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柴成荣  吕爱民 《住宅科技》2010,30(11):39-42
介绍了全周期住宅理论,分析了我国目前住宅建筑方式存在的一些问题,并引进住宅产业化理论,以住宅全周期为主线,分析了住宅产业化模式下的住宅开发、设计、施工、使用、维护和使用后处理过程中的变革,构筑了理想的住宅方式,坚定了推行住宅产业化的信心。  相似文献   

鉴于欧洲钢结构住宅发展较早、产业化水平较高,本文重点介绍了芬兰和英国的轻钢住宅产业化特点。芬兰传统的住宅 类型为别墅住宅,本文从住宅体系、轻钢住宅的制作安装、住宅的节能及造价等几个方面分析了芬兰的产业化轻钢住宅 现状。与芬兰的产业化轻钢住宅相比,英国的轻钢住宅在体系及住宅的施工方面也有一些自己的特色,特别是模块化住 宅体系的应用。  相似文献   

我国的城市住宅经过多年的发展,迅速跨越了以区位优势为主导的第一代住宅和以项目基本配套为主要卖点的第二代住宅两个重要阶段,目前处于以环境为主要卖点的第三代住宅阶段。而以生态住宅作为第四代住宅的类型,代表了一种社会进步和人类文明的重要标志。生态住宅又称绿色住宅、可持续发展住宅。绿色住宅是遵循节能、节水、低污染、优质的环境、可持续发展的原则。本文结合湖南株洲蓝盾二期的居住小区工程设计,对生态住宅建筑设计进行了阐述,可为设计者提供参考。  相似文献   

对装配式住宅的含义进行了介绍,从安生性、工期、成本、节能、质量管理、环保等角度分析了装配式住宅相对传统住宅的优势,同时对装配式住宅的发展方向作了阐述,提出了一些推动装配式住宅发展的新思路。  相似文献   

介绍了小高层住宅的平面设计,探讨了小高层住宅的优越性,重点对小高层住宅的消防设计、给排水设计、智能化设计及电气设计等进行了阐述,以提高人们对小高层住宅的认识,推广小高层住宅的应用。  相似文献   

魏继钢 《山西建筑》2014,(23):29-30
以介绍我国住宅的现状为立足点,从建设侧重点、社区住宅布局、住宅造型与外立面等方面阐述了南北方住宅的差异,并分析了形成南北方住宅差异的原因,为各地区住宅的建设提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

本文分析了住宅质量保证保险的现状,对住宅质量保证保险的实质、住宅性能认定与住宅质量保证保险的关系进行了探讨,并对住宅质量保证保险的发展进行了展望.  相似文献   

郭弥湖 《建筑知识》2007,27(2):27-29
近十几年来,住宅建筑发展和创新极快,在房地产业界,住宅建筑出现了各种各样新的形式和概念,如联体别墅、TOWNHOUSE、挑高层住宅、欧式住宅、豪宅、环保型住宅、绿色住宅、健康住宅、节能住宅等等,反映了住宅建设思路的广泛性和多样性,反映了人们对  相似文献   

本文结合当前我国传统住宅建造模式所造成的"能效劣"、"寿命短"、"性能低"、"质量差"等住宅课题,分析了住宅工业化建造模式和住宅建筑体系的基本特征。探讨了借鉴SI住宅的工业化住宅建筑体系及其建造设计方法来创建发展我国新型工业化住宅建筑体系的创新之路,并系统阐述了示范工程的集成技术研发和设计方法。本文提出,我国住宅工业化发展应积极推动全寿命周期的长寿化住宅的建设,走新型工业化住宅建筑体系的发展道路,才能转变粗放型的住宅建造生产方式,以实现住宅建设的可持续发展。  相似文献   

王军强  黄新 《施工技术》2012,41(12):110-112,120
对于健康住宅、生态住宅和3A住宅等高品质住宅,声环境符合设计要求是高要求住宅的必要条件。住宅的隔声设计与施工在住宅领域刚刚起步,住宅隔声施工关键技术措施研究尚存在技术瓶颈和应用难题。项目围绕健康住宅的声环境要求,结合高品质住宅试点项目,分类提出了楼板、墙体、窗户等的隔声施工技术方案和措施,并在工程实践中进行试点和检测。  相似文献   

