realistic and expands the original analysis. 相似文献