了解锚索应力状态时,锚力计示值与千斤顶示值之间普遍存在着较严重的不匹配现象,通过室内外试验和工程数据分析的汇总分析,得到这种不匹配现象主要由仪器设备使用错误及数据错误、测量仪器误差、构件误差及安装误差等施工误差、锚索张拉及锁定时应力损失等原因造成。把千斤顶示值和锚力计示值有机结合,通过现场试验建立两者示值之间的对应关系,能够对锚索的真实应力状况有个较为全面的、准确的了解。  相似文献   

建筑是一部人类文明史,建筑装饰艺术是其中最精美的语言,它记载着科学技术的发展和文化艺术的进步,它描绘出风土人情与时代风尚。本文主要论述了建筑外形式装饰艺术的涵义及设计要点,对建筑装饰艺术的形态构成、造型与装饰、装饰的视觉效应以及建筑外形式装饰艺术的个性和设计中应注意处理好的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

纤维增强复合材料因其轻质高强、可设计性和高耐久性在基础设施领域逐步得到关注与应用,通过结构体系创新,可部分替代钢和混凝土制造各类结构构件,满足建筑、桥梁、海洋等工程结构的强度、刚度及使用功能需求。国内外有关学者已进行了大量的研究和实践,基于相关成果从以下四个方面系统总结了国内外关于纤维增强复合材料结构的研究进展: 1) 组成材料及制造工艺方面,介绍了增强材料纤维、树脂基体和芯材的种类和性能,并阐述了几种典型制造工艺; 2) 基本构件与结构应用方面,归纳总结了复合材料筋索、型材、管材、板材以及夹芯结构的受力特点及在土木工程中的主要应用; 3) 复合材料结构力学理论方面,详细介绍了其基本力学性能以及冲击、疲劳、蠕变、耐火等性能,并阐述了监测与设计方法; 4) 复合材料结构耐久性方面,总结了温度、湿度、紫外线照射、化学介质(酸、碱、盐等)的侵蚀以及多因素耦合作用对其耐久性的影响,并归纳了耐久性提升技术研究现状。通过对基础设施领域复合材料结构的发展现状、应用的局限性以及前景的系统综述,促进复合材料结构的研究与工程应用。  相似文献   

In a time of global challenges, cities are critical not only as vehicles for progress, but also as centers of diversity and resilience. Confronted with intensifying climates, and social, ecological, and economic issues, McGregor Coxall focuses on the stories people tell in making their cities. Our projects accept and challenge these stories which underpin city-making: the engine of economic progress, the marketplace of cultural production, and the myth of our separation from “nature.” The success of contemporary city is built on a paradoxical relationship with two pressures: global development and environmental impacts. To address these crises, McGregor Coxall works at two scales, simultaneously, on all of our projects: in the large-scale realm of regional economic development and ecosystemic operations, and at the scale of the person, the street, and the neighbourhood. The systemic understanding provides the contextual basis by which projects perform, economically and environmentally, while our understanding of communities makes each project a genuine product of its time, place, and culture.  相似文献   

王小林 《建筑科学》2012,28(5):30-33
为了查明成兰铁路沿线茂县曲谷沟小学后山崩塌地质灾害的类型、结构形态、规模、变形特征及成因机制,对该崩塌地质灾害开展了工程地质应急勘查工作,采用地面测绘、探井、原位测试等多种勘查手段,查明该崩塌、教学楼的不稳定斜坡(陡坎)成因、类型、规模、范围、稳定状态及危害性,并分析其变形机制,表明:崩塌危岩体规模级别属中型,危害对象等级为一级,勘查地质条件类型为复杂,该灾害体治理工程等级为Ⅰ级。得到的结果可为进一步的评估防治工程提供参考。  相似文献   

Culture is an all-pervading construct of human existence but its conceptualization is contested. As such, it is problematic to define or measure culture as different paradigms adopt radically different approaches. Emic approaches are, essentially, inward-looking and, via a constructivist paradigm, assert that a culture can be investigated validly only from that culture’s own perspective (idiographic). Etic approaches are concerned with an outside view, especially for cross-cultural investigations, and so tend to adopt a positivist perspective using surveys, models and dimensions (nomothetic). With increasing acceptance of varying conceptualizations, multiple methodologies and methods of research, founded on alternative philosophical stances, differing approaches to researching culture are pursued. However, several important issues of debate remain and are addressed, especially surrounding the seminal work of Geert Hofstede. Further concerns relate to levels of analyses (notably, the ecological fallacy and its reverse), scales of measurement for data collection and analysis, and their combination into indices. How people adapt to and accommodate different cultures is addressed, including structuring of organizational relationships (alliances, etc.) and the enduring debate over whether culture can be managed and the likely consequences of cultural management endeavours. Thus, the approach of positive criticism is adopted in this review of theory and literature to address the main issues in both the topic of culture and its philosophical underpinnings, and of how research methodologies and methods have been used in researching culture. Aspects of good practice and of less good practice are identified throughout to assist researchers and to stimulate further rigorous research into culture in construction. Primary findings emphasize the imperative of coherent and consistent uses of models and levels of analysis, care and rigour in use of scales and attention to the impacts of language and culture on data from respondents.  相似文献   

杭州湾跨海大桥关键技术研究与实施   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杭州湾跨海大桥地处强潮海湾,建设条件复杂,工程规模大,为解决跨海长桥设计和施工中遇到的特殊困难和问题,对GPS全天候测量控制技术,大型预应力混凝土箱梁预制、运输和架设,大直径超长钢管桩设计、制造、防腐和施工,海洋环境混凝土耐久性,灾害天气对大桥行车安全影响等关键技术问题进行了专项研究,并付诸工程实施,解决了海上长桥工程测量、大型预应力混凝土箱梁早期裂缝控制、重型箱梁梁上运输和架设、大直径钢管桩施工及混凝土耐久性等工程技术难题,为保障大桥顺利建设和运营期行车安全及桥梁使用寿命提供了理论依据和工程指导,并为我国跨海桥梁建设积累了经验。  相似文献   

构成体系下,强调几何抽象的点、线、面、体是最基本的视觉造型元素。其中,"线"作为建筑语汇,具有造型、表意和组织等多种功能,在建筑构成中发挥着重要作用。本文用理性和抽象的方法,从构成视角出发,分析了西方现代建筑创作中关于线性要素与建筑的结构、形态、空间以及秩序等构成层面的关联性,探究其形式表现背后的构成逻辑,从而开阔建筑创作视野。  相似文献   

This study examined effects of varying levels of anions (chloride and sulfate) and natural organic matter (NOM) on iron release from and accumulation of inorganic contaminants in corrosion scales formed on iron coupons exposed to drinking water. Changes of concentrations of sulfate and chloride were observed to affect iron release and, in lesser extent, the retention of representative inorganic contaminants (vanadium, chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, arsenic, cadmium, lead and uranium); but, effects of NOM were more pronounced. DOC concentration of 1 mg/L caused iron release to increase, with average soluble and total iron concentrations being four and two times, respectively, higher than those in the absence of NOM. In the presence of NOM, the retention of inorganic contaminants by corrosion scales was reduced. This was especially prominent for lead, vanadium, chromium and copper whose retention by the scales decreased from >80% in the absence of NOM to <30% in its presence. Some of the contaminants, notably copper, chromium, zinc and nickel retained on the surface of iron coupons in the presence of DOC largely retained their mobility and were released readily when ambient water chemistry changed. Vanadium, arsenic, cadmium, lead and uranium retained by the scales were largely unsusceptible to changes of NOM and chloride levels. Modeling indicated that the observed effects were associated with the formation of metal–NOM complexes and effects of NOM on the sorption of the inorganic contaminants on solid phases that are typical for iron corrosion in drinking water.  相似文献   

Water adaptive landscape is a typical regional complex formed by mutual adaptation between humans and water systems. As a subfield of adaptation research in the context of global changes, research on water adaptive landscapes emphasizes the combination of research perspectives and methods on water, adaptation, and landscape. This paper first reviews the concepts of “adaptation” in related disciplines, summarizes the primary attributes of adaptation, and puts forward a definition and research scope of water adaptive landscape. While pointing out that research on water adaptive landscapes mainly studies the processes, capacities, and strategies of relevant spatial forms and behavioral patterns, it also presents the research progress and achievements in the experience of spatial patterns and construction, evaluation, and narrative analysis, before proposing a research framework of water adaptive landscape by focusing on Mentougou District of Beijing. Finally, it offers prospects for future study from the aspects of research framework, quantitative methods, social cognition, and feasibility.  相似文献   

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